THE MICHIGAN DAILY Eandidates For Student Senate Offer Their Platforms <7 S.D.D. 't I wish to state at this time that I do not have much respect for the general run of party platforms and campaign promises. Consequently I wish to present to you no vague plat- form or elaborate promises that I cannot fulfill. I shall strive as I have in the past to Make this University a bulwark of democracy, and I shall do my best to influence the Senate into a liberal, tolerant, democratic viewpoint on all matters before it. I shall ask the Senate to sponsor more service men's parties. I am hippy to say, no with vanity but as * a matter of record, that the first service party idea originated with me. I shall, from time to time, make known to the students the exact ac- tivities of the Senate so that we will all know what is being done or what is not being done. Frankly, I am ask- ing foi a more active Student Senate. I shall, endeavor to use to the best of my ability, honest judgment and student opinion to influence my de- cisions. I promise you honest and sincere representation. Don O'Connor 1(dependent Coalition The independent students on cam- pus today are not adequately repre- sented in campus activities. With this fact in mind, we pledge ourselves to further their interests by: 1. Making the Student Senate a more democratic, more representa- tive, more active body. 12. Focsing the attention of the senate-upon campus problems, in the belief that the most we can accom- ptish for our country is to safeguard diemocracy at home. 3. Providing an agency, such as a mediation board, which will hear grievances of the student laborer and attempt to bring about a compromise "atisfactory to the parties concerned. Doing everything within our power to aid the financially under-privileged student, especi'ally in view of the re- cent NYA appropriation cut. Dorothy Anderson John Frazier Hoe Seltzer Harman Hitt John MacKinnon Orval Johnson Dormitory-Independent As a candidate for Student Senate .o pledge my support as an inde- pendent dormitory member to*work for: 1. More equal representation for dormitory students who comprise more than 2,500 members of the stu- dent body. , 2. Full support of the present war effo't and the National Defense pro- gram. 3. The institution of a course in current events to be given next se- mester for credit. 4. The' improvement of the advis- 'ry system between faculty and stu- dent members. 5. The continuation of Student Parleys and work for more vital stu- dent participation. 6. The restoration of the NYA fi- nancial allotment for Michigan stu- dents. Rhoda Leshine Dormitory-ulnependent I believe that all of the various groups on campus should be repre- sented on campus bodies whenever it is feasible. The rights of all groups should be protected; and-there should be no suppression of minorities. The relations between the various campus groups and organizations should be iuproved in the interest of national defense. A united campus is an im- pprtant step toward a united nation. Closer cooperation among the vari- ous campus organizations would also produce benefits for them and the University as well. John Frederick Hoffman Tomorrow Set For Vote Tomorrow the entire campus will have an opportunity to select 12 rep- resentatives in the Student Senate's semi-annual election. Thirty-four candidates, both non- partisan and party members, offer their platforms on this page. Through The Daily, you have been given a chance to weigh their statements and then vote with some idea of where your vote will go. A full explanation of the propor- tional representation ballot will be in tomorrow's Daily. N"on-Parisn Although it would have been possi- ble for me to run on a party ticket, I have chosen a non-partisan platform for this election. If elected, my opin- ions and actions will be my own. SAMPLE BALLOT University of Michigan STUDENT SENATE ELECTIONS Friday, December 12, 1941 This is a proportional ballot. Therefore please number in order of preference for whatever candidates may be desired. 1 t Michigan Party We, the candidates of the Michigan Party; have one outstanding desire; that is to further interest in our gov- ernment, the state, the University, and ill institutions which exemplify the democratic ideals. We and the student body should all be united in our stand in national and ipterna- tional questions by our common heri- tage as Americans. However, our ac- tions in this sphere must be limited to those which are of an affirmative, critical nature in this crisis; and ex- cept insofar as they affect the stu- dent body and University directly; the Michigan Party believes that the Student Senate should concern itself' only with, student affairs and should refrain from involving itself in na- tional and international questions. We have chosen the Michigan Par- ty banner because it most effectively exemplifies the, American ideals on the campus. It is the one organiza tion which has only one bias, that of cosmopolitanism, and is one or- ganizationswhich equally represents fraternities, dormitories and inde- pendents. Harold Klein Morton\Hunter William Ager Donald Cabral Buck Dawson Bill DeCouroy Robert W. Gibson Willis Glas Charles.;S. Haughey Martha Kinsey Max Pearse Edward Tann Anti-Fascist The campus must do its part in the defense effort; Iwill work in the Stu- dent Senate for the following pro- gram: 1. Students, faculty and Adminis- tration can work together in an or- ganized fashion to implement the war effort. The University's facilities for recreation should be made available to the boys in the armed forces. 2.1 I will support all national and local efforts to keep prices down and to expose those taking unfair advan- tage of the crisis. As a cooperative member, I fully realize what rising prices have meant. Fascism is the antithesis of all the Rochdale Prin- I pledge myself, as a representativej of the entire student body of the Uni- versity of Michigan to place the Stu- dent Senate in completeraccord with the national defense program and any of its campus activities. I pledge myself to work for in- creased cooperation among the stu- dents, thereby raising the University above all petty differences and al- lowing us to clearly analyze and solve the problems that we face today. I pledge myself to do all in my power to aid the programs of such organizations as the USO. The men Swho may give their lives are the men who deserve every possible benefit that the civilian public can give them. And I further pledge myself to help the Student senate fulfill its rightful function as a truly repre- sentative legislative body serving as a bond between students and the University. Gloria Donen Independent /To students living in co-ops of whom I am one, there is particular significance attached to the outcome of our anti-fascist struggle, for the co-op way of life and the aims upon which our movement is based would be destroyed by a fascist victory. Now that war has actually come to the U.S., it is more imperative than' ever that the entire campus assume its responsibilities, along with the rest of the country in the anti-fascist fight we are waging in alliance with Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and China. To this end I propose in- creased student participation in the national defense prograi with a rep- resentative student, or student-facul- ty, body of co-ordinating defense ac- tivities. I also propose that extended aid to the USO," the sale of defense bonds and stamps, war relief, cooper- ation with the army and navy units to whatever extent possible, dances for draftees, should be encouraged by the Student Senate. As the success of our national pol- icy will depend on national unity, so will the success of our work on cam- pus depend on unity among the stu- dent body. This means no toleration of racial or religious discringnation; it means active cooperation by all sections of the campus (fraternities, co-ops, independents, Negro and Chi- nese student groups) in all campus activities and in the fight to protect our democratic privileges as students and citizens of a free country. Miriam Wellington L-I (~ Q [- Cl L- [-] [~]Q ( ) Li] [L] -]i Li] [Li Li] Li] LYNCH, David ............................Non-Partisan KLEIN, Harold.......................Michigan Party HUNTER, Morton ......................... Michigan Party O'CONNOR, Don ......... . ...................... S. D. D. DANIELS, Jim ....................Dormitory Independent EDELHERTZ, Herbert ............ Dormitory Independent HOFFMAN, John Frederick , .......Dormitory Independent DONEN, Gloria ............................Non-Partisan LESHINE, Rhoda...............Dormitory Independent STEWART, Bill ...........................Non-Partisan SELTZER, Hoe. . . ............Independent Coalition JOHNSON, Orval ..................Independent Coalition FRAZIER, John H . ...............Independent Coalition MACKINNON, John ..............Independent Cbalition ANDERSON, Dorothy ..............Independent Coalition HITT, Harman...................Independent Coalition KIRK, Doris .......... . ....................:Inter-Guild JOHNSON, Tom G. ... . ......................Inter-Guild BRIDDON, Dorothy .......................I.. Iter-Guild LERNER, Marvin ........................... Anti-Fascist GUADALUPE, Carmen M . .................. Non-Partisan WELLINGTON, Miriam.......Independent SCHWARZBACH, Jerome ..................Non-Partisan NEPPEL, Phip ............................ Non-Partisan Non-Partisan I propose to represent all students on the Michigan campus regardless of race, creed or political affiliation and to make the Senate more directly responsible to the student body. I will also advocate to the best of my ability all policies of the University which are designed to bring this Uni- versity into closer harmony with the war effort. David Lynch Dormitory-Independent The residence halls are an integral part of the University. Up through the dormitory system comes not only the vast body of independents, but also the large number who later re- side in fraternities and sororities. For this reason I feel that the dor- mitories deserve representation in the Student Senate. So large a body of students, with its individual and pe- culiar needs, requires a representative who is familiar with its problems. I am running for the Student Sen- ate as a Dormitory Independeit, and as one who has been actively partici- pating in student affairs since his entrance into the University. My platform is simply this: If elected, I intend to do my best to rep- resent the men and women who live in the residence halls. Herbert Edelhertz r a A L SATURDAY r at theI UNION Dormitory-Inderndet I pledge my earnest support in the Student Senate of ANY individual or group endeavoring to attain a logic- ally justified and desirable goal. It is my desire to see an increase in the scope and significance of the Stu- dent Senate's influence over campus affairs and in the solution of student problems. I will initiate and support action designed to attain this end. Approximately 2,500 people live in University Residence Halls or roughly over 20% of the entire student popu- lation. It is my belief that represen- tation of this group in the Student Senate should more closely approxi- mate the significance of the group than it now does. Unless this be the case the Student Senate can never be truly representative. Regarding the present interna- tional situation I consider Germany the ultimate enemy and the war as one between the Axis nations and the rest of the world. In the Student Senate I will support action in con- nection with University activity the end of which is the defeat of the Axis power--the preservation of our democracy. Jim Daniels * KITCHEN CHORES go faster % .~\\ with this "PIN-TO-WALL" LAM? over yoy sink r~ Washing dishes, cleaning fruits and vegetables, and a dozen other tasks are made easier with GOOD LIGHT over your sink. Use a handy pin-to-wall lamp with a 1001"; watt bulb. (We do not sell these lamps. See them in many attractive styles at your dealer's.) The Detroit Edison Company. AGER, William .......................Michigan CABRAL, Donald..... ................. Michigan DAWSON, Buck .........................Michigan DECOURCY, Bill ........................ Michigan GIBSON, Robert W . ......................Michigan GLAS, W illis ............................M ichigan HAUGHEY, S. Charles ................... Michigan KINSEY, Martha ........................ Michigan PEARSE, Max........................Michigan TANN, Edward ........ .................Michigan Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party I te-ul Platform WE BELIEVE THAT: 1. The Student Senate should con- cern itself primarily with problems of student government, social service, and education. 2. The Student Senate should or- ganize frequent parleys for the ex- pression of student opinion on con- troversial matters of community, na- tional, and international importance. 3. The Student Senate should re- frain from dogmatic pronouncements condemning or endorsing policies or actions of special interest groups. 4. The Student Senate should re- frain from promoting the programs of these special interest groups. 5. The Student Senate should con- duct all-campus polls of student opin- ion on topics of vital interest. 6. The Student Senate should as- sume ,some responsibility for student discipline through one or more repre- sentatives on disciplinary beards. 7. The Student Senate should have the power to officially= present peti- tions for change to the Board of Re- gents as the representatives of the student bqdy. Dorothy Bridpl n, Tom Johnson, Non-Partisan There are many candidates and many promises and many parties and many platforms, all endeavoring to create in the mind of the harassed voter the impression that a certain candidate or party with a profes- sional-sounding platform is, because1 of their this or that achievement orI this or that claim that they will set the campus on fire and remedy every evil in the world, the best for the job. They might be the best ones for the job. But I have no professional platform to stand by, I am not a member of the various political par- ties, and I make only. the promise that I will do all in my power to act and vote with sincerity, and repre- sent campus opinion. Jerome Schwarbach ciples and ve in the co-ops have a great stake in this struggle. I will work in the interest of spreading the Student Cooperative movement and its principles. 3. The struggle for democracy can be given meaning by protecting and extending it at home. I will support all efforts to eliminate Jim Crow and I anti-semitism. American labor is in the forefront of the battle for prodiuc- tion and fully realizes its responsi- bility. Its rights must be protected. -Marvin Lerner Doris Kirk ._ 1 FOR CHRISTMFIS S ELECTION Before ertering Schlenker's Hardware Store, make a cross in the square and buy straight, otherwise you can mark opposite the article wanted. Mother []Father []Daughter Son Q]Electric Irons [ Razors Toasters QSkates Ironing Boards Q Knives QiShears Li Sleds LiScizzors LiForks LiScizzors LiKnives L Shears LiShovel Li Roller Skates Li Electric Trains LiSilverware QLLantern j1Wash. Machine LiSkiis LiCake Covers LiPinchers LiCasseroles LiRoller Skates LiLadder Stools LiHammer LiQPyrex Ware LiShot Guns LiBread Boxes LiSaws LiSilverware LiRifles QiRange LiThermos Jugs LIShoe Skates LIAir Guns LiOil Stove LiAlarm Clock LiThermos Bottles LiCleaning Rods Li Dish Pans Li Axes Li Enamelware LiShells Cake Pans Wedges LiPercolators Li22 Shorts LisWire Cutters [- Aluminum Ware LiSet 6'f Tools Qle sTrimmers LiBicycle LiTraps LioFish Lines, LiQSleds LiFish Reels MixersQNail Set LiToboggans LiHatchet LiTea Kettles LiQSaw Set LiPin-up Lamps LiTricycle LiElectric Tools LiFiles LiElectric Rooster L Bicycle We will be glad to keep any article for you until Christmas. S %CHLENKER HARDWARE CO. f * "a CHEERFU. SPOT put a over your stovew If your kitchen stove isn't equipped with a light, try putting a pin-to-wall lamp over it, using a 100-watt bulb. Meal preparation will go fas- I