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September 30, 1941 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-30

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'nthusiastic Response Given 1941

Ten-Concert Choral Series

Sij4 Predicts
Every Concert
Will Be Sellout
Heavy Advance Demand
For Tickets Reported;
Moore To Open series
(Continued from Page 1)
ginski, and the Chicago, under Fred-
prick Stock, will be heard Sunday
afternoons. The Boston Symphony
under Serge Koussevitzky and the
Minneapolis Orchestra, conducted by
Dimitri Mitropoulos, will provide mu-
§ic for two of the ten concerts.
Grace Moore To Open
Grace Moore, Dixie's contribution
to the musical world, will make her
Ann Arbor debut on Oct. 22. ' Her
appearance will open the series.
Emanuel Feuermann, violoncellist,
v~l be featured in the second con-
cert Oct. 30. This celebrated artis
has' appeared under the batons of
Toscanini, Artur Nikisch, Fritz Busch,
PIerre Monteux, Bruno Walter and
'elix Weingartner.
Artur Rodzinski and the Cleveland
Orchestra will appear here for the
thirai concert Nov. 9. Its programs
range through symphonic master-
pieces of all periods and it services
are continually sought by major mu-
sic centers throughout the count7y.
A joint recital by Giovanni Marti-
nqlli, tenor, and Ezio Pinza, bass, is
sdheduled for Nov. 18. Both artists
are well-known in Ann Arbor. Mar-
tinelli has been apearing at fre-
quent intervals during the past quar-
ter of a century, while Pinza has
been heard several times in recent
Chicago Orchestra To Appear
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
under the baton of Frederick.Stock,
Will be heard Sunday afternoon, Nov.
-b. This orchestra, founded by The-
Wdore Thomas in 1891, is the third
oldest 'in the country.. Under Fred-
erick Stock it has continuously
ranked among the relatively few top-
notch orchestras of the period.
.Serge Koussevitzky and the Boston
Symphony Orchestra will make their
annual journey to Hill Auditorium
on Dec. 10. Immediately following
Christmas Vacation, Robert Casede-"
sus, renowned French pianist, will
appear Jan. 10 in a concert.
On Feb. 3, Dimitri Mitropoulos and
the Minneapolis 'Symphony Orches-
tra will present the eighth concert.
° oseph Szigeti, famous Hungarian
violin virtuoso, will appear at Hill
Auditorium Feb. 19.
The Choral Union Series will con-
clude March 3 with a concert by
Vronsky-Babin, popular duo-piano
team now in their third season.
Cellist Termed
'Finest Artist'
Feuermann Made Debut
With Vienna Orchestra
Emanuel Feuermann, who will ap-
pear in the Sixty Third Annual Chor-
al Union Concert Series on Oct. 30
in Hill Audtorium, has been pro-
lwunced by leading musical authori-
ties to be one of the foremost of liv-
Sng musicians.
Feuermann, the greatest cellist
now on the concert stage, has been
pmaying publicly since he was 11
years old. At present he' is an
American citizen, but he was born
into a family of gifted musicians in
He made his debut at eleen with

the Vienna Symphony Orchestra un-
der Feliz Weingartner.. At sixteen
he became professor at the Conserv-
atory of Music in, Cologne and later
headed the cello department of the
fapous Berlin Hgchschule for Musik.
Feuermann made his American de-
but in X934 as guest soloist witch the
New York Philharmonic Symphony
Orchestra under Bruno Walter. This
appearance, together with his ensu-
ing recitals, created a tremendous
stir, critics pronouncing him "one
of the greatest living virtuosos" and
placing him on a par with the inim-
itable Casals.
Cady Founded Society-
Choral Union Is Result
Ann Arbor and the University owe
much to Calvin B. Cady.
He came to the city for the first
time in 1879, coincident with the
founding of the Choral Union and
the University Musical Society.
Under him the chorus grew from
a small group of singers to a sizable
body which presented important
choral programs from time to time.
He served until 1888.
Gradually greater musical interest
developed and the size of the chorus
increased until better prepared pro-
grams were offered. Finally import-
ant soloists and musical groups from

Famous Conductors Will Appear Here

French Pianist
Is Conductor's
Soloist Choice
Robert Casadesus, renowned French

Pianists Yronsky, s
Babin Are Famed
For Taste Accord
Russian-born pianists Vitya Vron-
sky and Victor Babin can attribute'

Martinelli Is Recital Artist As Well As Operatic Star

The greatest tenor of the Metro-
politan Opera, Giovanni Martinelli,
is one of the best loved as well as
the most distinguished of that as-
semblage--but he is also a recita]

The great demand for his operatic
appearances curtails Martinelli's con-
cert activities, but his gifts are by
zio means confined to opera, hip
1 voice adapting itself with ease to
the concert repertoire,

pianist, has not been called "as com- their success as a duo-piano team
plete a musician as he is a pianist" to their perfect accord in tastes and

* * *


for nothing.
Virtuoso, technician, composer,
this artist was born of a famous
French musical family, won highest
honors at the Paris Conservatory
and, after a triumphant series of
European tours, made his American
debut in 1935.
Toscanini immediately invited him
to play with his orchestra the fol-
lowing season.I
With repeated visits to this coun-
try, Robert Casedesus has done the
seemingly impossible-each season
improving on his own mature and
brilliant musicianship. He is inevit-
ably the conductor's choice for solo-
ist and has the rare record of five
seasons as soloist with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony.
The Department of Commerce is
seeking sources of essential oils for-
merly imported from countries with-
in the war area.

It was as fellow-students in Ber-
lin that the two met. With their
marriage, they renounced their sep-
arate carers to create a glowing art
of their own.
Vitya Vronsky followed the courses
at the Conservatory in Kiev before
she made her first concert tour as
solo pianist at the age of fifteen. In
Berlin she continued her studies un-
-der such masters as Artur Schnabel,
meanwhile concertizing in the prin-
cipal European capitals.
After the Russian Revolution, Ba-
bin also went to Berlin to study piano
under Artur Schnabel and composi-
tion under Franz Schreker. It was
then they combined their talents.
Stocks of flour at producing and
consuming centers in China are larg-
er than usual, the Department of
Commerce reports.


Civil War veteran Is Power
Behind Serge Koussevitzhyi
Minneapolis Orchestra Is I of the past in addition to the best
Now In ,39th Season in modern works, both European and
- It es domestic.
As Middle West Asset Besides its classical interpretations,
the Boston Symphony has done much'
A wounded Civil War veteran to dispell the Puritan bluenose myth
stands behind Dr. 'Serge Koussevitzky with its "pop" concerts. At a sev-
at the baton of the Boston Symphony enty-five cent top, popular classics
Orchestra. are presefited in Boston's Symphony
Sixty-one years ago, two years af- Hall, transformed into a listen-and-
ter the founding of the University dine night spiot.
Musical Society, Major Henry Lee Middle West Asset
Higginson brought together sixty dis- Contraisting in its background but
tinguished musicians to give Boston not in quality of presentation, the
a concert orchestra which has sinc Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra is
become world-famous. 'Thwarted by beginning its thirty-ninth season as
war injuries from becoming a per- a cultural asset to the Middle West.
forming musician, Major Higginson Its Ann Arbor Choral Union engage-
personally bore all expenses until the ment is only part of a comprehensive
orchestra inaugurated its first series schedule which includes a long home
of concerts on October 22, 1881. season in addition to extensive \na-
History Of Advance tion-wide tours.
The history of the Boston Sym- Under the leadership of himitri
phony Orchestra has been one of con- Mitrcpoulos, the, Minneapolis Sym-
tinual advance, both in its size and phony has been built up into one of
the fame of its performers. Dr. Kous- Anerica's most important ensemble
sevitzky, conductor for more than bodies. Mr. Mitropolous is also well-
fifteen years, is the most recent of a known throughotu the nation, serv-
number of great conductors dating ing as guest conductor with many
back to Georg Hensche. leading orchestras including the New
This earliest of America's sym- York Philharmonic-Symphony.
phony orchestras excells its distin- Second Time Here
gfished standing only by its versa- Although the Boston' Symphony
tility. Dr. Koussevitzky's repertoire has been playing Choral Union en-
includes the great master composers gagements for the past twelve years,
F_ _ _ - - 1941 marks the second time that Mr.
Mitropoulos's group has appeared
Popular Ezio Pinza here. Its debut last year was so en-
- . thusiastically received that its ileturn
Combine-s Cha r is almost in the nature of a demand
With Great VoicP enMr. Mitropoulos is not the first
conductor of the Minneapolis Sym-
Dynamic Ezio Panza is today at the phony, but he has easily been the
peak of his art--one of the world's most instrumental irk raising it to its
greatest and most popular singers. present position.fts contributions
With a rich basso voice that is ap- to the culture of America have been
propriately termed a "musician's such that equally-important contri-
voice," Pinza has risen to unprece-, butions from private citizens have
dented vocal heights. annually provided for its mainte-
On the concert.stage, Pinza is the nance.
rare artist who combines unusual
personal charm and good looks with . Rabin Praised
a truly great voice. With each suc-Vronsky,
ceeding season, he inspires new su- For Piano Interpretation
perlatives from the press and con-
stantly soldout houses. Of Vronsky and Babin, famed duo-
Born in Rome, he abandoned a piano team which appear in this
career as civil engineer to study year's Choral Union Series, the New
music, and enrolled at the Univer- York Times had this to say:
sity of Bologna for vocal training. "In varying degrees other teams
He sang three years at La Scala, have achieved notable results in their
where he was leading basso under the collaboration, but none heard by this
baton of Toscanini, before Gatti Cas- reviewer seems so perceptive of the
azza signed him for the Metropolitan medium's possibilities as do Vronsky
Opera Company. and Babin."

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