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December 10, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-10

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board iin Control
of Student Publications,
Published every, morning- except Mon~day during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. Ail
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National: Advertising Service, Inc.
. Jlegse Publishers Represen'ative
!1ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42


Dan .

Editorial S

.tf Managing Editor
* . Editorial Director
. . . City Editor

Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller.
Virginia Mitchell

. . . . Associate:
. . . SportsI
. . Assistant Sports
* ~~ ' .Women's
. Assistant Women's
. . . Exchangea



Busipess Staff
Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager
James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager
Louise Carpenter . . Wdmen's Advertising Manager
Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are writ en by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

pened since Sunday morning, the text of Father
Paul's speech can, nevertheless, sound a signifi-
cant note for all true Americans. He stated that
the reason there is so much confusion today is
due to a loss of the fundamentals of life-a belief
in God and a belief in ourselves and our country.
FATHER PAUL defined Americanism as the
d acceptance by the nation and the individual
of the Declaration of Independence as the guid-
ing principle of our national life. He urged us
all to be pro-American and quoted from the
Declaration the following words which he held
to be the fundamentals of our government: "We
hold these truths to be self-evident; that all
men are created equal; that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights;
that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness." He particularly emphasized the
unchanging fundamentals, the constant truths
of our society.
Father Paul said; "I wonder how those who
deny unchanging truth can take a whole-hearted
pledge of allegiance to the principles contained
in the Declaration of Independence." He de-
clared further, that since the fundamental state-
ments of the Declaration call for' a recognition
of God and religion, that it is hard to see how
a man without religion can honestly believe he
is practicing true Americanism.
IT HAS BEEN the custom in past wars to adopt
a general "so what" attitude. Those who go
around saying that there's nothing to live for
and that things don't really matter are merely
fooling themselves and indulging in self-pity.
We might as well face the fact that we're in it
now and no amount of wishing can do any good.
It is a very rare generation that can look forward
to making life plans with the firm expectation
that they will work out.
Now more than ever before we must wake up
and recognize true values. We must know what
we're fighting for and work against an increas-
ing hardness and loss of faith. We must help
each other and work and sacrifice and forget
our personal disappointments, for only by losing
ourselves can we really find ourselves. Above
all, we must keep faith, for when we lose our
faith we are losing our fundamentals, and our
fundamentals are our belief in democracy.
- Marion Ford
A New Franck D Minor
'Lucia,' Tomb Scene
FRANCK-Symphony in D Minor-ierre Mon-
teux conducting the San Francisco Symphony
Orchestra (Victor DM-840).
The Franck D Minor Symphony, one of the
three most popular compositions in symphonic
literature, is presented this week in its second
Victor recorded version.
The first album set of this work was made by
Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra, but
this'recording, because of modern techniques, is
now slightly outmoded. The newer recording,
made by the uncelebrated San Francisco Sym-
phony, conducted by Pierre Monteux, "a man
who looks like the French version of William
Howard Taft," is as authoritative a reading as
Stokowski's is colorful. Franck's work emerges
in full opulence of tone and wealth of tender
and beautiful melody.
MNONTEUX has long been known as an inter-
prter of French music, and he proves once
again that the great literature for the symphony
orchestra can be played as it was written without
the necessity of' a virtuoso-conductor and elab-
orate rearrangement in interpretation.
DONIZETTI-Lucia-.Act III Scene III (Tomb
Scene, complete) Jan Peerce, Arthur Kent,
Chorus and Victor Symphony Orchestra, under
the direction of Wilfred Pelletier. (Victor DM-
Recent news reports told us that'Jan Peerce
a young tenor from the Bronx, was signed to a
contract with the Metropolitan. He celebrates
his debut with this excellent recording of Lucia.
His portrayal of Edgar in the new set proves his
ability as a dramatic tenor. Arthur Kent, who

sings 'the sympathetic Raymond in the tomb
scene, is a young baritone whose fame is rapidly
growing. This is a convincing album for those
who love the opera.
r1I1 National Symphony Orchestra has record-
ed on a Victor Red Seal Record an appealing
Christmas Sketchtwritten by the American com-
poser, George Chadwick. The tender "Noel," No.
2 from Chadwici's "Symphonic Sketches," is
filled with the spirit of the season, and get not
mawkish and sentimental.


NROTC Will Miss
Captai Davidson . ..
A. Davidson, U. S. N., first came to
Ann Arbor, faced with the job of building a Naval
Reserve Officers' Training Corps at the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
Obtaining suitable headquarters for the unit,
at North Hall, enrolling 110 students as first-
year cadets, and shaping a successful program
for the NROTC, Captain Davidson surmounted
last year the problems that faced him and estab-
lished the NROTC as a highly-respected organ-
ization on campus.
Today Captain Davidson says goodbye to the
NROTC. He is being detached from his present
duties to -take a five months "command" course
at the Naval War College. From there he will
return to sea duty, duty with our fleet on one of
two oceans it is guarding.
CAPTAIN DAVIDSON, although glad of the
opportunity he will have to study at the
Naval War College and at the thought of return-
ing to sea, describes himself as loathe to leave
the cadets of the NROTC. But no more loathe
than the NROTC is to see him go.
For over a year and a quarter the cadets of
the newly-formed unit have been inspired by
their "captain" to strive for the ideals of a naval
officer. These ideals were described by Captain
Davidson recently in a talk, to the sophomores
of the corps as "leadership, loyalty, and moral
Newhere can they be better exemplified than
in the character of Captain Davidson himself.
His leadership has made the standards of the
Michigan NROTC what they are today. His loy--
alty both to his task here and to the students
under him, his understanding of the problems
facing a cadet who must at the same time do
regular collegQ work and prepare for a com-
mission in the Naval Reserve or the Navy, have
contributed much to the morale of the unit.
ND Captain Davidson's moral courage, his
ability to overcome difficulties that stand in
the way of any new organization on campus and
his willingness to present the true facts of a
case without mincing any words about it, have
been a mainstay of the unit.
But it is more than the NROTC that will miss
Captain Davidson. The University will feel the
loss not only of a Professor of Naval Science and
Tactics, but of a fine gentleman who contributed
greatly to its curriculum.
For in establishing the NROTC at Michigan on
a firm basis, in leaving behind him a unit of 220
cadets with the spirit of the Navy behind them,
Captain Davidson has made a splendid contribu-
tion to theUniversity as a whole.
To his successor, Captain Richard E. Cassidy,
who comes to Michigan from the command of
the South China patrol, we extend a warm wel-
come to the campus; to Captain Davidson go
our congratulations and best wishes for the
James Conant, Jr.
Father Paul
And Americanism. .
TIHOSE OF US who were fortunate
. -----1 1 ., i + -.. ..Irsxntr n !{ t

Drew Pedrso
r!Ii Robert S. Aen
WASHINGTON - Recently. the Washington
Merry-Go-Round revealed that the House Naval
Affairs Committee had unearthed sensational
evidence about huge profits being made by ship-
builders, aircraft manufacturers and other de-
fense firms. Further details on this will be un-
folded when the committee makes public its full
report shortly.
be the only bombshell in this report.
The committee also will disclose some startling
facts about labor union finances. The committee
sent out questionnaires to 162 AFL and CIO in.-
ternational unions. So far 101, or about two-
thirds, have replied. A digest of ther reports re-
veals the interesting fact that these unions had
more than $7,000,000 salted away in their treas-
uries as of April 1, 1941.,
Acquired through fees, per capita taxes and
special assessments, the $73,000,000 represented
an increase of about 25 per cent over assets on
September 1, 1939. The international unions pro-
fited to the extent of nearly $20,000,000 from the
defense program.
In other words, these unions, like the con-
tractors, did right smart for themselves out of
the national emergency.
'One of the biggest union beneficiaries of the
defense program, the committee report will show,
is the United Mine Workers, bossed by John L.
THE QUESTIONNAIRE received back from
him disclosed that the UMW had a fat treas-
ury balance in April of $4,014,075.80. Since then,
there has been at least one special assessment,
reported to have yielded anothr $1,000,000.
Note-Representative Carl Vinson of Georgia,
committee chairman, is quietly planning to follow
up his report with a bill to tax international
unions the same as corporations. The Iternal
Revenue law now specifically exempts labor or-
ganizations. Under Vinson's bill international
unions would be taxed but local unions would
.continue to be exempted.
Leaded Order
NEXT on the pan for grillingmby the Senate
defense investigating committee will be
OPM's Priority Division, long a little business
Specific target of the tough Senate probers is
the priority order banning the use of lead for
making tin-foil. Reason given for this ukase was
shortage of lead for defense purposes. Committee
members are convinced there is me to it than
They scent the trail of the powerful Aluminum
Corporation of America, long the object of deep
suspicion and sizzling condemnation by the com-
Hardest hit by the lead ban is the Reynolds
Metal Co., go-getting competitor of giant Alcoa.
Several months ago, as a patriotic move when the
aluminum shortage became acute, Reynolds,
a big foil manufacturer, stopped using aluminum
in their product. At considerable cost the comn-
pany converted its plants to use lead instead.
THE ANTI-LEAD PRIORITY order is a double-
barreled blow to Reynolds. It not only puts
the company completely out of the tin-foil busi-
ness, with thousands of workers thrown out of
jobs, but it also jeopardizes the firm's booming
aluminum business that for the first time is
giving Alcoa real competition.
Reynolds went into aluminum production by
means of an RFC loan. As security RFC took a
lein on all Reynolds plants.
Thus, while one government agency has a
mortgage on Reynolds, another government
agency is cutting the ground out from under
Reynolds in regard to paying off its government

(Continued from Page 1)
including Ray Ingham, author of the script, and
Woody Block, ex-sports writer, whose between-
the-acts patter was the panic of the eveing,
made th? saves, or patched the leaks or what
you will.
One thing should be noted, and stored away
for future Union Operas. Romantic songs, es-
pecially when delivered in the excusably ama-
teurish tenors or baritones of the average Mimes
men-and I am sure they do not like these as-
signments, should be religiously cut out of the
final production. There were far too many songs
in last night's show, and in nearly every case it
was the soupy ballad under a baby spot which
could most handily and dandily have been de-
leted. A rather good book was obscured, and
at times almost sabotaged by quite derivative
love chants which were not very apropos. If
the script itself suffers a few faults, they are
mainly those of too many characters without
much functional value, wh9 crowd one another
moving on and off the stage. The very nature
of all such extravaganzas requires that many
specialty acts be allowed to sit in on a few
scenes, and of course because of the attractions
of the pony chorus things do get a bit mixed.
Briefly, the story runs like this: Fenno Hedge
writes pulp stories, and the characters come to
life and move in with him, There is a mortgage,
uid in 1wfinoli -he whpi'-withai is nrnvided.

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:_.:, .

VOL. LII. No. 62
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Travel Tax Exemption Certificates:
As the offices of common carriers do
not regard it as appropriate for them
to carry a supply of tax exemption,
certificates, noticeis hereby repeat-
ed that every person preparing to
travel at University expense should
provide himself with the necessary
number of tax exemption certificate
blanks (Form No. 5805) previous to
purchasing his ticket. These blanks
may be had at the University Busi-
ness Office, from Dr. F. E. Robbins
in the President's Office when ap-
proval of travel requisitions is se-
cured, or at the offices of Deans or
Directors of schools and colleges.
It is further requested that, in
purchasing tickets for such travel,
notice be given that the tickets are
tax exempt before the common car-'
rier employees prepare such tickets.3
Time, extra labor, amid stationery will
thus be saved.
All departments, therefore, should
secure a 'supply of these blanks from
the University Business Office.
Shirley W. Smith
Protetion of University Property
Against Theft: Whenever it becomes
known that property has been stolen
or is missing, notice should be given
with utmost promptness at the Busi-
ness Office, Room 1, University Hall.
This applies to articles owned by the
institution or owned privately.
For the protection of property it is
important that doors and windows be
locked, inside doors as well as outside
doors, when rooms are to be left un-
occupied even for a brief period. The
building custodians cannot be re-
sponsible for conditions after the
hours when they are on duty or
when persons with keys to buildings
unlock doors and leave them un-
locked. It is desirable that depart-
ment heads make a careful check two
or three times a year of all keys to
quarters under their charge, to make'
sure that keys have not been lost and
are not in the hands of persons no
longer requiring their use. It is
strictly contrary to University rules
to have duplicate keys made or to
lend keys issued for personal use.
A reward of $50 is offered to any
persons for information that directly
or indirectly leads to the apprehen-
sion of thieves on University prem-
A Dental School Assembly will be
held today in the Kellogg Foundation
Institute Auditorium. The speaker
will be Dr. Leonard E. Himler. The
subject will' be "The Psychobiologic
Aspects of Student Life." All stu-
dents of the School are required to
be in attendance. All clinics and
laboratories will be closed at 4:00 and
the students are asked to assemble
by 4:10 p.m.
Choral Union Members: Passes for
the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert this evening will be issued to
members of the chorus whose records
of attendance are clear, and who call
in person today between 10 and 12,
and 1 to 4, at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
passes will be issued.-
Charles A. Sink, President
Publi ,Health Students: All .tu

holidays, who are'interested in camp
jobs for next summer, should get in
touch with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments,. 201 Mason Hall. Interviews
can be arranged with camps from
whom calls have already been re-'
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.,
Women students wishing employ-
ment during the holidays are asked
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. There are many oppor-
tunities for employment in private
Byr F. Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
University of 11ihigan Flying
Club: Due to new C.A.A. rulings, no
one is permitted to fly the airplane
until further notice.
Academic Notices
Chemistry Colloquium will meet to-
day in Room 303 Chemistry Build.-.
ing at 4:15 p.m. Professor Ralph
Sawyer will speak on "The Spectro-
graph in the Iron and Steel Indus-
try." All interested are invited.
Political Science 51, sections 3 and
4: The hour examination will be
given on Tuesday, December 16.
H. B. Calderwood+
Boston Symphony Orchestra: The
sixth concert in the Choral Union
Series' will be given by the Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-'
vitzky, Conductor, tonight at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The or-
chestra will play three symphonies,
the "Haffner" Symphony by Mozart;
William Schuman's No. 3; and the"
Brahms No. 4.
Charles A. Sink, President
. I.xhibitions
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of coloreda
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackhanl Building Ex-
hibition Galleries through today,
2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p-m.
Exhibition, College of Architecturea
and Design: Collection of pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton of
the Pewabic Pottery, given to the
University by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
is being shown in the ground floor
cases of the Architecture Building.
Open daily, 9:00-5:00 p.m., through
Dec. 19. The public is invited.
I Lectures
University Lecture: Mr. Laurence
C. S. Sickman, Curator of Oriental
Art, Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas
City, Missouri, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Landscape Painting of the Sung
Dynasty" (illustrated) under the aus-
piees of the Institute of Fine Arts, on
Friday, December 12, at 4:15 p.m. in
the- Rackham Amphitheater. The
oublic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor G. E.
Moore, Cambridge University, Eng-
land, will lecture on the subject,
"Certainty," under the auspices of
the Department of Philosophy, on.
Thursday, December 18, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Professor B. B. Ashcom
iof WVavne Universit will Liv e he.

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S (}12Cliicago Times fn.
Reg.U. S.' Pat. Off.,All ata Res.
"Now girls!-every husband mustbe made to realize how vital
to defense our work is, and not to mind eating out!"

By Lichty

Events Today
Anatoiy Research Club will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East'
Medical Bldg.
Dr. Rollo E. McCotter and Dr. F.
B. Fralick will conduct a seminar en-
titled 'A Comprehensive Description
of the Eyeball with Clinical Appli-
Tea will be served in Room 3502
from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Everyone
interested is cordially invited.
Polonia Society will meet tonight
at 7:30 in room 305 Michigan Union.
Instructions in Polish folk dancing
will be given.
Tau Beta Pi will meet tonight at
6:15 in the Union. It will be a din-
ner meeting with a speaker.
The Associatioh Discussion Group
will continue their consideration of
the problem of evil, as presented by
Job, in the regular meeting tonight
at 7:30 in Lane Hall. The meeting
will be cut short so that those wish-
ing to attend the concert may do so.
Graduate Students in Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering: Mr.
J. 0. Osburn will present a discussion
at the Seminar in Room 3201 today
on the subject, "The Influence of the
Properties of the Inert Solid on the
Rate of Solvent Extraction."
Alpha Phi Omega: Pledges will
meet tonight at 7:00. Regular meet-
ing and election of officers will be
at 7:30.
The regular monthly meeting for
House Presidents will be held tonight
at 5:00 in the League. Attendance
is compulsory, and those not able to
attend should send a reliable sub-
Te Slavic ,iety will meet at
Inrnational Center tonight at 8:00.
Interviews for Orientation Advis-
ers, names Margaret Moore through
Felice Schapiro, will be today, .3:00-
5:30 p.m., in the undergraduate of-
fice of the League. Women must
bring their eligibility cards to the
JGP Central Committee luncheon
meeting today in the League.
Athena Society: There will be a
meeting for all members of Athena
tonight at 7:15 in the League.
Beta Kappa Rho, the organization
for University women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting, will meet
tonight at 7:30 in the League. Please
note change in time of meeting,
which will be adjourned by 8:00 p.m.
for those who wish to go to the con-
cert. Final plans" for the darce be-
ing held Saturday, December 13, will
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its Bible study hour at the
Michigan League tonight at 7:30.
The Society of Automotive Emngin-
eers will be addressed by Jam C.
Zeder, Chief Engineer of the Crys-
ler Corporation, at its last meeting
before Xmas recess. The meeting
will be held on Thursday, December
11, at 7:30 p.m. at Kellogg Audi-
torium in the basement of the new
Dental Building. All engineers are
dad Hispanica will meet
Thursday, December 11, at 8:00 p.m.
in the League. The second group of
new members will be initiated. All
new and old members, however, are
urged .,to attend. See bulletin in
League for Room Number.

The initiation and dinner of Phi
Kappa Phi Ionor Society will be held
Thursday, December 11, at 6:00 p.m.
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room
of the Michigan League. Prof. Ivan
C. Crawford, Dean of the College
of Engineering, will speak on the
subject, "The Educational System of
the United States Army." All mem-
bers of Phi Kappa Phi are invited to
attend. Reservations 'may still be
made by calling University extension
594, or the Michigan League, 2-3251.
Quarterdeck Society: All interested
in ship construction are invited to at-
tend an open meeting at the Rack-
ham Amphitheater, Thursday, Dec.
11, at 7:30 p.m. Motion pictures of
"The Art of Shipbuilding," a tech-
nical exposition of methods and con-
structional details, will be shown.
Varsity Glee .Club will rehearse at
8:00 p.m. on Thursday. All Choral
Union men and Sunday rehearsal
men must be there to prepare for
the Grosse Pointe concert.
J.G.P. Ticket Committee meeting
on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 4:30 p.m.
in the League. All committee mem-
bers and any others interested in
working on this committee please be
Roy Lancaster, representative of
the Fur and Leather Workers, will
speak on "Labor in Defense of Amer-
ica" at the American Student Union
meeting on Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Union.




To the Editor:
Japan's undeclared and anprovoked attack
upon the United States Army bases in Hawaii
and the Philippine Islands constitutes the latest
of a series of Fascist aggressions against demo-
cratic peoples and is the most direct Axis move
against the isecurity and independence °of the
American nation. Even as the Japanese envoys
in Washington requested a two-week postpone-
ment of any hostile action, Japan was dispatch-
ing her submarines and wardhips to prey upon
American commerce. This points out the futility
of attempting peaceful negotiations with any
member of the Axis alliance. It is now obvious
that the entire world is divided into two irre-
concilable alignments, the Democratic and the
Fascist. Complete military collaboration must
be established between the nations of the anti-
fw, iivt fr.n I i p ver-v (y isne d cpendsi inio

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