THE MICHIGAN DAILY Japanese Bombs Blast Philippines "tan ..._. to 5S* 100I. MILLS French Fleet Will Never Fall Into Axis Hands, Elliot Claims, 46 . Bbuyan CAIMPELD CLuzon. OH NC AGU FORT STOTSENBURGY FORT McKINLEY 'NICHOLS FIELD oIA " CAK MANs!ItA P A C FIELD CAVITE 0 C CHINA S E A Mindoro 044Q 4W ' ' ' Nsros I F I C E A N c''. oe SULU S E A ' 4 "Mndanao DAVAO PHILIPPINE> ISLANDS .ai By WILL SAPPT The French fleet-the ace in the hand of the Vichy Government- will never be turned over to the Ger-f mans and will not be used against America in the event of a German declaration of war upon the Unitedr States, John Elliot, foreign corres-I pondent for the New York Herald- Tribune, said in an interview hereI yesterday. Mr. Elliot expressed great confi- dence in the fidelity of Chief ofk State Marshal Petain. "Petain," he said, "is the symbol of French unity1 and is the one man in France today who commands the support of thef majority of the people," Mr. Elliot will lecture on "Francel and the War" at 4 p.m. today in the ballroom of the Michigan Union.- It is possible that Petain may be forced tQ give way and that Admiralt hinese Effort Wil Increase Says Diplomat By GEORGE SALLADE 1 The outbreak of war between the United States and Japan will act as a tonic to the war effort of China,. Chi-hlen Mao, Grad., * member of the Chinese diplomatic service, study- ing here while on leave of absence, declared in an interview yesterday.1 Mao, who has served three years with the Chinese embassy in Moscow1 and the last four and a half years, with the Chinese legation -in Copen- hagen, Denmaxk, emasized, how- ever, that event though the Chinese; people now have an active ally, they will fight with more determination. China realizes that harder tasks still confront her. Certainly, the bond o friendship between the United States and China is now stronger than ever before. The Japanese adventure in China may be likened to a serpent- trying to swallow an elephant which can only result in the bursting of the serpent's stomach in the process," Mao said. Japan started the Chinese war with the expectation of a quick victory. The Army boasted that it could con- quer China within one week and by the employment of only three divi- sions. When this failed, the Japanese claimed that they could certainly bend China to her knees with a force of 15 divisions and three months time. Mao explained that although the Nipponese have so far thrown 31 divi- sions into the struggle and taken more than four and a half years, they are still in dire straits, unable to advance or retreat. By facing several new foes, the .Japanese have merely re- moved any chance for a "so-called" victory and are bringing upon them- selves self-destruction. Ironically enough, the Japanese war in China has developed a na- tional consciousness among the Chi- nese people and has provided them with an excellent opportunity to in- dustrialize the interior areas of their country. The Japanese have long tried to prevent this unity and indus- trialization. Darlan would take over the govern- ment, he admitted, but the Darlan regime would last only 24 hours be- fore general chaos set in. Liquidation of Petain and seizure of the government by Darlan would mean a scuttling of the entire navy, Elliot believes. Elliot, who has just arrived in the United States by Atlantic Clipper from Vichy. could see only one man- ner in which the French Navy could be pitched against a German foe. This would come about if the Eng- lish attacked naval-convoyed French food ships carrying supplies for Vichy] from French Africa. Although 60 to 80 per cent of this food goes direct- ly to Germany, Elliot regards this action as unlikely. The French fleet is yet strong and well-manned, having many fast de- stroyers-always the backbone of that country's navy. Elliot says that the Germans do not have enough sea power to seize the fleet. The integ'- rity of the French navy was guaran- teed the Vichy Government in the Nazi-French armistice of last year. The Free French movement of General Charles DeGaulle is greatly overestimated in this country, Elliot said.. Although more than 80 per cent of the French people are anti-collabor- ationists, the majority is not in line with DeGaulle because of his serious blunders, such as the attack on the French African port of Dakar with the aid of the British fleet. Aside from this, he added, the French feel that DeGaulle has criticized Vichy too, much, Berlin not enough. Elliot explained that the French have accepted collaboration in the pessimistic belief that the Germans were going to win the war. The quick decisfon, he said, was to avoid a more punitive armistice which might have cost the French fleet and empire. HEADING FOR HOME? Start night and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low- Cost RAILWAY EXPRESS, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra charge within our reg- ular vehice limits in all cities and principal towns.You merely phone RAILWA PRESS AON CY IC E C LNATIONWIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Choral Group Plains To Give Annual Recital A note of the peace symbolic of the holiday season will be sounded Sun- day at the traditional Christmas pre- sentation of Handel's Messiah. At 4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi- torium, the University Choral Union, and the University Symphony Or- chestra under the baton of Prof. Thor Johnson of the School of Music, will supply the background music for the well-known Christmas pre- sentation. Marie Wilkins, soprano, recently heard in the Metropolitan Auditions of the Air, Edwina Eustis, contralto, Ernest McChesney, tenor, and Doug- las Beattie, bass of the Metropolitan Opera will sing the solo parts. Prof. Palmer Christian of the School of Music will assist at the organ. A nominal admission will be charged. - Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 Dentists To Hear Himler Dr. Leonard E. Himler will speak on "The Psychobiologic Aspects of Student Life" at an assembly of the School of Dentistry at 4:10 p.m. to- day in the auditorium of'the Kellogg Foundation Institute. - ---- Lgp e taw h Jy P i U vy P4 M "C W.' ', . . magazine, with Jay McCormick, '42, Japan's Rising Sun bombers struck at objectives from one end of satirist.prIts allwinfun, though r the Philippines to the other. Bomb bursts indicate air raids reportedon The price will be slightly higher, the $aten Islands, northernmost of the Philippines; on Aparri; on Bag- it's true, but for this extra charge uio,the summer capital, and nearby Camp John Hay; on Manila, Fort students will receive not only more UO pages than ever this y yar, but also Stotsenburg and Clark Field, an air base; on the area of Iba, and on more photographs and features. And Davao, southern port, where a U. S. aircraft carrier was reported at- the cover Will do justice to any picture tacked in the Gulf of 'Davao. During the action at Davao a Japanese frame, pilot was killed while trying to escape after having been shot down., ' r Frequency lFodulation Broadcasting Advocated For tUniversitty By A bbot / Nl- ..o finance the installation and bear the expense of res earch operation.._ According to Professor Abbot, Arm-; strong's system will really make high fidelity practical-"crystal purea sound on a dead-silent background." It will operate on less power, achieve greater efficiency than existing sys- tems, and carry multiplex signals without mixing them. Chain Broadcast Possible By setting up relays of low-powered FM beam transpitters at 50 to 100 mile intervals, a chain broadcast to the entire state would be possible, free from the noise and narrow fre- quency limitations of telephone wires, S peech Finals To BeJudged Seven Students To Speak Here Today In Contest, Finals of the Speech 32 contest will be held at 4 p.m. today in the Natural Science Auditorium. Participants selected to represent the various Isections of Speech 32 and their speeches are Erston Buttef field, '43Ed, "Laugh, Love, And Live"; J. Robert Coffield, '42, "Propaganda"; Myron Dann, '43, "The Decoration Day Massacre"; Herbert Louis For- gash, '44, "Joe Doakes"; Herbert I. London, '42, "The American Scene"; Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, "The Japanese Crisis," and Charles Donald O'Con- nor, '42, "The Way of Our Demo- cracy." Dr. Arthur Secord of the Depart- ment of Speech will be chairman of the contest, and Neil G. Smith, J. Edward Lantz, and Richard Woell- haf, also of the Department, will be judges. - Be a Goodfellow 4Dec. 15 -- rwo Ypsi Officers To Train In FBI (Special to The Daily) YPSILANTI, Dec 9.-This import- ant deianse sector, home of the world's largest airplane factory-the Ford bomber plant-is sending two officers from the local police de- partment to a special school conduct- ed by the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation in Detroit during the week of Dec. 15, Chid of Police Dan E. Patch announced yesterday. The two men to be sent, Chief Patch said, are Detective Sgt. Cyril J. Ray and Sgt. Emil Susterka. They will receive instruction in the latest methods of combating sabotage and espionage now that the United States is officially at war with Japan. To the same school will go three representatives from the Ann Arbor police force, it was also announced although telephone lines are being developed to carry those frequencies satisfactorily. Of course there are reasons for not changing to FM at once, Professor Abbot pointed out. "In the first place, radio sets now in existence will not receive FM radio waves. More- over, at high frequencies at which these transmitters are employed, the radio waves have begun to take on some of the properties of light and will not go very far beyond the hor- izon." Then, too, the listener has to be trained to appreciate high fidelity transmission, -rather than rely upon the lower tonal qualities of regular broadcasting, Abbot admitted. Application Considered The University has been consider- ing the application for FM broad- casting on the campus for over a year. But if University authorities and the Federal Communications Commission (traffic policemen of the air) do not grant the license soon, Professor Abbot fears someone else Will receive the available broadcast- ing space in this vicinity. First, however, the University must have her own broadcasting station to house the FM mechanism, and spe- cial equipment that will carry all frequencies which are not carried now by AM. At present, the campus mike faction will have to be satisfied with broadcasting seven programs each week over Detroit's FM sta- tion, W45D. --- Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 --- Senior .Publications Editors Attend Tea, View Coll ction's Senior editors of campus publi- cations viewed the efforts of their predecessors yesterday when they, along with the members of the Board in Control of Student Publications, attended a tea given by the Michi- gang Historical Collections in the Rackham Building. On ,exhibit are first or early edi- tions of student publications since 1853 when J. Sterling Morton, '55, first issued the Peninsular Quarterly and University Magazine. Forerun- ner of The Daily, which appeared in 1890, was the Chronicle-Argonaut. The Michigan Technic holds the honor of being the oldest journal now on campus, having been published since 1885. First copies of the 'En- sian and Gargoyle, as well as many miscellaneous publications, are also on display. FOR PEP, vitality, a strong and well-nourished body, drink Milk every day. The Ann Arbor Milk Dealers are eager to serve you. Call to- day and join the hundreds of others that are growing up the right way. DRINK A QUART EVERY DAY w - * __ _ _ .. _ ___ ___ __.,.. : _.. s_ ... ......... A S L E R 18 T M TE -P'HONE CALLS, t 7 C Y w low" T / .} vou can shop early and avoid - the rush. You can mail Christwas cards early. But naturally you want to place Christmas telephone calls on Christ- mas Eve and Day. And then our rush is en! Last Christmas the number of long distance telephone calls at some points was EIGHT times normal. This year we expect an even greater 'traffic jam". No amount of stretching can expand a normal telephone system eight times its size for one day in a year. It would not he practicable to build that large a system for just one day's use. All available operators will be on duty this Christmas and many new toll cir- cuits will be in use. But there still will be delays on many calls-some may not get througli at all. You can help speed your message by calling before 9 a.m. Christmas day and by giving the operator the number of the dis- r i1~ Dinehart To Play Here In 'Separate Rooms' 1 II "Separate Rooms," starring Alan Dinehart and Lyle Talbot, will come W m.