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December 09, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-09

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(Continued from Page 1)
in which San Francisco was partially
blacked out.
It was the city's first attempt to
black out for air raid protection.
Sirens wailed continuously, air,
wardens rushed from door to door
darkening lights in their areas, andr
in the downtown area there were
numerous crashes as automobiles
piled against each other.
Police said a woman was shot and
wounded by a California State
Guardsman near the Bay Bridge.
The reported repulse of the planes
was not explained in detail by Gen-
eral Ryan, who said no night fight-
ing planes were sent aloft.
Regarding the invaders, Ryan said:
"They came from the sea, were
turned back, and the Navy has sent
out three vessels to find where they
came from."
"I don't know how many planes
there were, but there were a large
"They got up to the Golden Gate
' d then turned about and headed
Authwest." w h
General Ryan was asked whether
he thought they were Japanese
"Well, they weren't Army planes,
they weren't Navy planes, and you
can be sure they weren't civilian
planes," he answered.
-Be a Goodfelow Dec. 15 --
(Continued from Page 1)
this morning send a message to Con-
gress which, as is well known, can
alone make a declaration of war on
behalf of the United States.
"I then answered him that we
would follow immediately. However,
it soon appeared that British terri-
tory in Malaya had also been the ob-
ject of Japanese attach;. and later on
it was announced from Tokyo that
the Japanese High Command-a cur-
.ous form, not the Imperial Japanese
;government, but the Japanese High
Command-had declared that a state
f war existed between them and
Great Britain and the United States.
"That being so, there was no need
to wait for the declaration of Con-
gress. In any case American time 'is
nearly six hours behind ours. The
cabinest, which met at 12:30 today,
therefore authorized an immediate
declaration of war upon Japan. In-
structions to this effect were sent to
His Majesty's ambassador in Tokyo."
Thus he told the great story of
joining again of two great nations
who together have never lost a war.
And in flat and almost deprecatory
terms he informed the world Britain
was ready and moving without loss
of time.
4 y Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 --
(Continued from Page 1)
Military authorities here were un-
able to confirm a Manila report that
the Japanese had tried unsuccessfully
to land in Bi.tish North Borneo.
The core of action was about the
town and airdrome of Kota Bharu,
- near the northern terminus of a rai-
way connecting with Singapore and
standing at the frontier with Thai-
land, in which Japanese landings had'
been acknowledged.
.The invaders had landed about
Kota Bharu under covering naval fire
from five transport. (The probabil-
ity also was seen that other Japanese
forces were attacking from across the
Thai frontier.)

Ten more troop ships some 10 miles
to the south were put under long
British bombing attack and at ,least
two of them were declared set aflame
as additional bomber and torpedo
squadrons joined the attack.

Thousands rowd
Recruiting Offices
Lu Rush To Enlist
(By The Associated Press)
Thousands of fighting mad Amer-
icans packed recruiting offices in ev-
ery state of the Union yesterclay vol-
unteering-even demanding-to don
the naval and military uniforms of
their nation and fight the Japanese.
In New York the rush of naval vol-
unteers was estimated by officials at
more than double that of the first
day of war in 1917.1
Everywhere, from coast to coast
and from the Gulf of Mexico to Can-
ada, enlistments in all branches of
the nation's armed forces ran from
10 times to 100 times the normal
daily total in recent months.
World War veterans, Spanish War
veterans and schoolboys with books
under their arms stood in the long
lines that formed in the streets of
hundreds of cities.
Hard-pressed recruiting authorities,
ordered to keep their offices open 24
hours a day, seven days a week for
the duration of the war with Japan,
couldn't even estimate the vast num-
bers of applicants for service.
- Be a Goodfelow Dec. 15 --
(Continued from Page 1)
press were intent on trying to fix
the blame on President Roosevelt
for the outbreak of hostilities.
"We are not in a hurry to make our
decisions," one authorized spokes-
man said. "Suffice it to say that
Japan and we are allies."
The authoritative commentary,
Dienst Aus Deutschland, said, how-
ever, "It won't be long before the
officialGerman reaction to the news
events in the Far East is made pub-
lic," and that German political circles
were impressed by the speed and pro-
portions of the Japanese attack on
"the United States' land bridge to
the Far East."
The Wlhelmstrasse official spokes-
man was first tp break into a dia-
tribe against the United States Pres-
ident, calling him "the father of war"
and declaring the curse of the world
would fall upon him.
"Now Roosevelt has the war he
wanted," the spokesman said at the
regular daily press conference, with-
out waiting for foreign correspon-
dents to.ask him questions.
"Now American boys will be plowed
under. The Shylock in the White
House first tried to bluff Japan, then
encircled her every way to prevent
her realizing her national principles
and territorial needs."
- Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 --
Toko ...
(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO, Tuesday, Dec. 9-(Official
radio pickup) -Japanese Imperial
Headquarters aniounced last night
the sinking of two U. S. battleships
and a minesweeper, severe damage
to four other American' capital ships
and four cruisers and the destruction
of about 100 American planes in
Japan's surprise blows at Hawaii, the
Philippines and Guam.
g The officil news agency Domei
quickly interpreted "these magnifi-
cent early gains" as giving Japan
naval mastery over the United States
in the Pacific,,and said that any force
which the U. S. could muster now
"would be regarded asutterly inade-
quate to accomplish any successful
outcome in an encounter with the
thus-far-intact Japanese fleet."

(Continued from Page 1)
SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 8-U)-
Chile announced tonight the United
States had accepted its suggestion
for a conference of the foreign min-
isters of the 21 American republics
to confront the grave new challenge
of Japan in the Pacific.
DETROIT, Dec. 8-OP)-Without a1
dissenting vote, the executive board of
the City Employes Union (AFL) today
called off a threatened strike against
the city, one of the nation's strategic
defense centers.
BERLIN, Tuesday, Dec. 9-(A)-
A DNB dispatch from Tokyo today
said Japanese Imperial Navy head-
quarters announced an American
airplane mother ship had been sunk
off Honolulu.
SINGAPORE, Tuesday, Dec. 9--U P)
-Bombs started dropping on Singa-
pore at 4 a.m. today. Searchlights
and anti-aircraft guns went into ac-
tion immediately.
NEW YORK, Dec. 9-(P)-John
L. Lewis, president of the CIO
United Mine Workers of America,
declared in a statement tonight
he joined in the support "of our
government to the day of its ulti-
mate triumph over Japan and all
other enemies."
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 - (P) - A
White House statement today de-
clared Germany "obviously" did all it
could "to push Japan into the war"
in a hope that it would end the lend-
lease program.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8-(P)-The
Supply Priorities and Allocations
Board, top defense agency, today de-
clared the country was engaged in an
"all out victory program," and other
defense officials said this called for
a $150,000,000,000 outlay.
bor pledged itself tonight to a smash-
ing production effort to defeat Japan
and the first day of war found the
United States virtually free of stiks
in defense industries.
- Buy a Goodfellow Edition -
(Continued from Page 1)
man hope that if the United States
and Japan could be pushed into war
such a conflict would put an end to
the lease-lend program."
The statement was issued soon after
President Roosevelt had signed a
declaration of war in a short and
solemn ceremony attended by leaders
of both parties from the House and
Earlier a grim-visaged Congress,
united by the shock of battle and
aroused by startling losses to the
American forces in the Pacific, ap-
proved the declaration by an all but
unanimous vote and did so in record
President Roosevelt, forecasting "an
inevitable triumph," requested the
action in a brief, pointed speech sol-
emnly delivered before a memorable
joint session of House and Senate.
Within an hour his request was
"As Commander-in-Chief of the
Army and Navy, I have directed that
all measures be taken for our de-
fense," he slowly said.
There will be a meeting of all
Gargoyle editorial staff members
at 4:30 p.m. today in the Gargoyle

Ilirnes' Opera
Opens Toni ioht
For Five Days
(Continued from Page 1)
Hopwood creative writing contest
last June.M
The three-act drama was re-writ-
ten into a two-act musical to accom-
modate hairy-legged chorus lines
and more than 20 student-written
Bob Adams, '30, has returned to
campus to direct this year's offering.
Working closely with Adams in the
management of the show have been
Bob Titus, '42, president of Mimes,
and James Gormsen, '42, general
chairman of the production.
Jack Collins, '42, will play the lead-
ing role as Fenno Hedge, the pulp
writer, and will be supported by Dick
Rawdon (as Lana Carter), and Keith
Muller, '44. (as Stuart Hedge).
Other cast members include Woody
Block, Bruce Forbes, Jeff Solomon,
John Funk, Stan Glassman, Jack
Armstrong, Bob Shedd, Bill Beck,
Don Yost, Andy Marsch, Eric Tysk-
lind and Bob Sovern.
Author Ingham will portray one of
his own characters. The cast also in-
cludes Dick Schell, Sheldon Finkel-
stein, Dave Matthews, Bill Todd, Bob
Titus, Buck Dawson, Bob Shelley,
Kermit Schooler, Chuck Solar, Jack
Brown, Dick Stuart, Jim Gormsen,
Howard Wallach, Jack Brackett, Don
Battin and Bert Kolb.
Thirty-five men will take part in
six different chorus lines.
-- Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 -
State Is Readyw
For Total War
Michigan Assumes Duties
With GrimEfficiency
(By The Associated Press)
Michigan shouldered its war bur-
den Monday with business-like effic-
iency and comforting demonstrations
of comradeship in a grim task.
Over the length and breadth of the
state men in civilian and military
capacities acted swiftly to set up the
home safeguards with Michigan once
again ready for a vital role in Ameri-
can destiny.
Just as it had done in '17, Michigan
made haste to meet its responsibilities.
The fact long preparations had
been made for this hour of crisis
simplified the job. Procedure for
guarding industry and public utili-
ties had been laid out far in advance.
John S. Bugas, Michigan director
of the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion, said "every agent-every em-
ploye" was working on a 24-hour-a-
day basis in some protective capacity.
He disclosed "about 25" Japanese
had been questioned since the out-
break of hostilities in the Pacific.
None of the Japanese questioned was
detained, he said, but they were pho-
tographed and fingerprinted.
Extra guards took posts at the great
arms plants of Detroit to protect
against sabotage.


I '

BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 8. -(.41-
Argentina will consider the United
States as a non-belligerent, thus per-
mitting U.S. use of Argentine ports
in the conduct of the war against
Japan, Foreign Minister Ruiz Gi i na-
zu announced tonight.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 8.-U)-
All Spokane radio stations went
off the air tonight at 5 p.m. and at
stations KHQ-KGA it was an-
nounced they would be off "until
further orders."
It was said the silence was at the
order of the Signal Corps of the
Second Air Force headquarters
here and applied to all stations in
the Northwest, west of Boise, Ida.
Maxim Litvinoff presented his cre-
dentials as Soviet Ambassador to
President Roosevelt today and dis-
cussed the whole war situation with
the Chief Executive. He said after-
ward he could not make any state-
ment about the chances of Russia
going to war with Japan.
SEATTLE, Dec. 8. --(A)- Brig.
Gen. Carlyle Wash of the 2nd In-
terceptor Command late today an-
nounced a blackout from the Can-
adian line to Roseburg, Ore., would
be invoked at 11 p.m. tonight.
BERLIN, Dec. 8.-(iP)-Adolf Hit-
ler has received the fugitive Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem in the 'presence
of Foreign Minister Joachim von
Ribbentrop for "conversations of
great importance for Arabian lands,"
DNB said tonight.
CUT BANK, Mont., Dec. 8-(,)--
Rep. Jeannette Rankin (Rep.-
Mont.), who cast the only vote in
Congress against declaring war on
Japan, was called upon by Dan
Whetstone, Montana Republican
National Committeem aito "re-
deem Montana's honor" by chang-
ing her vote.


SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. 8.-(P)-
The Chilean Government tonight or-
dered naval measures to protect the
coast and the Straits of Magellan.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. -(IP)-
Norman Davis, Red Cross Chair-
man, announced today after a con-
ference with President Roosevelt
that a dive would be lanuched
immediately for $50,000,000 to be
used for "our own armed forces."
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. -(AP)-
Secretary of the Treasury Morgen-
thau declared today's declaration of
war against Japan means "even
greater expenditures for defense and
a corresponding increase in taxes."
* * *
KUIBYSHEV, Russia, Dec. 8.-
(P)-Official Russia kept silence to-
day on receipt of the news of the
Japanese - American conflict, but
some official comment was expect-
ed later.
The news reached this tempor-
ary capital before dawn.


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Reading I've Liked - Clifton Fadiman
1942 New Yorker Album . . .
Cartoon Revue - Peter Arno .
Treasury of Gilbert & Sullivan . . .
The Opera - Brockway .
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