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December 09, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-09

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ted and managed by students of the Unlvrsity of
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id Lachenbruc
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ce Miller
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s B. Collins
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
ew War Move
A I f
Weakens Axis. .
T HE AXIS might well take stock of it-
T self. It can now number among its
es.emies the last and greatest democracy of them
. Although theoretically the United States is
not at war with Germany and Italy, these two
ations can no longer have any illusions about
he position of this country. Its-entire national
ffort will now be unhesitantly directed against
all that the totalitarian regimes stand for.
Nb doubt Adolf Hitler and his advisers are jubi-
ant over the new turn qf events. They see only
the credit side of their ledger-the diversion of
major American strength from the Atlantic to
tihe Pacific and the potential decrease in aid to
Great Britain and Russia.
WHERE HITLER miscalculated, however, was
in his evaluation of the true sentiments of
the American people. If he assumed disunity, he
Is mistaken. The American people were never
more united than they are at this critical hour.
How, too, will Hitler explain to his people that
once again the United States is in a war on the
side opposed to Germany? Certainly this aspect
will adversely affect German civilian morale.
Unavoidable, also, is the conclusion, already
made by many noted military experts, that Japan
made its decision and began preparations for the
surprise assault don American possessions at least
three weeks ago when the German Army was
driving successfully towards the Caucasus and
Moscow. Perhaps the Tokyo militarists hoped
for a quick knockout of Russia, permitting the
Germans to send aid directly to the Far East and
to concentrate on the British Isles.
BUT THE RUSSIANS are far from conquered.
A Nazi military spokesman yesterday ad-
mitted that the attempt to conquer Moscow had
been called off for the winter. Therefore the
Japanese Empire faces a lone fight in the Far
East against United States, Britain and the
Dutch. Surely, they hoped for more than this.
Unfortunately, the Japanese attack probably
attained some initial success because of its sur-
prise element. However, an all-out war effort
will soon retrieve these first losses. An inescap-
able fact, which must be apparent to even Axis
strategists, then, is that the partnership faces
overpowering forces in the Far East and increas-
ingly powerful opponents in Europe.
T HE AMERICAN PEOPLE have been made
realistically aware of the dangers of the new
world order, and they are arising as one to meet
the threat. As President Roosevelt said in his
address before Congress: "The American people
in their .righteous might will win through to
absolute victory." -George W. Sallade
Education Receives
Crushing Blow .'.
T HE seemingly fatal attraction of
backwoods Georgians for their "dar-
ling red-suspendered Gov. Eugene Talmadge" is
dealing a crushing blow to education in one of
our states that needs it most.
Certainly the intelligent, open-minded stu-
dents in Georgia are entitled to a reasonably
adequate elementary and college education. And
there are many of them who would like to come

The Reply Churlish
IT WAS NOT A NIGHT when anyone did much
studying. You could walk down any street in
town and never miss a word of the news bulletins.
The beer gardens reported only a normal trade,
but people were looking for other people-to talk
about it with. People didn't want or need beer.
Just somebody to listen, somebody to sit with
or walk around with.
Everybody said "Well, we're in it now," and you
couldn't tell whether the tone of voice meant
despair or relief or just nothing at all. A lot of
cigarettes were smoked, and on the juke boxes
the Dorsey recording of the Hawaiian War Chant
was played over and over again. And on this
too you couldn't tell if the people with the nickels
were kidding or serious.
A'GUY would sit making slightly nervous but
funny remarks about it, chain smoking,
drinking cup after cup of coffee, and suddenly
his face would be scared, and he would grind the'
cigarette into the saucer and say "My God, what's
-?" Nobody could tell him. If they tried, he
argued. Belief was something people couldn't
find; there was reality, but they wouldn't believe
Some of them would sit around a radio, the
room filled with smoke, not moving or saying a
word while the announcer spoke, then as the
music of some Sunday evening program came
back on the air, all the boys would jump up and
start walking around, talking. Maybe there'd
be one guy, or two, who would continue to sit
perfectly still, staring down at the floor.
In everybody's stomach there was that strange
feeling, not exactly of fear, but of excitement and
anticipation. As the hours went on, and the
reports accumulated, and the grapevine brought
credible impossibilities to all the groups the sto-
mach feeling became loud anger, threats, argu-
ments, feverish gloom. And as more hours went
by, all of these declined into a lethargy, as view-
less and impersonal as a cancer.
EARLY IN THE EVENING I went to a friend's
room. [t was the first time I had ever seen
a radio in his room. In his typewriter was half
a page of something he had been writing in the
morning before the first report came through.
He didn't want to come out at first. Finally he
took the radio back where he had borrowed it,
and we went over to get some coffee. He said
he couldn't see much use writing.
Somebody else said he had to go home to study
for a bluebook. Everybody laughed, and wouldn't
let him go. Many said they couldn't see much
use in going to classes. Many did not go Several
of the boys are going in today to enlist. It's here
I say, go to classes. However soon any person
must leave here, thinking won't hurt him. We
must think. We must not get punch drunk. We
must nake the peace that follows this war. I
mean. We. So long until soon.
Such education does not deprive students, as
does his brand, of probable admission to accred-
ited universities. Nor does it bring down national
disgrace upon a state, and the righteous wrath
of prominent educators and newspapers of the
character of the Atlanta Constitution.
RUT red-suspenders (Life Magazine) has done
all of that harm and more, not only to educa-
tion, but to every tendency toward progress in
the state of Georgia.
In true Hitlerian fashion, he has purged men
and books from Georgia. The men-("furriners")
Dean Walter Cocking of the University of Geor-
gia school of education and Marvin Pittman,
president of the Georgia State Teachers College
at Statesboro. They were ousted on the grounds
that they favored "social equality" of the races.
The books-"We Sing America" containing, ac-
cording to Talmadge, illustrations of Negro and
white children playing together, and 22 others,
including, The United Press says, some on
the problem of adolescence, several on the Negro
problem, a few on evolution and others on eco-
nomics and politics.

Talmadge met criticism with wisecracks;
Talmadge has served notice that "furriners"-
variously interpreted as persons born north of
the Mason-Dixon line, or across any Georgia
border--should be weeded out of the state's uni-
versity system.
Says the United Press: "The latest report at
the state capitol is that more books are to be
IN THE FACE of a nearly intolerable situa-
ion,the Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools had little choice but to
drop. 10 Georgia schools from its accredited list.
Those who suffered most from the move--
students, educators and awakened citizens--
could do little. Talmadge, as Life, describes him,
is "the red-suspendered darling of thousands of
voters who can barely read or write. He is count-
ing on their ignorance and racial prejudice to
keep his little dictatorship going."
Thus all the mass student protests have little
effect. These protests have been strong and
heart-felt. Graduating from a non-accredited
school, diplomas mean little, students' chances
for graduate education in an accredited school
are diminished. Their strike was ignored by
Talmadge, and the Association was forced to
turn a regretful but deaf ear to the students who
flew to Louisville Wednesday to plead with the
Association to leave their schools on the accred-
ited list.
It could do little else after affirming its con-
viction that the dismissal of Cocking and Pitt-
man was a "mockery of democratic procedure."
It makes us wonder which is the more powerful
force--education or ignorance. In Georgia, at
least, we find ignorance chaining progress and
drowning education.
TALMADGE, who with typical bravado said,
"I hope the Atlanta Constitution and the At-

Drew Peaddso
Robert S.Allen
W ASHINGTON-John L. Lewis defied the gov-
ernment, shut down an important segment
of a vital defense industry, and brought down
on the head of all labor the drastic bill passed
last week by the House-all in order to enforce
his demand for the closed shop, which he con-
tends is essential to ensure job security for
Yet, today, Lewis is firing veteran union em-
ployes of an organization he controls because
they don't see eye to eye with him'on his torrid
Sofar 22 have been axed and more are slated
to go. They are organizers, regional directors,
and the general counsel, for a number of years,
of District 50 of the United Mine Workers. Dis-
trict 50 is the chemical, coke, munitions and
cosmetics division of the UMW. While a branch
of UMW, actually District 50 is a separate union
-completely under the one-man domination of
Last summer he suddenly removed the veteran
top officers of the union and replaced them with
Ora Gassaway, one of his close henchmen, and
Kathryn Lewis, his daughter. Gassaway, a one-
time miner, gets $10,000 a year and Kathryn,
who has never worked in a mine or factory,
THE INSIDE STORY of the wholesale firings
now under way is a honey.
After clinching control of District 50 through
the appointment of his daughter and Gassaway?
Lewis launched a big-scale unionization drive in
the rapidly expanding coke, chemical and muni-
tions industries. For this, purpose more than 100
of the ablest CIO organizers were hired.
Shortly thereafter these organizers and the
clerical staff of District 50 were notified by Kath-
ryn that they were being organized into a sep-
arate UMW union, Local 12297. All, of course,
joined. Whereupon they were informed by Kath-
ryn that she had been elected president of the
union and that the check-off was in effect.
All the axed anti-isolationist orgnizers are
members of this Local, which has never held a
convention or issued a report on its finances.
Note: A number of the dismissed organizers
are close friends of CIO President Phil Murray,
who supports Roosevelt's foreign policy. One of
them was fired 'shortly after making a speech
before an Ohio union urging support of the
CIO's convention endorsement of Roosevelt's
policy. Several hours after his speech the organ-
izer received a long distance call from Gassa-
way who shouted, "Don't you know that you are
working for John Lewis and not Phil Murray!"
District 50 Funds
With coke, chemicals and munitions produc-
tion soaring under the defense program, District
50 membership also is zooming. So too are its
dues-into the treasury controlled by Lewis.
WHAT these funds amount to is his secret.
There has been no report of either income or
outgo. District 50 insiders charge that big hunks
of the union's money have been channeled into
the United Construction Workers. /
The UCW was set up several years ago by Lewis
to fight the powerful AFL building trades union.
As head of UCW, Lewis installed his younger
brother, A. D. ("Denny") Lewis, who gets $10,000
a year. UCW has never got anywhere in the
building industry, but is now engaged in a hot
organizing campaign among cafeteria, trans-
portation and apartment workers. CIO anti-
Lewisites claim that District 50 money is financ-
ing this UCW activity.
THEY ALSO DECLARE that there is more be-
hind the big UCW and District 50 organiza-
tion drives than merely to build up these unions.

The charge is made that Lewis is secretly pre-
paring the ground for an eventual bolt from the
CIO and the setting up of a new labor organiza-
tion, composed of the United Mine Workers, Dis-
txict 50, the United Construction Workers, plus
certain AFL unions. Lewis and William Hutchin-
son, Roosevelt-hating boss of the AFL carpen-
ters, have been in close secret touch in recent
With his burning political ambitions, such an
organization, in which he would be the king'bee,
would give Lewis a powerful political weapon in
the coming eventful elections. Also for the politi-
cal operation of the America First Committee, of
which he is an ardent supporter.
Note: The ousted District 50, officials have
started a rank and file revolt to go over to the
CIO Mine, Mill & Smelter Workers. Headed by;
Reid Robinson, who is in the Lewis doghouse
because of support of Roosevelt's foreign policy,
the MMSW is up in arms at Lewis because of
his alleged raiding of the union's field.
Secret Army Information.
Interesting inside fact apropos of the Chicago
Tribune's expose of the "secret war plan of
10,000,000 men" was that Congressman Philip A.
Bennett of Missouri paid $400 for similar in-
formation which he used in a speech exposing
the army's giant plan.
sumably inside the War Department, is re-
ported also to have spilled similar information
to the Tribune, a double-cross which aroused
the Congressman's wrath.
Questioned regarding his purchase of the in-
formation, Congressman Bennett said: "I don't

VOL. LII. No. 61
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, December 10,
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Travel Tax Exemption Certificates:
As the offices of common carriers do
not regard it as appropriate for them
to carry a supply of tax exemption
certificates, notice is hereby repeat-
ed that every person preparing to
travel at University expense should
provide himself with the necessary
number of tax exemption certificate
blanks (Form No. 5805) previous to
purchasing his ticket. These blanks
may be had at the University Busi-
ness Office, from Dr. F. E. Robbins
in the President's Office when ap-
proval of travel requisitions is se-
cured, or at the offices of Deans or
Directors of schools and colleges.
It is further requested that, in
purchasing tickets for such travel,
notice be given that the tickets are
tax exempt before thecommon car-
rier employees prepare such tickets.
Time, extra labor, and stationery will
thus be saved.
All departments, therefore, should
secure a Supply of these blanks from
the University Business Office.
Shirley W. Smith
Notice in re University Property
Removed from the City or off Uni-
versity Property: Any University
representative having charge of Uni-
versity property should give notice in
advance to the Inventory Clerk, Busi-
ness Office, University Hall, when
such property is to be taken outside
the City of Ann Arbor or off Uni-
versity property for use in any Uni-
versity project, as, for example, the
W.P.A A loss recently occurred on
which the University had no insur-
ance because of the fact that no
notice had been given -to the Inven-
tory Clerk that such property had
been taken to the location where it
was in use, and the property was
therefore not covered by the insur-
ance policy.
Shirley W. Smith
Home Loans: The University In-
vestment office, 100 South Wing, will
be glad to consult with anyone con-
sidering building or buying a home
or refinancing existing mortgages and
is eligible to make F.H.A. loans.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage, living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and
possess good character and who have
had at least one year of college work,
are eligible. Further information may'
be obtained from me.
Dr.1 rank E. Robbins,
1021 Angell Hall
A Dental School Assembly will be
held Wednesday, December 10, in the
Kellogg Foundation Institute Audi-
torium. The speaker will be D.
Leonard E. Himler. The subject will
be "The Psychobiologic Aspects of
Student Life." All students of the
School are required to be in attend-
ance. All clinics 'and laboratories
will be closed at 4:00 and the stu-
dents are asked to assemble by 4:10
Choral Union Members: Passes for
the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert Wednesday evening,' Decem-

ber 10, will be issued to members of
the chorus whose records of attend-
ance are clear, and who call in per-
son on the day of the concert be-
tween 10 and 12, and 1 to 4, at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower.
After 4 o'clock no passes will be
Charles A. Sink, President
Public Health Students: All stu-
dents in the School of Public Health
who expect certificates or degrees in
February, 1942, must make applica-
tion at once in Room 2014 Kellogg
Institute. The applications must be
filed not later than December 19.
Christmas Vacation Jobs: A repre-
sentative of Fred Sanders, Inc., of
Detroit will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation on Tuesday to interview men
for delivery work during the Christ-
mas vacation. Applicants must live
in Detroit and have car available.
For appointment, call at the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, or phone 4121, Ex-
tension 371.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information'
University of Michigan Flying
Club: Due to new C.A.A. rulings, no
one is permitted to fly the airplane
until further notice.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will

on "The Spectrograph in the Iron
and Steel Industry." All interested
are invited.
Psychology 31, Lectures I. and III.:
Examination will cover Chapters 5
through 12, and 14 in Guilford, and
assigned readings in Valentine. 4
Boston Symphony Orchestra: The
sixth concert in the Choral Union
Series will be given by the Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky, Conductor, Wednesday, De-
cember 10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The orchestra will play
three symphonies, the "Haffner"
Symphony by Mozart; William Schu-
man's No. 3; and the Brahms No. 4.
Charles A. Sink, President
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of colored
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackham Bnilding Ex-
hibition Galleries through December
10, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30&9:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Mr. Laurence
C. S. Sickman, Curator of Oriental
Art, Nelson Gallery of Art, Kaisas
City, Missouri, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Landscape Painting of the Sung
Dynasty" (illustrated) under the aus-
-pices of the Institute of Fine Arts, on
Friday, December 12, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is cordially invited.
Sigma Xi(Lecture: Professor Har-
ley H. Bartlett of the Department of
Botany, will speak on the subject,
"Plans and Prospects for Rubber de-
velopment in the Western Hemi-
sphere," before the Michigan Chap-
ter of Sigma Xi tonight at 8:00 in
the Amphitheater of the Rackham
Building. Members may invite
Lecture on Chinese Literature:
Gerald Tien will present a lecture
on Chinese Contemporary Literature
at Rackham Amphitheater at 4:15
p.m. today. This is the last in the
series of lectures on Chinese Litera-
ture sponsored by International Cen-
ter and Chinese Student Club.
Events Today
Mathematics Club will meet to-
night at 8:00 in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Professor
Hildebrandt will speak on "The Abel-
Dini Theorem in Infinite Series."
Junior Mathematics Club will have
an informal meeting and get-togeth-
er tonight at 8:00 in 3201 Angell
Hall. Mathematical recreation; re-
freshments. All interested are cord-
ially invited. 4
Graduate Students in Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering: Lieut.
R. S. Palmer will speak on Submar-
ines at the monthly luncheon of
Graduate students today.
The luncheon will be held in Room
3201 of East Engineering Bldg. Small
Boys Interested in Flying: Com-
mander Lee Edwards and Ensign J.
H. Bourgon of the Grosse Ile Naval
Base will speak on "Flying for the
Navy" tonight at 7:30 in room 1042
E. Engineering Building. A film
"Wings of the Navy" will also be
shown. All boys interested in the
Naval Air Corps or in the Civilian
Pilot Training Course are invited to
attend. This meeting is under the
auspices of the Civilian Pilot Train-
ing Program.

"Cheer up Joe!-some day we'll be able to attend a veteran's
convention and have a swell time!"

night at 8:00 in the Michigan Union.
Dr. John Alexander, surgeon in chief
of thoracic surgery at the University
Hospital, will lecture on the film "A
Single Stage 'Lobectomy." Pamph-
lets concerning entrance requirements
to various medical schools will be
given out.. All Pre-Meds invited.
German Club Christmas party will,
be held this evening, 8:00-9:00, at
the League. Please bring a ten-cent
gift. Everyone is welcome. Refresh-
Religious Education Workshop:
Subject for discussion tonight, 7:00-
9 :00, in 9 University Hall, will be:
"Religion at the University Level."
Panel: Miss Mildred Sweet and the
Reverend C. H. Loucks. Graduate
students welcome.
Members of the F.T.A. will meet
today at 4:00 p.m. in the Elementary
School Library. Election of officers.
A panel will be held entitled, "Why
Teach." Members of the panel will
be George A. Beauchamp, James D.
McConnell and Malcom B. Rogers.
Members please bring dues.
Le Cercle Francais will hold its
Christmas meeting tonight at 8:00 at
the Michigan League. A Christmas
program will be offered. Refresh-
ments. " Those who do not have their
membership cards may obtain them
at the door.
Varsity' Men's Glee Club: Meet at
10:30 this evening in the Glee Club
room for the serenade. Roll-call will
be taken at that time.
JGP Central Committee meeting
today at 4:30 p.m. in the League.
The Regular Tuesday evening con-
cert of recorded music at the Rack-
ham Building tonight will be as fol-
lows:; Strawinsky, Sacre du Pmi-
temps, Brahm, kConcerto for Violin
and Orchestra, Tschaikovsky, Nut-
cracker Suite.
Interviewing for all those who pe-
titioned for Assembly Scouting Com-
mittee Chairman will take place to-
,day, 3:30-5:00 p.ms
The Michigan Alumnae Club will
meet today at 3:00 p.m. at the Michi-
gan League. Miss Harriet Harwood
of Detroit will talk on "What Books
do you want for Christmas?" She
will bring with her a book display
of the latest publications.
"Messiah" Recording: A recording
of the last part of "The Messiah"
will be played in the Lane Hall library
today at 4:15 p.m. The public is
cordially invited.
Interviews for Orientation Advis-
ers, names M. Kohl through J. Mis-
ner, will be held today, 3:00-5:30 p.m.,
in the undergraduate office 'of the
League. Women must bring their
eligibility cards to the interview.
Michigan Dames general meeting
today. Speaker: Mr. McGeoch of
the University School of Music.
Faculty Women's Club: The Music
Section will meet tonight at 8:00 At
the home of Mrs. G. E. Densmore,
2116 Melrose Ave. Miss Mary Fish-
burne will give a piano lecture on
modern music.
The Bibliophiles Group of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet this
afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. T. G.
Hegge, Northville.
Congregational Student Fellow-
ship will hold its weekly tea at Pil-
grim Hall today, 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel



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