THE MICHIGAN DAILY Japan AttacksU.S. Outposts; FDR Will Address Congress At pecialSession Today (Continued from Page 1) of Malaya near the Thailand border. After being repulsed, the Japanese were successful at Sabak, 13 miles southward. They then proceeded overland toward Kotabahru, fighting with British air and land forces as they went. Two bombs fell in the center of Singapore and a number of others were heard in various parts of the island. Gunfire was reported heard off Mersing, 90 miles northeast of Singapore on the east coast of Malaya. A brief official announcement said that the ,Japanese had landed in North Malaya' ad that "the invaders are being engaged." The attack upon Singapore came as mighty Brish force of men, guns, ships and planes stood ready for Prime Minister Churchill's anticipated declaration of war against Japan today. " Nazis Call.Battles ,Clashes' . . I BERLIN, Monday, Dec. 8-(IP)-Obligated under the three-power pact to go to Japan's assistance if Japan is "attacked," Germany referred early today to hostilities in the Pacific as "clashes." A special communique failed to clarify Germany's intentions, but termed President Roosevelt a "war incendiary." Article three of the tripartite pact, signed by Italy, Germany and Japan on Sept. 27, 1940, provided that those three countries "undertake to assist one another with all political, economic and military means ifone of the "three coitracting parties was attacked by a power not then involved in the European~ or Asiatic wars. "The war monger Roosevelt has reached his aim," said the Berlin statement. The statement referred to what was described as President Roosevelt's "tblind hatred against the Reich of Adolf Hitler." The special announcement was divided into two sections The first said: "As a result of constantly increasing warmongering of the American Pres- identdRoosevelt in recent weeks, the. first clashes between Japanese and .United States armed forces occurred today." The second part of the communique, devoted to comment, said: "The war-incendiarist Roosevelt finally has reached his aim by also get- ting afire the Far East. "Alongside Churchill he is one of those chiefly responsible for inciting this war. For years he tried to plot a war of Jews and plutocrats against the German Rich, which was revived by the revolution of the Fuehrer, and intentionally through his agents and middle men worked toward the end of extending this struggle to other lands and other continents."- "Obviously it is the intention of the American Government to conspire with Great Britain and other countries to obstruct Japan's efforts toward the establishment of peace through the creation of a new order in East Asia, and especially to preserve Anglo-American rights and interests by keeping Japan and China at war. Why Japan Went To War WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.--0)--Why did Japan declare war against us to- day? Here is Tokyo's case against us as set forth in the memorandum which the Japanese ambassadors handedl to Secretary of State Hull this afternoon: We "attempted to frustrate Japan's aspiration to the. ideal of common prosperity" in Asia. - "The American Government, obsessed with its own views and opinions, may be said to be scheming for the extension of the war. While it seeks, on the one hand, to secure its rear by stabilizing the Pacific area, it is engaged, oen the other hand, in aiding Great Britain and preparing to attack, in the name of self-defense, Germany and Italy." The American Government desires to maintain and strengthen, in coa- lition with Great Britain and other powers, its dominant position it has hitherto occupied not only in China but in other areas of East Asia." The demand that Japan withdraw from China "ignores Japan's sacri- fices in the four years of the China affair, menaces the Empire's existence itself and disparages its honour and prestige." )Par To Break Blockade?... WASHINGTON, Dec. 7--(P)-Strategists here suggested today that one of the prime purposes bf the initial air attacks on the American insular outposts in Manila and the Philippines was to break an attempted blockade 6f Nippon before it could be well organized. They said a general conflict in the Far East fought over vast areas of land and ocean simultaneously, would be primarily a war of blockade. The initial objective of the United States, with whatever aid comes from other powers, would be to cut off Japanese sources of supply from the outside world and at the same time undertake an air offensive designed to destrop transportation facilities, power plants munitions factories and other sources! of military power in Japan, - _ - - - . . . . _ . _ _ Girls Give Rawdon Close Shave FDR Message To Japan Head Is MadePublic ?resident Warns Hirollito To Remove All Troops From Indo-China Area Continued from Page :) Malaya and of Thailand itself, are isking themselves whether these forces of Japan are preparing or in- tending to make attack in one or more >f these many directions. I am sure that Your Majesty will understand that the fear of all these Congressmen Shocked By Jap Action; Predict War Declaration WASHINGTON, Dec, 7- .P)-Jap- Senator George (Dem.-Ga.) said an an's attack on American outposts to- open declaration of war "will give us day brought immediate expressions of .greater freedom of action." .ndignation from members of Con- He said the attack might draw the ,;ress. and most freely predicted that United States directly into the Eur- nongress would adopt a declaration of opean war, "but not necessarily." var without hesitation if President Russian collaboration with the United ~States in fighting Japan, he said, was Roosevelt asked for one. a possible means of entry by this i Such vigorous critics and opponents >f the Administration's foreign policy as Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) and Rep. Fish (Rep.-N. Y.) called for unity, "The only thing now is to do our best to lick hell out of them," Wheeler said at Billings. Mont. He added that country into the European conflict. He called attention to the "vast dis- tances in the Pacific" and warned that " it may take two or three years to fight this war to the end." Rep. McCormack, Dem.-MassJ, the House majority leadersaid all Amer- Dick Rawdon, "feminine" lead in "Full House," Union Opera which opens tomorrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, is cornered by Veitch Purdom and Ginny Appleton for the first step in his makeup- a good shave. Union Opera's Makeup Girls Relate Trials With the authority of Veitch Pur- dom, '42, and Ginny Appleton, '42, on it, we have the statement that for real fussiness about makeup, the Union Opera boys will take the lambs' wool powderpuff over the JGP girls every time. And Veitch Purdom and Ginny Ap- pleton ought to know. Both of them have wielded the lipstick and the eye- brow pencil over just about every type of theatrical cast that has scuff- ed up the boards of Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre for several semesters, now. They've both beautified the goons arid gooned up the beauties of the Junior class for an official appear- ance; they've both bashed recalci- trant children back into their seats for additional rouging before a Thea- tre Arts presentation; but they agree that the site of the Union Opera is where you'll hear the loudest howls when the boys feel they're not looking' girlish enough to meet their respective publics. "It's a lot harder than the ordinary feminine makeup job, too," Veitch said. "You can't even start slapping the powder puff around until you're sure that there's no five-o'clock shadow there, to blur up the sought- after skin-you-love-to-touch effect." "Arid Eee-gad!" she continued, "the yelp that goes up when you tell them to get to work and start scraping off the hair on arms, legs and chest!" But Veitch and Ginny have both developed enough muscle in the last couple of weeks to make it sure that you'll see the boys-minus arm, leg, and chest hair--at Lydlia Mendelssohn tomorrow night. BULLETINS LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7-(R)-Japanese troops have invaded Thailand, the Tokyo radio said tonight in af broadcast heard by the NBC listening post. Radio Tokyo said that "in order to maintain the independence of Thailand, Japan has entered the southern portion of the- tiny country to combat British troops which have entered from the Malayan border." ROME, Dec. 8--(/)-Axis circles gave the impression today that neither Italy nor Germany would move against the United States im- mediately under the three-power pact as a result of hostilities in the Pacific. Authoritative political circles were silenii, but Italian and German circles said unofficially that the attitude of Rome and Berlin for the present would be on6 of "watchful waiting." WASHINGTON, Dec. 7-(A"-Undersecretary of War Patterson called tonight for production of all war munitions on a 24-hour basis. Patterson issped instructions to chiefs of the War Department pro- curement agency that "all steps must be taken to increase the speed with which contracts are let and to speed up maximum production." - -A-- h -is--s f hug people is a legitimate fear inasmuch he assumed a war declaration would but should "remain calm but deter- as it involves their peace and their be made immediately, and declared mined and follow the leadership of the Japanese "must have gone crazy." President Roosevelt." Your Majesty will understand why i Fish said he would make an address Chairman Reynolds (Dem.-N.C.) of muthe House tomorrow asking the the Senat'e Military Affairs Commit- the people of the United States, in American people "to present a united tee, said: "I am 100 per cent against such large numbers, look askance at front in support of the President of war. I want to know all about what the establishment of military, naval the United States, the Commander- has happened before I say anything and air bases manned and equipped in-Chief of the armed forces." about declaring war." so greatly as to constitute armed forces capable of measures of offense. Asked To Resolve Situation It is clear that a continuance of such a situation issunthinkable. None of the peoples whom I have spoken of above can sit either indef - initely or permanently on a keg of.' dynamite. There is absolutely no thought on the part of the United States of in- vading Indo-China if every Japanese scldier or sailor were to be withdrawn therefrom. G I V E4 I think we can obtain the same as- surance from the governments of the East Indies, the governments of Mal- aya and the government of Thailand. I would even undertake to ask for the government of China. Thus, a withdrawal of the Japanese forces from Indo-China would result in the assurance of peace throughout the whole of the South Pacific area. I4f C Addresses Hirohito I address myself to Your Majesty at this moment in the fervent hope __.__ that Your Majesty may, as I am do- ing, give thought in this definite emergency to ways of dispelling the 4 dark clouds. I am confident that both .Qha of us, for the sake of the peoples 4 not only of our own great countries, but of the sake of humanity in neigh- boring territories, have a sacred duty V1 to restore traditional amity and pre- 9 vent further death and destruction in the world The Michigan Daily wishes toK express their thanks to the adver- , tisers appearing in this issue for their splendid cooperation in mak- ing this paper possible. x4 14 UNDER HER CHRISTMASTREE I)b i 4 Y F 4 e4 'To delight the girl at the head of your~ list - . , vvA4,. 4 make sure you select her gift at COLLINS - 'here quality and good taste insure the best 4 you can buy! Lingerie - gowns, slips, panties, Zoe Eoard hankies in lovely prints. Exquisite day-time and evening bags. Gloves - fabric, kid and pig- skin. Nylon and Twist-de-Chine Hosiery. 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