WAR EXTRA lg t4* A4F, r4t g an ~~Iatr 4A. M. FINAL VOL. LI. No. 60A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIV COM' Z-323 PRICE FiVE CE~T8 JAP AT HEAVY TACKS TAKE U.S. TOLL U.S. Fleet Commander Japan Attacks Hawaii Bases With Surprise Morning Rai Warships In Pearl Harbor Are Reported Damaged; Two Invading Planes Shot Down At Honolulu Toll Of First Day Given In Summary HONOLULU, Dec. 7 - (0) - War struck suddenly and without warning from the sky and sea today at the Hawaiian Islands. Japanese bombs took a heavy toll in American lives. Cannonading offshore indicated a naval engagement in progress. Wave after wave of planes streaked over Oahu in an attack which the army said started at 8:10 a.m., Hon- olulu time, and which ended at around 9:25, an hour and 15 minutes later. Witnesses said they counted at least 50 planes in the initial attack. The attack seemed to center obn Hickman Field, huge army airport three miles northwest of Honolulu, and Honolulu, where the islands' hesavit 'rifjcations ae w td. The planes streamed through the sky from the southwest, their bombs shattering the morning calm. Most of the attackers flew high, but a few came low, five down to under a hun- dred feet elevation to attck Pearl Harbor. Oi Tank Hit An oil tank there was seen blazing, and smoking. An unconfirmed report said one ship in the harbor was on] its side and four others burning. Army officials said two Japanese planes had been shot down in the Honolulu area. Planes which did not bomb Pearl Harbor apparently headed for Hick- man Field. But there the attackers apparently did not confine themselves to the heavily fortified areas. From Wahiawa, a town of 3,000 population about 20 miles northwest of Honolulu,] came reports that 10 or more persons were injured when enemy planes sprayed bullets on the streets. Unconfirmed reports said the at- tackers came from two airplane car- riers. United States destroyers were seen steaming full speed from Pearl Har- bor, and spectators reported seeing1 shell splashes in the ocean, indicating an engagement between United States and Japanese ships /Several fires were started in the ] Honolulu area, but all were immedi- ately controlled. Damage Not Revealed There was no immediate statement; by military officials here as to whe- ther any service men were killed or injured, or as to property damage at military and naval posts. (Soon after this dispatch was tele- phoned, a tight censorship was im- posed on dispatches from the Hawai- ian Islands. In Washington, some hours later, the War Department gave the White House a preliminary esti- mate that 104 were dead and more than 300 wounded in the army forces alone by the bombing.) The Japanese aggression, which the United States officially and unequivo- cally described as "treacherous andt utterly unprovoked," bore these fruits for the Fnpire, as summed up from official and unofficial sources: Up to 350 U.\S. soldiers killed .and more than 300 wounded at Hick- man Field, Hawaiian Islands; The U. S. Battleship Oklahoma set afire and two other U. S. ships at Pearl Harbor attacked; Heavy damage to Honolulu resi- dence districts, where there were unnumbered casualties; Rear Admiral C. C. Bloch, com- manding the 14th naval district which tmbraces Hawaii, heads the United States fleet which went into action yesterday against the Japanese attackers. S i.r Moscow Says I l Two Divisions Reported' Wiped Out By Russians In Northern Sectors LONDON, Dec. 7.--A")-The Mos- cow radio asserted tonight that =the Russian&s had broken the German line at two points on the Moscow front, In one break-through, north of Moscow, two German divisions were said to have been completely wiped out. In the other, near Kalini\, 90 miles northwest of the Russian capital, a village was said to have been recap- tured. ' Red Army men who the Germans themselves admitted will die but not 'surrender, not only were holding Mos- cow today against the worst artillery 'beating the Germans could muster but also counter-attacking. In the south, the Soviets continued to push the Germans back along the Sea of Azov from the approaches to Caucasus oil deposits. The oughness of the Russians' de- fense of their capital was best de- scribed by the Berlin radio itself which said the most frightful artillery pounding the termans could bring to bear on the Russians left men and positions unshaken. A German broad ast heard here said: "Our artillery aimed tons of steel for days (at the Russians.) Yet no artillery can possibly smash the num- erous systems of, trenches and many dug-in tanks, which form powerful pillbox posts from every one of which the Russians maintain a terrific fire." Except for Russian-held Tula, 100 miles south of Moscow, which was in danger of being surrounded; war dis- paches here gave the Soviets the up- per hand here on virtually every ac- tiVe sector of the almost completely snowbound Russian front. The Kuibyshev radio commentator said the Russians had advanced from 50 to 75 miles since opening the of- fensive which rooted the Germans out of Rostov, gateway city of the Cau- casus. CIO Mine Workers Win Union Shop In Captive Mines NEW YORK, Dec. 7. -(A)- The United Mine Workers of America (CIO) tonight won a 2-to-1 Arbitr y- tion Board decision awarding a union shop in captive mines owned by the country's major steel producers. The decision was announced by Dr. John R. Steelman, chairman on the board who was granted a leave of ab- sence as director of the U.S. Concili- ation Service to head the arbitrators. John L. Lewis, president of the union, agreed with Steelman in the majority opinion. Benjamin F. Fair- less, president of the United States Steel Corporation, dissented and re- BULLETINS NEW YORK, Dec. 8.-(P)-Australia has declared war on Japan, the Columbia Broadcasting System correspondent in that country reported tonight in a cable received her. CBS said the correspondent sent this cable: "Australia declared war on Japan. "Carefully elaborated plansi. . were immediately put into opera- tion. The average Australian is now facing the present situation with relief and enthusiasm." NEW YORK, Monday, Dec. 8.--iP)-NB'C reported from Manila early today that it had received a report that the U.S. transport General Hugh L. Scott, formerly an American President liner, had been sunk about 1600 miles from Manila. NBC relayed another report from Manila that the forme President Harrison, now a transport which has been sent to China to evacuate Americans, "had been either seized or sunk in the Yangtze River, just south of Shanghai." NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-W)-The Berlin radio tonight broadcast a Tokyo announce'nent that the U.S. Battleship West Virginia had been sunk and the Battleship Oklahoma set afire in an engagement between the Japanese and the U.S. and British navies. The broadcast was heard by CBS. The Berlin broadcast said that the battle was "still going on" ad that altogether three U.S. ships were hit. The third was not named. * * - * * LONDON, Monday, Dec. 8.-(A)-A Reuters dispatch from Shang- hai today quoted an unconfirmed report circulated there saying U.S.- owned Wake Island had been occupied by the Japanese. The British News Agency said the Shanghai rumors had it that the pccupation of Wake was accomplished peacably. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(JP)-The Civil Aeronautics Authority issued orders tonight grounding all private airplanes in the United States and its possessions, except commercial airliners. The CAA suspended temporarily all pilot licenses except those held by pilots on regular air lines. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7.-U)-Premier Hideki Tojo told the Japanese people in a broadcast from Tokyo tonight "I hereby promise you that Japan will win final victory." He said Japan was declari _,war on the United States for "self protection and self existence." LONDON, Monday, Dec. 8.-P)--The British Parliament was called into special session for 3 p.m. today (9 a.m., EST) to hear a Government state- ment which everyone agreed would be a declaration of war against Japan which was expected to coincide with similar action by the United States. * ,' . 4 4 BALBOA, Canal Zone, Dec. 7.-(P)-A blackout of the Canal Zone and Panama was ordered tonight effective at 6:30 p.m. HONGKONG, Dec. 8.-4A1-Hongkong had its first air-raid alarm to- day when nine Japanese planes bombed Kowloon, mainland sector of this British Crown Colony. NEW YORK, De'. 8-A)-The British radio reported 10 Japanese ships were sighted today in the Gulf of Siam (Thailand) off Bankok, the Thai capital. The broadcast was heard by CBS. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-P(A)-Civilian air raid wardens in the Capital were ordered on the alert tonight by J. Russell Young, civilian defense co- ordthator here, in a radio message which urged citizens to stay off the streets and reduce illumination as far as possible. { "Every enrolled air raid warden in every section of the metropolitan area should arrange for a constant watch tonight and into tomorrow. Not less than four citizens in every block of this area should remain constantly on the alert during the night and until after sun-up. "Citizens not attending to necessary business should remain indoors and off the streets. All unnecessary use of roads and streets should be avoided. All driving lights should be dimmed. "This does not mean a blackout," he added. Campus Response To Crisis: JapaneserWar On United States Brings Varied Faculty Reactions Speech To Joint Of Senate, House Session Today Chief Executive Summons Congressional Leaders, Cabinet Members To Emergene Meeting WASHINGTON, Monday, Dec. 8.--(J)-Bombs from Japan made war on the United States today and as death tolls mounted President Roosevelt announced he would deliver in person today a special message to Congress. In the background as the Commander-in-Chief went before the joint session of the House and Senate was a Government report of "heavy" Naval and "large" losses to the Army. Whether Mr. Roosevelt will ask for a formal declaration of war by this country, to match the action taken In Tokyo, was left uncertain after a hurriedly summoned meeting of his Cabinet and Congressional leaders of both parties last night at the White House. Also uncertain was whether that declaration might extend to Japan's Axis Allies, Germany and Italy. It was clear from a statement made by the participants, however, that Congress would be requested to adopt a resolution of some nature, and equally clear that it would quickly give its approval. A request for govern- >mental power equivalent to that under a war declaration was expected as a minimum. As quickly as word of the first bursting bomb was received, Nippon Break the President as Commander-in-Chief called upon the Army and Navy to repel the attack. Far in advance of any action which Congress may take / h A m erica today, the United States was fighting an attack. Tokyo later announced its declaration of war on this country, and Great S ~Britain as well. As was the case here, the British Parliament was called into s tarted t I '3 special session for this afternoon to take action. _ ii ^ r % a i +I - . ;n,... -.. ., .. ..,a.. ....:. . _. _ L _ _ i _ .. _ Nation Awaits Roosevelt Chinese Invasion Began Decade Of Friction With Japanese - By GLENN BABB (Associated Press Cable Staff) Japanese-American friendship last- ed a half century and began to break up in 1931. Eighty-eight years ago America in- troduced Japan to the family of na- tions; in the decades that followed Americans encouraged, fostered, took an almost paternal pride in Japan's spectacular rise to world power. In the main, two or three generations of Japanese responded with gratitude, admiration and efforts to emulate the American way of life. Discord In Advancea But in Japan's very advance were elements of discord; she 'became a great power and embarked on a vast imperial program which made even the wide Pacific Ocean too small to contain both Japanese ambitions and America's conception of her own safety. Small frictions which arose some 35 years ago developed slowly until 1931, when Japan plunged into Man- churia and embarked on a program of expansion and conquest. Seen in retrospect , it seems clear now that that was'"the turning point in'Ameri- can-Japanese relations, ,that clashl in faraway Mukden the night of Sep- temper 18, 1931; even the turning point of modern history. From there Japan went on to the first successful defiance of the existing world order, showing the way to Mussolini and Hitler. Cold Relations For ten years there have been only coldly polite relations between Wash- ington and Tokyo. Formal diplomatic ties barely concealed growing hostil- ity. The pace of the movement toward collision has steadily increased; in the past year it has become an avalanche. Japan has aligned herself with Ger- many and Italy and proclaimed a new order for Europe, Africa and Asia. The United States has decided that her interests lie with the nations fighting to prevent establishment of that order, to which Japan's contri- butions have been the conquest of Manchuria, the over-running of east- ern China, the subjection of French Indo-China, the declaration of her purpose to dominate all "Greater East Asia." U. S. Joins Others So the United State has taken her place alongside Britain, China, Russia, the Netherlands and the other gov- ernments, mostly in exile, which are fighting the Axis. Of these China has been fighting Japan more than, four years and Britain, Russia and The Quickiy, many or the discordant elements which have been bickering over foreign policy for months, united in a sglid front of support for the war. Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) issued a statement declaring his support, and General Robert Wood, chairman of the America First Committee, made a similar declaration. At the same time, the other republics of his hemisphere were rallying to the support of the United States. Canada declared war on Japan and so. did Costa Rica. Mexico unhesitating ly ranged itself beside its northern The President will address a joint session of Congress at 12:30 p.m. today. This announce- ment was made following a special meeting of the Cabinet and Congressional leaders at the White House last night. neighbor. All the nations of the continent were officially iformed of Japan's "treacherous attack" and the State Department reported a heart- ening number of immediate sympathetic responses. And America's allies in this war, tco, were busy. In addition to prepara- tions for today's parliament meeting in London, the Government of the Dutch East Indies declared war on Jal an. . Out in the Far Pacific, meanwhil , American soldiers and sailors were dead or dying. War Department estimates said that 104 had been killed on the island of Oahu alone, with more than 300 wounded. Oahu is the largest of the Hawaiian islands. The reference to "heavy" losses to the Navy came from the White House itself, and led some to connect the phrase with recurrent unofficial reports that a battleship of the line had been sunk. There were unofficial reports, too, that a Japanese aircraft carrier had been sent to the bottom. It was a calm, unhurried Capital that went to war today, a Capital completely devoid of parades, cheerinis and the usual exuberant outburst of demonstrative patriotism. A cluster of people, peering through the pickets of the White House fence, and special guards posted 4t some buildings was the only evidence of what had taken place. Cabinet, Congressional Leaders Meet The Cabinet and the Congressional group gravely gathered for last- night's conference at the White House, a session at which an official state- ment said, all the information that had been received was carefully classi- fied as between fact and rumor. Until the time of the meeting it had been assumed that a declaration of war by the United States would come today as a matter of course, However, the President's callers, for the most part, referred only to the announcement of the joint session and Mr. Roosevelt's speech, as they left the Executive Mansion. This was matter-of-factly announced by Chairman Connally (Dem.- Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Speaker Rayburn, questioned by the newsmen, said the Chief Executive did not disclose what he was going to say, and, asked if there would be'a declaration of war, replied: "I don't know." There Will Be Congressional Unity Rayburn added, however, that a declaration of war was one thing upon which there would be Congressional unity. Representative Martin (Rep.-Mass.), the minority floor leader, asked whether there had been a discussion of abandoning politics during the wpr emergency said: "This is a serious moment. We were not talking about politics. Of course there will be none." . r And from Senator McNdry (Rep.-Ore.), the Republican floor leader, came a statement that his party colleagues would "all go along with what is done." Japan Attacks Singapore SINGAPORE, Monday, Dec. 8.--P)-The Japanese landed in northern By CLAYTON DICKEY and HALE ChAMPION Japan's sudden plunge into all-. out war in the Pacific, surprised, but on the whole didn't faze, Michigan's well-informed faculty. Those that were at home wvhen the news broke were ready instantly with their re- actions, many of which included sub- jects not touched in rapid-fire news reports. Prof. Preston W. Slosson, after two hours of listening to radio bulletins, declared that this new phase of World War II would soon become integrat- ed with the whole and that the U.S. would become even more entangled in the other phases. Adding that this was evidently an all-out gamble on the part of the Japanese which must make or break them in a short time, Slosson stated that the purpose of the war did not include Oriental suprem- acy aloe, but rather was an at- te ct to end all American inflo- anese move by asking that we re- member that it is the Tokyo military clique that is responsible for this wild gamble, not the millions of common people who have no voice in their government. He further stressed that perhaps a clean break was better, for it cleared the air of uncertainty and clarified issues. McDowell also commented on the possibility that German-Jap- anese naval cooperation might bring World War II to a stage in which it would be the Allies against the Axis with no holds barred. How the Japanese declaration in the face of certain United States resistance will affect the Selective Service draft was described by Ed- win C. Goddard, professor emeritus of law and chairman of the Ann Arbor draft board. Although God- dard has as yet received no instruc- tions from the War Department at Washington, it is his belief that