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December 07, 1941 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-07

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Fights Rising Auto Death Toll Political Role a, i

for Christmas
Shop at

Maxwell Halsey, new Michigan state highway traffic safety director,
taling over his job in Lansing, said he considered Michigan, the auto-
mobile state, was an ideal "test tube" for traffic safety experimentation.

* * *

Band To Present
Concert Tuesday
Its first out-of-town appearance
of the year, the University Concert
Band under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli, will present a
concert Tuesday in Jackson.
Among the featured numbers on
the program will be Thomas' "Ray-
mond Overture;" a trumpet trio,
"The Three Trumpeters," by Agos-
tini; Polonaise from Rimsky-Korsa-
kov's opera "Christmas Night;" and
a "Christmas Fantasie" by Lillya, in
keeping with the holiday spirit.
Also scheduled to appear on the
program, which will close witp "Mel-
odies of Michigan," a series of Michi-
gan songs, is the Band quartet, the
Meta-Four, presenting old-time mel-
odies in barber shop style.
Buses will leave at 4:15 p.m. Tues-
day from Morris Hall, Professor Rg-
velli announced.


Every purchase helps to build Henderson House


State Can Be
Safety Model,
Expert Says
LANSING, Dec. 6-(Pi-A research
expert whose laboratory has been the
highway system of America believes
Michigan has a potential traffic safe-
ty set-up which could become an ex-
ample and stimulant to every state
inthe nation.
The man is Maxwell Halsey, re-
cently appointed executive secretary
of Michigan's new state safety com-
mission, who last week took up the job
of coordinating a score of "well-
grounded" traffic safety and control
programs in the state.
Formerly At Harvard
Halsey left a position as associate
director of Iarvard University's Bu-
reau for Street Traffic Research to
tackle the Michigan job because,
he said, he believes this state can be-
come a model for the nation.
"Michigan is a key state and there
is a chance to do a real job here."
Halsey declared. "It has the third
most automobile registrations in the
nation and is the center of the de-
fense production program with all the
highway traffic problems which that
has created. It is the center of the
automobile industry and more than
that, its four governinental units in-
terested in safety are well-developed
and provide a basis for new advances
in traffic planning."
Michigan, Halsey asserted, is better
prepared than many states to get a
head-start in a "growing understand-
ing throughout the nationof what a
basic safety program must contain."
State Need
State governments generally are
finding, he said, a need for coordina-
tion of departmental traffic programs.
"Many times departments start out
with entirely sound and valuable safe-
ty programs without ever consulting
the other agencies in the same field
to see what they, too, are doing. The
result is confusing, waste and inef-
Halsey declared many states have
resorted to more detailed program-
ming to step up the efficiency of their
programs. Such states may have a
well-developed winter safety pro-
gram for 1942 under way now."
Bald To Deliver Lecture
On John Donne Writings
A poet who; has had profound in-
fluence on modern poetry will be dis-
cussed by an authority on 16th and
17th century England when Prof.
R. C. Bald of Cornell University de-
livers a University Lecture on "The
Poet and His Reading: John Donne"
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
The lecture, given under the aus-
pices of the Department of English,
will be open to the public.
Professor Bald will also deliver a
lecture to members of the English
department and graduate students at
8 p.m. tomorrow in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on "Evidence and Inference in

A. SCULL, month-on-a-page engagement cal-
endar. 10x1112 inches. 50 cents.
B. GADABOUT, week-on-a-page erngage-
ment calendar. Slips easily into your desk.
6x9 inches. 75 cents.
able in blue or mulberry. 41/2 inches,
diameter. 75 cents.
yellow and blue. Pictures of League and
Union. Double deck, $1.25.
E. GOBB-L-BIL folders, genuine leather, 3x
31/4 inches. Navy blue with gold seal,
in calfskin and in alligator. Billfold $1,
with coin purse, $1.25.
KINS -Designed to match Michigan
china in blue or mulb6rry. 52x72 inches.
Belgian linen, made for us by McGibbon
& Co. of New York City. Cloths, $4 each;
napkins, 25 cents each. Boxed and
wrapped in yellow and blue.
G. CHILDREN'S BOOKS - Illustrated - By
Sadycbeth and Anson Lowitz. Sets of
evcn at $3.50, singly 50 cents:

Mr. Key's Song
The Pilgri is' Party.
Barefoot Abe
General George the Great
The Magic Fountain
Tom Edison Finds Out

of Alice Freeman and George Herbert
Palmer, 1886-1887. An introduction by
Caroline Hazard, former President of Wel-
lesley College. Price $3.
I. A second edition of the BLUE BOOK OF
COOKING - just off the press with a new
Index and new illustrations. The same re-
cipes that sold.the first 5,000. $1.25
J. "WALKIES" - A Nurse, Clown, Donkey,
Penquin, Mammy, Santa, Doughboy, Rab-
bit Mamma, Br'er Rabbit, Sailor, Ele-
phant. They walk. 35 cents - 41/2 inches
K. JUST IN FROM ENGLAND, our first ship-
ment of the recently designed dessert or
salad plate - 91% inches. Border same,
as service plate, center design Michigan
seal' $16 a dozen C.O.D., while they last.
The next shipment may not he ovoilohle


I It

Yo" Ill -aint that pert!) to be love-
ly, set tid luIxuriant, TD1Mk4A TTIAS

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