Bob Westfall
To Be Feted
All-Americans To Gather
At Testimonial Tuesday
Throughout the nation he is known
as Michigan's great All-American
fullback, but to local sports fans Bob
Westfall is the pride of Ann Arbor,
and that pride will be manifest when
the city gathers to pay tribute to Bob
at a testimonial dinner Tuesday in
the Union.
Westfall, who has been named by
Grantland Rice to the Collier's maga-
zine All-American team, generally
considered the most authoritative se-
lection, becomes the twenty-third
Michigan player and the fifth Ann
Arbor boy to be so honored.
A host of All-Americans and local
dignitaries will be on hand as speak-'
ers and special guests. Willie Heston,
Michigan's first contribution to All-
American fame in 1903 and 1904,
Harry Kipke, Ernie Allmendinger,
Henry Vick, Jack Blott, Bennie oos-
terbaan and Otto Pommerening, all
of whom were acclaimed in yester-
years, will be present to help Bob cli-
max his biggest season.,
Lou Hollway, who coached Bob at
An Arbor high school, and Fritz
Crisler, on whose teams Bob became
one of the nation's top-ranking backs,
will be the two *principalf speakers.
Tickets for the banquet, which is
scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., are
now, on sale in thpUnioii.
Gyihnastics Coach Thinks Team
Good Enough For Varsity Sport
Perhaps you remember.
It was between the halves of a'
home basketball game last winter. A
parallel bar apparatus was trundled
onto the court and a company of
youths mainly composed of biceps,
triceps and deltoid muscles mounted
the device and did everything on it but
conduct a quiz program.I
This was the University of Michi-
gan exhibition gymnastic team. That
they are plenty good anybody who was
there that night can tell you, but
folks, that was just the hors d'oeuvres.
Versatile Exhibitionists
The routine on the parallels is only
one small part of their entire reper-
toire. The stuff they do on the higha
bar is a killer-diller and their work
on the flying rings is peachy to say
the least. Besides which they also
do a handsome job on the side and
long horses and in the tumbling de-
This little-known but polished
group is coached by Dr. Elmer Towns-
ley, assistant athletic director of Wa-
terman Gym, and Elmer saysthat the
boys are enough in demand around
and about this and neighboring states
that they.could put on an exhibition
every week if they could maintain
their grades in the win column while
so doing.. .
As it is, they limit the major part
Iof their show season to'the first half
of the second semester, when they put
on exhibitions in various Michigan
secondary schools.
So the gym team is good. So what?
So just this.
Elmer thinks it is good enough to
warrant having gymnastics organized
into a varsity sport.
At present Minnesota, Illinois, Chi-
cago and sometimes Iowa have var-
sity gym teams ifn the Big Ten. They
have annual Conference and national
tournaments at Chicago, and to date
the Gophers and the Illini have
walked off with all the loving cups.
Competitive Difficulties
There is only one significant dif-
ference between exhibitionary and
competitive gymnastics. In the for-
mer the emphasis is on good form and
spectacular movements; and some-
times the latter, while very crowd
pleasing, are really very simple to do.
But in competition points are gar-
nered on a combination of good form
with difficulty. Just like in diving,
that is. You do a toughie withicon-
summate finesse, you get a houseful
of points. And Coach Townsley is
confident that it would be not too
difficult for his already superior
showmen to pick up those tricks with
a high difficulty +rating.
Especially he feels they could do it
if they had, besides their love of gym-
nastics itself, the added incentive of
being the varsity representatives of
Michigan in intercollegiate compe-
Several athletes find that a nice
thing to be fighting for.
Bears Must Down
Cardinals Today
To Tie For Title
CHICAGO, Dec. 6-VP)-The offices
of the National Football League here
are being swamped with telephone
"Where do we get tickets for the
Bears-Packers playoff game Dec. 14?"Ā¢
To which the League headquarters
staff replies:!
"Sorry, we have no playoff sched-
uled for that date."
The League isn't conceding a Chi-
cago Bear victory,over the Chicago
Cardinals tomorrow, and neither is
George Halas, owner and manager of
the Bears, who need to beat their
South Side rivals to end their regularJ
season in a deadlock with the Green
Bay Packers for the Western Division
Then, and only then, will a playoff
between the Packers be arranged for
Dec. 14 in Wrigley Field. Thewinner
will meet the New York Giants, East-
ern Division champion, Dec. 21 in the
League's championship game.
Texas Displays
Mighty Offense
In 714_Victory
Longhorns Crush Oregon
In Finale; Texas A&M
Con(ftters Cougars, 7-
AUSTIN, Tex., Dec. 6--(UP)-The
team called Texas' greatest in history'
reached the end of the gridiron trail
today with a smashgig 71 to 7 victory
over the University of Oregon.
Crushing the heavier Pacific Coast
Conference squad at every turn, the
Texans, scoring almost at will, used
three full teams to demolish the Web-
The Longhorn first stringers, head-
ed by Pete Layden, Jack Crain, Mal-
colm, Kutner, et al, were accorded a
tremendous ovation when they left
the field for the last time.
About the only weapon used with
any effect by Oregon was passing
and a tricky hand-off reverse play by
which it managed its only score. This
came in the second period when,
catching the Steers flatfooted, half-
back James Newquist handed the ball
to Curt Mecham, who chased wide for
eight yards and the marker.
Devastating blocking and raging
line play on the part of the Steers
featured the contest which bowed out
16 Texas seniors.
AlIabaima Next
TACOMA, Dec. 6-(A)-A couple of
substitute sophomore backs teamed
in the fading minutes of the first
half today to score the only touch-
down for Texas A.&M., and give the
Aggies a 7 to 0 victory over Washing-
ton State College before more than
25,000 fans in "Evergreen Bowl."
It was the last game for the Aggies,
Southwestern Conference champions,
before they play Alabama in the Cot-
ton Bowl New Year's Day.
The stars were pass pitching Leo
Daniels, a soph in competition al-
though not in classes, and Cullen
Probe Of Jacobs'
Activities Sought
serting "It's about time somebody did
something about it," U. S. Represen-
tative James P. McGranery said to-
night he intended to ask Attorney
General Francis Biddle to investigate
the position of Mike Jacobs, New York
promoter, in the boxing world.
"It's pretty near time fqr a fellow
to be able to put on a decent boxing
show without declaring Jacobs in,"
McGranery declared. "In my opinion
Jacobs has reached the point where
he has constituted himself the trust
of boxing."
VOL. LITI No. 60
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members or the University.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople today from 4
to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the
restricted zone on South University
between 4:00 and 6:30.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
Wednesday afternoon, December 10,
from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Travel Tax Exemption Certificates:
As the offices of common carriers do
not regard it as appropriate for them
to carry a supply of tax exemption
certificates, notice is hereby repeat-
ed that every person preparing to
travel at University expense should
provide himself with the necessary
number of tax exemption certificate
blanks (Form No. 5805) previous to
purchasing his ticket. These blanks
may be had at the University Busi-
ness Office, from Dr. F. E. Robbins
in the, President's Office when ap-I
proval of travel requisitions is se-
cured, orat the offices of Deans or
Directors of schools and colleges.
It is further requested that, in
purchasing tickes for such travel,
notice be given that the tickets are
tax exempt before the common car-
rier employees prepare such tickets.
Time, extra labor, and stationary will
thus be saved.
All departments, therefore, should
secure a supply of these blanks from
the University Business Office.
Shirley W. Smith
To the Members of the University
Council: There will be a meeting of
the University Council on Monday,
December 8, at 4:15 p.m. in Room
1009 AH.
Minutes of the meeting of Novem-
ber 10, 1941.
Subjects o ffered by members of the
Reports of the Standing Commit-
Program and Policy-J. P. Dawson.
ReportĀ° concerning the function and
size of the Council.
Educational Policies-R. Schorling.
Report on Inter4nediate Staff Posi-
tions. Report concerning Latin Amer-
ican Relations.
Student Relations-O. W. Boston.
Public Relations-I. vT. Smith. N
Plant and Equipment-R. W. Ham-
Louis A. Hopkins
Public Health Students: All stu- fessor Lindsay will speak on the fol-
dents in the School of Public Health lowing topics: (1) The Absorption of
who expect certificates or degrees in X-Rays by Silicon; 12) Newton's
February, 1942. must make applica- Third Law of Motion
tion at once in Room 2014 Kellogg
Institute, The applications must be To Students Enrolled for Series of
filed not later than December 19. Lectures on Naval Subjects: Captain
Christmas Vacation Jobs: A repre-
sentative of Fred Sanders, Inc., of
Detroit will be at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation on Tuesday to interview men
for delivery work during the Christ-
mas vacation. Applicants must live
in Detroit and have car available.
For appointment, call at the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, or phone 4121, Ex-
tension 371.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Bacteriological Seminar will meet
Monday, Dec. 8, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: "The
Immunological Specificity of Organs
and Tissues." All interested are cor-
dially invited.
Physics Colloquium will be held
Monday, December 8, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 1041 Randall Laboratory. Pro-
Lyal A. Davidson, U.S. Navy, Profes-
sor of Naval Science and Tactics,
University of Michigan will deliver a
lecture on "The Naval Officer" at
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 9, in
Room 348 West Engineering Builld-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building, on Tuesday, December 9,
at 7:30 p.m. "Two Anticoagulants:
Heparin and the Factor in 'Sweet
Clover Disease will be discussed.
All interested are invited.
Psychology 31, Lectures I. ant iTit:
Examihatlion will cover Chapters 5
through 12, and 14 in Guilford, and
assigned readings in Valentine.
Boston Symphony Orchestra: The
sixth concert in the Choral Union
Series will be given by the Boston
(Continued o0Page 4)
:'. . ..>
$ .40 per15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)e k
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each .
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
Our Want-Ad Department
will be happy to assist you in
composing your ad. Stop at the
Michigan Daily Business Of-
fice, 420 Maynard Street.
RIDE to Denver or vicinity for
Christmas vacation. Willing to
share expenses and driving. Box'
9, Michigan Daily.
SHARE EXPENSES.-a familiar
note at this pre-holiday period. No
doubt, many of you have just such
a need-or perhaps ;it's the car
you're looking fdr! For a timely
solutlh to your problem, use the
DAILY Classifieds. We bring peo-
ple together who should get to-
TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May-
nard iSt., phone 5689._
MVIISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, alsq mimeographing. Notary
public Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.,
IrIt's nottoo late
with your name . ..50for $1.00 andup I
24-Hour Service
SHOWS TODAY at 1-3-5-7--9 P.M.
MOR SALE-Springer spaniel pups.
Eligible -for registration. 5040 Seio
Church Road. Phone 25-8477.
BUILDING SITES in desirable dis-
tricts. .5 acres on hard surfaced
road. High with beautiful views of
the Iuron valley. $1,200. 40 acres
2 miles out near school and main
highway. New well. $5,000. 19
acres east of Ann Arbor, $6,000.
20 acres close-in. $4,000. Also good
farms. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest.
Phone 2-2839. 160c
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low' price. 2c
THE mole's hands are big aad strong
from digging in the ground but he
will freeze- if somebody " doesn't
bring him a reversible. Buck Daw-
son, 707 Oxford. Phone 2-3101.
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State.'ec
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Compqny, phone
7112. 7c
Voice - Instrumental - Conversational
messages for Christmas presents.
For information telephone 3100.
NOW ! DushivU fammett's Stoary!
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main -St' Phone 2-2736. c
THE SPIRIT of the Holiday
Season is already with us:
Let no more time pass be-
fore you too have decorat- i
ed appropriately.
See our completed selec-
.tion of center pieces and
Christmas wreathes.
i s