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December 06, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-06

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01-gan Bally

Letters To The Editor

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Edited and managed by students of the University of,
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
*University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Asso eated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of, all news dispatches credited to-
It or not otherwise credited in this neepaper. Al
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
reserved. t
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular s'chool year by
carrie $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- , Collese Psblshers RePresenhaive
420 MADisoN AV.. NEW Y RV-K N. Y.
Slember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff


smnle 0el6 ..
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick .
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hil .
Janet Hiatt .
mrace Miller
Virginia Mitchell


* . . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
. . . . .City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. .Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

a n#,
.:;;: :
f '.

Business Staff
Daniel $. Huyett . . . Business Manager
James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager
Iouise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager
Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Nation's Youth Hit

By NYA Slash .
A SERIOUS BLOW was struck at the
National Youth Administration pro-
gram, early this week when announcement was
made of a retroactive school aid reduction which
left University, college, high school and out-of-
school NYA projects with little more than half
of their original NYA budgets.
The order, which slashed the University's allot-
ment from $94,150 to $74,520, came as part' of
a wholesale cut by the Federal government in all
projects not directly connected with defense.
At the University it will mean that no NYA
jobs will be offered during the last month of
the school year and that all students who do
not fulfill their quota of work hours per
month will have that quota cut.
THAT IN ITSELF is not a fatal blow to the,
NYA. But of serious consternation to NYA
administrators and' youth leaders throughout
the country is the ever-present possibility that
there will be further slashes, and possibly com-
plete abolishment of the NYA program, due to.
additional defense expenditures.
t1'he excuse of Washington politicians is that
the NYA is not directly allied with defense, that
in time of emergency there is no need for spend-
ing money on projects with little immediate re-
But behind such blind slashes in govern-
ment expenditure there lies a danger of ne-
glecting the youth of a nation which will have
to rebuild it after the chaos of war. Isola-
tionists and interventionists will apparently
agree to this.
THE NYA serves the function of providing
funds for students who could not attend col-
lege without NYA work. It is, as one NYA official
put it, "a capital investment in brains for the
True enough, there are no guns manufactured
on NYA projects, no tanks Land airplanes pro-
duced for war. But no m~atter how a person
looks at the war, it is apparent that to promote
education and personality development among
the youth of today is to make a sound investment
toward a better, more peaceful world after war.
There is danger in a short-sighted policy
that cuts off every resource of a nation ex-
cept those directed toward the immediate
future. After the. war it is the youth of a
natioft that remolds policies for peace, that
must gpide it safely through the dangerous
rapids 'of cyclical recurrence of man's self-
HERE IS A PLACE for the American people
to take a stand, and particularly for the
student to assert himself. A government that
neglects the youth of an age neglects the future
of its country, and steers for certain chaos even
during time of peace.
-Bill Baker
Last Chance
To Support alens . ..
second day it appears a certainty
that the crippled children at the University hos-
pital will have their workshop for another year,
in addition to the ptlssing happy hour of a

Rust Backs His Beliefs
To the Editor:
IN TUESDAY'S DAILY I noted that Prof. By-
ron C. Rust, who helped to circulate the
Wells-Slosson petition at Wayne University, will
report for volunteer overseas duty on Jan. 3rd
with the Canadian Air Corps. I hope that the
campus cynics likewise took note. There have
been too many sneers about the sincerity of
those who believe that America should no longer
stand idly on the sidelines while fascism and
freedom are locked in a death grapple.
Byron Rust fought in the last war for the
same reason that he goes to fight in this war-
and for the same cause for which he has worked
tirelessly during the intervening years. He be-
lieves in a world in which petty nationalism
gives way to international cooperation. He be-
lieves in a world which is governed by law, in-
terpreted by a court of justice and backed up
by an international police force-a world which
is neither at the mercy of hoodlum's with private
armies nor commercial interests dictated by the
American dollar or the pound sterling. He be-
lieves in a world in which men may live out
their lives in peace.,
THE MEN OF SCIENCE, the men who know
most about history and philosophy and gov-
ernment, should be in the vanguard of the forces
fighting Hitler-either on the battle front or
on the home front. They should also be in the
vanguard of the forces who make the peace.
Byron Rust fights once more to reopen the
road to a better world. When that road has been
cleared-when the human wastage has been
swept away-let those who know the past so
well relate that knowledge to the present and
help build the just and free world order toward
which mankind has . groped so long and
- Beatrice S. Henshaw
The Reply Churlish
SOMEONE HAS SAID it is better to stay in bed
all day than to get up out of bed on the
wrong side. I have never quite been able to
figure out how I could get up out of the wrog
side of my bed-it is right smack against a wall,
unless perhaps the wrong side is the only side I
ever can get out of, but that's the way it goes,,
and when I finally arose yesterday afternoon
with that feeling of being dragged through some-
body's wringer, there was my nice subscription
copy of the January Esquire waiting for me
A little later I went over to the photographer's
to get my pictures, and so now I feel even worse.
And to crown everything else She was cold and
aloof to me in the midst of a crowded Gargoyle
An so I write this with a sort of literary bad
taste in my mouth, She Will say it is not literary.
However, strange as it may seem, this has noth-
ing to do with a Pi Phi,' but with the subject of
that earlier catastrophe in my life, the copy of
Esquire. Perhaps there is some excuse for maga-
zines in times like these. (nb, whatinhell did
she mean "until vacation"-maybe after Xmas,
huh? Heigh ho. But she's so lovely and fey and
queenlike, like a Pi Phi in the sky.) And then
again perhaps there isn't. Not for Esquire any-
how, because if times are as bad as these, people
seem to enjoy that phoney note struck more
successfully in the Biggest Bookful for Fifty
Cents than anywhere else in the magazine world.
Certainly no poet writing for Esquire would be
upset about the world. You can't upset people
"like that. And the same goes for anybody else
writing for the outfit. (But if only she wouldn't
be so unconcerned. Like I said, life is so short,
things so uncertain. She has nice hair, and is
a lady. Nb, why don't ladies like me?)
IN THE JANUARY ISSUE there are as there
always are, things by Manuel Komroff-who
once wrote a good book, called Coronet-I think
he sold the title to that other art magazine the
Esquire people used to get out, and maybe that's
how he got the job he has now, and by all the
other guys who are always hanging around the

offices in Chicago, such as Phil Stack, who does
the funny verses for the nudy pictures, and very
unfunny verses they are indeed, with especial
reference to the annual Vargas calendar, in
which the only thing I have to say is that the
verse ain't any worse than the pictures, and what
ever happened to George Petty the spray gun
artist who shot bears (and bares, ha ha ha ha.)
And there are also many many whiskey adds,
and clothing adds, to say nothing of those beau-
tiful tanned gents with the white whiskers who
sport the fancy houndstooth jackets and the
walking sticks that open up for you to sit down
at the races and the only place I ever saw one
of them being put to the use for which God and
the manufacturers intended it was at a free
concert of a WPA orchestra doing the Overture
William Tell, under a very large proportioned
lady indeed indeed.
(She will probably grow up to be a very large
proportioned lady just like that, but she wouldn't
carry a *alking stick, she's so sweet and like
my own dear momser: and sort of zaftig.)
To conclude, there is very little the average
person can do with Esquire unless he has a table
that rocks, andwants to put it under the short
leg and why not just throw the table away and
cancel your subscription. So long until soon.
afflicted with crippling diseases. The workshop
has kept these children's interest in themselves

The Lewis-Browne 'Debate
To the Editor:N
TUESDAY'S DAILY announced that Lewis
would "debate the nation's fate" at Hill Au-
ditorium. If these two distinguished gentlemen
had any realization of the seriousness of the
problem they were debating, they, in particular
Mr. Lewis, gave little indication of it. They both
exhibited, as The Daily pointed out yesterday,
wit and good feeling. They were urbane, charm-
ing and amusing. But surely this is no abstract
lecture theme: this is no take-off for Mr. Lewis'
"native wit" and Mr. Browne's cultivated charm.
At least so I thought before the so-called debate,
but actually the manner in which this all-
important issue was treated left room for no
other interpretation.
Mr. Lewis chose to describe the crucial politi-
cal situation we face in terms of "personality"
and "nationalistic traits," "faith" and "hope."
He has his own fictional idea of what the world
looks like-as though he were building a plot for
a novel-and he apparently finds it possille to
ignore the differences between the actual world
and his personalized version of it. The most
striking example of this abstract attitude was
his categorical denunciation of the Soviet Union,
Germany and Italy as the three dictatorships to
which the United States stands opposed. The
fact thatthe Soviet Union and the United States
are sworn allies in a life and death struggle with
fascism, that millions of Soviet men and women
are spilling their blood in our common cause,
seems to have escaped Mr. Lewis' notice. The
President has stated it, organized labor is pledged
to it, the American people, by their willingness
to sacrifice and their participation in the de-
fense program, have supported it. The very fact
that a good percentage of the students at the
lecture are subject to the draft, attests to it.
And still Mr. Lewis can speak abstractly.
WHILE Sinclair Lewis would have us, struggle
along .with faith and "the good old Ameri-
can oh-yeah attitude" as insurance against
fascism, he actually lulls us into *a feelingof
security and blinds us to the actual dangers we
face, both in and beyond our own borders. He
tells'us that the failure of Huey Long to become
dictator proved our invulnerability to native
fascism, that the Ku Klux Klan was laughed to
death, when actually (see Pearson and Allen,
Wednesday's Daily) the KKK is still flourish-
ing, along with the qerman-American Bund and
dozens of other anti-semitic, fascist groups, many
of which are connected with the America First
Committee, the voice of appeasement in this
country. Our struggle against fascism must be
an active one, one built on faith and hope for
the future, yes, but also on an appraisal of the
facts as they actually are, on a willingness to
sacrifice our present complacency for our present
and future liberties, and even lives, on a recog-
nition of our duty to ourselves and to our allies
to destroy our common enemy-fascism.
- Miriam Wellington, '42
C e
Drew Ped
(Editor's Note: A brass ring and a ftee ride on
The Washington Merry-Go-Round go this week to ,
Maxim Litvinoff, new Russian Ambassador to wash-
ington, whose colorful career has been a phenom-
enon of international politics.)
WASHINGTON-Six months ago the National
" Conference of the Soviet Communist Party
met in Moscow. For nearly a year Russia had
played Hitler's game. Anti-Hitler Communists
were in bad odor. In especially bad odor was
Maxim Maximovich Litvinoff, one-time foreign
minister. ,
At this meeting of the National Party Confer-
ence, however, Litvinoff was stripped even of
his committee membership. He was ousted on
the grounds of "inability to discharge obliga-

Probably it is typical of the ups and downs of
Russian politics that six months after this low-
est point in Litvinoff's career, he should become
Ambassador to the nation upon whose ftiture
policy the fate of Russia largely depends.
Jailed In London1
BECAUSE Litvinoff had lived in England for
five years,,he was made the first Ambassador
to London after the Soviet finally established
diplomatic relations with His Majesty's Govern-
ment. As such, he spent a month in jail, held as
a hostage for the British agent Bruce Lockhart,
who was h7eld in Moscow. During his imprison-
ment, the Ambassador's sense of humor prompted
him to hang this sign on the door of his cell:
"Military Guest of His Majesty."
Afterwards, Litvinoff was deported, and re-
turned to the Russian Foreign Office where he
served under the famous Tchitcherin. The two
were in constant conflict, each with his own per-
sonal following which tried to dominate the
Foreign Office. r
to maintain a library in the hospital, and to pro-
vide occasional movies suitable for children. Each
of these aims has a definite purpose, to make the
crippled children self reliant, to make them be-
lieve in themselves.
The majority of the collectors will move to

(Continued from Page 2)
Chemist (Explosives) $3800, until
further notice.
Associate Chemist (Explosives)
$3200, until further notice.
Assistant Chemist (Explosives)
$2600, until further notice.
Additional information may be ob-
tained from the University Bureau of
Appointments. Office hours 9-12:
2-4. 201 Mason Hall,
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
A cademc Notices
Bacteriological Seminar will meet
Monday, Dec. 8, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564
East Medical Building. Subject: "The
Immunological Specificity of Organs
and Tissues." All interested are cor-'
dially invited.
Physics Colloquium will be held
Monday, December 8, at 4:15 p.m., in
Room 1041 Randall Laboratory. Pro-
fessor Lindsay will speak on the fol-
lowing topics: (1) The Absorption of
X-Rays by Silicon; (2) Newton's
Third Law of Motion.
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures on Naval Subjects: Captain
Lyal A. Davidson, U.S. Navy, Profes-
sor of Naval Science and Tactics,
University of Michigan will deliver a
lecture on "The Naval Officer" at
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 9, in
Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Psychology 31, Lectures . and III.:
Examination will cover Chapters 5
through 12, and 14 in Guilford, and
assigned readings in Valentine.
Ch.E. 29 Sign-Up list for Salt Run
will be posted today at 1:00 p.m. at
Room 2217, East Engineering Bldg.
Boston Symphony Orchestra: The.
sixth concert in the Choral Union
Series will be given by the Boston
Symphony Orchestra, Serge Kousse-
vitzky, Conductor, Wednesday, De-
cember 10, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. The orchestra will play
three symphonies, the "Haffner"
Symphony by Mozart; William Schu-
man's No. 3; and the Brahms No. 4.
Charles A. Sink, President
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of colored
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackham Building Ex-
hibition Galleries through December
10, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Professor R. C.
Bald of Cornell University will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Poet and his
Reading: John Donne," under the
auspices of the English Language and
Literature, on Monday, Dec. 8, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is cordially in-
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor 'Mar-
ley H. Bartlett of the Department of
Botany, will speak on the subject,
"Plans and Prospects for Rubber de-
velopment in the Western Hemi-
sphere," before the Michigan Chap-
ter of Sigma Xi, on Tuesday, De-
cember 9, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphi-
theater of the Rackham Building.
Members may invite guests.
Events Today
All R.O.T.C. Seniors, Juniors and

Sophomores of the Provisional Com-
pany. The first field problem will be
held today. The company will fall
in at 2 p.m. in front of the West En-
gineering Annex.
Pi Lambda Theta initiation and
banquet will be held at the Michigan
League today at 5:30 p.m. Formal.
The Girl's Inter-Cooperative Per-
sonnel Committee will hold 4n inter-
view today at 1:30 p.m. at the Pick-
erell House on 328 E. Huron. All
those interested will please attend.
The Lane Hall Work-Shop will be
open from 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00
to 6:00 today for a Work Holiday,
repairing and painting toys for dis-
tribution to children in Ann Arbor
at Christmas time. Four hundred
toys must be in order before Christ-
mas vacation so that any student who
will give some time to this work on
Saturday will be very welcome.
"The Blue Bird" by Maurice Mae-
terlinck will be presented tonight for
the last time at 8:30 as the Christmas
offering of Play Production of the
Department of Speech. The box-
office of the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater is open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. For reservations, call 6300.
Women's Bowling Tournament:
The schedule of matches in the wo-
men's individual bowling tournament
is posted in the Women's Athletic
Building. The first match must be
played off by today.



day, December 9, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 1042 E. Engineering Building.
A film "Wings of the Navy" will also
be shown. All boys interested in the
Naval Air Corps or in the Civilian
Pilot Training Course are invited to
Berkshire Music Center: Auditions
for membership in the advanced stu-
dent orchestra for the third summer
term at Tanglewood, July 5 to August
5-will be conducted by members of
the Boston )Symphony Orchestra,
Wednesday, December 10, at 4:30 p.m.
in the Michigan League building.
Religious Education Workshop:
Subject for discussion on Tuesday,
December 9, 7:00-9:00 p.m., in 9
University Hall, will be: "Religion at
the University Level." Panel: Miss
Mildred Sweet and the Reverend C.
H. Loucks. Graduate students wel-
French Chorus: All Cercle Fran-
cais members who are going to sing
carols at Tuesday's meeting will come
to a rehearsal on Sunday at 4:00
p.m., in the Rehearsal Room of the
Michigan League.
International Center: Dr. John
Muyskens will speak on the Sunday
Evening Program at the Interna-
tional Center tomorrow evening at
7:30 p.m. His subject is "Language
and Personality." Anyone interested
is cordially invited to attend.
German Club Christmas party will
be held Tuesday evening, 8:00-9:00,
at the League. Please bring a ten-
cent gift. Everyone is welcome. Re-
Gamma Dea Student Club will
have a fellowship supper at St. Paul's
Church Sunday at 6:00 p.m. A pro-
gram will follow the supper.
Meeting of the Merit System Com-
mittee on Monday at 4:30 p.m. in
the League. Will the members please
have their League House file oom-
Reserve tables for Soph Cabaret at
the League Desk. You may call up.
This assures you a seat from which
you may watch the floor show. Tick-
ets will b on sale at the door.
All committee chairmen for Union
Opera are required to be at the Un-
ion Sunday, Dec. 7, at 6:00 o'clock
sharp for an important meeting.
There will alto be a meeting of the
Executive Committee at the same
time. The room number will be
Wesley Foundaion: Monday Bible
Class at 7:30 p.m. in Room 214 of the
Methodist Church. The next sub-
ject "Money" in the series "Develop-
ing Religious Ideas" will be dis-
St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Bible
Class at 9:30 a.m. Morning worship
service at 10:45. Sermon by Rev.
C. A. Brauer on "Christ's Second
Advent." The first Sunday evening
Advent service begins at 7:45 p.m.
Holy Communion will be celebrated
during the service. Preparatory
service at 7:25 p.m.,
Zion Lutheran Church: Church.
worship service with sermon by Rev.
E. C. Stelhorn on "Advent Admoni-
Trinity Lutheran Church: Service
of worship at 10:30 with sermon by
Rev. Henry O. Yoder on "According
to the Ability."
Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Church
Service, "My Clerical Colleagues."
Discussion by Rev. H. P. Marley of
the two hnks: "One Font in Heavn"

meet at Lane Hall on Sunday.
5:00 p.m. Meeting for worship.
6:00 p.m. Fellowship supper.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. with Prof. Kenneth Hance.
Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "Personal Gift." Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 6:00 p.m. The Graduate
Group will meet in the Recreation
Room for a discussion with Dr. Blake-
man on the subject "The Social and
Emotional." The Group will present
the play "Peace I Give Unto You,"
for the undergraduates. At 7:00 p.m.
both groups will have supper and fel-
lowship hour. *
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Services held in Lydia Mendels-
sohn. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, minister,
will preach on "The World in the
5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high
school group, will meet in Pilgrim
Hall. Miss Irene ' Boelts will talk
on "Life in the Southern Highlands."
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in
Church parlors. Wayne Saari, fresh-
man in the University, will tell of his
travels this summer in a talk en-
titled "50,000' Miles by Thumb." Re-
First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.m.
Graduate Class under Prof. Charles
Brassfield in the church. Undergrad-
uate Class under Rev. C. H. Loucks,
in the Guild Hose. Other classes
for every member of the family.
11:00 a.m. Observance of the Lord's
Supper. Communion Meditation -
"Satisfactions of Sacrifice."
7:00 p.m. Church Reception for all
Baptist Students and their friends
will be held in the 'Church Parlors.
Mr. Kenneth Morgan will speak on
"The Role of the Church in Higher
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
10:00 a.m. High School Class; 11:00
a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall;,
11:00, a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Holy Communion and Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis; 4:00-6:00 p.m. H
Square Club meeting, Harris Hall;
6:00 p.m. Choral Evensong (Men's
and Boys' Choir)-Choir Reunion;
7:30 p.m. Episcopal Student Guild
Meeting, Harris Hall. Prof. Arthur
W. Bromage will speak pn "Citizen
Action in Local Government." Com-
pline at 8:30 p.m. Refreshments and
social evening.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject, "God, the Only Cause and
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
First Pres yterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45. "Heaven's Ini-
tiative" is the subject of the sermon
by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per and fellowship at 6:00 p.m., fol-
lowed by worship service on "The
Spirit of Christmas."
The Church of Christ will meet
for Scripture study at 10:00 a.m. Sun-
day in the Y.M.C.A. At the morning
worship, 11:00 a.m., Garvin M. Toms
will preach on the theme: "Is It Pos-
sible to Accomplish Life's Righteous
Ambitions in the Church of Christ?"
The subject for the sermon at 7:30
p.m. will be "Why We Believe the
Bible to be the Word of God." At
7:30 p.m., Wednesday, the midweek
Bible study will be held. Everyone
is invited to all services.
Christian Church (Disciples): 10:45
a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Fred-
erick Cowin, Minister. There will be
a snpeia1 nnaora~m in mzni.4.1...



1941 fL . ,:TmAe s, R i.
"Thousands we spend building you. up as beauty and brains and you
hafta go and get sucked in as a guest star on a quiz program!"

- I



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