I "IJ " THE MICHIGAN DAILY " TT-- Captain Davidson To Take New Position In Naval War College Captain Lyal A.,Davidson, U. S. N., who has served as Commandant of the Michigan NROTC unit through the first fifteen months of its exist- ence, is leaving Ann Arbor for the Navy War College, it was announced this week by the Department of Na- val Science and Tactics. Today at 1 p.m. Captain Davidson will view for the last time the Michi- gan cadets. The unit will be inspected by Captain Davidson and will pass in review before him, in the most im- portant drill of the year so far for the NROTC. Captain Davidson will be officially detached from his present duties on Dec. 10. He will be relieved at that time by Capt. Richard R. Cassidy, U. S. N., who comes to the NROTC from the command of the South China Patrol. Captain, Davidson, whose tour of shore duty comes to an end this year, is leaving Ann Arbor Dec. 19 and will begin his War College course onj Jan. 3. Prior to returning to sea, he will study for five months in this "command" course past and present naval operations and the formula- tion of plans for future strategy. Captain Davidson describes him- self as both "sorry and glad" to con- clude what he terms " a very pleas- ant and profitable tour of duty." "I regret sincerely," added Captain Davidson, explaining his feelings in leaving the Michigan unit, "having to end such a pleasant and impor- tant duty as the training of young officers, but as the termination of my shore duty is approaching, I am pleased at being afforded an oppor- tunity for professional research by the Naval War College prior to re- suming my duties at sea." He leaves Ann Arbor confident in the future of the Naval Reserve Of- ficers' Traiping Corps; "the interest and latent possibilities displayed by the students who have elected Naval Science and Tactics has been very gratifying." CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) $1.00 per 15-word insertionfor 3 or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request Our Want-Ad, Department will be happy to assist you in composing your ad. Stop at the Michigan Daily Business Of- fice, 420 Maynard Street. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 2c NURSERY GRACE POWERS' NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 11/2 to 4 315 E. William 1,Phone 8293 MISCELLANEOUS IIMEOGRAPHING -Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles: Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c TRANSPORTATION RIDE to Denver or vicinity for Christmas vacation. Willing to, share expenses and driving. Box 9, Michigan Daily. WANTED - PASSENGERS TO SHARE EXPENSES.-a familiar note at this pre-holiday period. Noj doubt many of you have just such' a need-or perhaps it's the car you're lookings for! For a timely solution to your problem, use the DAILY Classifieds. We bring peo- ple together who should, get to- gether! TYPING TYPING L. M. Heywood, 414 May- nard St., phone 5689. MISS ALLEN-rExperienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. 90c VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. Two "M' Grads Serve Britain In War Zone Hill Joins U.S. Embassy. Royce Answers Reqpies For Technical Work Both the United States and Bri- tain, under the present aid-to-Britain program, are now being served by two recent Michigan alumni. These two young Michigan gradu- ates, the first, Lieut. Donald R. Hill. '37E-'40, now an Army officer and the second, R. Scott l4oyce, '36E, the son of an Armi officer, are taking anactive part in helping Britain win the war. Royce is the son of Brigadier Gen- eral Ralph Royce, and Mrs. Lillian Royce, '13. As an undergraduae he majored in aeronautical engineering. Since his graduation, he has been associated with Consolidated Air- crafts Corporatio, San Diego, Calif. Last summer, he answered the call for technicalrworkers to help Britain, and joined as engineer aboard bomb- ers flown to Britain. He and his father, General Royce, flew to Bri- tain together, his father as Assistant Military Attache at the American Embassy there. In like manner, Lieutenant Hill re- ently went to London as, a staff nember of the American Embassy. Lieutenant Hill last June completed the ROTC Signal Corps unit with a Second Lieutenant's commission; he eas since completed a course at the Signal 'School at Ft. Monmouth, N.J. Radio Station For Students Is Envisioned "We pause now for station iden- tification. This is WRBR, Ann Ar- bor." The student announcer stepped back and themuted music of the campus string quartet crescendoed to form the background for an all-colle- giate dramatization. This vision is the realization of Prof. Waldo Abbot's dream for a radio sta- tion owned and operated by the Uni- versity, a modern, convenient studio to replace the current4Morris Hall with its system of -relaying broad- casting. Present Problems At present, the University broad- casts from Morris Hall six programs each week over WJR and seven week- ly over W45D, a frequency modulation hook-up. Broadcasting through the channels of these Detroit stations presents many problems. Forenost among these is the difficulty in secur- ing satisfactory hours to broadcast. Then, too, it is impossible to obtain adequate time to broadcast from the commercial stations. "If we had our own station," Pro- fessor Abbot stated, "we would have more time to broadcast and more stu- dents would have an opportunity to go one the air." New Opportunities According to Abbot, a local station incorporating both AM and FM broadcasting mechanisms, would pro- vide new and unlimited radio oppor- tunities. With the aid of rental and receiv- ing sets the University Extension Ser- vice could conduct classes within a one hundred mile radius or, with an AM system, within a more extensive area. The School of Education might engage in research in the field of teaching by radio, post graduate cur-. ricula could be extended to the homes of former students, and constant and intimate contact could be established with State alumni, organizationssand committees. And last, there would be no limitation of broadcasting time. ROTC Units Plan Field War Exercises Field exercises putting into actual practice elementary combat princi- ples will be carried out on a volun- tary basis by a provisional war strength company composed of soph- omore, junior, and senior cadets of the University ROTC. Two of these exercises, which will be held on Saturday afternoons, are projected for the first semester, and six for the second. The unit will be commanded by cadet officers under the supervision of Col. Egger and Capt. K. R. R. Houston of the In- fantry unit. Pepper Retires LANSING, Dec. 4.-(AP)-Lieut. Col. Samuel D. Pepper, deputy director of selective service in Michigan, form- ally will end a long military career December 27, when he will retire automatically on his 64th biithday anniversary. Costumiere Uses Glamour By Yard In 125 'Bluebird' Costume Changes ' °'M c /// j/' R-+ / " .mow .. Take a a tip from us. Take him a gift from old Ann Arbor Town, he will appreciate it more. Let us suggest: Jayson Shirts 2.00 up Wembly Nor-East Ties 1.00 Silk and wool muf~fers . . 1,50 Gabardine spprt' shirts . . 2.50 upk Jayson Pajamas 1.65 up 3.95 up ' (2'_ 'AAA t j 'EMMA HIRSCH In a small semi-sweatshop intheE basement of the Laboratory Theatre a woman and two or three assistants could be found any time of the day or night for the last two weeks sew- ing frantically on the 125 costumes that were needed for Play Prouc- tion's presentation of "The Blue Bird," which opened yesterday. Emma Hirsch. costumere for the production, has had a difficult task. It's bad enough making one costume apiece for the characters in a play, but when you have two and in some cases three or four changes for one individual, then the task becomes monumental-and it has been a big job. Close to 1,000 yards of material were employed with an average ex- penditure of one dollar a costume. In some instances, however, as in the case of Light, over ten dollars were Engine Ticket Sale Is Begun AIChE, AIME Banquet Will Be Dec. 15 Sale of tickets for the AIChE, AIME banquet, Dec. 15 in the Union started yesterday in the office of the Depart- ment of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, 2028 East Engineering Building. Tickets may also be secured from officers of the two engineering groups for the joint dinner, which will be open to all students. This year the president of the na- tional American Institute of Chemi- cal Engineers, S. D. Fitzpatrick, will deliver the feature address. He is editor of the magazine phemical and Metallurgical Engineering and was elected to the presidency of AIChE at their annual meeting in Phila- delphia in November. * REVELLIAN RUMPUS' " KISS IN THE NEWS By BERYL SHOENFIELD Thorugh the open window of Mor- ris Hall's studio "B" came the cry of the brasses, the thump of the drums, a clatter, clangor, throbbing. The total effect was that of utter discord, of confusion.j For the members of Prof. William D. Revelli's University Band were practicing, but practicing individual- ly, intensely, and with a concentra- tion truly unique, Next to this bedlam, in studio "A", David Owen and his class were re- hearsing the script for "Heroes in Medicine." The actors were forced to shout their lines from "The Life of Walter Reed," since the "music" of the Band filtered through the "sound proof" walls. * * * Hawthorne's "Hollow of Three Hills" made an excellent dramatiza- tion for the November 24 "Folk Songs and Folk Tales" program. Don Har- gis' class was gratified indeed to dis- cover it was playing before a large audience of Ann Arbor High stu- dents. Last Monday's "Folk Tale" was an criginal story by Dean Burdick, '42, entitled "Little Things." The tale, concerning the strange obsessions which old men develop-in this in- Dr. Alexander To Talk Here TB Authority Will Speak Tp Pre-Medical Group Dr. John Alexander, one of Ameri- ca's foremost authorities, on tuber- culosis, will lecture before the Pre- Medical Society qt 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Union on the film "Single Stage Lobectomy." Dr. Alexander, surgeon in charge of the sub-department of thoracic surgery at University Hospital, is the third in a series of lecturers to address the doctors-to-be on vari- ous phases of the medical field. Pamphlets listing the entrance re- quirements of most of the nation's leading medical schools will be dis- tributed at the meeting. This will be the last meeting of the Society, one of the largest of its kind, before the Christmas Vacation. Graduate of the University of Penn- sylvania medical school, Dr. Alex- ander is well known for his books, "The Surgery ofePulmonary Tuber- culosis" and "The Collapse Therapy of Pulmonary Tuberculosis." Tapping Tours Alumni Clubs In South, West T. Hawley Tapping, the energetic "Tap," general secretary of Michi- gan's far-reaching Alumni Associa- tion and its far-flung chain of Alumni Clubs, yesterday left for a tour of the western and southern University of Michigan Alumni Clubs. Both Mr. Tapping and Dean E. Blythe Stason of the LawdSchool at- tended the annua Football Bust of the University of Michigan Club of Chicago,. Ill., held last night at the, Palmer House Hotel. George Ceithaml, captain-elect'of the football team, and Al Wistert, varsity tackle, also spoke at the "bust." Today, both men will meet Uni- versity of Michigan Alumni and Law Alumni of Kansas City, Mo., at a Uni- versity of Michigan Club Meeting, and a Michigan Law Meeting. Later, both the Alumni Secretary and the Law School Dean will attend meetings of the Bar Association and University of Michigan Club of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Tapping will then go on alone to the University of Michi- gan Clubs of Evansville, Ind., Bir- mingham, Ala., Atlanta, Ga., Pickens, S. C., Winston-Salem, N. C., Newport News, Va., the newly formed Alumni Club of Camp Lee, Va., and will end his tour by a visit to the Alumni Club of Washington, D. C. MARTEN MUMFORD, Grad. DOROTHY DAVIDSON, '44 expended on the glittering imported this play. The Fairy Berylune must French material and the ten yards of make a two-second transformation white chiffon that weht into it. \ onstage from an ugly old hag into a "Maeterlinck didn't spare us," beautiful young woman, and it's up sighed Miss Hirsch, "when he wrote to us to see that this is possible." For Revere Sweaters Gloves, lined or unlined . . , 1,65 up Holeproof 'Hosiery . . . . 40c and 55c Hickoik Belts, Braces, and Jewelry Michaels, Stern Suits, Topcoats, and Overcoats. DITINCTIVE MLNS *& 116 EAST LIBERTY, 50c up ml,- -il S y )F +t t ; 1 f 11S N y 1 Cleverly knitted of large, coarse A, I1 WEEK-END SPECIAL HOSIERY Get this pure silk 3 or 4 thread hose while still available. $1,rm 1 / 14-o44 .157Q/¢ I 1E