_THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRDAY DECEMJ WE 5, 1941 p tP t Mri tt l I dited and managed by students of the Univrrsity of higan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. 'ublished every morning except Monday during the Lversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Preis 'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication cf all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication of all other matters herein also erved. :ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as ond class mail matter. ubscriptions during the regular school year by Tier~ $4.00, by mall $5.00. E$RaBENT D F$OR NATIONAL ADVQRT8IJNG BY National Advertising Service, I0c. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIeON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. .' CHICAGO * OSTON * Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO "ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff e Gel# . i Dann. . d Lachenbruch McCormick . ur Hill . t Hiatt.. e Miller . lnJ, Mitchell. , Managing Editor . . Editorial Director , . . City Editor . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor .* . Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor Exchange Editor f H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright Business Staff . . . * . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager .Women's Advertising Mar ger . Women's Business Manager IT EDITOR: HOVWARD FENSTEMAKER the editorials published in The Michigan ly are written by members of The Daily f 'and represent the views of the writers Y . / onomic'Outlooks Hitler Wins . . VAVE WE ENOUGH AT STAKE in the present conflict to justify send- g troops abroad if it is necessary for final /vic- ry?" That question is being debated in the lumns of The Daily just as it is throughout e nation. However, in the letters and editorials hich have appeared in this newspaper, no at- rmpt has been made to analyze the economic iportance of a Nazi viclory to the United States. his aspect of the war is so important that it ust not be slighted or ignored.. Suppose that Russia falls, that ,England is ercome and that the world, save for the estern Hemisphere, is completely dominated the Nazis\ Of the two economic choices open the Americas, complete economic isolation or de with. the German controlled world, the rst must fail from the beginning and the other ust lead to socialism or to war. Economic isolation must fail because the Ui-, d States. can not possibly absorb all of the ormous South American export trade. Second- several of our most vital defense materials ay be had in substantial amounts only by trad- g with foreign countries. Finally, great pres- re would be exerted upon the government by nerican business interests which would ask e reopening of trade with their former cus- ners once it was permitted by the Germans. American people back upon their old type of economy would bring a depression of such mag- nitude that the last one would seem small in comparison. Here we can see, without straining our imagination in the least, the end of private enterprise and free economy as we now know them. IS IT WORTH shaking the very foundations of our country just to avoid war for the pres- ent? Can the dubious good of refraining from doing everything in our power to win this war, even if it means sending troops abroad, ever compensate for\,the suffering and self-denial which the ever-present threat of war would bring under such a policy. These economic things alone are reason enough to justify all out aid to those fighting to stop Hitler. -John Erlewine FDR Must Veto Anti-Labor Bill . . THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has done that which liberals and progressives from in and outside the labor movement have long feared. Through a coalition of Southern Democrats and opposition - op- position to anything progressive - Republicans, the admittedly anti-labor Smith strike bill has' been approved by such an overwhelming major- ity that its rejection by the Senate seems ex- tremely unlikely. Discarding a much milder bill, the leading reactionaries in the House threw off all pretense of attempting merely to protect the defense program, and at last put over a bill which if car- ried out to the letter will set the labol movement back ten years. Its provisions would, in effect, not only tie labor's hands for the duration of the emergency, buts would permit capital to ride rough shod over hard won rights and privileges of an American labor movement unable to defend itself legally. Among the more vicious stipulations of what only yesterday was regarded as far too stringent a bill .to get approval, is an amendment spon- sored by the Red-hunting Mr. Dies which de- prives the unions of their status under the Wagner Actif they, knowingly or negligently, permit a Communist or a person convicted of a fetfny to hold union office. The latter part of that amendient is in direct contradiction to the democratic theory of.penalties. Other provisions apparently designed to ham- string unions are obviously riders on the media- tion sections of the legislation. While the Ad- ministration mediation system is accepted, other labor legislation is "riding" on it, content to take a back seat and use national defense as an excuse. THE NEXT MOVE is up to the Senate; under the circumstances not much can be expected from them. The prevention of the tragedy of such a piece of legislation is undoubtedly destined to be the responsibility of the President. Here is another real test of a man who has been a great liberal president, a man who has put more social legislation of lasting vale in the statute book than any other in our history. , Here is another opportunity for a great states- man to rise above an uninformed public opin- ion, and lead the nation to an understanding of what labor's problem is. A veto of the Smith bill would be the best possible step in that direc- tion. -Hale Champion Drew Pearsos ad Rbert S. Aen WASHINGTON-Few Congressmen realize the ramifications of the fralking scandal on which one of their fellow members was scheduled to testify before a grand jury today. HAM FISH, the witness, who is,the Congress- man from the President's own district and a grandson of a Secretary of State, may not know all the ramifications either. But he may be able to throw light on some rather large checks which presumably had something to do with financing this much ramified propaganda. For a long time around the Capital it has seem- ed strange that when a letter was written to Con- gressman Day of Illinois (who wrote a book for a Nazi-financed publishing house) the name of the writer immediately turned up on a master mailing list, which was used to send out all sorts of isolationist, pro-German propaganda. The same was true if you wrote to Senator Wheeler or Senator Reynolds or various other isolationists. Probably they, personally, did not know that their mail was going into a common pool. But certain names were purposely mis- spelled in letters to Congressmen, and the same misspelled names immediately turned up on the master mailing list. The Justice Department already has thrown some light on how this master mailing list originally was compiled, namely in the offices of ra big motor company. There, a battery of selected stenographers was kept working on the top floor during the fall of 1940 sorting over the mail of Lindbergh, ex-Senator Rush Holt, Senator Nye and others. No company employees were allowed on the top floor except these stenographers, who were sworn to secrecy. Short Wave Radio AFTERWARD this master list was sent to Scribner's Commentator at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. This paper, it has now been revealed, operated a sensitive short wave receiving set 11117 _, -c,- FIVE THOUSAND PEOPLE sat in Hill Audi- torium with their mouths open like idiots. And Sinclair Lewis and his cross-country debat- ing partner, Lewis Browne, were funny for the people. They made with the jokes, and' from there on it was anybody's debate. Apparently this "debate" (quotes mine) was strictly from hunger, but anyway it afforded the gullible stu- dents and the town's clubwomen an opportunity to get a look at real book-authors-two of them! A debate between Joe Louis and Joe E. Brown would have made'more sense. Maybe you couldn't expect much from Sinclair Lewis but at least you'd think that Lewis Browne, author of "This Believing World" and "Stranger Than Fiction," would have something material, and maybe even liberal, to say. But no, he spends a half hour discussing the size of Mussolini's j aw. And Sinclair Lewis, with his senile reasoning,. sounded as much like Babbitt, from the book of the same name (which incidentally was written by a gentleman also called Sinclair Lewis), as anybody I've ever heard since I was kicked off the Junior Chamber of Commerce for being a communist (I had said, "maybe something can be said for the labor unions"). GOING MY WAY now- takes the ball around end to bring you an exclusive PROBABLE de- bate between Lewis and Browne, as it might have been in another city on their tour schedule (as if I didn't know that the same debate was presented verbatim all over these good old United States). oin my way? * Senile Lewis vs. Joker Browne By TOM THUMWB V CAN IT HAPPEN HERE? A., Debate Affirmative -- Sinclair Lewis Affirmative -Lewis Browne Result of Debate -Negative "I suppose I'm a medical mystery-I've been to fivey doctors already and they can't find a thing wrong with me!" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT. N THE OTHER HAND confronting a hemis- phere attempting to restore trade relations, uld be a Nazi bargaining agency holding every rantage. Complete contirol of financial and .ustrial affairs throughout the German dom- ted world would be centered in Berlin. Pres- e through relatives and control of vast Ameri- i holdings abroad would be a powerful con- sion-gaining tool in Nazi hands, and to thus mdividual bargainers or even single countries Onst this gigantic economic machine would but repetition of the pre-war mockery called zi trade. j " ( 1 ttChia ? Al Sinclair Lewis wins the toss and chooses to receive. Browne steps up and walks briskly to the podium. Mr. Barbirolli raps his baton for order, and the debate is about to begin! BROWNE: Hitler is a heel. He eats little babies for breakfast. The Hitler theory is faulty, Really' it's not true that Germans are superior to us. Hitler is a heel. The German theory is that blood is thicker than water. Well, blood is also thicker than soup. Of course it depends on the kind of soup. At any rate, Hitler is a stew. Hitler is a heel. Can it happen here? Of course it can happen here. There are many discontented elements in our country which will rise up. There is big business, mad at the administration because there are no tremendous armaments profits. There is little business, mad because it is being squeezed out by the administration. There is the conscripted soldier, mad because he gets but $21 a month while labor is getting $150 a week. There is the laborer, mad because the adminis- tration is refusing him the right to strike. There is the'taxpayer, mad because taxes have gone up. And what will happen? All these people will rise up, combine, form a' dictatorship and suppress and humiliate the people. Hitler is a heel. Mussolini has the largest gosh darn jawbone I have ever seen. It looks even bigger when he's standing on a balcony. It can and will happen here. Now, I present my esteemed opponent, Mr. Sinclair Lewis, known to his closer friends as Sinclair "Senile Demen- ! tia" Lewis. LEWIS: Wal, Lew, you're gettin' all het up over nothin'. 'Cause I agree with you per- fectly. Except on one point. And that is that I say it's not likely to happen here. You see, there ate three nasty dictatorships abrpad: Germany, Italy and those stinking ROOSHIANS. Germany is 24 years old, Italy is 19 years old and ROOSHIA is only nine years old, But the United States is more than 150 years old. Now don't tell me that a 24-year-old kid and a 1 - year-old kid and a nine-year-old kid can beat up a 150-year-old man. That just isn't good sense. And in addition, two of them dictator- ships are fighting each other now, (and I hope those Godless Communists are licked). In addition to all that, we in America have a glorious tradition. There's nothing wrong with the good old U.S.A. But the real reason why it will never happen here is the good old America sense of humor--the thing that makes us say "OH YEAH?" and "SO WHAT?" While Hitler is coming across the Atlantic and the Japs are coming across the Pacific, the good old Ameri- can sense of humor sits in the middle, saying "OH YEAH?" and "SO WHAT?" , It's all right. Let anything happen. It's all right if the people starve while money is being thrown around for defense expenses. As long as we still have the good old American sense of humor, the starving people will say "OH YEAH?" and "SO WHAT?" So remember your good old American sense of humor, and when ROOSHIA and Britain ask for aid, say "OH YEAH?" and "SO WHAT?" and it's not likely, to happen here. But if it does, just say-oh you know what. A CLASSIC DEBATE that will live down in history. Also it was a wasted evening. The time would have been better spent comparing the sizes of cigarettes for modern design. All I can say to the Oratorical Society's latest smash hit and its trenendously thought- provoking content is "OH YEAH?" and "SO WHAT?" FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1941 VOL. LII. No. 58 Publicaton in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople on Sunday, December 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30. I am in receipt of a ruling by the Internal Revenue Service of the Uni- ted States to the effect that the ex- emption from the Federal tax on transportation 4.applicable to trans- portation furnished on the Univer- sity's account does "not apply in a case where the individual contributes the entire amount ofhthe travel ex- pense, or in a case where the individ- ual and the University share the tra- vel expense." Shirley W. Smith Home Loans: The University In- vestment office, 108 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone con- sidering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, December 8, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 A.H., AGENDA.: Minutes of the meeting of Novem- ber 10, 1941. Subjects offered by members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Conmit- tees: Program and Policy-J. P. Dawson. Report concerning the function and size of the Council. Educational Policies-R. Schorling. Report on Intermediate Staff Posi- tions. Report concerning Latin Amer- ican Relations. Student Relations-O. W. Boston. Public Relations-I. M. Smith. Plant and Equipment-R. W. Ham- mett. Louis 4. Hopkins Secretary Christmas Vacation Jobs: A Detroit store will employ several students for delivery work during the Christmas vacation. Applicants must live in De- troit, and must have car available. A representative of the firm will in- terview men interested at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, Tues- day, December 9. For further infor- mation and interview appointment, call at the Bureau. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information A representative of the national of- fice of the Boy Scouts of America will be in our office Monday, December 8, to interview senior and graduate men for their executive training course. This training is for executives or re- gional executives, not for scoutmast- ers. Please call for appointment at the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4, or phone Extension 371. University Bureau of Appointments; and Occupational Information By Lichty ' . ... _ , = .,._ ! z C." Y f , r., j 3 " /I . I t .. IJ .r FV- y{ i Ta ; __-! _ ' ; "" , F, r ' o f z r. 4' a 4 ; , r,.., F - riy F , of p i;.. Associate Marketin'g Specialist, $3200, December 30, 1941.' Assistant Marketing Specialist, $2600, December 30, 1941. Student Dietitian, $420, December 30, 1941. Senior Maintenance Supervisor, Civil Aero., $3500, until-further notice. Maintenance Supervisor, Civil Aero., $2900, until further notice. Associate Tobacco Inspector, $3200, December 18, 1941. Assistant Tobacco Inspector, $2600, December 18, 1941. Junior Tobacco Inspector, $2000, December 18, 1841. I Junior Tobacco Inspector (Trainee) $1620, December 18. 1941. Airport Traffic Control Examiner, $3500, unitl further notice. Chief Airport Traffic Controller, $3200 until further notice. Airport Traffic Controller, $2600, until further noticet Assistant Airport Traffic Control- ler, $2000, until further notice. Senior Floriculturist, $4600, Jnu- ary 3, 1942. Senior Olericulturist, $4600, Janu- ary 3, 1942. Senior Plant Pathologist, $4600 January 3, 1942. t Radio Moitoring Officer, $3200, until further notice. Assistant Radio Monitoring Officer, $2600, until further notice. Principal Chemical Engineer, $5600, until further notice. Senior Chemical Engineer, $4600, until further notice. Chemical Engineer, $3800, until fur- ther notice. Associate Chemical,Engineer, $3200, until further notice. Assistant Chemical Engineer, $2600, until further notice. Principal Physicist, $5600, until fur- ther notice. Senior Physicist, $4600, until fur- ther notice. Physicist, $3800, until further not- ice. Associate Physicist, $3200, until fur- ther notice. Assistant Physicist, $2600, until fur- ther notice. Border Patrolman, Dept. of Justice, $2000, February 2, 1942. Principal Chemist (Explosives) $5600, until further notice. Senior Chemist (Explosives) $4600, until further notice. Chemist (Expolsives) $3800, until further notice.R Associate Chemist (Explosives) $3200, until further notice. Assistant Chemist (Explosives) $2600, until further notice. Additional information may be ob- tained from the University Bureau of Appointments. Office hours 9-12; 2-4. 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Bacteriological Seminar will meet Monday, Dec. 8, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: "The Immunological Specificity of Organs and Tissues." All interested are cor- dially invited. Ch. E. 29 Sign-Up List for Salt Run will be posted on Saturday, December 6, at 1:00 p.m. at Room 2217, East En- gineering Bldg. Pre-Medical Students: The special Medical Aptitude Test of the Associa- tion of American Medical Colleges will be given today at 3:00 p.m. in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Building. This examination is plan- ned primarily for those students who are planning to enter a medical school in the fall of 1942 and who failed to take the regular aptitude test last by Georges Rouault and watercolors and small sculptures by William Zor- ach in the Rackham Building Ex- hibition Galleries through December 10, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: Professor R. C. Bald of Cornell tVniversity will lec- ture on the subject, "The Poet and his Reading: John Donne," under the auspices of the English Language and Literature, on Monday, Dec. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Ampht- theatre. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Mr. Laurence C. S. Sickman, Curator of Oriental Art, Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, will lecture on the sub- ject, "Landscape Painting of the Sung Dynasty" (illustrated) under the aus- pices of the Institute of Fine Arts, on Friday, December 12, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Th uublic is cordially invited. Lecture: Father D'Arcy, Jesuit scholar, lecturer in Thomistic phil- osophy at the University of Oxford, and Master of Campion Hall, Oxford, will be the second speaker in the se- ries of lectures on "The Failure of Skepticism" In the Rackham Lecture Hall tonight at 8:15. The seri is sponsored jointly by the Newman Club, Hillel Foundation, and Inter- Guild and is open to the public. Events Today French Round Table: The French RoundeTable will meet tonight at 8:00 in Room 23 of the International Cen- ter. Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt will speak on "Mon Voyage de Hongkong a Italie." This will be the last meeting of the year. Actuarial students, and other in- terested mathematics students: The Maccabees Fraternal ,Life Insurance Organization has invited Michigan students to make a tour of their head office in Detroit. . A trip has been arranged for this afternoon, and sev- eral cars will be available to take stu- dents. These car; will leave from in front ofAngell Hall at 1 :30 p.m. Stu- dent may make reservations for tak- ing this trip by leaving their name and phone number with Miss Schwan, 3012 Angell Hall. There will be a small nominal charge for expenses. Interviews for Orientation Advis- ers, names S. Green through L. Isaac- son wil be today, 3:00-5:30 p.m. in the undergraduate office of the League. Women must bring thei eligibility cards to the interview. Coffee Hour: All students are wel- come at the Student Religious Asso- ciation Colfee Hour, held in the 11- braiy of Lane Hall on friday after- noons from 4:00 to 6:00. American Country Dance Group will meet today, 3:00-5:00, in Bar- bour'Gymnasium. Everyone interested is urged to attend. Petitioning for chairmanship of As- sembly Scouting Committee will end. today at 5:00 p.m. Interviewing will take place from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Mon- day and Tuesday of next week. JGP Dance Committee tryouts to- day, Mahlman through Young 4:00- 6:00 p.m., in the League. . "The Blue Bird" by Maurice Mae- terlinck will be presented tonight and Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. as the Christmas offering of Play Production of the Department of Speech. The box-office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater is open from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. For reservations, call 6 00. Westminster Student Guild Semi- Formal Dinner Dance tonight 7:00- 12:30. The theme of the party is "Star Dust." Wesley Foundation: Ice skating party at the Coliseum tonight. Meet at the guild Lounge at 7:30 p.m. and return after skating for refreshments. Coming Events herman Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cor- dially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Neue Methoden der Shake- speare-Forschung," by Mr. Hereward T. Price. Berkshire Music Center: Auditions fcr membership in the advanced stu- dent orchestra for the third summer term at Tanglewood, July 5 to August 5-will be conducted by members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Wednesday, December 10, at 4:30 p.m. in the-Michigan League building. Phi Kappa Phi: The fall initiation and dinner for new members will be held Thursday, December 11, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room of the Michigan League. Prof. Ivan C. Crawford, Dean of the Col- lege of Engineering will give the ad- dress. All members of Phi Kappa Phi are invited to attend. Tickets will be $1.00 plus tax. Reservations may be made by notifying the Secretary, Mary C. Van Tuyl, or by calling Uni- versity extension 594. All R.O.T.C. Seniors, Juniors and . i Only if we match the Nazi structure in size and strength can we even hope to come off tolerably well in bargaining. To do this would necessitate the creation of a pan-American car- tel with every country vital to hemispheric de- fense represented. To have it otherwise would defeat the purpose of a cartel organized to pre- vent the Germans from making political, econom- ic or military inroads in the New World through trade concessions. A weak link in such an endeav- or is a lack of adequate enticemerjt. That every country woud join the cartel-when the Nazis can offer far better bargains to individual countries for not belonging - is hard to believe. Compul- sion would bringrevolution and the increase of German influence.; Buts, worst of all, the NazisI could destroy ships and break agreements and we could exert no pressure upon them except dirough war. And after all, that is the very thing we are trying to avoid now. THE EFFECT of a cartel program upon the United States would be tremendous. A vast defense program of much greater proportions than the present one would be necessary to- adequately arm the hemisphere against the rest of the world. The government would have to take complete control of industry and agricul-1 +ur. fre e nternris wuld h mit of the miae- d do