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December 05, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-05

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Cloudy, Possible rain.




Ehcortnic Outltihk
If titler Wints



i f


Intram uralOpen House GoodfelIows
T', E1 lll A h rNl ~ / r L 10-rv r F "1


Force At Sevastopol
Believed Weakened
Diversion Of Troops

Italians, Slovaks
CalledUp To Aid
(By The Associated Press)
LQNDON, Dec. 4.-Stiffened Ger-
Yvan resistance on the Rostov-Mariu,
p0 frotit where the, retreating main
Nazi armies were understood to be
urgently calling up reinforcements
from the Crimea in an effort to
break the most powerful Russian
counter-offensive of the war, was re-
ported tonight in Soviet avices.
This vwas accompanied'by indica-
tions German pressure on Sevastopol,
the great Black Sea naval base in the
Crimea and by far the most impor-
ant of Hitler's dbjectives on that
peninsula, had been in consequence
much weakened by the diversion of
these substantial forces.'
On the Moscow front, the midnight
Soviet communique announced, 4,400
Germans had ben wiped out, and
700 more "annihilated" in the south-
west. Coordinated land and air at-
tacks in the latter' sector were said
to have taken a heavy toll of German
tanks and supply trucks.
While a correlated strengthening
of Field Marshal Ewald von Kleist's
resistance on the road back from
Rostov, toward Mariupol 100. miles
to the west was thus noted, Soviet in-
formants said the great Red push,
still was rolling generally unchecked.
Nazis 41ll Up 1As Allies
To HaltSoviet Army
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Dec. 4.-Powerful and r-
lentless Russian tank, cavalry and
infantry charges on the Rstov and
Donets Basin fronts were reported
tonight in German news dispatches
whkh said the ds iud raled upon
their Italian and Slovak allies in an
effort to halt the Red army.
Swarms of Russian airplanes also
fell on the Axis armies, one dispatch
revealed in saying 100 Red planes had
been shot down.
German planes also were reported
roaring to the aid of their ground
forces. In one unidentified sector
German dive-bombers destroyed 16
Soviet tanks and a Red regiment, a
dispatch said.,
"Mere territory is of no importance
to us," a military spokesman com-
mented on the Russian drives.
"The fightig is a fanatic Russian
effort to recover lost ground. No
sacrifice in men and materials seems
too great for them.
"Our object is to destroy the en-
emy and our advantage is that we
can conduct an elastic defense and
choose the battlefields giving us stra-
tegic superiority"
Application Forms
For JHop Tickets
Will Be Due Today
Today is the last opportunity for
juniors to apply for tickets to the
"College Dance of The Year"-the
1942 J-Hop, 4ob Begle, tickets chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Each junior must call in person be-
tween 1 p.m and 5 p.m. today in
the League or Union and must present
his own identification card. Those
bringing ca'ds of others will not be
given blanks.
Only one application blank will be
allowed per junior and it musti be
turned in along with a self-addressed,
stamped envelope. There is no charge
for application.
Reply cards will be sent to all appli-
cants Within a weel of application
indicating acceptance or refusal.
Those receiing "accepted" reply
cards are required to present them at
the final ticket sale after Christmas.
In case the number of applicants
exceeds the ticket limit of 1250, a
lottery will be conducted by Henry
M. Moser, of the speech deartment,

to reduce the number.
Pre-Medical Test
To Be Given Today
All students wlio wish to, enter a
medical school next fall and have not

:rU eatiure
Varsity Men To Put
All-Stars Will Play r
A hand-picked collection of Michi- "r
gan's bestin the sports world w test- ert
lers, natators and varsity football R
players-will turn out tomorrow down H
at the I-M Building to put on one of hi
the biggest athletic exhibitions ever; for
staged indoors. tea
' It's open house-everybody invited, sea
and it's sponsored by Congress, Inde-
pendent Men's Organization. Gen- W
eral chairman for the sports carni- me
val as Harvey Rotenstreich, '43, who en
challenges anyone not knowing him th
for at least a year to spell his name for
correctly and adds that the following A
program is "official" for the day: wr
Promptly at 1:30 p.m. Bob Kolesar's na
All-Star football basketeers will play 17
and exhibition game with members Co
of the Varsity basketball team. Line- wi
up for the All Star quintet presents Jo]
~ las
The Blue Bird' an
To Be Shown Ga
Again Tonigtti'42
Play Production of the Department an
of Speech will present Maurice Mae- thi
terlinck's "The Blue Bird" for the sw
third time at 8:30 p.m. today in the h
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. ex
The play, which will be shown mt
through Saturday, is tlle tale of a th
young Belgian boy and girl who go art
n search of the blue bird, symboliz- pu
ing happiness. A live blue bird is used ha:
in the final scene of the show. str
Jim Bob Stephenson, '43, and Mil-C
dred June Janusch, '43, lead a cast of In
108 characters in the roles of Tyltyl er
and Mytyl.'
Margaret Cotton, '42, takes the part
of the Fairy Berylune who instigates
the quest in hopes that the bird will C'
cure her crippled daugh'ter. On the
journey the children are accompanied
by the souls of' the Animals and
Thilgs such a tread, Milk, Water,
Dog, Cat and Light. St
The presentation is under the direc-
tion of William P. Hlstead and Val-
entine B. Windt of the speech depart-
ment. Robert Mellencamp is art di- A
rector. by
Tickets for the production may still an
be bought at the box office of the ep
Mendelssohn Theatre. wil
'Full House' Ticket br
Reservations Open en
Money orders are now being ac- Gl
cepted at the Lydia Mendelssohn Sa
Theatre for tickets to the 14vimes Un- be
ion Opera "Full House," to be pre-F
sented Tuesday through Saturday. wi
Block reservations may also be ob- th
tained at the main desk of the Michi- Co
gan Union. toy
The general ticket sale will open tio
tomorrow at the ticket office of the tim
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. T
"Full House," a Hopwood winner, th
was written by Ray Ingham, Grad., ar
and will feature more thn 80 Uni- we
versity of Michigan men. An all- in
time record of 23 student written tim
songs will be introduced in the show. br
Budget-Cutters Take Notice:
Survey Shows Thf
Appreciate Val
(Editor's Note: This is the first of th
several articles revealing the results of t
a survey of student NYA workers and wo

faculty supervisors taken last spring by
the University NYA administration.) inf
The majority of student NYA work- an
ers feel that their NYA work at the th
University gives them not only valu- co
able experience for working after ai
leaving school, but also enables them NY
to contribute toward the achieve- th
ments of the aims of the University. and
These facts ,are disclosed in a sta-
tistical analysis of a !survey of NYA
workers, in which more than 900 stu- lea
dent workers were asked 33 questions con
regarding their NYA positions. dis
To the question "Have you acquired P
any skills in your NYA work?" 755 pe
students answered that they had, 147 bri
answered No, and 66 were uncertain. oth
Comments by students showed that To
their work has enabled then to be- the
come skilled to a certain degree in li- rec
brary, clerical, construction, labora- an

x tibitLonsL
On Athletic Show;
Basketball Team
on Guard" Angie Trogan, '44, Rob-
"Buckets" Shemky, '44, "Raging"
iy Sowers, '43Ed, "Hairbreadth"
rry Anderson, '43-and Kohsar
his will be the first opportunity
the public to see the basketball
im in action before their regular
son gets under way.
Following the basketball game,
ayne Stille, '42, and Lawton Ham-r
tt,, '42E, ranking Western Confer-t
ee tennis stars and co-captains oft
e '41 varsity netters, will perform2
the spectators.t
After the tennis match, there'll bea
estling-when Jimmy Galles, '42,t
tional collegia'te champion in the
5-pound division and captain ofa
ach Cliff Keen's contortion experts,T
11 square off against contender<
hnny Green, '44E, 200 pounds ofi
t year's freshman wrestling tar.c
Varsity newcomers Dick Kopel, '44,
d Mike Rolak, '45Ed, will also be
hand for the anti-climax to ther
lles-Greene contest.f
Matt Mann will lend some of hisl
immers-Strother "T-Bone" Mar--3
, '42, Dobson "Pocket-ship" Burton,5
Jim Skinner, '43, and more oft
eir mates-for Congress' ojen house,.
d they'll show the visitors some-
ng new indiving, splashing and1
In addition to the regular varsity
;ibitons, every variety of intra-i
ral athletics will be on display forf
e public. Ted Peck, '44, ping pong
ist, offers to spot anyone on cam-r
s ten points and beat him. Squash,t
ndball, and boxing will be demon-f
Congress has even arranged withl
tramural authorities to have lock-
and towels supplied for the small
of a dime. '
am pus Carol x
RA Will Sponsor Event;I
Glee Clubs To Assist c
An all-campus carol sing, sponsored
the Student Religious Association
d under the direction of Prof. Jos-
h Mattern of the School of Music,
1 be held at 9 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14,<
the steps in front of the Main Li-
This is the first carol ing ever held
tirely for University students. The
ging, will be aided by the Men's
rsity Glee Club and the women's
ee Club under the direction of Bill
wyer, Grad. A mixed chorus will
led by Don Plott, '44M.
Following the sing, an open house
1 be held at Lane Hall, home of
e ;Student Religious Association.
ntributions of sturdy and washablet
s to the Student Religious Associa-
n's toy library can be made at this
The toy library of SRA is run for
e benefit of needy children. Toys
e loaned out for a period of two
eks. Children returning the toysk
good condition over a period oft
e are given one to keep. The li-1
ry is in Perry School.
at Students
ue Of NYA Jobsx
at NYA work taught them how tor
rk with others.

That NYA work is of definite value
furthering the aims of the Univer-
v of , Michigan is shown by the
swers to the question "Do you feel
at you are making a significant'
ntribution toward achieving the
ms of the University by working on
VA?" Of the students answering'
e question, 717 answered Yes, 71 No,
d 170 were uncertain. '
NYA jobs also enable workers to
irn to assume responsibility, ac-
.ding to 745 students. Only 152
agreed with this statement.
Perhaps the most important as-
ct of NYA work is the money it
ngs in for students who might not
herwise be able to attend college.
the question "Is the main value of
e NYA program to you the money
ceived?" 514 answered Yes, 333 No
d 110 were uncertain.
.gf11r1A.,fQ. ,rn..sa len r a i t , A -~ r. 0 r



Volunteers To Take Posts
In Attempt To Establish
All-Time Record Fund
Facilty Members
To AidCampaign
Charged with halting an apparent
ecline in man's desire to help his
Dore unfortunate brethren, more
;an 250 Goodfellows volunteers will
ake their posts Monday, Dec. 15, in
n attempt to send Goodfellows re-
urns sky-rocketing upward this year
fter three years of diminishing re-
Upon the success or failure of this
im depends the welfare of many a
eedy Ann Arbor family-for the
Goodfellows turn what they raise
mto financial help for those persons
eemed most worthy.
New Goal Set
Disappointed in the $759 collection
made last year and faced with the
act that the amount turned in has
een diminishing for the last three
ears, the leaders of the drive this
ear will place as their goal the all-
ime record of the six annual drives
onducted to date-$1675.
Pledged to this supreme effort will
je University faculty members and
fficials and prominent campus or-
anizations as well as the army of
volunteer workers to be recruited
rom the ranks of the student body.
Promoted entirely by students, the
nnual drive is particularly beneficial
o families whose incomes are insuf-
icient to overcome all their problems,
et who are still making enough to
e ineligible for public relief.
Distribution To Be Decided ,

1._w eul I ;-ummumuu

T v 111 J"" "RIAiLS
Annual Drive


Break Feared In Eastern
Crisis; Jap Press Assails
0- 0
Galens Funds Will Aid This Workshop Mexican Capital Reports
apanese Ambassadors
.Are Prparing To Leave
Nipponese Promise
a Reply To Roosevelt

* * * *


The distribution of the funds col-
lected will be decided upon by Thep
Daily. In the past donations have <>
been made to the Student Good Will Thirteen may mean bad luck to you,q
Fund for needy students, to the text- but Galens men will be on campus
lending library, to the Hospital Aid with their buckets today and tomor-
Fund and to the Family Welfare Bu- row to walk all over that supersti-t
reau. tion.
Cooperating in the drive will be the Today marks the thirteenth yearly b
League, Union, Panhellenic Associa- drive that Galens has sponsored toG
tion, Assembly, Interfraternity Coun- raise money for the Galens workshop,
cil, Congress, 'Student Religious Asso- the children's Christmas party and toC
ciation, Women's Judiciary Council, support a library of children's bookso
Women's Athletic Asisociation, Scroll, and movies.k
Senior Society, Mortar Board, Wy- The medical students will be on
vern, Sphinx, Michigauma, Druids, hand most of the day, and all you
"M" Club, Triangles, Men's Judiciary have to do to keep the junior hospitala
Council, Vulcans and the Engineering iamates happy is to drop your con-
Council. tribution into one of the yawningc
buckets. Galens Society will do thes
rest. -
Local Theatre Tomorrow, the bucket brigade willp
move downtown to cover the non-b
' FUniversity area, with just a few hardyt
L fu tsouls remaining on campus for theg
late contributors.
For IFC Party Last year Galens raised $1800, a i
new high, but for tis Christmas, thea
Ann Arbor school children will havesh
the time of their young lives at the Experts Reach Manila
annual Interfraternity Council's On Way To Burma RoadI
Christmas party to be held at 3:30 .
(By The Associated Press)
p.m. Dec. 15 in Hill Auditorium. MANILA, P. I., Dec. 4-Forty-sixS
Besides candy ,and favors, the Uni- United States mechanical and truck-n
versity cheerleaders and tumblers will ing experts, assigned to smash the
be on hand along with the second bottlenecks in the Burma militaryh
University concert band, Prof. Wil- supply road to China and to be pro-
tected from Japanese bombers in thati
liam D. Revelli directing. vital task by American planes and F
High point of the party will be the pilots, have arrived here en route to t
showing of movies which have been their new posts. .7
donated by a local theatre.
Incidentally, Santa Claus will be
there. No one knows which Santa Second Of A Series:
Claus will be on hand, the one, the
only, the original, or a local substi- F s
tute, but a man with a long white anious
beard and a red suit will attend.
If the fellow with the reindeer does To ive Leeti
not show up or send a telegram very
shortly, a campus election will be held
to determine just who will be the A world-famous Jesuit scholar and
ersatz for the occasion. lecturer in Thomistic philosophy at
To date no candidates have been of- the University of Oxford in England,
ficially announced, but several cam- The Rev. Fr. Martin Cyril D'Arcy,
pus big-wigs are slated. In a sur- will deliver the second in a series of
prise move, committeemen from the talks on "The Failure of Skepticism"
Council have announced that at least at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham
one professor, preferably pudgy, will Lecture Hall.
also run for St. Nick in the fiercest Called by Prof. W. 11. Auden of'the
campus rivalry election since Willkie English department "the most brilli-
beat Roosevelt at the University straw ant theologian in England," Father
poll. D'Arcy is well-known in religious and
educational circles throughout the
entire world.
L / Born in England in 1888, Father
1 -D'Arcy received his education at
Stonyhurst, Oxford, and the Gregor-
ian University in Rome, winning ev-
erywhere the highest scholastic hon-
ors. Today he enjoys the unusual po-
sition of being Catholic priest, Jesuit
and lecturer on Thomistic philosophy
at Oxford at the same time.

-o Help Children
Society is out to go over the two
thousand dollar mark.
Specifically, here is how your con-
tributions will be used:
Majority of the fmlnds collected will
be used to maintain and improve the
Galens workshop on the hospital's top
floor. Through your contributions,
Galens is able to furnish a supervised
occupational and recreational pro-
gram. Handicrafts are taught, pro-
ects are guided by an instructqr, and
at the moment, toys for Christmas
are being made.
The equipment of the workshop in-
cludes' several power driven tools, plus
special handicraft implements. Sup-
plies of wood, paints, nails, and other
perishable equipment must constantly
be renewed. Your help in filling up
the pails will keep the workshop
The workshop is the only one of
ts kind in the country, and hospital
authorities have been well pleased
with its help in keeping the children
happy and as active as their illness
Heavy buckets will also mean a
Christmas party for the kids, com-
plete with gifts, a Christmas tree,
Santa Claus, music and entertain-
Four embryo senior medicos are
heading the drive. Robert Murphy
s general chairman, Donald Cooper
is publicity chairman, William Ver-
Hey is handling advance sales, and
the production chairman is Logan

WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 -tP)-
Foreboding statments at Tokyo and
:ignificant developments here tonight
indicated an imminent major break
n the Far Eastern crisis-one upon
which may hang the question of
peace or war.
An official of the Japanese Em-
bassy announced its diplomats would
carry to the State Department to-
morrow Tokyo's answer to President
Roosevelt's pointed demand for an
explanation of large-scale Japanese
troop movements which seemed to
threaten an invasion of Thailand
Reidy To Hull? +
Perhaps, the same official said,
they will take with them the long-
awaited reply to the memorandum
in which Secretary of State Hull re- -
stated last week America's unalter-
able opposition to Japanese aggres-
Meanwhile, Domei, authoritative
Japanese agency, circulated a dis-
patch saying the Hull declaation of
principles cannot stand as a basis for
continued negotiations looking to-
ward maintenance of peace in the
Donrei's dispatch was preceded,
moreover, by a series of pessimistic
statements from government leaders
and Japanese newspapers. The latter
were said to have -expressed "shocked
surprise and extreme pessimism" at
statements by Hull. These statements,
they thought, indicated an unbridg-
able gap between Washington and
Rumblings In Mexico
The gloomy expectation of porten-
tous developments here was further
incrieased by a dispatch from Mexi-
co City which told of the Japanese
diplomatic staff there making hur-
ried preparations for a return to
Japan. Their activities were reported-
ly prompted by the arrival of a cour-
ier from Washington bringing con-
fidential reports of the Progress of
the American-Japanese negotiations,
Japanese News Agency
Denounces U.S. Proposal
(By The Associated Press)
TOKYO, Friday, Dec. 5-The au-
thoritative Japanese news agency Do-
mei said today "Japan cannot accept"
the stipulations of the document
which the United States goverpment
handed to the Japanese Ambassador
Nov. 26 in the course of negotiations
aimed at maintenance of peace in the
Quoting observers described as
thoroughly reliable, although unoffi-
cial, Domei said:
"Such a document cannot serve as
a basic datum in Japanese-American
negotiations henceforth.
"Japanese-American conversations
have taken place twice since the Uni-
ted States handed over to Japan the
document in question, and the United
States Government has sent the Jap-
anese inquiries pertaining to certain
"But there is no tangible evidence
of progress of the negotiations."
Because of Domei's close connec-
tions with the government, Americans
considered the Domei statement to be
an accurate forecast of the eventual
Japanese reply to the American ques-
Domei further quoted observers as
charging that "unilateral disclosure
by Secretary Hull of details of the
negotiations has made the situation
still graver."
Pett1ions Due Today
For Student Senate
Amateur mugwumps and logrollers
will have their first chance at the
real thing today as petitions for the
Student Senat election of Dec. 12
are received in Room 302 in the
Petitioning for the 12 Senate posts
will close Monday, which is also the
defina la~r~tes fnrrn pt,.ibito Thw

resuit Scholar
re On Sk(,ptieism

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