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December 04, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-04

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Squirrels Of Alt Kinds
KeepNPol ice OntMove
wayne LIar, son ioldwisother
he was going to ,ansing last
ThursdayF He forgot to mention
he didn't plan to return.
Worried about his son, George
Lamerson notified olice that he
was missing and a search was be-
gun fbr the boy. They discovered
that he was seen in Jackson Tues-
day but that was as far as they
Yesterday Mr. Lamerson re-
ceived a card from his boy,
He had joined the CCC and is
stationed at Camp Norris, Iron-
wood. George Lamerson stopped
worrying. '
Report on file at the police de-
partment: a squirrel has fallen
down an unused chimney at 715
Haven.' Santa Claus must have
gotten his signals crossed.
sixth Concert
Wednesda y
Choral Union To Present,
Boston Orchestra, Lead
By SergeKoussevitsky

NYA Allotment U]niversity Polish Student Recounts

reduce jobis
To End May 20

Attack On Native Land

Committee Will Cut Hours
From All Students Who
Fall Short Of Quotas

Irena J. Jastrzelski Travelled Across Two Continents,
Pacific Ocean To Attend School In Ann Arbor

She doesn't look like an engineer

ltTn"+illanei Fr.,w, 'n___ IN

(Continued from Page 1)
SL _ or a war refugee.
But attractive Irena J. Jastrzeb-
schmool year. this will be made up un- sQki, '44E, is both. A native of War- i
der the plan adopted by the Univer- saw, Poland, Miss Jastrzebski spent
-ity Committee by reducing the num-one year in crossing Russian-occupied
wer of hours assigned each student1 Poland, Lithuania, Soviet Russia,
who does not, work his allotted time. Japan ahd the Pacific Ocean to reach
Usual Practice the United States. It took her one
In the past the same practice has month in actual traveling time to
been followed, but not as severely. A cross Russia and three weeks to
student who is, for example, allotted j cross the Pacific Ocean.
$15 for a month's work, and works Visa and passport regulations
only enough hours to earn $12, will forced delays at every turn, ac-
be cut to $10 for the following month. counting for the long period of time.
If he does not earn his full amount Miss Jastrzebski, however, is con-
for that period, he will be cut off the I vinced the reward was worth it. She
NYA rolls entirely. .I.b prefers the American way. of life
In the past officials have been with its political freedom-so lacking
lenient with students with excuses for in Europe--and insists she will re-I
not working their allotted time. But main here even after her studies are
now, according to Professor Gram, finished.
only "illness, death in the family, or It was in December, 1939, that Miss
some very serious emergency will be Jastrzebski and her parents left War-
accepted as an excuse." saw to join the long line of civilians
"There are too many students who streaming seemingly no where. She
really need the money and who will experienced the seige that destroyed
work their full time. Those who just 75 per cent of Warsaw. Although)
come around to work when they feel their home was not bombed, the fam-
like it should not be allowed to con- ily had to leave most of their pos-
tinue on the rolls with the budget sessions there.
out this way," Professor Gram said. Only with a slight trembling in her
Must Gain $10,000 ! voice did Miss Jastrzebski refer in"
By this method over the next five detail to the Nazi seige of the capital
months the sum of $10,000 must be city of her country. The continued
made up. If it is not made up this way, air bombardments, night and day,
it will be necessary to resort to blan- remain vividly in her mind. Utilities
ket hour cuts.
The cutin the NYA budget will also -
work hardship on those faculty men Local Russian Aid Society
who employ student NYA workers Raises Funds From Film
in their offices. If students do not
work their full quota of hours, and In a recent benefit performance
are cut off the payroll for this reason, featuring "Alexander Nevsky," a So-
workers will be put in their places viet film, the Ann Arbor Committee
only as other projects are completed. for Medical Aid to Russia raised $250.,
"Workers have been igned to The money will be used to pur-
definite departments, an it would chase serums, medicinal supplies and
not be fair to take them away from surgical instruments foi- the relief
one department just to place them in of the Russian people.
another that may not be able to pro, Composed 'of faculty members.
vide enough work to keep them busy," townspeople and students, the local
Professor Gram stated. committee has organized several
At the present time there are 811 groups to carry on activities such as
student workers on the University knitting, fund-raising and the pro-
tuentY worA U.curement of medicinal supplies for
NYA payroll.

i service-electricity, water-all were
cut off.
When the seige began, Miss Jas-
trzebski recalled, everyone fled from
the countryside into the city. Food
became critically scarce, and the hos-
pitals could not accommodate the in-
Present conditions in German oc-
cupied Poland are going from bad
to worse. Labor ranks have been so

reduced by Nazi plan of forced labor
in Germany that food production is
at a dangerously low level. Condi-
tions in the Russian-occupied areas
are slightly better.
The German attack in the fall of
1939, Miss Jastrzebski said, was en-
tirely unexpected by the Polish peo-
ple. Although all Europe knew war
was inevitable the suddenness -with
which the Nazis struck came as a
surprise. She had planned to study
engineering in France when the war
Asked about the new friendship be-
tween the Polish government in 'exile


Puzzled About
What to Give?


A Russian conductor turned. Amer-
ican is the story of Dr. Serge Kousse-
vitsky who will lead the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra in the sixth Choral
Union Concert at 8:30 p.m. Wednes-
day, Dec. 10, its Hill Auditorium. .
A Russian expatriate, comparatively
unknown in this country at the time,
Dr. Koussevitsky was appointed con-
ductor of the Boston Symphony Or-
chestra in 1924. He had, of course,
already achieved success in London
avpd Paris.
Although already in his 17th year
as conductor Dr. Koussevitsky still
continues his simple life. He doesn't
care for society but thrives on travel.
His favorite refreshment is a hot
lemonade which his niece calls the
"tea of health."
Referred to as the man "who con-
trols rigidly a volcanic temperament,"
Dr. Koussevitsky shows his real na-
ture at rehearsals of the orchestra.
Attired in a special blouse of his own
design, he directs with motions that
would exhaust even the strongest ath-
As a conductor, Dr. Kous'sevitsky
at first shocked the traditionals with
his continual sponsorship of new mu-
sic. His great individualism, however,
has always been tempered with "in-
fallible taste and intuition."
Dr. Koussevitsky will lead the Bog-
ton Symphony Orchestra on Wednes-
day in the rendering of Mozart's Sym-
phony in D major (Haffner) and Wil-
liam Schuman's Symtphony No. 3.
Symphony No. 4 in E Minor' by
Brahms will also be played.


and Russia, Miss Jastrzeski declared
? w ro'#xVUe that although Russia had invaded
' Poland, the greatest threat was still
n* l Germany and that friendship between
10 ngl Ana the nations fighting her was only
Cmn Of Hate News from Poland was compara
ya tively frequent before the outbreak
of the Russo-German conflict, Miss
Mademoiselle's Format, Jastrzebski reported. Mail communi-
cations appear to be completely cut
Style, Subject, Readers now.
Examined By Parody--
With a complete disregard of wo- Canpus To Sing Carols
men's opinion-something that can Led byfte


be done only in print-the soon to be
released December issue of Gargoyle
is designed to tell the frailer of the1
sexes just what is what concerning
their favorite subjects.
Carrying out a traditional policy--
cf at least two year's standing-Gar-
goyle will this month present its an-
nual parody on a magazine of nation-
al reputation, specifically, Mademoi-
A more than worthy successor to
Garg's takeoff on Life last spring, the
new magazine will be crammed with
photographs which, although they
approximate the Mademoiselle style,
are bound to add to feminine irrita-
As in all magazines devoted to the
womanly interest, fashion and beauty
will bask in the spotlight, but no wo-
man's interests will be served by
Oarg's dissertations on these sub-
Because this issue will be Garg's
biggest, and because after all Mad-
!moiselle is no pulp magazine, the
iew price will be 25 cents. Year's sub-
;criptions will be honored without
additional charge.

I .fCU U' JJ *AllA~J.J.6 U1 l e LLIt JVer-SIL
Men's Glee Club, the Women's Gle
Club and a special mixed chorus, a
All-Campus Carol Sing will be he
at 9 p.m. Sunday on the steps of th
main library. Prof. David Mattern
the School of Music will conduct.
For Mary's practicing-

the Soviet Union.I


4 Never miss a whisker!

Faculty dinners come back into the
limelight again this week as the trio
on the Observatory Street entertain
Jordan Hall's Glee Club will sing
for their guests in their first ap-
psarance of the semester. Joan An-
utta, '44, will lead the choir in ren-
ditions of "When Day Is Done" and
'Gianinamia." Mr. John O'Neill,
Mr. James O'Neill, Prof. and Mrs..
Charles E. Koella, Prof. and Mrs.
Abelke and Mrs. Diekema of Mar-
tha Cook will be among those pres-
Mosher will entei tain Dr. and Mrs.
clark Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. I. H.
Anderson, Prof. and Mrs. F. W. Gravit
ind Prof. and Mrs. Bennett Weaver
.mong others.
Stockwell, too, will play hostess to
many faculty members among whom
are Dr. and Mrs. lVilcolm Soule, Prof.
and Mrs. Clarence Thorpe, "Prof. and
Mrs. Richard Hollister, Prpf. and Mrs.
Peter Okkelberg and Prof. and Mrs.
Wassily Bessekirsky.
The West Quad Student Council
elected the following officers Tues-
day: Bill Stevens, '45, chairman of
the Council; Bob' Brewer, '42M,
vice-chairman; and Frank Powers,
'42, secretary-treasurer. The Stu-
dent Council is the main governing
body of the West Quad residents.

Therapy For Crippled Children
Is Given -i. Ga lens Workshop

(Editor's Note: This is the last of a
series of case histories of children at
the University Hospital who will be
helped by your contributious to the
annual Galens drive tomorrow and
Joe, age 13, came to the Galens
workshop every day during his stay,
in the hospital. From the very start,
he showed an outstanding aptitude
in the use of tools.
When Joe left, his report read:
"Joe is very much sinterested in
woodwork, shows above average
ability in the use of equipment and
choice of materials. Joe learned to
use the jig saw, sander and drill
press so as to be able to help others
and aid in learning the funda-
mentals of their use. Joe was well
liked, being a leader in all activi-
* * *
Marvin, also 13, was a frail boy,
having been in the hospital for a
long time.
Besides working on Scouting, Mar-

vin learned a great deal about the
shop. Of necessity he worked slowly,
but the work was always well done.
He learned to follow directions and
to ask questions when he was not
clear on any points.
Marvin was interested in a num-
ber of handicrafts and in making
] the most of his time and opportunity
while inthe hospital.
His instructor reported him as
well-adjusted socially, capable and
always willing to help others.
* * *
Ip general, the boys have a strong
desire to do their best, and prize the
things they make in the shop. Many
of them were in a highly excited
stage when leaving the hospital for
fear their projects would not be
mailed to them if they could not take
it when they left.
The Galens workshop offers com-
panionship, self expression and satis-
fying projects, each suited to the in-
dividual interest and strengths of
each child.

University Musical Society
announces the following


Does Mary hate to practice?
Poor light may have some-
thing to do with it. Give her
a grand new L.E.S. 3-Lite
Lamp with a 100-200-300-
watt bulb to brighten her
music pages! (See the itttrac-
tive new models on display
at your dealer's today. We do
not sell these lamps.) The
Detroit Edison Company.


Al C lonductor
Wed., Dec. 10, 8:30 P.M.





Christmas Supplement will solve
all your problems. Loads of 'nifty gift
suggestions ... let it be your
Christmas guide.
Santa Will Soon
Be On His Way!

omor row's


Michigan Daily

on each side of the mirror
Don't let poor lighting ruin
your disposition in the morn-
ing. Shave in comfort with a
60-watt lamp (shaded) on
each side of the bathroom
mirror. You'll be surprised
at the difference it makes.
The Detroit EdisonC:ompany.




music in a dancing mood.
herb miller
playing ,for
December 5 and.6
Tickets on sale at: Muir Drug - Wikel Drug
Next Friday:
Playing at Senior Society's Annual
"Come Across" Dance

DANCE ... 3rd ,Mg Week-End
The Miiitry Cltb at the Arnory
and his orchestra
<: R
^ D
& *

Our advice is to shop

Serge Koussevitzky

Chorus - Orchestra - Soloists
IllOR JOHNSON, Conductor
Sun.. Dec. 14, 4:15 P.M.

'C~ ~ ...".'..-.-

Get "the pick of the lot" from Ann
Arbor merchants' exceptionally fine
selection of Christmas gifts.




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