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September 30, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-30

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he Michigan Daily

Washington Merry-Go-Round






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dited and managed by students of the University of
,higan under the authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
'ublished every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
the Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ts of republication of all other matters herein also
ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
. College Publishers Representative
Ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial Staff

ile Gel .
bert Speckhard
Bert P. Blaustein
vid Lachenbruch
in Dann
1 Wilson
thur Hill
net Hiatt
ace Miller
rginia Mitchell

. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
*. .Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
, Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
. Exchange Editor

Business Staff
)anlel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager
Fni s B. Collins . . Assistant Business Manager
0uise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager
*vetn Wright . . Women's Business Manager
,s The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
sjaff and represent the views of the writers
)ur Pledge
[" You.
FOLDED DAILY at your doorstep
welcomes you back to Ann Arbr
n' dto another semester of your higher educa-
1t is not necessary to say that ,these are
roubled times, or that this is an interesting
ie to b alive; you have your own opinions on
aoge subjects.
Nevertheless, it is more important today than
;ever has been to obtain the facts, the news,
:e story of what's. going on in our University,
qW city, our country, our world, our universe.
kWe of The Daily make this pledge to you: We
hill do our utmost to keep the students at this
ruiversity well inforned and to print only what
e believe to be truth. We shall endeavor to
aalntain the high standards our predecessors
ave set for us in all of the fields of collegiate
6 LONG AS the truth is accessible to every-
one, and no longer, we will have freedom.
-Emile Gel
A. P. Blausteinr
David Lachenbruch
Alvin Dann
Ieprimand .
T O THE CLASS OF '45: Congratula-
tions! You came out to Ann Arbor
ai a Monday, roared through an orientation
shedule, registered in the University for the
rst time on Thursday or Friday, and then felt
ifficientl Michiganized to represent your
:hool on the football field last Saturday.
Unfortunately there are fifty-six well-trained
6d well-fed individuals whose qualifications for
le job far exceed yours. Aside from the fact
bat any football rules committee provides for
n equal number of'men on both sides, the class
f '45 forgot that participation in a University
>ort requires at least one semester of scholastic
igibility. Yet you were able to take the field
ithout ever having attended a class in this
Seveiwl changes have been made in collegiate
>ort and collegiate 'life' since the day of Rollo
,ackstraw at Rutgers. In the first place the
ying wedge has been blacklisted. Secondly, the
tate Street stores no longer find it necessary
a board up their windows before each football
Ame. And thirdly, the new University Health
eryice was built without a cooler ward for psy-
hotic freshman football fans.
This criticism, to bewritten and taken lightly,
iscounts any considerations of sportsmanship
rid- ethics of receiving a visiting team. But
pen-armed, hospitality does not extend to a pair
f brass knuckles in each hand. Granted that
he blood and bruises you so liberally provided
re part of the. attraction for the sixty-seven
iousand who crawled into Ann Arbor for the
ame, you're still not expected to provide them.
If, at the end of two or three weeks, you still
iink that a 'tween-halves Pier 6 riot is part
f this University, .you're welcome to, try it
gain. At that time the "Harvard of the Mid-
" will nffinially beome Ann Arbor's "Tenth

WASHINGTON-One of the early prerogatives
given to members of Congress by the Founding
Fathers was the right to send their mail at
public expense. This was a privilege granted for
the purpose of enlightening the electorate re-
garding their acts in Congress, to defend themr.
selves and also, of course, to help in the all-im-
portant job of getting re-elected.
THIS PRIVILEGE has continued-and right-
fully so- up to the present, even though a
similar privilege is denied the men in the army
camps, who appreciate mail more than almost
anything else.
Last week, however, a FBI truck backed up
t an office on Rhode Island Avenue, previously
exposed in this column as having Nazi connec-
tions, and carted a batch of documents down
to the Justice Department.
In that truckload were the franked envelopes
of various Senators and Congressmen, including
the late Senator Lundeen of Minnesota; Senator
Nye of North Dakota; Senator Worth Clark of
Idaho, now investigating the movies; Represen-
tative Day of Illinois; Representative Sweeney
of Ohio; Representative Tinkham of Massa-
chusetts; and ex-Representative Thorkelson of
THESE ENVELOPES contained speeches of the
*various Congressmen, but the envelopes were
unaddressed. In other words, the gentlemen who
possessed this cherished privilege of free frank-
ing, had permitted it to be delegated1 to a Nazi-
supported organization which could decide where
the propaganda should be sent.
This incident emphasizes a situation fre-
quently exposed in this column, wherein certain
Congressmen have passed along their franking
privilege. At meetings of the Christian Mobil-
izers, American Destiny Party and other goups
the franked envelopes and addresses of Nye,
Wheeler, Reynolds and others were passed out
free, to be addressed and sent "to a friend."
Franked Supplies On Hand
The Steuben Society's Unit No. 55 held a meet-
ing in New York on June 18, and on June 13 it
issued a letter to "Dear Steubenites," urging
them to come to the meeting. As an inducement
the letter said:
"A T THIS MEETING excerpts, from the Con-
gressional Record will be distributed to the
members. . . . These excerpts can be used to
publicize our society to great advantage. They
can be sent to our race and to others . . . These
excerpts are in franked envelopes, requiring no
All evidence points to the fact that various
German-American, pro-Nazi and other isolation-
ist organizations keep a supply of franked
speeches on hand, supplied them by th'e gentle-
men of Congress.'
For instance, a few days after the name of Mrs.
R. F. Nelson, Farmington, Minn., appeared in a
Minneapolis paper, she received, unsolicited, a
Mletter from Congressman Stephen Day of Illi-
nois, containing the speech he delivered June 15,
sent out with the cooperation of the Columbia
Press Service which is now being probed by a fed-
eral grand jury on the charge that it is financed
by German agents.
BUT the most interesting thing about the
franked Day letter was that is was not post-
marked Washington, or even Illinois, where the
Congressman lives-but Minneapolis. Congress-
man Day had sent a batch of his franked
speeches to a propaganda group to be distribu-
ted--at the taxpayer's expense.
Likewise Senator Wheeler's. frank has been
postmarked. from such an obscure town as Upper
Darby, Pa. Senator Worth Clark's frank has
been ,mailed out of Ardmore, Pa., Nye's from
Omaha, and Senator Johnson of Colorado has
had his letters sent postmarked New York to a
professor in Texag-all done through beiefit of
the most abused of all congressional concess-
ions, the franking privilege.
Wes; Behind Roosevelt
At first, the Secretary of Agriculture thought
he had made a mistake in interviewing the beet
growers. He had come to Salt Lake for pleasure,
and the beet growers would be painful. But duty
was duty, so Claude Wickard let them in.
THEY WERE a group of thirty men, and the
complanlt they made has not been equalled

usual maneuvers during the half-time break.
Tradition took a beating, and a number of fresh-
men from ;both schools came dangerously close
to following suit. Btqt it couldn't be helped: the
bands just hadn't had time to prepare for the
intricate formation which they usually present
at half-time.
The average football fan probably doesn't real-
ize that the bands spend on the average of ten
hours a week preparing for their formations for
the coming Saturday. Not only do the maneuvers
themselves have to be perfected, but the music
has to be rehearsed and the whole thing coordi-
nated so as to get the effect desired. With the
first game occuring before the beginning of
classes, it was impossible to organize the bands,
drill and rehearse them and turn out a perform-
ance up to the usual standard in the short time
EVEN SO, they tried. Michigan bandsmen last
spring voted to return to school early to
prepare for the game; but the funds for the
extra room and board were lacking, and the idea
had to be abandoned. Notwithstanding, the band
was whipped into shape in record time, and with
the aid of special drills Friday afternoon and
Saturday morning, they managed to appear as a
uniformed unit to back the team.

by anything in Washington. They complained
about prices, about quotas, about labor, but most
of all they complaned about the importation of
foreign sugar.
They declared the American sugar market
should be for American beet and cane; to hell
with the cane from Cuba.
Wickard squirmed. He wished he could get out
into the great open spaces the West was noted
for. Then something happened. A man rose to
speak. Wickard's face relaxed, and the whole
atmosphere was changed.
"Mr. Secretary," said the beet farmer, "we
came to complain, but don't get us wrong. We
got to gripe about sugar, but we're not griping
about other things. We're with you, and we're
with the President.
"Don't suppose," he continued, "that we're
back of Worth Clark (isolationist Senator from
Idaho)! No sir! If he spoke out here today,
he'd go away all spattered with eggs, and a lot of
people wouldn't listen to him at all.
"We don't like war, but we're tired of argu-
ment, and we're ready to follow the President."
The entire delegation of complainers broke
into a storm of applause.
Vanished Alky
You don't know it, but among other things
the defense program may change your drinking
THE SUPPLY of ethyl alcohol, one of the most
widely used ingredients in defense production,
is beginning to run low and new sources must
be found to make it. The only immediately
handy source are whiskey distillers.
That means they will have to either stop en-
tirely, or drastically curtail. making whiskey.
The effect of this won't be felt immediately,
but it will a few years hence when the whiskey
that would normally be bonded this year would
go on the market. Instead of going on the mar-
ket it would be noticeable by its absence. There
wouldn't be any to sell.
Ordinary ethyl alcohol is made by industrial
alky concerns from molasses and blackstrap
shipped in tankers from Cuba. But even running
full tilt ethyl producers are not able to meet the
defense demand and the whiskey distillers will
have to pitth in and help out.
of which there is no dearth. The Commodity
Credit Corporation alone has 20,000,0 bushels.
capable of making 52,000,000 gallons of alky.
This added to the industrial alcohol industry's
output of 170,000,000 gallons a year would ease
the situation.
But the rub is that only a handful of big dis-
tilleries are equipped to turn out 190 proof alky.
The little fellows can make only 120 to 150 proof,
which is good enough for whiskey but not for
industrial uses.
The big distillers are willing to cooperate with
the government, but they demand that their little
competitors be required to do their bit. Otherwise,
it is argued, they will have the whiskey field all
to themselves a few years hence. t
CONCRETELY the big distillers want the little
fellows to divvy up with them the grain al-
cohol supply they make this year.
So far, OPM chiefs are letting the alky makers
try to work out an agreement among themselves.
If they can't, therf the, government will step in
and do it for them-
Note-The shortage in industrial alcohol al-
ready is hitting hard a number of consumer in-
dustries, such as patent medicines and perfumes,
which use enormous quantities of the stuff.

The Reply
THERE was something missing last
Saturday. You know what I mean
-the band. Now I am the sort of a
guy who doesn't know anything about
anything. When I go to a football
game I sit between two people with
broad shoulders, and the radio the
guy behind me is shoving against my
neck says "Double wing-back to the
left" and I think that's nice, but as
far as knowing who has the ball, ort
why they took Pzxmska out of there
and put Xntdlroo in, I am sort of
non compos mentis. I go to hear the
band, and to watch the band. I never
bet in football pools; I do not save
the wrappers of a well-known brand
of cigarettes to guess scores on. I
just like the band.
Now, Mr. Revel', I am not kicking.
I have watched the band practicing
for formation, and I know it takes
time, and lots of work, and I know
there just wasn't time. But I thought
you'd like to know we missed you.
It just didn't seem right, no band.
WHEN you get right down to it,
football, except to those who play
it or earn their living by it, is just
pushing each other around, and after
an hour or so it gets tiresome the
entire length of your spine. A hot-
dog helps. So does a well-known na-
tional beverage (we are not allowed
to disclose trade secrets or names of
products, but the initials are C.C.).
But best of all, for that tired feeling,
that lordosis backline, is the band.
Not that there aren't faults about
the band. The boys are apt to walk
just a little quick-step even when
they aren't on parade, and some of
them look cherubic, and they didn't
play the 'State song. And when Var-
sity Night is looming I always wish
I had never seen the band, because
they stand around and wave tickets
at you so they can go someplace or
buy new hats. 'But just the same,
band, I like you, and I'm pretty sure
that goes fourteen thousand other
ways here plus alumni.
* *~ *
AND WHILE I am skirting football,
I take the liberty of quoting from
a recent Satpost article on the charm
boy of the west coast, Frankie Albert
Stanford, '42. Th.,re are two schools
of thought on football players-in
fact there are two kinds of newspaper
men, as J. P. McEvoy once said, the
ge whiz kind, and the aw nuts kind.
Try and guess where this belongs.
"The opposition, like the girls
at the Pi Phi house, never know
what to expect. When hashing at
the Pi Phi house he normally
wears a white mess jacket. One
day Frankie appeared in a tuxedo
he borrowed from a Deke
brother. The girls were taken
back to say the least. This was
unusual, wasn't it, to have Ritz
service, the house president quer-
'Yes, but I thought you girls
needed a change of pace,' Albert
answered, showing the infectious
grin that is adjudged plain dy-
namic to campus femmes."
A plenty sharp customer, this Al-
bert. Quick on the trigger, but
charming. "Showing the infectious
grin that is adjudged plain dynamic
to campus femmes." Sic.
* * *
AND while on the list of award
winners for jerk of the year, I'll
throw a nod in the direction of Jerk
Pickering, the small town boy, now
making good as the Town Crier for
the Detroit Free Press. I once in a
moment of unawareness said that I

didn't think those back page columns
were so bad. I take it back. Picker-
ing goes around town with his mouth
open and a notebook in his hand, and
it is actually rumored that upon one
occasion a certain well-known celeb-
rity of the Detroit stage-two calls
at the Colonial-when in his cups,
did address Mr. Pickering as "Jack"
with friendship in his tone. What
this all leads to is the fact that there
are certain stories which travel up
and down and across the country,
known as the American myths. When
Wollcott was here he devoted the
major part of an evening to these
stories, and to most newspaper men
they are old hat. What happens is
that they get a cub reporter every
once in awhile as actual news, and in
Mr. Wollcott's commodious files lie
clippings to prove same.
So what does Mr. Pickering do
but print, without explanatory note,
obviously agape at such a weird
story, the following item in his col-
umn last summer.
"Shoplifter who stole a pack-
age in a department store was
found later in a ,dead faint in a
rest room. The package con-
tained an embalmed cat being
taken to a pet cemetery."
That cat has been lying on that
shoplifter's lap, and that shoplifter
has been in a dead faint for so long
now, and so many times, that it's
hard to find even a layman who won't
walk away when you' start to tell
the story, and as for newsmen-well,

Lt 'j"


By Lichty

d5 94 ' '~GOrv sIN

"A fine outfit I got!-You lose 4,000 men to the blue army, 150
tanks, 200 artillery, and now this farmer says he's going to sue
us for some busted fences!"


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a. P. blaustein's

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(Continued from Page 2)
a statement of approval for major
and minors signed by the adviser.
Blanks for the purpose may be se-
cured in the School of Education
office or in Room 4 U.H.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session of attendance will re-
ceive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by October 29. Students wishing an
extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. ,where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
IAcademic Notices
Chemical Engineering I: The lec-
tures on Ch.E. I will meet in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium Tuesday
and Thursday at 11:00 instead of
Room 348 at that time. The first
lecture will be held there today.
J. C. Brier
Chemical Engineering 171 (Explo-
sives): Ch.E. 171 will be given the
first Semester, 1941-42, provided suf-
ficient students wish it. Those in-
terested please meet in Rom 3215
East Engr. Building, today at 4:00
p.m. to make'arrangements.
J. C. Brier
Preliminary examinations in French
and German, for candidates for the
doctorate, will be held on Monday,
October 6, at 4:00 p.m., in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Dictionary may be used. Inquiries,
Room 120 Rackham Building, Mon-
day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday,
2:15-4:15 p.m.
Students in Music Courses B203
and C203 will please see Professor
Louise E. Cuyler for appointments,
Room 406 Tower, between 9:30 and
11:30 a.m. today.
Professor Davis' American Litera-
ture seminar, 300H, will meet on
Thursday from 3:00-5:00 p.m., Room
3217 Angell Hall.
English 211b: Professor Nelson's
Pro-Seminar in Renaissance will meet
today, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., 3223 A.H.
English 211c and 259 will meet on
Wednesday, 4:00 to 6:00, in Room
3217 Angell Hall.
English 211g will meet for organi-
zation in Room 2216 Angell Hall to-
day at 4:00 p.m.
English 297: Students who have
elected my section of English 297 will
meet Wednesday, October 1, at 4:00
p.m. in Room 3216 Angell Hall, to
arrange hours.
E. A. Walter
English 300B will meet Mondays
at 4 o'clock in 2215 A.H. First meet-
ing, October 3.,
English 230-Studies in Spenser
and His Age. Students electing this
course please meet in Professor
Tilley's office, 2211 Angell Hall, at
4:00 p.m. Wednesday, to decide on

Emanuel Fuermann, 'Cellist, Oc-
tober 30.
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra,
Artur Rodzinski, Conductor, Novem-
ber 9.
Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor, and
Ezio Pinza, Bass, November 18.
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fre-
derick Stock, Conductor, November
Bosto a Symphony Orchestra, Ser-
ge Koussevitzky, Conductor, Decem-
ber 10.
Robert Casadesus, Pianist, Janu-
ary 19.
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
Dimitri Mitropoulos, Conductor, Feb-
ruary 3.
Joseph Szigeti, Violinist, February
Vronsky and Babin, Pianists,
March 3.
All concerts will take place at 8:30
p.m., except those by the Cleveland
and Chicago Symphony Orchestras,
which will begin at 3:00 o'clock in
the afternoon.
The attention of the public is re-
spectfully called to the fact that after
September 30 (4:00 p.m.), in accord-
ance with the provisions of the new
Federal Tax Law, a tax of 10 per
cent must be added to the price of
all tickets. The public, in purchasing
tickets, is rcqutsted to govern them-
selves accordingly.
-Charles A. Sink
1941-42 Oratorical Lecture Course
tickets will be placed on sale this
morning at 10 o'clock at the box of-
fice,' Hill Auditorium. Eight dis-
tinguished attractions will be offered
this year and the box office will be
:pen daily for the sale of seats. Pa-
trons are advised that all tickets will
be subject to the Federal amusement
tax of 10 per cent after today.
Events Today
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Plans for the
year's activties will be discussed. All
members are requested to attend.
University of Michigan Flying Club:
A short business meeting will be held
at 9:00 tonight, in Room 1042 East
Engineering Building. All interested
students are invited. There -are
openings for a few new share holders.
Thirty dollars buys a 1/20 share of
the new Franklin Cub Coupe. This
is the only chance for a share, as the
ship must be bought on October 1.
Coming Events
International Center: The program
for this week is as follows:
Wednesday, October 1, 7:30-9:00
p.m. Program of Recorded Music: En-
esco's Roumanian Rhapsody; Dvor-
ak's Slavonic Dances; Tschaikovsky's
Concerto No. 1, B Minor, for piano
and orchestras.
Thursday, October 2, 4:006:00 p.m.
Friday, October 3, 7:30-11:00 p.m.
Recreation Night.
Polonia Society continuation com-
mittee meeting on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 1, at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan
Union. All committee members are
asked to attend.
Hiawatha Club will meet on Wed-
nesday, Oct. 1, at 8:00 p.m. in the
Michigan Union. Consult the Bul-



WE SAW TOM HARMON walking along State
St. the other day sporting a pair of dark
glasses as a disguise. But poor Tom couldn't
fool anybody. Everybody knew he was Terrible
Tommy, Michigan's greatest All-American,-no-
body mistook him for a movie star.
But it certainly wasn't Tom's fault that
"Harmon of Michigan" turned out to be a B
minus picture-even Clark Gable and Paul
Muni would have looked bad with that script.
And as for Anita Louise, she looked about as
attractive as a typical "Vogue" mannikin and
acted just about as well.
ACCORDING to the enrollment figures, there
are more freshmen women than men in the
Literary College this fall. After taking a good,
look at some of them, we accordingly pass this
information off as another ugly rumor.
* * *
Little A. Hitler,
When he was littler,
Once learned a very big lie.
So now he purports
To write news reports
And say, "What a good boy am I!"
* * *
NOW THAT AMERICA finally has what she
needs (A good five cents World Series) we
naturally predict that the Dodgers will win in
four straight games. No, we won't insure any
* * *
On our way to Chicago last week we bumped
into an elderly Hollander who had this story


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