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December 03, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-03

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Staff I

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill. .
Janet Hiatt ,
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchel.

* . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. * . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. . . Business Manager
* Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

A Separate Air Arm'
In Modern War ...
especially prominent in modern war-
fare and one quite likely to confuse civilian
thought in the matter of America's efforts in
this respect is that of autonomy versus integra-
tion of the air arm.
Especially confusing in the problem is the
fact that the chief combatant nations in the
present war both use the separate air force and
achieve vastly different results; Germany with
its much-touted Luftwaffe which has swept the
the skies of Europe, and England with her
equally well advertised but more negatively suc-;
cessful R.A.F.
Many boosters of the aeroplane as' a military
weapon, especially in the ranks of that service
in the armed forces, urge the adoption of this
sort of separation for the air service of the
United States. On the other hand is the proposal,
of the writer "Saggitarius" quoted from the
British Fighting Forces in the Infantry Journal,
who would incorporate the aircraft of the army
in the lower tactical units, the company and bat-
talion, and man them with personnel of these
It would seem after a careful examination of
the virtues of both these and intermediate pro-
prosals that a compromise leaning toward inte-
gration especially in command with care to rea-
lize the special aptitudes of the flying service,
such as that already in practice in the Army of
the United States, is the best solution to the
HE ONLY MISSION which the air arm can
carry out successfully by itself is the long-
range bombing of enemy elements as an air-
borne artillery. This bombing, except under the
total air war doctrines of General Douhet of the
Italian service, is not an end in itself but merely
creates a diversion of material and personnel
from the fighting front on land or sea or dis-
rupts supply and communications. It is ex-
tremely doubtful, even granting the utility of
the Douhet tactic, which we emphatically do
not, whether the United States would consent
to its use by its forces in any war.
In the case of campaigns involving the joint
operation of two or more arms and services, the
element of ico-ordination becomes paramount.
This is evident in the ever closer integration of
the infantry-artillery team.
It has been argued in this connection by the
proponents of the separate air arm that the
planning and coordination of joint operations
if left to the Army and/or the Navy becomes
dominated immediately by unprogressive old
moss-backs incapable of understanding or ap-
preciating the problems and utility of the air
arm. Tha this is not true will become evident
'when it is ointed out that the normal program
for officers in both the Army and Navy of this
country includes over twenty hours of flying.
And in order for the training to be given to the
junior officers it must needs have been provided
for by the "moss-backs."
PASSING to the argument that both of the
major warring nations in Europe today have
their air arm organized separately, it may be
pointed out that Germany's has worked satis-
factorily and England's has not. This apparent
contradiction can be laid to the domination of

Chicago Sees
A New 'Sin' Rise®.
see in a newspaper something more
than a mere fleeting recorder of contemporary
history will open the pages of a new paper in
Chicago in the opening bout of what may prove
one of the most romantic battles in journalistic
The Chicago Sun will appear tomorrow, a
challenge to the supremacy of the lusty and
seemingly eternal Chicago Tribune.
For years now Chicagoans have looked for-
ward to this day. The nation's leading New
Deal baiter, The T-ibune, has dominated the
morning scene in Chicago for many years. Citi-
zens have been indignant at its biased reporting,
*ts disregard of the facts. Meetings have been
called, and vitriolic phrases hurled. But still
staunch Roosevelt-hater Col. Robert Rutherford
McCormick, personification of the Tribune, has
continued unbothered.
NOW a new challenger appears on the scene.
Marshall Field, whose grandfather lent Col.
McCormick's grandfather the money to start the
Tribune, has provided the backing for a new
paper to be published for the first time tomor-
row, The Chicago Sun.
The battle will be a hard and bitter one. Both
papers are backed by apparently bottomless
financial pockets. The Tribune, though despised
by many Chicagoans, has established itself as a
tradition: Andy Gump and Co., endless features,
contests, promotions, all an essential part of
Twentieth Centu'ry, Journalism.
The Sun in this respect is an enigma. Silliman
Evans of Nashville, shrewd one-time protege of
Cactus Jack Garner, will be the guiding light
behind it. A staunch New-Dealer, Evans will
guide the Sun in one direction: support of
Roosevelt foreign policy, cautious approval of
Administration local policy
THETRIBUNE despises all that isRoosevelt.
By cartoon, editorial, biased newspaper story
this has been shown. FDR supporters equally
despise this type of journalism, and even many
anti-New Dealers have grown sick of Tribune
The battle opening tomorrow will be a long,
bitter one. Marshall Field, with little more jour-
nalistic experience than the backing of R~lph
Ingersoll's abortive attempt at a pictorio-news-
paper minus advertising, PM, is scarcely an op-
ponent for wily Col. McCormick. But newcomer
to Chicago Silliman Evans has been in other
fights before, will see that The Chicago Sun
leaves at least a blazing trail on the journalistic
horizon before it follows its big brother PM.
The romance of journalism is far from over.
The next few months will spin another tale
equal to the most fantastic anecdote of Bonfils
and Truman. Will the Tribune capitulate, mod-
ify its editorial policy to regain favor with Chi-
cagoans? Will the Sun stay above red ink un-
der the scathing blasts that wil come from Col.
McCormick's pen? Or will the two go on side
by side, proving what many have said, that
there is room for two morning newspapers in
Chicago, even two so widely different as The
Sun and The Tribune?
McCormick willknow he has been through
a struggle. And Chicago readers will witness one
of the most: colorful epics of modem btimes.
- Bill Baker
National Anthem
A Sign Of The Times?...
HEY PLAYED the "Star Spangled
Banner" at the concert Sunday, be-
fore they began the program, the way they al-
ways play it these days before anything begins.
I don't mind people playing the "Star Spangled
Banner"-it's a good number, if slightly remi-
niscent of Grand Opera. I even enjoy singing it,
though it's obviously out of my range.
It's just that it rubs things in so-and that
the world has reached the point where things
have to be, rubbed in so. So .this is written to
deplore, not the sotig, not its 'patriotic signifi-
cance, but the fact that once again conditions

are such that consciousness of country must be
pointed out at every turn. The song to open the
concert merely epitomizes the dire necessity for
emotionalism throughout the nation. It has be-
come an essential social force to bind a nation
together in time of emergency. People stand
and sing and feel a thrill-which is what they
are meant to feel. But the realization of why
this thrill is so imperative is what hurts.
Remember when you used to sing the national
anthem? It was back in grade school, mostly
just to learn the words"and melody.
BUT the atmosphere is different today. It has
to be different. The world situation has
reached the point where the country has to in-
sist on overt demonstrations of loyalty. Any
country has to, and the United States is no ex-
ception. It's absolutely necessary to keep house-
wives patriotism-conscious by getting them all
steamed up to donate their old pots and pans
twhich are of dubious value for defense). It's
Imperative that the flag be seen by everyone and
saluted often; and that slogans and catch-
phrases be constantly dangled before the public.
It is all summed up by the "Star Spangledr
Banner" introducing Bach in the concert hall.
Our country is right-it has to do these things.
But what heartbreaking world turmoil is at
fault in creating such a need for a living "Star
Spangled Banner"! - Grace Miller
month according to the date the battle is going
to be opened or the date on which the CCRA
(Corps Commander of Royal Artillery) returns
from leave."
This utter absence of co-ordination can be
laid to lack of understanding between air-men
who are not soldiers and soldiers who know

Drew Pedrso
Robert S.Alle
WASHINGTON - Martin Dies, the unpredic-
table Congressman from Texas has not been
talking much of late, but he has had a corps of
investigators doing a lot of digging. And the
result promises to be one of the most important
contributions the Dies Committee has made so
far to the expose of un-American activities.
Dies has seized the records of several German-
American agencies, also Nazi checks coming from
South America, together with some of the records
of Japanese propagandists. Piecing all this to-
gether, he has a sensational and apparently ac-
curate picture of the tremendous ramification
of Nazi propaganda in this country.
One of the most significant phases is the
manner in which this Nazi machine is linked
through its members to certain American organ-
izations such as the Knights of Camellia, the Ku
Klux Klan, the Silver Shirt and so on.
Central agency for this Nazi propaganda,
according to the Dies records, is the Kyffhaeus-
erbund which operates in North and South
America. It cooperates with the Kriegerbund,
which operates all over the world.
Tracing the membership list of the Kyffhaeus-
erbund, Dies has found that many of its mem-
bers also are members of the Silver Shirts,
the Klan, and local chapters of the America First
Committee. The interlocking membership of
these organizations, his investigators have found
to be almost unbelievable.
Detroit Strongest Center
One interesting Dies discovery is that the larg-
est number of contributions to these organiza-
tions comes from Detroit; second, Chicago, a
noted isolationist center; third, New York.
Dies has also found that some Italian schools
tie in with these organizations, and among other
things use text boots from Italy which glorify
However, the most significant thing is the
creed of these German organizations - to spread
confusion, distrust and suspicion. In fact, the
fundamental program of the bunds is to keep the
United States as disunited as possible.
Texas Rangers
Texas' famed rangers have performed many
unusual services in their long coorful career,
but none stranger than the'ohe they are now
tackling in the interest of national defense.
A detail of fifteen crack rangers has been bor-
rowed by the government to help keep order at
the Trinidad island base loaned the United States'
by Britain as part of the deal for 50 over-age
Under construction in the jungles of the West
Indies island is a $51,000,000 naval and air base.
The terms of the agreement with Britain require
the employment of native labor for the manual
work and because of the high wages paid by the
two U.S. construction firms there has been con-
siderable trouble among the natives competing
for jobs. On several ocrasions there have been
riots which the war-reduced constabulary could
not handle.
Because of Texas rangers' experience, Trini-
dad authorities decided to ask the State to lend
a group to help the Trinidad constabulary main-
tain order.
This Week's Music,
Alphabetically SpeakingI

Some pop tunes and a few others, by the
standard combinations this week. Here goes.
the Groove and 'Long About Three In the Morn-
ing. This group records for Decca's Sepia Series
and they get hot in a vocal sort of a way. The
B side is sort of bluesy and has some interesting
instrumental effects. Get In the Groove fea-
tures a vocal ensemble which gives a good at-
mospheric impression of Harlem 'long about
three in the morning.
DORSEY, TOMMY: I Think of You and Who
Can I Turn To? The first side is based on Rach-
maninoff's Concerto No. 2, but it sounds just
like any other Dorsey pop to this reviewer. Flip-
over side is good for dancing, arld probably a
good risk for the Hit Parade. (Victor)
MILLER, GLENN: Everything I Love and
Baby Mine. No matter what I say about this it
will sell like mad, because Glenn Miller recorded
it. (Bluebird)
MILLS BROTHERS: The Bells of San Raquel
and I Guess I'll Be On My Way. A characteristic
Mills Brothers twosome. Absence of complicated
material, but good straight and sentimental
singing of these two numbers. If you like the
Mills Bros., this is for you. (Decca)
MONROE, VAUGHN: , And So It Ended and
A Sinner Kissed an Angel. The A side of this is
being publicized by the Hearst papers as Vaughn
Monroe's choice for the hit of the future. And
it does go well with V. M.'s voice. On the other
side Monroe kisses an angel. (Bluebird)
MORGAN, RUSS: Ev'rytime a'nd Buckle
Down, Winsocki. The B. D., W. side is the High
School march from the George Abbott Produc-

(Continued fron Page 2)
the Office of the Dean of Students, a
Certificate of Eligibility.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity, the
chairman or manager of such activity
shall (a) require each applicant to
present a certificate of eligibility, (b)
«ign his initials on the back of such
certificate, and (c) file with the
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be
obtained in the Office of the Dean of
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building tonight at 7:30. "Catalase"
will be discussed. All interested are
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet today in Room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Professor Don-
ald L. Katz will speak on "Solid hy-
dratesof hydrocarbons."
Mr. George H. Hanson will present
a discussion at the Seminar today,
Room 3201 East Engineering Build-
ing, on the subject, "Vapor-Liquid
Equilibria of the Paraffin Hydro-
Pre-Medical Students: The special
Medical Aptitude Test of the Associa-
tion of American Medical Colleges
will be given on this campus on Fri-
day, December 5, at 3:00 p.m. in the
Amphitheater of the Rackham Build-
ing. This examination is given es-
pecially for those students who are
planning to enter a medical school
in the fall of 1942 and who failed to
take the regular test last spring.
Anyone planning to enter a medical
school in the fall of 1942 must take1
this examination now as the results
of the test given next spring will not
be available for selecting the 19421
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4 University Hall and
fees should be paid immediately at the
Cashier's Office.
Speech 31, Section 4 (9MWF): This
section will meet today in the Speech
Clinic, 1007 East Huron, at the reg-
ular hour.
Speech Concentrates and Graduate
Students in Speech: Speech educa-
tional films will rAn in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building at
4:00 p.m. today.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, has arranged a
program of Christmas music for the
last in the current series of Wednes-
day Afternoon Organ Recitals, sched-
uled for today at 4:15 p.m. in,
Hill Auditorium. The recitals will be
resumed on January 14, to be followed
by programs on January 21, 28, Feb-
ruary 11 and 18.
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of ' colored
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackham Building Ex-
hibition Galleries through December
10, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by

students in architecture at Cornell,
Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and Michigan, for
the problem "A Trade School" are
being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Building,
through Decembei' 4. Open daily 9
to 5, except Sunday. The public is
University Lecture. Professor Vic-
tor A. Gardner, Head of the De-
partment of Horticultuire and Direc-
tor of the Experiment. Station at
Michigan State College, will speak
on the subject, "Research in the
Twilight Zone between Botany and
Horticulture," under the auspices of
the Department of Botany, on Thurs-
day, December 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Kellogg Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor R. C.
Bald of Cornell University will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Poet and his
Reading : John. Donne," under the
auspices of the English Language and
Literature, on Monday, Dec. 8, at
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Mr. Laurence
C. S. Sickman, Curator of Oriental
tArt, Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas
City, Missouri, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "Landscape Painting of the Sung
Dynasty" (illustrated) under the aus-
pices of the Institute of Fine Arts, on
Friday, December 12, at 4:15 p.m. in

me rescue work on U.S.S. Squalus.
Anyone interested may attend. I
French Leetue: Dr. Francis Gravit,i
of the Romance Language Depart-i
ment, will give the second of the
French lectures sponsored by ther
Cercle Francais. The title of his lec-B
ture is: "Jean-Baptiste Lully ett
l'Opera Francais au XVIIe Siecle" (il-
lustrated with phonograph records).
The lecture will take place today at
4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Mem-l
orial Hall.-
Tickets for the series of lectures.t
may be procured from the Secretary
of.the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at thet
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all -lectures, a small
additional charge being made for1
the annual play. These lectures are
open to the general public.-, l
'Lecture: Father D'Arcy, JesuitE
scholar, lecturer in Thomistio phil-
osophy at the University of Oxford,
and Master of Campion Hall, Oxford,
will be the second speaker in the se-
ries of lectures on "The Failure oft
Skepticism" in the Rackham Lecture
Hall on Friday, December 5, at 8:151
p.m. r The series is sponsored jointlyt
by the Newman Club, Hillel Founda-..-
tion, and Inter-Guild and is open tot
the public.1
Events Tobda y t
German Round Table will meet to-
night in Room 23 of the International.
Center, 9:00-10:00. Bill Dewey will
talk on "Erlebtes in China." This will
be the last meeting for this year.
The new Political Science organ-
ization will meet today at 3:15 p.m.
in room 2203 Angell Hall. Other Pol-
itical Science students interested are
The Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences will meet tonight at 7:30 in
Room 1042 East Engineering Build-
ing. Professor Vincent will speak on
"British and American Aircraft En-
Army Ordnance Association meet-
ing tonight at 8:00 sharpi in the
Michigan Union. Col. H. W. Miller will
speak on "Recent Developments in
Ordnance." Association members and
all engineers interested welcome.
Hiawatha Club will meet tonight'at
8:00 at the League. .Refreshments.
All Upper Peninsula students are in-
Alpha Phi Omega will meet at the
Union tonight. Pledges will meet at
7:00 p.m.; executive ouncil meeting'
at 8:00 p.m.
'Religious Drama Group: Students
making marionettes in the Religious
Drama Group of the Student Relig-
ious Association will, in the future,
meet in the Lane Hall Work-Shop on
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 instead
of Fridays.
Association Discussion Group has
changed its regular meeting time to
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 at Lane
Hall.nToday is an appropriate time
for new students to join the group
since a study of the book of Job will
be started this week.,
Glider Club: A vital meeting of the
Glider Club will be held tonight at
7:30 in Room 325 of the Union. Ev-
eryone interested in the continuation
of the Club, please be presen.
The Freshman Discussion Grop,
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association, will meet for a planning
session tonight at 7:30. Freshmen es-
pecially interested in the future work
of the group should be sure to attend.

"Here's what the first aid book says to do until the doc conies-'in-
sist you were going only 20 miles an hour and had the right of way'!"


By Lichty

ings of American' Country Dance
numbers to the group meeting in the
lounge of the Women's Athletic Build-
ing, 7:00-9:00, tonight. An invitation
is extended to all to attend this dane
group. There is no charge and to-
night, in addition to the recordings,
Mr. Lovett will give leadership ma-
terial especially suited to younger
"The Blue Bird" by Maurice Mae-
terlinck will be presented tonight
through Saturday night at 8:30 as
the Christmas offering of Play Pro-
duction of the Department of Speech.
The box-office of the Mendelssohn
Theatre will be open from 10:00 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m. this week. For reserva-
tions, call 6300.
Play Production Season Ticket
Holders: Please exchange your ticket
stubs for seats for "The Blue Bird" as
soon as possible. The stubs are to be
exchanged by Thursday. After Thurs-
day all seats are placed on general
The Ballet Group of the Dance
Club will meet regularly on Wednes-
day and Friday afternoons at 4:00
p.m. in the studio at Barbour Gym-
nasium. Men and women who have
had some dance training are invited
to join. First meeting will be held
December 3. Bring practice costumes.
Interviews for Orientation Advisers,
names Margaret Collins through Dor-
othy Green will be today, 3:00-5:30
p.m. in the undergraduate office of
the League. Women must Pring their
eligibility cards to the interview.
Women's Archery Club meeting to-
night at 7:30. Arrows are the only
equipment you need to bring. The
range is set up in Waterman Gym-
nasium. Enter by the main door on
the campus side of the building. All
who are interested are cordially in-
JGP Central Committee lucheon
today in the League.
'Michigan Dames Book Club will
meet tonight at the Michigan League
at 8:00.
Coming Events
The Society of Automotive Engi-
neers will present a Babcock & Wil-
cox Lecture, "Modern Boiler Manu-
facturing," on Thursday, December
4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Rakham Am-
phitheatre. A representative of the
a&W Company will be present. Mem-
bers of the American Society of Me-
hanical Engineers will be the guests
of the S.A.E. All engineers are in-
La Sociedad lispanica will present
a movie in colors on Guatemala on
Thursday, Dec. 4, at 8:00 p.m. in the
League.All students and faculty are
cordially invited. See Bulletin* in
League for Room Number.
Actuarial students, and other in-
terested mathematics students: The
MaccabeesFraternal Life Insurance
Organization has invited Michigan
students to make a tour of their head
office in Detroit. A trip has been
arranged for the afternoon of Friday,
December 5, and several cars will
be available to take students. These
cars will leave from in front of Angell
Hall at 1:30 p.m. Students may make
reservations for taking this trip by
leaving their name and phone number
with Miss Schwan, 3012 Angell Hall.
There will be a small nominal charge
for expenses.
Zoological Movies will be shown in
the Natural Science Auditorium
Thursday, December 4, 4:10 p.m.
Open to all interested.
Qtn~i . C'vit Smna-A nm

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