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December 03, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-03

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Sir igan

Fair To Partly Cloudy.


A Separate Air Arm
In Modern War .+,'

I Z-323


U.S. Questions
Troop Moves
By Jap Army
In Indo-Chna
Act Hampers Negotiations
For Peaceful Settlement
Of Problem In Far East
Future Of Parleys
Depends On Nippon
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. -(M)
The Navy Department reported to-
day a warning by the British Ad-
miralty that the eastern approach-
es to Singapore, Britain's Far East-
ern stronghold, had been mined.
The Navy said the mined area
} was off theSouth Coast of Johore.
Vessels entering that area were ad-
vised they would do so at their own
risk and peril.
President Roosevelt's direction the
State Department asked Japan today
to state the purpose of its concentra-
tion of troops in Indo-China and
gave the Tokyo Government to un-
derstantd the future of negotiations
aimed at maintaining peace in the,
Pacific depended upon a satisfactory
Mr. Roosevelt, himself, announced
at a press conference that the in-
Iquiry had been made, and added a
statement of the situation which em-
phasized the factq that once before
when such negotiations were in pro-
gress, Japan had jeopardized them by
sending.its forces into Indo-China.
The whole episode was generally
considered the equivalent of an ef-
fort to determine the extent. of Tok-
yo's gdod faith in conducting nego-
tiations aimed at peace. It is no sec-
ret here that the discussions have
been severely hampered by the Jap-
anese proclivity for combining peace-
ful words with warlike actions.
For several days the question of
peace or war has hung upon a de-
cision in the making at Tokyo, a de-
cision whether the Japanese will yield
to American-British-Dutch-Chinese
opposition to any further spread of
their conquests, or will defy that op-
position by using the forces now in
Indo-China to attack the neighboring
country of Thailand (Siam.)
Under the circumstances the first
question asked of the President today
dealt with the Far Eastern situa-
tion. The Chief Executive brushed
aside an inquiry as to what the United
States would do if Japan should in-
vad'e Thailand and then made his
announcement concerning the ques-
tiops asked of Japan.
He would, he said, try to make it
short and at the same time give the
reporters a statement that would
answer a, numbe of questions.
Two Debaters
Have Humor
In Common
Sinclair Lewis and Lewis Browne
are as different from each other as
London, England, is distant from
Sauk Center, Minn., but they both
have a good sense of humor and
think that "college kids have a lot of
fun when they're going to school."

The Lewis who wrote "It Can't Hap-
pent Here'' doesn't think so and told
the .audiehce that in his speech.
Backstage afterwards, he still had the
same scratchy voice and quiet, dry
humor that made such a hit with the
audience in the debate - and he
used the humor to prevent getting
pinned down by questions.
Asked whether he believed college
students should concentrate on school
with the "so what" attitude or take
an active part in the war contro-
versy, Sinclair Lewis hauled out the
wit of "Main Street" and urged mo-
"You kids would be surprised how.
much you can learn by going to
school for a change," he said. "I
Wish my instructor made me work
harder in college. I was a darn
good Socialist. If I had my way then,
I'd have escorted Eugene Debs from
one corner of the campus to another
all day long."
"And if you kids had your way,
you'd parade Earl Browder all over
the n1ace," he rubbed it in good-

Goodfellows To Launch
Annual Charity Drive

More Than 250 Will
Canvass For Local
Upwards of 250 students will fo
bly contradict charges that they
"self-centered" and interested on],
"their own sheltered little wci
when they brave the elements Dec
to launch the seventh annual Go
fellow drive for local families on
verge of poverty.
Strengthensd by the active coot
ation of the University faculty anc
ficials and prominent campus orgy
zations, the drive--which in thet
has netted as high as $1675-will t
over the funds it receives from pled
and 10 hours canvassing to the 1
Family Welfare Bureau.,
The Bureau aids families who
not eligible for public relief but wh
marginal incomes nevertheless cre
innumerable problems.
The idea for this only annual
campus organized and sponso
charity effort, promoted entirely
students, originated" at -a meet
seven years ago between a group
undergraduate leaders, University
ficials, The Daily 'and Mrs. Gory
W. Brevoort, secretary of the Bur
all of whom were concerned u
problems of the needy.-
They agreed that all the mc
raised to aid needy students would
handled through the office of
Dean of Students, and the amc,
raised for unfortunate children,
destitute families would be mana
by the Bureau.
It was simultaneously arinour
that The Daily "Goodfellow Tropl
would be awarded to the can

Contribute Help In Welfare
Poverty-Stricken Families

J-Ho Tickets.,
To Be Allotted'
By Application
" .
Juniors Must Get Blanks
Tomorrow At Union;
1,250 To Be Accepted
Any junior, desirous of purchasing
a ticket to the "College Dance of The
Year," the 1942 J-Hop, must secure
application'blanks from 1 to 5 p.m. to-
morrow and Friday in' the Union or
the League, Bob Begle, tickets chair-
man, announced.
This application system, to be fol-
lowed later by the elimination by lot-
tery, is the same process as that used
successfully for the first time last
year when it replaced the usually un-
fair and cumbersome "first come, first
served" method.
In regard to applications tomorrow,
Begle stressed that each junior must
call in person at the League or Union
and must present his identification
card. Only one blank will be per-
mitted per junior and it must be turn-
ed in along with a' self-addressed,i
stamped envelope.
Reply cards will be sent to all ap-
plicants within a week of application
indicating acceptance or refusal.
Those juniors receiving "accepted"
reply cards will be required to pre-
sent them at the final ticket sale-
the time and place to be announced
Begle said that there will be no
charge for application nor will prefer-
ence according to order of submis-
sion be given. The number of tickets
to be sold is 1250, which is 50 more
than last year and in case the num-
ber of applications exceeds this limit,
elimination by lottery will be the
form of reduction.
What's The Debate About?
Lewis Browne,

group that showed the highest coop-
eration. Senior Society was the first
to win.
Helping launch the drives every
yearsince their inception have been
President Alexander G. Ruthven, the
Regents and several faculty members.
Full cooperation, as always in the
past, will again be had this year from
the League, Union, Panhellenic, As-
sembly, Interfraternity Council, Con-
gress, Student Religious Association,
Women's Judiciary Council, Women's
Athletic Association, Scroll, Senior
Society, Mortar Board, Wyvern,
Sphinx, Michigauma, Druids, 'M'
Club, Triangles, Men's Judiciary
Council, Vulcans and the Engineering
Deadlines Set
For Petitioning
In Senate Vote
Campus Election To Select
New Student Members;
12 PositionisAre Open
Candidates for the 12 Student Sen-
ate posts open in the Dec. 12 election
will be able to turn in their petitions
tomorrow, Friday, and Monday at
Rooifi 302 in the Union, anounced
chairman William Ellman, '43, of the
elections committee.
Along with the petitions, each re-
quiring 25 names, nominees required
to present their eligibility cards and
a 50 cents registration fee.. A state-
ment for The Daily's "Battle Page,"
compulsory of every candidate, must
be written and handed in by Monday,
Ellman also announced.
Petitions for the University's only
al-campus election can be turned in
by a student from any school. Vote-
counting will begin at 7 p.m. Dec. 12
under the Hare system of propor-
tional representation. And additional
questions will be answered by posters
to be displayed Friday on campus
bulletin boards, Ellman declared.
New members of the elections com-
mitte are correspondence chairman
Jock Dalm, '45, Bob Reisdorf, '44E,
and Otto Chady '43, both in charge
of election day proceedings.
SDI Will Hear
Talk By Hobbs
Professor Will Discuss
Fascist Danger-
Prof. Emeritus William H. Hobbs
will address a meeting of the Michi-
gan Chapter of the Student Defenders
of Democracy at 8 p.m. today in the
Union. He will discuss the fascist
danger, both from within and with-
out, to the United State'.
Professor Hobbs is well know as' a
geologist, explorer, and author. At
present he is one of the Administra-
tion's chief advisers on problems aris-
ing from the occupation of Green-
land. A dispute between Col. Charles
A. Lindbergs and Professor Hobbs,
regarding the suitability of Greenland
as an air base, received national at-
tention last April.
This meeting is the first of a series,
sponsored by the S.D.D., designed to
show how vital the defeat of Hitler is
to the future of America. , y
inclair Lewis

Trieste Rebels
Attack Duce,
Report Says
Munition Sabotage, Deaths
Of Italians Are Charged
To Anti-Fascist Group
Slovene Minority
Is UrgedTo Rebel
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, Dec. 2-Spies and saboteurs
in a vast anti-Fascist revolutionary
movement centering in Trieste were
charged offically tonight with at-
tempting to assassinate Premier Mus-
solini, blowing up munitions plants
and wrecking trains in which hun-
dreds of Italians were killed.
The official news agency Stefani
in making the disclosures of whole-
sale intrigue and sabotage said the
plot against Il Duce's life was laid at
Caporetto in 1938, but that 'by a real
miracle" it was frustrated.
"Many responsible persons" were
involved in the movement and 60 of
the conspirators already have been
arrested and put on trial before a
special tribunal, Stefani disclosed.
Among them, it said, were "Commu-
nists" and "Demo-liberals."
The organization, "imbued with
anti-Italian hate," was said to have
been centered in Trieste, with roots
extending into surrounding provinces.
Exploited Minority
The plotters, it went on, exploited'
the Slovene minority there to create
an atmosphere of rebellion against
Italy. The Communists were declar-
ed to have held hopes for a Soviet
state embracing Slavs in Italy.
Stefani said the actual perpetra-
tors of the sabotage against Italy's
war industries were believed to be 11
persons still at large.
Terroristic attacks attributed to
them Were blasts which killed and in-
jured hundreds of Italians in muni-
tions factories at Piacenza on Nov. 8,
Bologna Aug. 25 and at Clana Feb.?
25, 1940.
The news agency said the conspira-;
tors were controlled directly or in-
directly by foreign powers.
Proof Sought
Proof and material is being sought,
it went on, concerning the gathering
and distribution of arms used in other
attacks on schools at Plezzo, Oltres-
onzia and Plusina and the blowing up
of railroad tracks near Tarvis.'
Confessions were declared to have
been obtained in connection with, an
attack on the Arnoldstein bridge be-
tween Germany and Italy.
To create an atmosphere "favor-
able to their dream of a Soviet re-
public," Stefani said "shameful pa-
pers" were distributed, demonstra-
tions of a "psuedo-sports, cullural
and charity nature" were announced
and soldiers of the legion, were "in-
cited to desertion and rebellion," actsp
of espionage were carried out and
arms necessary for revolt were pre-
Irate Residents Protest ;
'Whoopie' Of Studets
Ann Arbor townspeople took action,
Monday against University students
who persist in making "whoopie" late,

at night.,
Twenty-nine residents-most of
them from E. Liberty St.-quietly
filed a petition with the city coun-
cil requesting "an investigation on
age limits of customers of beer gar-
dens that are selling intoxicating
beverages." The petition was referred
to the police committee.
According to the petition, this year
there has been more drinking, yelling
and destruction of property than in
previous years.
The action followed a statement
by Chief of Police Mortenson early
last week, when he warned University
students to "tone down" on noise
in the streets after a late party.
s "

Nazis Break
British Line
Near Tobruk
Furious Fighting Reported
As Navy Lands Troops
To Smash Axis Forces
Continued Success
ClaimedBy Soviet
MOSCOW, Dec. 2-(P)-Russian
troops are pressing their pursuit of
the Germans west of Rostov on the
Southern Front, the Moscow rado
announced tonight.
CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 2-(P)-The
&itish Imperial Army of Northern
Libya, its strongest line breached by
a junction of German armored forces
and its southern anchor of that line
at Rezegh fallen, fought furiously to-
night with reinforcements being land-;
ed by the Royal Navy to smash the
strong Axis concentration thus form-
The Imperial encirclement of the
forces of the Nazi commander Gen-
eral Erwin Rommel had been broken
by the reckless and repeated tank
charges of his 15th tank division
which, at last and at great cost, had
smashed through at the lower end of
the Tobruk-Rezegh corridor to a ren-
dezvous with the 21st division lying
weary and wounded to the east.
This British setbac appeared dam-
aging but far from disastrous, for a
British military spokesman declared
Tobruk's link with Rezegh had not
been wholly broken. Moreover, Brit-
ish command of the Mediterranean
was accompanied by British superi-
ority in the air.
(The British sea supremacy was il-
lustrated anew by an Admiralty cm-
munique which said British warships
led by the Cruiser Aurora had blown
up the Italian destroyer Alvise Da
Mosto and sunk a tanker and a supply
ship in an attack on a Libya-bound
convoy. Captain W. G. Agnew, the
gunnery expert who last month di-
rected the smashing of two Axis con-
voys off Taranto, again was the hero
of the occasion aboard the Aurora.
The British ships emerged unscathed,
the Admiralty said.)
Although the British lost Rezegh
itself and the nearby tettlement of
Bir El Hamed in the process, the
break-through was effected only on a
narrow sector, the German 15th join-
ing hands with the 21st about Zaaran,
six miles northeast of Rezegh.
Soviet Army Reports
German Retreat
(By The Assiated Press)
The German armie of Southern
Russia appeared last night to be in
simple flight from doom on the road
back from Rostov.
On the fiftl day of his expanding
defeat Field Marshal Ewald von Kleist
still apparently was unable to make a
major stand, for while the Russians
were jubilantly claiming that his
flight was so headlong that the pur-
suing Red forces were not always
able to keep him under fire, Berlin
showed a persistent disinclination to
talk about the southi.
The Soviet asserted in fact that in
a 100-mile stretch from Rostov back
west to Mariupol the Germans were
everywhere disorganized and that in
areas where their retreat could be

slowed major bodies were being en-
trapped and confronted with annihil-
ation. -

Student Aid Fund
Drastically Slashed
By NYA Reduction

The Psu'rfs
Hit Their Stride
The, Ann Arbor Surf Riding and
Mountain Climbing Society was
founded on the belief that people
should sing more and talk less.
In case you haven't heard of the
Psurfs, as they are commonly
call d, they are a group of conviv-
ial lovers of harmony, mostly law
students, who meet to honor Or-
pheus and Bacchus. The Psurfs,
like so many other singing groups,
prove that song has the power to
break down barriers and bring
people together under the most
congenial circumstances.
Last year the Psurfs in the
course of their singing converted
several sororities on the campus
to this view. Already Sorosis and
Pi Beta Phi are organizing Psurfi-
an octettes of their own.
bEvery Tuesday the Psurfs meet
before dinner to spend an hour
enhancing and polishing their re-
pertoire. Following practice, they
have dinner at a~ local hotel where
they put into solid chords and
rhythms the songs already mas-
tered. The society learns at least
one new song a week.
The Psurfs will make their first
public appearance of the-wear on
Friday at the Sophomore Cabaret
and will sing at the Detroit Play-
ers Club ,Saturday.
Dance Post
Is Planned
Judiciary Groups To See

Retroactive Order Leaves,
University With Less
Than Half Of Grant
Kaye Claims Rolls
Must Be Curtailed
LANSING, Dec. 2-(P)--The recent
school aid reduction ordered by the
National Youth Administration 'has
left the University of Michigan with
less than half of its original -$94,150
NYA budget for the remainder of
the school year, Orrin W. Kaye, State
NYA Director, disclosed today,
The order, made effective Nov. 21,
reduced the University's yearly allot-
ment to $74,520.
"Actually," Kaye asserted, "the
school will have only $43,470 for the
next six months, since the reduction
was retroactive to the beginning of
the year and the University already
has spent $31,050."
He said University NYA officials
must either reduce the present roll
of 800 students, or lower salaries.
Tentatively planned; Kaye said, is
expenditure of $28,980 for the sepond
quarter "to tide the needy students
aver the winter" and $14,490 for the
final quarter.
Sharp :Protest
"There hasrbeen sharp protest
against the reduction from school=
:ien throughout e state," Kaye said.
"Many had pro ised jobs to young-
sters on waiting lists after Thanks-
giving or :Christmas. Now they not
)nly have no Jobs available, but must
rim their rolls the rest of the year."
Reduction Fxplained
The reduction, he explained, slash-
:d the state's original budget for 43
colleges and universities 20 per cent
.rom $460,000. In 900 secondary
chools, the cut meant a 34 percent
lecrease of an original allotment of
365P .00.
The fact the order was retroactive,
actually means a reduction of 35
>ercent for colleges and universities
and 55 percent for secondary schools,"
,aye declared,
Kaye said there was no prospect
'or a further reduction. "I hope not,"
Ye asserted, "because the NYA pro-
tram already has been slashed to the
>oint where it has little value."



Applicants For
Senior Affairs


Candidates for Senior Ball and
Frosh Frolic committee positions will
be interviewed today and tomorrow
by the Men's and Women's Judiciary
Men candidates are to be inter-
viewed from 2 to 6 p.m. today ant
between 4 and 5 p.m. tomxrrow in
lloom 321 of the Union. The women'z
interviews will be conducte'd from 3
to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the under-
graduate offices of the League.
Thirteen students will be elected
Thursday, Dec. 11, to the Senior Ball
committee and eight to' the Frosh
Frolic committee. The, former is to
consist of five seniors from the lit-
erary college (two of them women),
three from the college of engineering
and one each from the architecture,
music, education, forestry and nurs-
ing schools. On the Frosh Frolic com-
mittee will be five students from the
literary college (two of them women.)
and three from the engineering or
architectural colleges.

Italian People
won't Revolt,



Says St udent

Battle To Agreement: It Can

Birdie Comes To Life:
Maeterlinck's' The Blue Bird'
Opens Today For Four-Day Run

Any successful revolt of the Italian
people at the present time is improb-
able, Zorck Organski, Spec., a resi-
:lent of Italy for more than 17 years,
leclared in an interview yesterday,
out the Trieste attempt represents an
indication of seething discontent.
Organski, who left Italy shortly be-
fore the outbreak of the present world
-lonflict, is Russian-born but lived
n Rome during the greater part of
the Fascist regime. He reports that
a successful revolt will be possible
:>nly if the Allies win the war.
The majority of the Italian people
did not support Mussolini as far back
as 1938. They were 'sho ked by Hit-
ler's visit to Italy shor ly after he
had seized Austria, the country Italy
was supposed to protect.
Most young people, Organskl em-
phasized, have confidence in the Ital-
ian dictator because the have been
educated under the Fascist system.
Although he, too, experienced this
Fascist propaganda, Organski said
its effect upon him was counteracted
by the influence of his family who
opposed Mussolini's program.
Friends, recently arrived from
Italy, have told Organski that food
is becoming scarcer and is available
only at increasingly high prices. The
spaghetti now on the market is black
in color while good spaghetti is al-
ways a white-yellowish color.
The shortage of coffee, Organski
explained, is critical although the,
drink was already hard to obtain, in
1938. The government implied that
after the Ethiopian invasion more
coffee would be sold. This, however,
never came true.
Organski insisted that while there
was soie sentiment in Italy for the
return of Nice, Savoy, the popular

Lewis Browne and Sinclair Lewis
both admitted it at the Oratorical
lecture last night-there wasn't en-
ough disagreement between them to
justify the title "debate."
They both agreed on the evils
of Fascism; they both believed the
United States should fight it; and
and despite their supposedly oppo-
site views on "Can It Happen Here?"
they both agreed Fascism can hap-I
pen here.
Browne-"with the perspective of
one who has lived 'intellectually in
many ages"-stressed repeatedly that
Fascism can come to the United
States undr eonditinns of crisis.

formula-theI liberal government, a
foreign nation such as Britain, and
a scapegoat such as the Jews. These
objects of attack would be used
against the ideals of liberty, equal-
ity and fraternity which have grown
for six generations, Browne said.
Sinclair Lewis warned that if we
become afraid and hysterical we will
be playing into the hands of Fascism,
its philosophy, and Germany. (Browne
denied Fascism had a philosophy,
declaring it had a "psychiatry".)
The author of "Ai-rowsmith" main-
tained Americans know full well they
have something to face, but he said
they should also know they have
snmething to face it with.

"The Blue Bird," Play Production's
second offering of the season, will
open its four-day run at 8:30 p.m. to-
day at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
The play, which will bear a very
slight resemblance to the motion pic-
ture of the same name, will be primar-
ily for adults although children will
also enjoy it.
The cast of 108 will be led by Jim
Bob Stephenson, '43, and Mildred
June Janusch, '43, and will include
many local children in addition to
students in drama classes.
This is the Christmas offering of

A feature of the production will
be two dance routines arranged by
Miss Ruth Bloomer, modern dance
instructor., The first of these will be
the Dance of the Hours, and the sec-
ond, the Daence of the Unemployed
Stars, Personal Perfumes, Will O' the
Wisps, Glow-worms and Fireflies of
The play was written by the Belgian
playwright Maurice Maeterlinck who
is now a refugee in New York. James
Wolfe, '42SM, has written an original
music score for two pianos that will
be played through much of the pre-

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