THE MTCTITAN PATTY U' Engineers In New York ForMeetings Faculty Men Participate In ASME Convention, Chemical Exposition Institutes To Meet In New York City this week a num- ber of national engineering organ- izations are holding annual meetings and several faculty members of the College of Engineering are taking, prominent parts in their proceedings. Prof. O. W. Boston and Prof. W. W. Gilbert, of the metal processing de- partment, are attending meetings of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. At the Eleventh Annual Chemical Exposition the University is represented by Prof. A. H. White and Prof. G. G. Brown of the chem- ical engineering department. At a dinner today Prof. White will make a presentation to the Dow Chemical Company of an Award for Chemical Engineering Achievement on behalf of Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering Magazine. The publication chooses a committee to determine this annual award. This year the committee, headed by Prof. White, picked Dow for its work in making magnesium from sea water. On Thursday Professors Boston and Gilbert will read a paper before a section meeting of AbME on the action of cutting fluids. Prof. G. G. Brown as a director of the Institute of Chemical Engineer- ing will be in New York Thursday and Friday for meetings of that or- ganization. uoneaing a week of dinners and committee meetings Prof. White will be "on the air" at 11:45 a.m. Satur- day on the Columbia Broadcasting System's program, "Adventures in Science." He will also address the regional meeting of the Mid-Atlantic section of the Society for the Pro- motion of Engineering Education on Saturday. Institutes To Meet Here s Joining ranks to put on o6ne of the outstanding dinner functions of the year, two engineering groups, the American Institutes of Chemical En- gineering and Mining and Metallur- gical Engineering announced Decem- ber 15 as the date of their joint ban- quet at the Union. , Feature speaker will be the newly- elected president of the national AIChE organization. S. D. Fitzpat- rick, editor of. Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineering Magazine. r .4 9op &sy SAhppih9 lbay lAead! F' OUR NEw FOOT SAVER NOiHING bafiles our rugged little Skuflics! They're ready for anything from country treks to hurried Christmas shopping being shaped over Foot Saver's famous Shortback Lasts . . .to fit every foot with the greatest of ease! Enjoy their comfort, their smart young lines in bucko, calf or alligator print on calf. SBROOKINS' £nar S_ )oei First National Building Phone 2-2685 108 East Washington - - - ~ D DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Presents Play Production i. its Christmas Offering BY MAURICE MAETERLINCK AN ADULT I AIRY STORY of two little children who search for the blue bird symbolizing happiness. Guided by the Fairy Berlyune and Light, they visit the Land of Memory, the Palace of Night, a grave- yard, and the Land of the Future. This will be one of Play Production's most elaborate per- formances - a fantasy in nine scenes, With eighty actors includ- ing many local children, and properties and costumes based on fairy story illustrations. Wednesday through Saturday IL / at 8:30 PM. MEN DELSSOH N THEATRE 75c, 50c, 35c plus federal tax 6300 Box office open NOW liii Phone I 1 if you have u season ticket, please exchange your b by Thursday, Dec. 4 Read And Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads h& Chesterfield )3J1IaI D...S4AA rPW C4444 ft . it's his cigarette and mine This year they're saying Merry Christmas with Chesterfields. I For your friends in the Service And for the folks at home What better Christmas present Than these beautiful gift cartons Of 10 packs, 3 packs, or 4 tins of 50.