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December 02, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-02

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_____________________ TMICHIGAN DAILY;

&1 g 3ttn tyiu Ai

Washington Merry- o-Round


I "N

Editedand managed by students of the Univrrsity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively, entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan. as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail #5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- College Pdiblisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial Stafff

Smile Gel-. -
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins .
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn, Wright

S . Managing Editor
* . . . Editorial Director
S. . . .City Editor
Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Sta#
. . . Business
. Associate Business
. Women's Advertising
. Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Christmas Bureau
And Civic Pride . .
CIVIC PRIDE was manifest in Ann
Arbor last week with the anounce-
ment of the opening of the Christmas Bureau, a
*new social welfare organization. Operated by
public-spirited citizens, it is the purpose of the
Christmas Bureau to provide centralized guid-
ance of Christmas-giving by group and indi-
vidual donors so as to eliminate duplication and
misplacement of charity.
The Bureau is similar to the Community Fund,
which was'organized to substitute a single cam-
paign for the competing and confusing cam-
paigns of a large number pf social agencies. In
a like mainer the Bureau should bring bout a
more orderly and equitable distribution of Yule-
tide benevolence.
BUT far more noteworthy than the Bureau's
immediate objective is its nobler, ultimate
purpose. t was aptly expressed in the organiza-
tion's opening statement to the press last week:
"Perhaps, in this period of world crisis, the
most important contribution of this effort is a
recognition that family solidarity is essential to
civilian morale. Convinced of the value of fam-
ily security in retaining the American way of
life, it is oui' hope that we can arrange dona-
tions so that parents can play the role of giver.
Everything should be done to allow parents to
perform their normal functiohs in family life-
strengthening family ties and building toward
Here is an aspect of American life which must
be given considerable recognition in all efforts
for national unity in the struggle against Hit-
lerism. Dictators may look upon families as mere
providers of manpower for armies of destruc-
tion, but in time of peace as well as war they
are the bulwark of this republic equally with the
Constitution. To help families to maintain them-
selves is to build strength of purpose among the
people, without which other means of defense
can be of no avail.
REPRESENTING, as it does, a significant step
toward the national unity which is urgently
needed, the Christmas Bureau deserves the
united support of the University and the com-
- Clayton Dickey

WASHINGTON-Two matters were discussed
at the White House-Congressional confer-
ence on anti-strike legislation, not revealed in
the published reports of the meeting.
One was a proposal to incorporate labor unions
and require them to reveal their financial rec-
ords. The other was a secret ballot on strike
The President approved the first, but turned
down the second.
He declared that he favored unions making
public their revenues and expenditures, just as
business concerns are required to do. This, he
said, would do much to drive racketeers and
other undesirable elements out of unions; also,
put a curb on one man or group control.
HOWEVER, Roosevelt urged that this curb be
extended to include other public bodies, such
as the America First Committee and Fight For
"The public is entitled to know," he said,
"where they are getting their money and how
and for what they are spending it."
The President voiced doubt about the advis-
ability of a compulsory secret strike vote, on the
ground that this did not necessarily insure a
free ballot. Also, he said, it might backfire
against the government.
He pointed out that if a vote held by edict of
law favored 'a strike in an important defense
industry, then the government would be in the
position of sanctioning the shutdown. It was
Roosevelt's opinion that the way to block strikes
was to prevent them from occurring,
Educated Soldiers
LT.Gen. Ben ("Yoo-hoo") Lear is going to
give the 120,000 officers and men of his crack
Second Army an opportunity to Tearn what it
is all about.
The scholarly cavalryman, who fought his
vay from buck private to one of the ablest top
officers in the Army, is instituting an elaborate
educational prograin that will make military
training history. Nothing like it has ever been
tried on such a scale in the U.S. Army.
As part of their military training, and on
training time, every soldier and officer of the
Second Army will be required to attend a series
My Sister Eileen.. ..
WHEN TWOGIRLS set out for New York from
Columbus, (Ohio), with intentions pent-
house, and material resources basement walk-
down, the results, as demonstrated last night at
the Michigan, are (or is as the case may be)
absolute pandemonium. That loud noise-not
the subway blasts-coming from the front rows,
well almost front rows, was me making with
laughter. To take the less personal view of the
production, let us say the only thing lacking was
social significance. It got lost in the rush.
Ruth and Eileen Sherwood, experience most
of the normal and abnormal events of the aver-
age schizophrenic's lifetime during the, course of
three of the damndest hellzapoppin acts I have
ever fallen out of my aisle seat through, and all
all in the midst of the privacy that is Grand
Central. I can't go through all that happens.
The scene, as the program so originally states,
is a basement apartment in Greenwich Village.
The characters, some of them, are a Greek artist
landlord, a stumble-boy like Denny, two -drunks,
an Irish cop who thinks the girls are-you know,
various sets of legs, male and female, an Army
officer who also thinks the girls are, (case of
mistaken identity, they all mean the previous
tenant, named Violet), an unmarried couple, one
of whom plays pro football and wears shorts, a
Russian doorman, six Brazilian naval cadets who
also etc. etc., and others.+
THERE'S NO USE going through the cast to
pick the All-Americans. They're all All-Amer-
icans, doing as nice a fast-paced, beautifully
played job*of howling comedy as it has been my
pleasure to see since Whitsuntide. In brief,

Legit's a hit at the Mich.
-Jay Mcdormick
her coffers in the purchase of silk and manu-
factured goods. Japanese business has suffered
tremendously from the loss of American markets.
This is one of the reasons for Kurusu's eight-
thousand-mile jaunt. It is necessary that some
sort of American aid through diplomatic chan-
nels be obtained if Japan is going to hold any
vestige of strength and prestige in the Western
The strained diplomatics between Japan and
Thailand hinges upon the outcome of the Wash-
ington negotiations. In an attempt to display
strength in the Far East, Nippon has provoked
another 'incident' in which she hopes to assert
her dominance of Eastern Asia.
But nom the situation has changed. While
Kurusu came here with definite-though per-
haps not glittering-proposals, the state depart-
ment has seen fit to toss the ball back into the
lap of the visitors. The fate of Japan now lies
in any attempt that she may make in new ag-
gression in Thailand, in the Dutch East Indies,
or elsewhere at her own choosing.
IN TURN the future of these colonies lies in,
the hands of the United States. Secretary
Hull has emphatically denounced any such move
as provocative of American action. He has con-

of weekly lectures by outstanding educators and
THIS UNIQUE PROGRAM will run 13 peeks,
with more than 400 carefully selected offi-
cers and civilian educators conducting the
classes. The lectures, totalling three hours a
week, will be divided into. two general courses:
(1) general educational, (2) the organization,
functions and operations of the U.S. armed serv-
ices, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Corps.
After this basic program has been completed,
Lear will follow it up with a one-hour weekly
lecture on current affairs by outstanding author-
Purpose of the plan is to improve the military
training and effectiveness of the civilian soldiers.
It is Lear's enlightened view that the American
soldier will be an even better soldier than he
already is if he has a clear grasp of why he is in
the Army and how an army functions from top
to bottom.
Sunday's Concert:
An Old Friend
Is Wekcomed Warmly
Bach-Suite No. 2 in B minor.
Strauss-"On the Shores of Sorrento" from
"Aus Italien"
Tschaikowsky -Fantasia "Francesca Da
Elgar-Variations on an Original Theme
Rimsky-Korsakoff-Spanish Caprice
Moto Perpetuo-Paganini
Waltz, "Wine, Women, and Song"-Strass
Chicago Symphony Concert
A CAPACITY AUDIENCE greeted the long-
awaited appearance of the Chicago Orches-
tra Sunday. And judging by the amount of ap-
plause for Dr. Stock as he made his entrance, it
was readily apparent that Ann Arbor concert-
goers were welcoming an old friend.
Refreshing indeed were the musical aspects
in a program of a popular nature. Refreshing,
also, was the knowledge that here was an organ-
ization succeeding in presenting music without
the benefit of an articulate press agentry col-
ored lights, ballet-minded conductors, and ex-
travagant arrangements of Bach. The program,
true enough, following the Bach and Strauss,
indulged in bountiful climaxes that would have
drawn the vociferous approval of a clam. How-
ever, to hear such musicianly playing, regardless
of the compositions, was a genuine pleasure.
THE B minor Suite may well have been the be-
ginning and end of the concert., The string
section of the orchestra displayed a composite
tone not ponderous or sensuous, but rich and
mellow, full-bodied and well practiced. Yet, in
spite of this tonal opulence, there was an amaz-
ing clarity and-precision; a sharp-edged intona-
tion that extended even to the double basses (a
usual source of muddy musicianship). Apart
from the excellence of the strings, the work of
Mr. Liegl in the flute obligatos cannot, under
any circumstances, be overlooked. Flute playing
such as he demonstrated is not usually expected,
and when it comes, it does cause a gasp of
amazement from an average concert-goer and
a furore among, musicians. The obbligatos were
clean and rhythmically perfect. The intonation
stood without reproach, and the tone quality
displayed a true flute character without that
repulsive vibrato practiced in certain quarters.
STRAUSS, unwittingly perhaps, indulged rath-
er freely in eclecticism. Although this was a
youthful product, it is possible to discern the
effects of Brahms and Wagner upon his art.
However, the roots of his mature style are pres-
ent though disclosed more in the matter of or-
chestration rather than thematic .development.
Like so many composers who musically extol the
scenic virtues of Italy, Strauss kept his idiom
thoroughly imbuedwith a romantic nostalgia.
Dr. Stock then led the orchestra through the
Tschaikowgky fantasia, "Francesca Da Rimini."
This, a veritable maelstrom of sound at both
ends with a melody in the middle, presented a
problem which was solved to the best possible
advantage. If it is played too slowly, the monot-
ony becomes obnoxious. If it is played too fast,

then the amount of notes preclude a disastrous
result even for the nimble fingers of the string
section. Dr. Stock accounted for the problem
neatly by employing a moderate tempo and
making discreet cuts in the score. The per-
formance was wholly satisfactory.
THE ORCHESTRA resumed the concert fol-
lowing the intermission with Elgar's " 'Enig-
ma' Variations." A broad conception, this, of
the theme and variations form. It must ulti-
mately be learned as a series of separate tunes
whose relation to the original theme is vague,
to say the least. Dr. Stock gave it a spirited
reading that was marred on several occasions
by a lagging brass and woodwind section.
Dragging rout an old warhorse, the program
closed with Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Spanish Ca-
price." This piece is still played, I presume,
simply for the purpose of showing that it can
be played correctly. Its brilliance jaded by too
frequent hearings in almost every possible per-
version by amateur and professional groups,
suddenly springs to life under the impetus of a
rational baton and virtuoso players.
A TRIBUTE must be made to Dr. Stock who
kept his musical balance through the diffi-
cult years when symphonic concerts attracted
customers through the addition of vaudeville-
like attractions to their programs. A dean of

.., ,.

4 .


"Lookit that!-The same old prices-I think that outfit is
indifferent to our national emergency!"


F i fcv


(Continued from Page 3)
$2,580, Dec. 1, 1941 (residence rule
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
New York State Civil Service: The1
University ureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information has
received notice of the following civil1
service examinations in New York
State, to be held December 20th: 9
Assistant Librarian, Court of Ap-
peals Library, Syracuse, $2,000, open
only to residents of the Fifth Judicial
Dairy and Food Inspector, $2,100-
Head Nurse (Cardiac Service) $1,-
200 plus maintenance.
Hospital Attendant, $54-$66 plus
maintenance. ,
Institutional Vocational Instructor
(Woodworking, Machinery and Cab-
inet Making), $1,800-$2,300.
Junior Draftsman, $1,400-$1,900.I
Junior Milk Sanitarian, $1,800-$2,-1
Junior Personnel Technician, $1,-
Junior Signal Engineer, $2,400-$3,-
Senior Hearing Stenographer, $2,-
Senior Housing Control Architect,
Senior Sanitary Engineer, $4,000-
Applications should be filed by De-
cember 5.
Included in the announcement is
one unwritten examination to be held
later than December 20th. Applica-
tions for this ,classification should be
filed by December 19th.
Assistant Secretary Department of
Mental Hygiene. Salary, $4,000-$5,000.
Applications must be fied by De-
cember 5 for the following county 1
written examinations, open only to1
residents of the counties specified.
These examinations are, also to be1
held December 20.
Court Officer, Children's Court, $1,-
200-Rensselaer County.
Fire Inspector, Department of Pub-
lic Welfare, Westchester County, $1,-
Junior Social Case Worker, Depart-
ment of Family and Child Welfare,
Department1of Public Welfare, West-
chester County, $1,380-$1.500.
Medical Record Clerk, Department
of Public Welfare, Westchester Coun-
ty, $1,200-$1,560.
Plant Operator, Buildings and Pow-
er Plant Division, Department of
Public Welfare, Westchester County,
Sanitary Inspector, Westchester
County, $1,680-$2,040.
Furthertinformation may be ob-
tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall,
hours 9-12 and 2-4. F
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building, on Wednesday, December
3, at 7:30 p.m. "Catalase" will be dis-
cussed. All interested are invited.
I Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet on Wednesday, December 3, in
Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. Professqr Donald L. Katz will
speak on "Solid hydrates of hydro-
Pre-Medical Students: A special
Medical Aptitude Test sponsored by
the Association of American Medi-
cal Colleges will be given on this

selecting the 1942 c sses. However,
any student who is pfanning to enter
a Medical School at a later date than
the fall of 1942, is asked to take the
regular examination in the spring.
It is not necessary that all pre-med-
cal requirements be completed at the
time of the examination if they will
be completed in time for entrance to
a Medical School in the fall of 1942.
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4, University Hall--
November 25 thru December 3. A fee
is charged each applicant wlich must
be paid during this period at the
Cashier's Office.
English 149 (Play Writing) will1
meet today in Room 4208 A.H.
K. T. Rowe
Speech 31, Section 4 (9MWF): ThisI
section will meet Wednesday in the
Speech Clinic, 1007 East Huron, at
the regular hour.
Speech Concentrates and Graduate
Students in Speech: Speecl' educa-
tional films will run in the Amphi-1
theatre of the Rackham Building at
4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 3.
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, has arranged a
program of Christmas music for the
last in the current series of Wednes-
day Afternoon Organ Recitals, sched-
uled for December 3 at 4:15 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. The recitals will be
resumed on January 14, to be followed
by programs on January 21, 28, Feb-
ruary 11 and 18.
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an ethibition of colored
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackham Building Ex-
hibition Galleries through December
10, 2:00-5:001and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by
students in architecture at Cornell,
Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and Michigan, for
the problem "A Trade School" are
being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Building,
through December 4. Open daily 9
to 5, except Sunday. The public is
University Lecture. Professor Vic-
tor R. Gardner, Head of the De-
partment of Horticulture' and Direc-
tor of the Experiment Station at
Michigap State College, will speak
on the subject, "Research in the
Twilight Zone between Botany' and
Horticulture," under the auspices of
the Department of Botany, on Thurs-
day, December 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Kellogg Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Sinclair Lewis and Lewis Browne,
distinguished authors, will appear to-
night at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium de-;
bating the question "Can Jt Happen
Here?" This program is offered by
the Oratorical Association as the
fourtO number o the current Lee-
ture Course. Tickets will be on sale
today from 10:00 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. at
the box ofice, Hill Auditorium.
Lecture'on "Chinese Novel": A lec-
ture on the "Chinese Novel" will be
presented by Gerald Tien in the
Rackham Amphitheater at 4:15 p.m.
today. This is the fifth in the series

_ (ia htcagoTrnies Inc. *
1 Reg. U. S. PazOff. llUfts. Res.

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ture is : "Jean-Baptiste bully et
l'Opera Francais au XVII Siecle" (I-
lustrated with phonograph records).
The lecture will take place on Wed-
nesday. Dec. 3, at 4:15 p.m in Room
D, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for
the annual play. These lectures are
open to the general public.
Events loday
Junior Research Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. Program:
"A Reconstruction of Aboriginal
History of Eastern United States,"
by James B. Griffin, Museum of An-
"Performance of Military Aircraft,"
by Emerson W. Conlon, Department
of Aeronautical Engineering.
Graduate History Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Prof. Preston Slosson will speak
on "The Present War and Its Rela-
tion to the Historian." A general
discussion period will follow. Allgrad-
uate students in history are invited.
Sima Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Drill in parlia-
mentary procedure will be featured at
the main meeting. All members are
urged to attend.
Religious Education Workshop:
Subject for discussion tonight, 7:00-
9:00, at 9 University Hall, will be
"Comparison of Campus Methods:
University of Chicago. University of
Michigan." Panel: Geil Dufendack
Orcutt, Mildred Sweet, H. L. Pickerell.
The Regular Tuesday evening coni
cert of recorded, music at the Rack-
ham Building tonight will be as fol-
lows: Mozart, Concerto in E Flat Ma-
jor with Serkin at the piano: Sibelius,
Symphony No. 7; and Harris Sym-
phony No. 3..
"Messiah" Recording: Recordings
of the first part of "The Messiah" will
be played in the Lane Hall' Library
from 4:15 to 5:30 today. The public
is cordially invited.
Interviews for Orientation Advisers,
names Alcorn through Clubb will be
today, 3:00-5:80 p.m., in the under-
graduate office of the League. Wo-
men must bring their eligibility cards,
to the interview.
JGP Central Committee meeting
today in the League at 4:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames Swimmin'g Group
will meet in the Michigan Union to-
night, 8:30-10:00
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in'the chapel of
the Michigan League.
Coming, Events
The Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
enees will meet Wednesday evening at
7:30 in Room 1042 East Engineering
Building. Professor Vincent will speak
on "British and American Aircrft
Army Ordnance Association meet-
ing Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. in the,
Michigan Union. Col. H. W. Miller
will speak on "Recent Developments
in Ordnance." Members and all en-
gineers interested welcome.
The Armenian Students' Associa-
tion will meet Saturday night at 8:00
in the International Center. Tea will
be served. All Armenian students on
campus are welcome.
Gifder Club: A vital meeting of the

Glider Club will be held on Wednes-
day, December 3, at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 325 of the Union. Everyone in-
terested in the continuation of the
Club, please be present.
The Ballet Group of the Dance
Club will meet regularly on 'Wednes-
day and Friday afternoons at 4:00
p.m. in the studio at Barbour Gym-
nasium. Men and women who have
had some dance training are invited
to join. First meeting will be held
December 3. Bring practice costumes.
Graduate Tea Dance: An informal
tea dance and social hour will be held
on Thursday, Dec. 4, 4:00-6:00 p.m.,
in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Refreshments. All grad-
uates and faculty invited. Dates op-
tional. No charge.
Petitioning for chairman of As-
sembly Scouting Committee will last
until Thursday of this week. Inter-
viewing for the position will take
place from 3:00-5:00 Monday and
Tuesday, Dec. 8 and 9.
"The Blue Bird" by Maurice Me
terlinck will be presented Wednesday
through Saturday nights at 8:30 as
the Christmas offering of Play Pro-
duction of the Department of Speech.
The box-office of the Mendelssohn
Theatre will be open from 10:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. today, and frdm 10:00
a.m. to 8:30 p.m. the rest of the week.
For reservations, call 6300.
Play Production 3eason Ticket

It's All Up
To Nippon. . .


THE FATE of U. S.-Japanese relations
is once again in the hands of the
Japanese. Envoy Kurusu will soon trek home-
ward carrying responsibility to his government
for maintaining peace in the Pacific.
After three weeks. of prolonged conferences
with the state department and the President,
it appears evident that the United States intends
not to assume any appeasement plan in the Far
East. Such a program would have devastating
effect on the war against totalitarianism and
would critically weaken the position of the de-
mocracies in three magnitudes-militarily, po-
litically, and economically.
Any plan at compromise could not be made
without a victory for Japan, because under no
circumstances can she afford to give up her Chi-
nese drive. The work and sacrifices of the past
nine years will not be abandoned for the sake


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