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December 02, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-02

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Christmas Bureau
And Civic Pride ...


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Senate's New
Labor Dispute
Bill Approved
In Committee
Revised Measure Restricts
Closed Shop, Sets Up
'Cooling-Off' Periods
Railroad Walkout
Threat Is Averted
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-(P)-The
Senate Labor Committee approved
10 'to 3 today a modified version of
the Ball bill to require a "cooling
off period" of 30 days in labor dis-
Included in the -measure, on a vote
of 7 to 6, was a prohibition against
an employer entering ipto a closed
shop agreement if a strike hasItaken
place to obtain it.
The legislation would create a
* three-man labor disputes commission
to serve as a board of arbitration and
mediation. Whenever a proposal was
made to change wages, hours, work-
ing conditions or other terms of
employment, the party desiring the
changewould be required to give the
other party 30 days notice in writing.
Within five days thereafter nego-
tiations over the proposed change
would be mandatory, and the United
States Conciliation Service could be
called in if either party. refused to
negqtiate during the 30-day period
or if negotiations became deadlocked.
Meanwhile, the House gingerly
took up the problem of curbing strikes
in defense industries late today and
promptly was cautioned against en-
acting legislation which might cre-
ate additional "friction" among or-
gani~ed workers.
Acting Chairman Ramspeck (Dem.-
Ga.) of the labor committee gave it
this advice after Rep. Vinson (Dem.-
Ga.), made an impassioned appeal for
swift action to end strikes which,
he said, were endangering national
safety. Vinson had introduced a
bill ;which would authorize Qompul-
sory arbitration of defense strikes.
"The temper of the American peo-
ple is clear," Vinson dclared. "They
are not goin to tolerate any furter
But Ramspeck told the legislators
that "to keep the wheels of industry
turning we need the simplest legisla-
tion possible-legisation "creating as
little friction as possible."
Railroad Walkout
Threat Is Averted
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. -(P)--
Chai'rman 'Wayne L. Morse of the
President's fact-finding board an-
nounced tonight a settle'ment of the
railroad labor dispute.
He made the announcement after
the board, acting as a mediation
agency, had met with representatives
of railroad labor and management
almost continuously for two days and
two nights.'
At the conclusion of today's con-
ferences Morse said a settlement pro-
posal submitted by the board, the
terms of which he declined to dis-
close immediately, had been accepted
by all the representatives of the
unions and carriers and that there
would be no strike.

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Reds Claim Recapture Of Rostov
" -
:::: ", ATAGAN*.Rp.:PZ. ROSTOV
- . . UL "N,
. .,
Russian troops driving from the south crossed the Don River and recaptured Rostov, northern gateway
to the Caucasus, while a second thrust north of the city sent the Germans fleeing toward Taganrog, Moscow
reported. Arrows indicate Russian attacks. Meanwhile, Berlin said Balaklava (underlined) had fallen in the
Nazi attack on Sevastopol.

German Forces Retreat
In Battle Of South Russia;

Campus Vote
To Find Santa
-For IFC Party
'Bearded Gent' To Appear
At Christmas Festivities
For SchoolChildren
At 3:30 p.m., Dec. 15, in Hill Audi-
torium the Interfraternity Council,
with the aid of other campus organi-
zations,. will hold its annual Christ-
mas party for the school children of
Ann Arbor. But what is a hristmas
party without Santa Claus?
So if you should happen to run
into that bearded gent, please tell him
he is expected to be on hand that
fateful afternoon so that the junior
set of Ann Arbor can have a whale of
a time.
But the Council is taking no
chances. Since S. ,C. has been known
not to show up in previous years, an
all-campus election will be held next
week to determine who will play sec-
ond string Chris Kringle.
This reasonable-or unreasonable
facsimile will be voted' upon not
only by the students, but by"the
school children as well, despite offi-
cial protests that they are under the
legal voting age.
Santa Claus will be there promptly,
Don Stevenson, '42, president of the
Council was heard to mutter.
Jake Farner, '42, and Paul Wingate,
'43E, are in charge of publicity for
the party, which Carl Riggs, '43,
Bradley Higbie, '43E, and Warren
Westrate, '45, planning the enter-
Gifts for the children are being
arranged for by Rufus Teesdale, '43E,
John Fletcher, '43, aiid John White,
'43, while house and 'invitations will
be handled by Charles Otto, '43, and
William Robinson, '43.
Hugh Ayres, '43, Richard Gauthier,
'43E, and Richard Twitmire, '43, are
the boys who will dream up the deco-
rations for the big day.;

is Announced
<Announcement of the cast that will
appear when "The Blue Bird" opens
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow was made yes-
terday by William P. Halstead, di-
rector of the production.
The parts of Tyltyl andMytyl, the
children who search for the blue bird,
will be played by Jim Bob Stephen-
son, '43, and Mildred June Janusch,
'4a. Claire Cook, Grad., and Merle
Webb, '42, will play Mummy and Dad-
dy Tyl, and Margaret Cotton, '42, will
be the Fairy Berylune.
Roles of the Animals and Things
will also be of importance in the play.
Bread will be portrayed by William
Altman, '42; Fire is Arthur Fischer,
'42, and the dog and cat, Tylo and
Tylette will be played by Donald
Diamond, '42, and Betty Jane Schu-
mann, Grad.
Phyllis Cone, '43, will play Water;
Joan Baker, '42, is Milk; Richard
Strain, '42, is Sugar and Helen
Rhodes, '42, is Light.
These are a small portion of the
cast, however, for 108 people have
roles in the production.
Tickets are now on sale at the box
office of the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Patrons holding season tickets
are urged to turn in their stubs for
this performance by Thursday at the
DETROIT, Dec. 1.-('P)-A Fed-
eral grand jury late tonight in-
dicted the $600,000,000 Fidelity In-
vestment Association and four
subsidiaries of Wheeling, W.Va.,
and. 13 individuals on charges of
violating the Securities and Ex-
change Act.
Council Purchases
For Next Election
Ann Arbor voters were assured of
an opportunity to use new voting
machines in the next elections when
the City Council, last night, made
official the purchase of 23 such
machines at a cost of approximately
The new machines are of the latest
design, allowing for nine parties and
including 40 columns for listing can-
Installation of these machines is
expected to bring about a decrease
in the number of election officials,
a lowering of the costs of election
procedures and a more simplified
method of voting for the citizens.
Another petition has been filed
with the City Council to take action
against noisy, spirited students who
walk through the streets late at night,
singing and shouting and destroying
city property.
Prof. Rust Of Wayne
Will Serve Overseas
DETROIT, Dec. 1-(M)-A 45-year-
old Wayne University professor who
recently urged, along with a Uni-
versity of Michigan faculty member,
the entrance of the United States

Van Wagoner
Names Civilian
Defense Needs

Gives Detailed Statement
At Chicago Conference
Of Midwest Governors
.LANSING, Dec 1-(P)-The execu-
tive ofice released a detailed. state-
ment of Governor Van Wagoner's
summation of civilian defense needs,
which he presented today to a re-
gional conference of governors in
Chicago, featuring a warning that the
program should take into serious
consideration the possibility of bomb-
ing attacks on the United States.
The program should have two
phases, the Governor's statement said,
one the meeting 'of immediate needs,
the other 'preparation for heavy
Van Wagoner urged that the pro-
gram be made more orderly; that
information be disseminated, through
established channels and overlapping
of effort eliminated.
In the Michigan delegation at the
closed conference in Chicago were
Lieut. Col. Harold A. Furlong, State
Defense Administrator; G. Donald
Kennedy, State ,Highway Commis-
sioner; Capt. Don Leonard of the
State Police, and Glenn Richards, of
the Detroit pepartment of Public
Senior, Frosh
Posts Offered
Dance Committee Petitions
Will Be Closed Today
Senior Ball and Frosh Frolic com-
mittee aspirants still have until 5
p.m. today for submitting petitions
at the student offices of the Union,
it was pointed out by William Slo-
cum, '42, president of the Men's Ju-
diciary Council.
Petitions must be accompanied by
25 signatures from the applicant's
class and school, and, in the case of
seniors, by eligibility cards.
The Men's Judiciary Council will
interview all men candidates from
2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Women's interviews are to be con-
ducted by the Women's Judiciary
Coincil between 3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Thufrsday in the undergraduate offi-
ces of the League.
At the election, Thursday, Dec. 11,
thirteen students ak to be chosen
for the Senior Ball committee, and
eight Frosh Frolic committee mem-
bers will be elected.
Five Electrical Engineers
Elected To Honor Society
Four juniors and a senior were
initiated Sunday by Eta Kappa Nu,
electrical engineers' scholastic honor-
ary society, at its meeting in the
John Bankert, '41E, Kenneth Mohl,
John Munson, Robert Ehrlich, and
Charles Goodell, all '42E, were wel-
comed to the society by Arthur Dob-
son, '42E, president and response
was made by Bankert. Prof. W. G.
Dow was main speaker of the evening.
£1. . fr. . , AU .

Thaiand Asks Assistance
Of Friendly Powers;
BangkokFears Attack
Troops Mobilized
In Dutch Colonies
TOKYO, Dec. 1-(AP)-Without a
hint of budging from its expansionist
policy, the Japanese cabinet decided
today to continue efforts toward a
settlement with the United States
rather- than break off Washington
talks at this time.
United States-Japanese peace in
the Pacific seemed to hang by that
slender thread.
Meanwhile, the Japanese press
voiced increasing concern over Brit-
ish military preparations in Burma
and Malaya and over the position of
Thailand, stressing one rumor that
British Imperial forces were ready
for invasion of Thailand and that
Bangkok was considering abandoning
For a tense hour and a quarter, in
the rambling, buff-colored brick
building which is the official resi-
dence of Premier General Hideki
Tojo, the leaders of Japan consulted
on the course of the Washington con-
At the end of their special session,
in which they heard Foreign Minis-
ter Shigenori Togo's outline of the
Washington situation, the authorita-
tide Japanese news agency, Domei,
announced the decision to continue
negotiations withthe United States
despite the divergence in views of the
two governments.
BANGKOK, Thailand, Dec. 1-OP)1
--The Bankok radio confidently de-
clared today "Thailand will never be,
attacked by Japanese troops"-a se-
quel to its statement that Thailand
would welcome the assistance of
friendly powers if it were forced to
fight for its independence.
Qualified observers attached par-
ticular significance to the sequence
of statements.
MANILA, Dec. 1. -(AP) -United
States army and naval forces in the
Philippines were held on the alertt
today amid reports Japan was pouring
new troops intohFrench Indo-China,
for a thrust either at southwestern1
China or Thailand.
BATAVIA, N. E. I., Dec. 1-(/P)-
The air arm of the Dutch colonial
army was ordered mobilized today "to
render completely ready the military
air force which must be able to fight
in the front lines.''
The Dutch Java-China-Japan ship-J
ping line announced suspension of its i
services to Shanghai and Japan, thus
cutting off direct sea communication.c
HONGKONG, Dec. 1-(A')-WithI
the garrison of this British crownl
colony on the South China coast in<
"an advanced state of preparedness,"
virtually all remaining Japanese wereI
reported today to be packing for de-I
parture to Canton by steamer tomor-t

Stark Confers
On Jap Crisis
Conference Follows Talk
With Japanese Envoy
At White House
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-(IP)-The
gravity of the situation in the Paci-
fic was emphasized anew today when
it was disclosed President Roosevelt
had held a long conference with Ad-
miral Harold R. Stark, Chief of
Naval Operations, and Secretary of
State Hull.
The conference took place around
noon, soon after the President re-
turned from his abbreviated vaca-
tion at Warm Springs, Ga., but the
fact the Admiral attended it did not
become known until late in the day,
when a list of White House callers
was posted for the information of
the press.
Whether this meant the White
House was serving notice on the
Japanese it was getting prepared for
any eventuality in the Pacific was
not stated.
However, in an article written for
the American MSagazine, Secretary of
the Navy Knox announced the great-
ly strengthened United States Navy
is ready for any emergency in the
Atlantic or Pacific. With powerful
new additions to the fleet and the
vastly greater range of operations
gained through acquisition of new
bases, he asserted, "We are able to
handle all immediately possible
threats in both oceans."
The urgent White House conference
followed a new talk %between Hull
and the Japanese envoys during the
forenoon, at the end of which Am-
bassador Kichisaburo Nomura told
"I believe there must be wise states-
manship to save the situation."
State Department officials after-
ward revealed Japan's reply to th
document Hull handed Nomura and
his colleague, Saubro Kurusu, last
Wednesday had notryet arrived, al-
though it was expected soon.
Nazi Raider Sunk
By British Cryiser
LONDON, Dec. 1.-(P)--The Bri-
tish heavy cruiser Devonshire, a 9,-
850-tonner carrying catapult planes
which immensely broaden its area
of patrol, has sunk an armed German
merchant raider in the South At-
lantic, the Admiralty announced to-
The action, occurring Nov. 22, was
not specifically located. The Ger-
man, a fuelfing ship for submarines,
was sighted at dawn patrol by one of
the Devonshire's planes,

St. Florentin Conference
Expected To Increase
Vichy 'Collaboration'
Axis Forces Suffer
Reversals In Libya
(By The Associated Press)
The German armies of southern
Russia, which already have suffered
the greatest defeat ever to befall
Nazi troops, still were reeling back
last night under savage punishment
in a spreading disaster that might
well make an important turn in the
whole course of the war.
His dreams of a quick seizure of
Caucasian oil bitter and broken, his
Libyan forces fighting for their very
lives in the Middle East, his Far
LONDON, Dec. 1. -(4P)- Ham-
burg and five other northwest Gr:-
man port cities were pounded by
moonlight last nigh' In a renewal
of heavy RAF raiding over Ger-
many after nearly a month's let
up because of bad weather,
Eastern Japanese ally softening her
tone toward Britain and the United
States in time with the retreat from
Rostov-all this brought to Hitler
perhaps his darkest day since he
sprang upon Poland two years ago.
Conference With Petain
In urgent need of some victory, he
sent his lieutenant, Reichsmarshal
Goering, the top German airman, to
a conference at St. Florentin in
France to demand again of conquered
Vichy-perhaps African air bases,
and perhaps even morealthough this
was only speculation-to wring from
Marshal Petain more "collaboration."
The Russians reported last night
that they not only were still driving
the Germans before them back to th
west from Rostov, the Don Riv er e-
trance to the Caucasus, but that a
second Red counter-offensive from
the north was beating down obliquely
toward the sea and thus threatening
the Nazi rear guard with annihila-
102 Nazi Planes Destroyed
More costly to the Germans even
than the loss of terrain .;and ;lives
were their enormous losses in equip-
meent. -In a special bommunque for
this morning the Soviet command
asserted that 102 Nazi planes had
been shot down in the battle for Ros-
toy and that 118 German tanks, 210
dield guns and thousands of smaller
arms had been captured. These were
given as mere preliminary figures;
it being "impossible to count all the
trophies while the offensive is at its
The direct and westward Rd ad-
vance, declared already to have hurled
'1he German Field Marshal Ewald
von Kleist back 40 miles from Ros-
tov to Taganrog, was claimed by the
Soviet to be forcing his continued
retreat toward Mariupol, 60 miles
Dispute On Moscow
Of the situation about Moscow,
German and Russian accounts were
in sharp dispute.
The Soviet claimed that powerful
iew German thrusts have been beaten
back ion that front; that 35 villages
had been recaptured in Red counter-
attacks; that 'the nether arm of the
German encirclement maneuver was
under heavy assault near Stalino-
In the Libyan theatre, likewise,
the Axis position appeared grave, al-
though not relatively so bad as in
The German General Erwin Rom-
mel hurled his strongest surviving
columns at the British Tobruk-Re-
zegh wall from the west last night in
a desperate effort to break that most
vital imperial line in Libya and to
relieve his severely reduced forces
to the East.


To Debate Nation's Fate:
Lewis To Oppose Browne Today
On Issue Of Fascism In U.S.

Horse Opera In Union Opera:
Two Desperadoes Shoot First,
Full House' Carried Out Later
* 9 * 9


One of America's keenest studentsj
of religion will debate one of Amer-1
ica's keenest students of life at 8:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Lewis Browne, author of "This, Be-
lieving World," will,tell an Oratorial
audience that Fascism Can Happen
The Hill Auditorium box office
will be open from 10 a.m. until 8:15'
p.m. today.

Here, and versatile Sinclair Lewis
will express his firm conviction that
it can't.
The debate holds vast import for
all America-if Browne is right, the
nation is rserved warning that it
must lose all traces
of complacency; if
Lewis is right, many "
who have despaired
may gain new hope
Prof. Louis I. Bred
vold of the Eng-
lish department will f

of the world, came to America from
England in his teens. After wide re-
ligious experience, he wrote his
history of the Jews -"Stronger
Than Fiction"-and "This Believing
World," to this day the most popular
of all studies of comparative religion.
From then on his writings have
found an immediate market and a
tremendous 'following among the
public. His books include the biog-
raphies "Blessed Spinoza," "That
Man Heine" and "Oh, Say Can You
Dr. Browr e has lectured widely in
America and is known as one of its
first platform per- r
sonalities whose cul -
ture, understanding,
wit andschola rhip
give him first rank'
among the speakers
of today.
Sinclair Lewis-
who spent several
years after college'
in highly unsuccess-


Two bad men from the Wild West came roaring out of the Library
at noon yesterday with guns blazing in true dime novel fashion. One of
them stopped adeath-dealing slug and crumpled to the ground. In th6
nick of timea nstretcr as fnumd (behind the bushes) and the hndo

I 16 I


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