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November 30, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-30

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3tid.it3an 1&UMI

* Hal Wilson
Oil Well


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Editorial Staf

There is a man in Denver, Colorado. This man
has been writing letters to Hal Wilson, the Daily
Sports Editor. They are not exactly fan letters.
You see, he wants Mr. Wilson to buy an oil well.
Mr. Wilson's first letter said, in part: "Your
promptness in sending in a reservation which
has been filled in for a 400-acre New Mexico
Oil and Gas Lease is appreciated, and I am
pleased to notify you that I believe it will be pos-
sible to allot your acreage from the limited
amount I have been successful in obtaining thus
The author goes on to explain that, in easy
payments, the price of this tract will be $380.
Mr. Wilson didn't take advantage of the Air Mail
return envelope and "rush this application into
the mails today-before this offer is withdrawn."
He merely waited and two days later he re.
ceived a second letter, this one air mail special.

World War Veterans

Lie Gel .
In Dann .
AId Lachenbrud
fur Hill
et Hiatt ,
ce Miller .
ginia Mitchell

1..-* Managing Editor
* . .. . Editorial Director
h . . . . .City' Editor
Associate' Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. , . . . Women's Editor
* . . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

.lel H. Ruyett
es B. Collins
ise Carpenter
lyn Wright

Business Staff
r . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. .Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of Thes Daily,
staff and represent the views of the writers
ow Is The Time
F.1or American Action ...
arms, and a few much needed divi-
s9ons of the regular American army and air
force in the Middle East, might not only help
Britain win this war of productidn and trans-
portation, but also very greatly relieve the ten-
sion America is now suffering on her western,
Pacific flank.
By once stating her position, by once showing
her, determination to stick to that position, the
knited States might help undo some of the harm
it has' helped create since 1937 by not taking a
yell-defined position in world politics.
If the United States is ever to act, now is the
i e; for Hitler's great mechanized armies are
pushing farther eastward every day. They are
now at the gates of the Caucasus, gateway from
EVurope to Asia. Should these armies reach the
plateau of Iran which lies just beyond, they
would be only 900 miles from Sinkiang, farthest
west of the Chinese provinces, and farthest
western sphere of Japanese influence. According
bo Prof. Robert McDowell, the history depart-
rrent's expert on the Middle East and its tem-
pestuous politics, the route from Iran ispassable
for motor vehicles all the way to Sinkiang. Once
here, the Germans can get to the eastern part
f China by following the road built by Chinese
Rnd Russians in West China.
HAT a victorious Germany intends to dom-
inate Japan as well as other countries is ap-
parent in statements about the "new order" is-
med by Nazi leaders. It is, on the other hand,
lear that Japan is aware of both the impending
3eritan threat to its outposts, and of the ulti-
nate plans of the Reich, which include Japan in
ts list of subject nations. That, in addition,
apan herself is not certain which road to take-
*hat of peace or that of war-is seen in the dele-
gation of Kurusu, most westernized of her diplo-
nats and a suspe'cted anti-Nazi (Time, Nov. 17),
to Washington. Moreover, there has been an
nflux of Japanese "tourists" into Iran.
Finally, Professor McDowell believes that if
We were psychologically ready, we could turn
he Middle Eastern situation to the advantage
f Britain by taking over the third, uncovered
mront which Britain, with only two available
Irmies in that area, must face unprepared.
rhere is now only the British army in India un-
er Gen. Wavell, covering the Caucasus, and the
kmy of the Nile, now engaged in Libya. But,
here is still another front, the Turkish, which
s not now covered by any Allied army. It is
ere that the Nazis may strike through western
'urkey in a desperate effort to destroy the Brit-
sh position in the Middle East.
- Ann Anielewski
Kationing May Come
1'o The United States .. .
R ATIONING in the United States?
Impossible, it can't happen here.
'hat is what most Americans would say to the
suggestion offered by Peter F. Drucker, noted
conomist and author of "The End of Economic
oan," in the December issue of Harper's Maga-
Tr..4,~i,. n ern nr t am .}'l' - mV T .}+7

Are 'Opportirnistic'
T HE United States of America may be
concentrating its efforts on arms
and manpower production for the second World
War, but the Ameican Legion and other vet-
erans' organizations have a much better -memory.
With all the howl of lease,-lend, anti-strike and
price control, it was comparatively simple for
these groups to slip a war veteran pension bill
into the Senate where it awaits the support of
vote-seeking members.,
The new pension grants, if passed by Con-
gress, would increase the compensation for vet-
erans disabled through non-service causes; they
would set up payments to all veterans below a,
certain income level at the age of sixty-five, and
they would give $12 to $56 per month to widows,
children ?andidependents of deceased veterans.
None of these extensions are restricted to men
disabled in the line of duty.
There are several possible descriptions of the
American Legion's course of action, but the mild-
est is "opportunistic." The Legion, the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, and The Order of the Purple
Heart are striking at the national economy at a
time when money is being dispensed through a
high-pressure hose. As the ,Legion said, "the
$50,000,000 yearly cost of the grants" would be
"only 1/14 of one percent of the amount of the
two lend-lease acts." It is an even smaller frac-
tion when compared with the distance from
Washington to the nearest star.
IN THE PAST, America has always been the
most liberal nation in the world as to the
treatment given her war veterans. Until recently
the widow of a soldier who fought in the war of
1812 was receiving a monthly grant, although
she had married her ancient spouse far after
his fighting days were over. The World War
veterans, including men who fought in Chateau
Thierry and men who clerked in Hoboken, have
already received bonuses and free hospitaliza-
tion1 Through the American Legion, most pow-
erfdl of all veterans' organizations, they have
become one of the strongest lobbies in Washing-
ton, ever on the alert to nibble the treasury for
another grant. They have also grown into the
most extroverted 100 percenters in the country,
although this pension schemet is the type of
Americanism that went out with Jay Gould.
While the ntion admits the service rendered
it by the men who went overseas in 1917, it is
still true that relatively few took part in any
actual fighting. The others performed civilian
work in uniform and it is through no lack of
gratitude that we criticize ,their attempts to
cash in on it. The World War was the first con-
flict ever to place 4,000,000 men in the army, but
its veterans have demanded the same treatment
given to survivors of America's previous wars.
THE ENTIRE COSTS of these proposed pen-
sions has beei estimated at $30,000,0-0,000
for the next hundred years. This load will have
to be carried by a nation that is now trying to
shelve its consumer's production for a greater
defense effort. There is an ever-growing army
of draftees that will be ready to make similar
demands within the next twenty-five years if
the present grants are passed by the Senate.
Therefore it is safe to say that any Senator who
votes for thesetwo bills is mortgaging, not only
his 'posterity, but his conscience as a responsible
- Dan Behrman
with its high lkices and resulting cutting of con-
sumption wold be desirable. He admits finally
that this system would not work and claims that
price control, taxation, priorities and other
means will not solve the real problem of a de-
fense economy. Rationing of at least non-essen-
tial goods is the only answer.'
YES, Drucker's thesis does deserve serious con-
sideration. It certainly would aid ip stopping
inflation. And it has his further-claimed ad-
vantage of distributing the war burden among
the people as a whole, thus making for a more
unified national spirit. The average man "would
have to drive his car twice as long as he used
But this plan, too, has its defects. According
to its advocate, it would not be necessary to ex-
tend it to foodstuffs. Then, if price control is

undesirable, how will the rising cost of living
which causes discontent among the majority of
Americans with fixed incomes be met? Drucker
has nothing to say.
The obvious conclusion to these words and to
thousands of others written by politicians, econ-
Amits arI ndnmewnnermeo n n theb nenhmsf n

It said: "My Friend,-Today's slogan is 'Up and
at 'em'!!!
"Action! Action! Everyone likes ACTION!-
And profit-seekers act quickly when they begin
to see a chance to make some BIG MONEY in
a HURRY! ...
many seems to be to obtain at least one tract
in each of the eleven counties comprising cen-
tral and northeast New Mexico's 'Upper Rio-
Pecos' region so that no matter which way the
"Remeiber this, my ffiend: 'LADY LUCK'
He then relates how Mary Elkins got $103,000
from the "poorest land in the world," the deed
old and tattered and stuffed in an old afghan.
Not only that, but "THIS EXCITING WILDCAT
TEXAS." Think of itBmen. Real adventuresome
Wild west land! And this wonderful oil land
costs but 95 per acre for a lease."
Still Wilson was apathetic. His next letter
said: "My friend, I'm writing this to you hur-
riedly-I hope you will excuse any mistakes.
I'hings are roaring into 'high' at a dizzy pace
. . Yes, these are BIG MONEY DA t§ and you
are entitled to your share!
"Oil! - OIL!! - O I-L!!! Come and get it
while it's hot!"
But Wilson woiad not budge. The day before
yesterday he was completely amazed. He re-
ceived a telegram:
His next letter said: "My friend, how would
you like to receive a telegram like the one the
other day, which was sent to you by mistake?"
And so, far into the night.
Hal is a happy boy these days. He's getting
lots of mail. And when anybody sees the letters
in the mailbox, Hal merely smiles and says,
with a knowing nod of the head, "That's my
fan mail."
Dominic Says
POWER AND LOVE, while accepted as possible
allies, stand opposite each other as rival hu-
man motivations. A point scale to measure
American life would show power, not hate; at
one e d and love at the other. In the papers
today it is the field of labor which is offering
illustration. Numbers of workers, now mobilized
to protect their work-rights, show power. Love
for country, love of justice, love of the other
fellow, love of an ideal partnership which will
advance the common good seem to be absent.
Power speaks in terms of efficiency, rights,
privilege and our interest Love speaks in terms
of the other fellow, common goals, fairness and
the future we must live out together. Power
wins a short victory, love a long one. Pow-
er thrives on energy, love on direction. Power
creates tension, love brings about solution. Pow-
er is exultant, love suffereth long and is kind.
We seem to be in a; world which provides a
drama of these two forces. When Capital is
down, being licked in the contest, the owners
of the factories become submissive, appeal to
the common good, seek for adjustment and
make use of methods which help-us get on with
the enterprise. But when the owners are up
and enjoying power, they forget good-will until
the public takes a hand and their power is
curtailed. By hook or by crook, through loss of
markets, falling prices and ill-will, power short-
circuites itself. Power commits suicide.

surprised that their pupil, the Labor-leader,
in his turn has learned to use power. The same
law operates between parent and child, profes-
sor and student, the In-party and the Out-party.
Love must balance power or power exceeds its
right. Power must serve love or love becomes
sentimental, is misunderstood by men and plays
no part in affairs. The two belong together in
the development of the race. In our culture
their interplay forms the arena in which meth-
ods of social control supplant laissez-faire.
Christianity finds, its central justifi ation for
social idealism in the person who demonstrated
the love of enemies. Jesus attained this virtue
for he had the:ability to adopt love while~power
prevailed. He could repudiate power while he
held it in his hand. He could envision power
laboring'at the call of love, on a vast scale, a
Kingdom of God. Here is salvation of persons
and society. Apparently we must learn this les-
son not only indoors to have a home, but among
neighbors to have a community, among nations
to have a livable world and in education to turn
a multi-versity into a university.
In his book "The Good Society," Walter Lipp-
man says: "The gradual encroachment of true
law upon wilfulness and caprice is the progress
of liberty in human affairs. That is how the
emancination of mankind has h en h gn and

Drew Pedrso/
Robert 5 Aen
WASHINGTON-U. S. Intelligence
agents have run down a Nazi
spy whose operations were a source
of much concern ;to State Depart-
ment and military authorities for
For months highly important mes-
sages between the United States and
Guatemala reached Berlin almost as
fast as they were dispatched. The
government of Guatemala is anti-
Axis and on friendly terms with this
Careful checking convinced author-
ities that the leak was a high source
in the Guatemalan government. This
finally led to the discovery. He was
a Spaniard named Ibarguen, the val-
et of Guatemala's strongly pro-
American President Jorge Ubico.
Using his confidential position to
ransack the private papers of Ubico,
the spy communicated the informa-
tion to the German Minister in
Guatemala, who in turn used his
diplomatic privileges to dispatch the
material to Berlin.
Columnist Keeps'Clean
When Mrs. Roosevelt interviewed
Daniel Arnstein for her Pan-Ameri-
can coffee program, he told her a
story that did not go on the air.
ARNSTEIN, back from untangling
traffic on the Burma Road, said
he ran into Joe Alsop, ex-columnist,
in Chungking, at the time of a bomb-
ling raid.
"Oh," said Mrs. Roosevelt, I'"how
was Joe?" (Alsop is a distant rela-
tive of the Roosevelts.)
"Well," said Arnstein, "he wasn't
doing so well when I saw him. It
was early morning, and Joe was just
getting out of bed when the alert
sounded-a Janese air raid. But
Joe had to have his bath, so he
called, 'Boy!' and ordered hot water.
"Just as he got into the tub, the
second alarm sounded. Joe jumped
out of the tub, wrapped a bathrobe
about his dripping figure, and ran
down into the dug-out."
CIO Scars
The John L. Lewis clique left some
scars at the CIO convention that will
take a long time to heal.
ONE was the slugging of anti-
Lewisites by strong-arm men of
the United Construction Workers,
which is headed by burly A. D. (Den-
ny) Lewis, brother of John L. This
was the first real sluggery at a CIO
convention and it shocked and out-
raged the delegates.
Denny never appeared in public in
Detroit without a bodyguard of six
to twelve hefty maulers. This prob-
ably was a very wise precaution in
the final days of the convention-
after several anti-Lewisites had been
attacked by Lewisites.
The brawlers didn't wait for the
convention to start their slugging.
Two days before the meeting con-
vened, Ray Thomason, one of Den-
ny's henchmen, beat up two young
aides of Murray. Thomason used his
ham-sized fists several other times,
but finally he got his.
Husky United'Auto Workers waded
into him at 3 o'clock one morning
and gave him a trouncing he won't
forget for a long time.
Another ,behind-the-scenes item
that had a lot to do with the souring
of the delegates on Lewis was the
dumpy little hall in which the con-
vention was held. This was blamed
squarely on John L.

Dumpy Hall
Here is the inside story: Weeks
before the date set for the conven-
tion, J. Raymond Bell, bother-in-
law of Lewis and CIO Comptroller,
flew to Detroit to discuss arrange-
ments with local leaders. One of
those he conferred with was August
Scholle, head of the Michigan CIO
and director of the Wayne County In-
dustrial Union Council.
ACCOMPANIED by Scholle, Bell
visited a number of available
halls, with seating capacities from'
2,000 to 15,000.
Scholle urged accepting one of the
modern, larger halls, pointing out
that. Detroit is a CIO stronghold and
that thousands of CIO auto workers
planned to attend sessions of the
convention, particularly at night.
But apparently this was exactly what
was not wanted.
The United Auto Workers are mili-
tantly behind the President's foreign
policies. Also, the Wayne County IUC
last month caustically denounced
union raiding activities of Denny
Lewis' UCW. Big gallery turnouts of
individualistic, leather-lunged auto
workers might not be comfortable
for Lewisites.
So Bell returned' to Washington
and for several weeks nothing was
heard from him. Then, to the amaze-
ment of the Detroit leaders, he sent
word that one of the smallest and
most antiquated halls in the city had
hen rohn . n

(~ 141 Cicag Tim' 41
j.- , K~eg, 1,! S . Ft .OIL, AllRts. RCS,


"The doctor types all his prescriptions . . . he's very sensitive
about his illegible handwriting."


By Lichty

F :J

(Continued from Page 2)
Thomistic philosophy at the Univer-
sity of Oxford, will be the second
speaker in the series of lectures on
"The Failure of Skepticism?" on Fri-
day, December 5, at 8:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Gregory Vlastos, Professor of
Philosophy at Queen's University,
Ontario, and an outstanding young
Protestant thinker, will complete the
series on Sunday tvening, January
18. The series is sponsored jointly
by Newman Club, Hillel Foundation,
and Inter-Guild.
Sin lair Lewis and Lewis Browne,
outstanding contemporary writers,
will be presented by the Oratorical
Association Tuesday, Dec. 2 in a de-
bate on the question "Can It Hap-
pen Here?" The program, which is
the fourth number on the current
Lecture Course, will be held at 8:15
p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Tickets may
be purchased Monday from 10-1 and
from 2-4, and all day Tuesday at the
box office, Hill Auditorium.
French Lecture: Dr. Francis Gravit,
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment will give the second of the
French Lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais. The title of his lec-
ture is: "Jean-Baptiste Lully et 'Op-
era Francais au XVII Siecle," (illus-
trated with phonograph records). The
lecture will take place on Wednes-
day, Dec. 3, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall.
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lang-
uages (Room 112, Romance Language
Building) or at the door at the time
of the lecture for a small sum. Hold-
ers of these tickets are entitled to ad-
mission to all'lectures, a small addi-
tional charge being made for the
annual play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Events Today
Pi Lambda Theta: There will be a
formal 'guest reception today in the
Henderson Room of the Michigan
League, 6:3,0-8:00 p.m. A business
meeting for the members will follow
the reception 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.
International Center: Prof. Harley
Bartlett, of the Department of Bot-
any, will speak this evening at 7:30
on the regular Sunday evening pro-
gram of the International Center.
Prof. Bartlett will tell of his recent
experiences in Haiti.,
The Lutheran Student Association
will have its supper hour at 5:30 p.m.
and its forum hour at 7:00 p.m.
today at Zion Parish Hall, 309 E.
Washington Street. Rev. Schaffnit
of Detroit will speak on the sub-
ject. "Lutheran Intermissions in the
United States.",
Congregational Student Fellowship:
Professor Mary Van Tuyl, of the Psy-
chology Department, will speak on,
"Shall We Pray?" at the Congrega-
tional Student Fellowship tonight in
the church parlors.
Coming Events
Junior Research Club will meet on
Tuesday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Rackham Amphitheater. Pro-
"A Reconstruction of Aboriginal
History of Eastern United States,"
by James B. Griffin, Museum of An-

Graduate History Club will meet on
Tuesday, Dec. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Prof. Preston Slosson
will speak on "The Present War and
Its Relation to the Historian." A
general discussion period will follow.
All graduate students in history are
A Board of, Naval Medical Examin-
ers for the physical examination of
candidates for appointment in the
United States Naval Reserve (En-
gineering Specialist Branch) will
meet at the Naval ROTC Headquar-
ters, 1 orth Hall, between 9:00 a.m.
and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, December
4. In order to avoid congestion and
delay, telephone Ext. 896 for an ap-
Religious Education Workshop:
Subject for discussion on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 2, 7-9 p.m. at 9 Uni-
versity Hall, will be "Comparison of
Campus Methods: University of Chi-
cago, University of Michigan." Panel:
Geil Duffendack Orcutt, Mildred
Sweet, H. L. Pickerell.
Choral Group Rehearsal: The
choral group sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association for the
singing of motets, madrigals, and
chorals will rehearse on Monday in
Lane Hall at 8:00 p.m.
'The Bible Seminar, under the direc-
tion of Mr. Kenneth Morgan, direc-
tor of the Student Religious Asso-
ciation, will meet Monday at 4:30
p.m. in Lane Hall.
The new Political Science organ-
ization meeting Wednesday, Decem-
ber 3, at 3:15 p.m. in room 2203 An-
gell Hall. Other Political Science
students interested are invited.
The Regular Tuesday evening con-
cert of recorded music at the Rack-
ham Building will be as follows: Mo-
zart, Concerto in E Flat Major with
Serkin at the piano; Sibelius, Sym-
phony No. 7; and Harris, Symphony
No. 3.
The Red Cross League House
Group will turn in all collections by
Monday at 5:00 p.m. in Miss' Mc-
Cormick's office in the League. Each
house should turn in some report.
Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. Pro-
gram: Dr. Elzada Clover will speak
on "Wild Flowers of the Desert." I
Wesley Foundation: Monday Bible
Class at 7:30 p.m. in Room 214. Dr.
Charles W. Brashares will lead the
group in the next subject under "De-
veloping Religious Ideas" which will
be "War."
Faculty Women's Club: The Mon-
day Evening Drama Group will meet
Monday, December 1, at 7:45 p.m. at
the Michigan League.
Zion Lutheran Church: Church
Worship service at 10:30 a.m. witla
sermon on "Be Prepared," by Mr.
Clement Shoemaker.
Trinity Luthetan Church: The
Holy Communion service at 10:30
Sermon by Rev. Henry 0. Yoder on
"Now is the Time."
Christian Church (Disciples): 10:45

>. I.


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