Weather Y .A6 Ak. 4w AW -AL Alk AlbL AhL d.9116--jibbdir Ammlbmg Nk AN 0 WiR I ~aitg Editorial Colder, Cloudy With Light Rainl Now is The Time For American Action . . _:, VOL LH. No, 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1141 Z-323 PRICE Ffl CENT Roosevelt Warns America To Expect War British Army Russian Troops Retake Rostov ot AIAs Nanzi Soldiers Flee In Rout , I kU|['k Of Combined FascistForces Tanks Battle To Deadlock As Joined Axis Troops1 AttemptBreakthrough Vichy Government Yields To Germans (By The Associated Press) CAIRO, Nov. 29-German and Ital- ian forces trapped east of Tobruk have reassembled "their remaining tanks" and. in a mighty effort to es- cape from their incirclement, have smashed head-on into a British wall and become deadlocked in a newr major tank battle, the British an- nounced today. The battle began yesterday morn- ing southeast of Rezegh and contin- ued fiercely throughout the day and, into the evening, "without either side having given or gained ground," the British Middle East comand stated in its communique. The problem of the German com- mander. Gen. Erwin Rommel, is to get his once-powerful mechanized and motorized panzer units westward out of immediate danger as efficiently as possible; the British aim to keep them isolated, break them into smal- ler units, and annihilate them. In assembling for the big break-out effort the Italian ariete ("battering ram") division managed to join the Nazi panzer forces, a British spokes- man said, thereby forming a combin- ation making the battle highly im- portant and on a 'considerable" scale. Infantry fighting as heavy as any. yet seen in Africa was raging around Tobruk, the spokesman said, although he emphasized that the main British aim was to smash the panzers.1 * s s ) VOKMAONlpZH HA KOV 4LENSPETO STAL S *'Q DNROSTOV NIKOLAEV "EI t a Inside Today's Daily .. Navy whips Army. 14-6. Page 3, Wolverine Natators down Olney- Ville, Page 3. Oregon State chooses Fordham as tRose Bowl opponent; 'Misscissippi State, Georgia accept Orange Bowl bids, Page 3. Turner's analysis of the Far East- ern situation, Page 8. J-Hop ticket sale announcement, Page 5. President Says U.S. May Fight Next Year. WARM SPRINGS. Ga.. Nov. 29.- .--President Roosevelt asserted to- night that it was always possible that at next Thanksgiving time "our boys in the military and naval academies may be fighting for the defense of -.. .+.+ w.+. . . .. _ c -. -. - u1 aic 11.C. 111a... 4C. 11=1'. 1, 5 U1 t. 4UtCI CI fl. tS our American institutions." t ' The Chief Executive made that ominous declaration in an informal ad- a ive M inies dress at a dinner tonight at the Warm Springs Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Victims. Accept Termis Returning to the "Little Whitehouse" on Pine Mountain, he found a call M e afrom Secretary Hull awaiting him, and reached the opinion that he might -01 ( have to leave here tomorrow afternoon, and arrive in Waslington Monday morning, in view of a statement by Japanese Premier Hideki Tojo. Wishes World American Thanksgiving Railroad Labor Leaders He spoke of people in other lands overrun or attacked and those even Express Their Readiness in countries wiich are attacking. Then he added solemnly: I think wecan offer up a little silent prayer that these people 'Will be able to hold next _____Si ato year a Thanksgiving more like an American Thanksgiving. That is some- NEW YORK. Nov. 29-.~-Presi- thing to dream about, perhaps. dent Roosevelt's three-man board ar- "In days like these our Thanksgiving next year may remind us of a peace- bitrating the stormy union shop issue ful past: it is always possible that our boys in the military and naval acad- in the captive coal mines announced emies may be fighting for the defense of these American institutions of ours." today that all but one of the steel The President. who twice postponed trips to Warm Springs, where he; companies involved had agreed to had planned to observe Thanksgiving, said he could not help thinking of abide by whatever decision the board those things and the dangers overhanging the country while he was in meakes. Washington contemplating his journey a week and a half ago. He said he Company announced it was withhold- might have to go back tomorrow or the next day, but he did not know. ing a commitment as to whether it United States In Unique Position would abide by the forthcoming de- And, he said. this was a year for thanksgiving especially because the cision. people in the Warm Spring dining room, in the community, the state and Dr. John R. Steelman, representing the United States were in a very unique position today. The United Statest the public on the board, emerged from is one of the largest nations in the world, Mr. Roosevelt remarked, and a four and a half hour conference nearly all the other large nations are involved in a war of some kind or nor- with John L. Lewis. President of the mal lives within them are almost completely blotted out or controlled by a CIO United Mine Workers. and Ben- dictator. jamin F. Fairless, President of U. S Steel Corp., the other board members. and said: . f 'And of the captive mine operators Japs To Purge East Asia except one. and the United Mine Workers of America have advised1 the arbitration board as to the evi- dence they desire to have considered.O "The Crucible Steel Co., which oper- ates only one mine,has not yet agreed to the procedure "(B The Associated Pres) Steelman said that the board would TOKYO, Nov. 29.-premier Hideki Tojo solemnly and publicly declared continue its deliberations until a con- tonight the determination of Japan to purge British and American influence clusion was reached. from East Asia "with a vengeance-for the honor and pride of mankind." Rostov, center of contention in the southernmost battle area, was retaken by the Russians yesterday with an overwhelming counter-of- fensive temporarily ending the German Caucasus threat. In the area south of Moscow the Nazis continued to advance toward Stalinogorsk, but mentioned stiffening Soviet resistance. North of Moscow another Russian counter-attack was claimed in progress, but Berlin reported a successful drive to Solnetschnogorski, 31 miles from the capital. White arrows indicate Soviet thrusts. * * * - BY The Aocaed Prs) chor had been counted in the attack car- MOSCOW, Nov. 29-Rostov. neaoucFrday in the defense of the Caucasus, has og iey Taganrog lies 40 miles wist of Ros- Vichy Government Yields To Germans LONDON, Nov. 29. - A foreign source reported tonight that the Vichy Government had yielded to German demands for air and naval -ontrol in French North Africa along both the Mediterranean and Atlan- tic. Supervision of four air bases for- merly linked by the French commer- clal airline, Air France, already has been taken over by German officers, ground crews and personnel. this source said. The modern Tunisian port of Biz- erte, one of France's wartime naval bases, has likewise been yielded, he added. In Vichy, government sources de- nied categorically that air and naval bases had been ceded to the Ger- mans and gave official assurance that no Germans have filtered into the North African territory., None of these reports could be confirmed immediately in either Bri- tish or American circles in London. The heavIly-fortified line in the old defense area between Tunisia and Tripolitania also was reported to have been subjected to infiltration by small groups of Germans. This was the line on which the French count- ed to block possible Italian attacks against Tunisia. 4w J been delivered from the German in- vader, the southern German army of Field Marshal General Ewald von Kleist has been smashed and five of his tank, motorized and SS divisions are fleeing in rout. the Russians de-' clared tonight. Seven hundred miles to the north. on the northwestern sector of the Moscow front. the Germans also were' declared to have been thrown for a' heavy loss. A Moscow broadcast said It was admitted by Berlin, late Saturday, that the Nazi troops had fallen back from the principal sec- tions of Rostov on the Don, loosing their hold on a strategic European prize of war for the first time since the teriporary withdrawal from the Norwegian port of Narvik in the spring of 1940. winter-hardened Soviet troops had sprung across the ice-bridged Volga southeast of Kalinin and recaptured at least four towns in a drive into the flank of the German salient thrust menacingly toward the Red capital. A special announcement on Rostov said Joseph Stalin had sent congrat- ulations to Soviet troops for the "de-' liverance of Rnstov from the Fascist tov on the shore of the Black Sea. . As the Japanese Cabinet met in special session for a second day to con- Rostov is on the north bank of the Railroad Brotherhood sider the United States note outlining America's policies in the Orient, Tojo Don which in the neighborhood of i broadcast this message to the people of Japan, China and Manuchukuo. the attack runs almost in an east- It was understood the cabinet had formulated Japan's reply to the Wash- west direction, emptying into the WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 -T - ington note. While its contents were not disclosed here, it was reported to few Spokesmen for railroad labor said to- =contain no reason for optimism. sea afe miles b-eioW. day they were willing to take part in"TefcthtCinKa-eks The special announcement later amediation conference later today t k Fr Ki iThe fact that Chiang Kai-Shek is was repeated in a Soviet information or tomorrow ina final effort to avoid .Nick orKiddies dancing to the tune of Britain, Amer- bureau communique which said the a threatened railroad strike set for Aim Of IFC Election ica and Communism at the expense reoccupation of the port was accom- Dec. 7. _of able-bodied and promising young panied by street fighting. Charles M. Hay. counsel for Rail- men in his resistance against Japan, Northward of Rostov in the Donets road Brotherhoods. said he expected . There is a vicious rumor circulat-yddB Basi th Rusian reortd a ew resden Rooevet'semerenc fat- ng on this campus that there isn't, is only due to the desire of Britain Basin the Russians reported a few President Roose elt s emergency fact- _n at lu and the United States to fish in days ago that they had made gains finding board to ask both labor and any Santa Claus. anj h ntdSttst ihi of 6 or more miles, endanaerina the management to partake in such con- Pay no attention to such a bare-;troubled waters of East Asia by pit- long salient the Germans had thrust ference after arguments are complet- faced falsehood, because there is go- tng East Asiatic peoples against one along the Black Sea coast toward the ed today. ing to be a Santa Claus if the campus another and to grasp hegemony in. Caucasus._has to elect one itself, which it will if East Asia. if the real McCoy does not show up "This is the stock in trade of Bri- SThe Germans said today they were Ohio State Grid Movies by Dec. 10 tain and the United States. For the evacuating the central part of Ros- -dk. tov "in order to make the most thor- Michigan's last football game of And why elect a Santa Claus? Be- honor and ough preparations for necessary mea- the season, the 20-20 tie with Ohio cause that white-bearded gentleman sures against the population" which State. will be replayed tonight at is essential to the success of the an- Far East Crisis was accused of participating in guer- 7:30 when full-length moving pic- nual Christmas party which will take rilla warfare. Whether these prep- tures of the contest are shown in the place at 3:30 p.m. Dec. 15 given for At A Glance arations contemplated razing of the main ballroom of the Michigan Un- the children of Ann Arbor by the In- TOKYO-Premier Hedeki Tojo city by bombardment was not statedJ ion. terfraternity Council. T pole Japan will purge Amer ica and Britain from eastern Asia "with a vengeance"; Cabinet con- Crippled Yo u ngs tersRebuididers Washington negotiations for second day in succession in midst of -r : r - h 0 -j-%Li r err rw.r w : I acute crisis. i x i FDR Reveals Thought Trend On Strike BilL& Favored Amendng Labor Act Three Years Ago; Feared Extremes WASHINGTON, Nov. 29-:P- Publication by the White House to- night of hitherto confidential press conference remarks disclosed that President Roosevelt as far back as April 21, 1938, favored amending the Wagner Labor Relations Act by a commission such as that created by England to improve social welfare laws periodically. The President's remarks on the Wagner Act were given at an off-the- record interview with members of the American Society of Newspaper Bdl- tors three and a half years ago. Asked wlCongress could not pass legislation that would not be "one- sided," the President replied: "For this very simple reason: The Wagner Act ought to have various amendments made to it, but we are funny people over here, We at once go to the extremes, both on the Gide of Labor and on the side of the em- ployer. We all get upset and excited, and we, say things we do not mean, and we make overstatements. English Social Leislation "Now, in England, when they put social legislation on the statute books, they do it with the knowledge that every year or so they will amend it. Social security went into effect oe there in 1911 and I think, without exception, every Parliament has amended it. "Now, how do they amend it? They have a royal commission that loois it over. The commission is non-partisan, there are business men on it ad there are labor people on it. They de- cide that the thing peeds certain im- provements. The royal commission makes a report to the Parliament and the thing goes through, almost auto- matically, without fuss or feathers. SKeep Away From ?oUitcs "If we had that temperament over here, we would have improved'the Wagner Act this year and improved .he Social Security Act this year, "eeping them out of, politics." "Perhaps that is what COngres ze ." an editor put in. "I think you are right," Mr. Roose- vaelt replied, The President did not regard as wholly justified" a statement- that. he Labor Relations Board, which ad- iinisters the Wagner Act, regarded tself as a "bunch of prosecutors in- :tead of a fact-finding body," but Sonceded that was true in some cases. Since that time, the personnel of the Board has changed. Machinery Needs Improving Told that CIO organizers "forced" ;he closing of a cotton mill in Tupelo, Miss., even though 90 per cent of the 100 workers were against forming a anion, and that the townspeople later took the organizer out and gave him a "fairly good strafing," the President said: "The answer is not in beating up. The answer is going to the courts about it. Now the machinery-heav- ens above!-the machinery needs im- proving, of course it does, but do it the English way. Do not damn every- body about it. Try to get the thing improved." The Chief Executive at the same 1938 interview described the war be- tween the CIO and AFL as a "very personal row" and that would end either in the two wing of labor be- coming "fairly permanent" or in the working out of a compromise between the two. At a conference with church editors on April 20, 1938, the President agreed there was danger of Fascism in the United States because of the central- ization of financial power in New York. Ganoe To Succeed Lieut. Col. Brannan Assignment of Col. William A. Ganoe to succeed Lieut. Col. Francis M. Brannan as professor of military science and tactics and chairman of the military department was announ- ced by the War Department yester- day. E i Naz Vess E invaders," and raising "our glorious Soviet flag in Rostoy." O The Russians smashed into the vital Black Sea port from two direc- tions, one force under Commander By ROBERT MANTHO Lemidov storming across the Don Up on the ninth floor of the Uni river and occupying the southern part versity Hospital a group of friendly of the city, while the other under little kids between six and twelv( General Karitnov drove through from years of age are busy making Christ. the northeast. jmas toys in the workshop provides "Von Kleist's army has been smash- by Galens. honorary medical society Shop Provided By Galens ii Sunk In Arctic (By The Assocated Press) LONDON, Nov. 29.-The Admiralty announced today that two British submarines had sunk at least eight Axis troop and 'supply ships recently yn Arctic waters. leading informed British sources to believe that Ger- many was having to replace battered Finnish troops on the Murmansk front. The Admiralty's announcement in- dicated the probability that numer- otus other Axis vessels had been sunk by British undersea craft which "have been inflicting severe losses upon' German troop transports and sup- ply ships carrying reinforcements of me, and material to the German armies on the Murmansk front." One of the British submarines, the ed," declared the announcer. "His 6th, 14th and 16th tank divisions, 60th. motor division and SS 'Viking' divi- sions are fleeing in disorder in the direction of Taganrog. The Red army is following close on their heels. The Germans have lost 5,000 killed." He added that many war trophies / ONLY! . E Under the direction of John Naka- mura. '42, instructor of the Galens workshop. twenty of them come up every day to use the saws and power tools. the machines and the drills which make Christmas something ex-. tra special in their lives. They all believe in Santa Claus and they're all doing their best to make their friends happy-these shut-in kids who can't go outside and play like other boys and girls they know-. The Christmas spirit is strong inP the Galen workshop where the crip- pled little fellows are helping each other make their toys "better than, those you can buy in stores." They ask the instructor a thousand ques- tions each afternoon but that's be- cause they want their toys to be }ust SINGAPORE -British cancel leaves of all roops as normal pre- caution. CHUNKING-Chinese army or- gan expects war soon. Japanese may attack Thailand or Yunnan province, but Chinese and Thais expect help NEW YORK-Thais defense of- ficial reported conferring with Brit- ish at Singapore; Domei warns of "provocation" if U. S. institutes air patrol of Burma road. 'NNILA-Germans reported fos- tering Japanese - Chinese peace more. HANOI-Thai troops reported ready and preparing for the worst. purge this sort of practice from East Asia with a vengeance." The Premier stressed the histori- cal ties between Japan, China andI Manchukuo and the necessity of na- tions of East Asia to work together for mutual prosperity without outside influence. Many countries, he said, were in- dulging in actions hostile to Japan. The Domei News Agency reported - U 13 3 N- U