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November 29, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-29

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Washington Merry-Go-Round




*' ! wY.

'. - - =- a - -.. . . -... V
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
01niversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatnches creditedto
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rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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carrie $4.0e by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Pablisbers Representative
H enber, Associated Collegiate Press, 194142



Emile 0e16
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill. .
Janet Hiatt ,.
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell .
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
* . 2 Associate Editor
. . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

siness Stafft
. . . Business
. Associate Business
.Women's Advertising
. Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members ,of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

WASHINGTON-After weeks of negotiation,
actually beginning last May and revived with
the visit of, Saburo Kurusu, Japan, 'and the
United States appear to be nearing an agree-
ment in the Pacific. The deal is not yet com-
plete, and frantic protests of the Chinese may
upset it, but here is an outline of the provisional
terms discussed so far:
1. The United States will immediately relax
its embargoes on Japanese trade, will sell Japan
the raw materials of war and will buy Japanese
silk as before.
2. Japan will keep its armies where they are
in China, but with no American recognition of
any Japanese claim or conquest of China.
3. Japan will with'draw from French Indo-
China, except possibly for a small token force;
and the final status of Indo-China will be de-
cided after the European war.
4. Japan agrees not to attack Russia, and not
to interfere with U.S. shipments to Vladivostok.
5. The Dutch will supply Japan with oil direct
from the Dutch East Indies.s
This proposed agreement suddenly blossomed
forth after most U.S. diplomats had virtually
given up hope of any sort of deal with Japan.
Reason for the sudden change was the Japan-
ese. With the U.S. embargo against them now
effective for about six months, trade in Japan
has come to a complete standstill. The public
is restless. And the Japanese govrnment has
come to the realization that it faces either starv-
ation or war, and that in the latter, Mr. Hitler
could'be of very little help at present.
Dutch Skeptical
However, these tentative terms have been
reached only after much dissention among the
democracies and also inside the Roosevelt ad-
mjistration. The Dutch appear skeptical of
any appeasement of Japan, and the Chinese are
literally tearing their hair out.
For the past 48 hours, Ambassador Hu Shih
has been telephoning the White House begging
for an interview with the President, and finaily
got to see him. T. V. Soong, brother-in-law of
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, has been get-
ting democratic diplomats out of bed in the
morning to protest that Chinas being sold down
the river; while advisers of Chiang Kai-shek are
advising him to make a public appeal to the
American people.
What friendly diplomats have advised the
Chinese is that this is merely a temporary agree-
ment, and that although Japan keeps her troops
in China, the Chinese can keep on fighting. Fur-
thermore, the United States makes no commit-
ments to Japan regarding the Burma Road and
will continue sending supplies via that route 'to
However, the Chinese, after nearly five years
of warfare, say that this agreement, if finally
signed, means virtual recognition of Japanese
conquest not merely of North China, but all
British Play Second Fiddle
In diplomatic circles, British Ambassador Vis-
count Halifax generally is getting credit or blame
for negotiating a "Munich of the Far East." Rel
inside, however, is that the British have played
second fiddle.
The British, it is true, have put themselves on
record as wanting to concentrate on the Atlan-
tic, not get tangled up in the Pacific. But the
real decision has been made by the President
\Roosevelt, who at the age of 14 began studying
famous naval strategist Admiral Mahan, seems
* convinced that the United States cannot risk
a war in the Pacific and at the same time convoy'
supplies across the Atlantic. He believes that
war with Japan would not be short, and that
Japan could not be polished off with a few air
raids over cities.
Roosevelt's naval advisers, especially Admiral
Stark, also have reminded him that Japan has
the largest navy in the world next to ours-
larger than the British-and that part of the
U.S. Navy would have to be withdrawn from the
Not all of Roosevelt's naval advisers agree on
this, however. Some very jiigh officers in com-
mand in the , Atlantic believe that convoying
supplies to England can continue merely with
destroyers and cruisers, permitting all Atlantic
battleships 'to return to the Pacific.
But they all agree that war with Japan would

last a year, perhaps longer. Also it could not be
an offensive war. It would be purely defensive-
chiefly a continuation of the present starvation
embargo, with American ships remaining in
American waters and Japanese ships also stick-
ing close to the other side of the Pacific. The
Philippiies would bear the brunt of the fighting.
But the big factor urged by many, espe-
cially on Capitol Hill, is that Japan already
is feeling the pinch of the embargo, and to
suspend it now would undo months of effort,
leaving the United States with another
U. S. In Dutch Guiana
Several backstage factors were important in
connection with sending U.S. troops into Dutch
One was the fact that the Dutch weren't very
keen on having us go. It never leaked out, and
probably will be denied, but the Dutch felt this
might be the beginning of a new American Em-
pire, and that there was no way for a little coun-
try like Holland to get the colony sack if the
U.S.A. wanted to keep it. Winston Churchill
had to do quite a bit of talking in London to
overcome this viewpoint, and Dutch hesitance
was one reason why Roosevelt recently enter-
tained Princess Juliana at Hyde Park.
Most important factor, however, and the rea-
son why the British and Roosevelt insisted on
the occupation of Dutch Guiana, was North
Africa and Brazil.
Inside fact is that although the United States
is developing about twelve excellent air bases
in the bulge of Brazil, Brazil so far has not per-
mitted U.S. troops to occupy them. Nor, for
that matter, has any other Latin American
country allowed the entrance of soldiers.
This fact-that a Latin American country
doesn't want U.S. troops on its soil-is most
understandable, and the State Department does-
n't want to press it. After all, the United States
for years has been looked upon with suspicion
as the Colossus of the North. Furthermore, no
sovereign nation wants foreign troops on its soil.
Nevertheless, it was recalled that the downfall
the low countries was attributed in a measure
to the fact that the Belgians, French and Dutch
failed to have general staff talks in advance of
the German attack, and the Belgians refused to
permit French troops on their soil in advance.
Therefore, the next best thing to having U.S.
troops in Brazil was having them next door in
Dutch Guiana. /So with the collapse of General
Weygand; and the Hitlerization of the Vichy
Government, Roosevelt.moved.

Time Magazine's
Disgusting Lie' .

. .

tion that Time Magazine printed a
"disgusting lie" about the late President Pedro
Aguirre Cerda of Chile and his apology to the
government of Chile for that article has aroused
debate on the, question whether the President's
actions is an attack on freedom of the press.
In its Nov. 17th issue Time stated that Aguirre
Cerda had "spent more and more time with the
red wine he cultivates." Last week Ambassador
Claude Bowers conveyed the regrets of the
United States government to the Chilean govern-
ment and Wednesday Mr. Roosevelt spoke of
the "general indignation and disgust which the
article engendered."
This action has become an issue because for
the first time this government has assumed re-
sponsibility for it protested press statement by
formally apologizing for it. Conservative critics
of the present administration see evil omens for
the future of the- press. As one Washington
correspondent said, "diplomatic authorities in-
sist that if this becomes an accepted practice,
it inevitable leads to censorship, because the
government cannot permit either newspapers
or private individuals to speak for it."
T MUST BE CONCEDED that Roosevelt's apol-
ogy is an encroachment on freedom of the
press. The issue, it seems to us, is whether it is
an unwarranted pressure. Consideration of the
legal position of the press and the conditions
prevailing in the world at the present puts Time
Magazine in an unsupportable position,
The press in this country has never been per-
mitted 'unlimited freedom. There have always
been laws of libel, copyright and obscenity which
have' limited its activity. In war-time when the
safety of the nationhas been at stake, the press
has been forced to delete articles which were in
conflict with the more important principle of
a successful prosecution of the war.
' TTHE PRESENT TIME this nation faces one
of the gravest perils in its history and thus
the united support of the South American na-
tions is vital to our existence. Even if one up-
holds a non-interventionist policy, the friend-
ship of those Southern countries is none the less
important.! Consequently, an article which, ac-
cording to Mr. Roosevelt, provides ammunition
for Axis propagandists does not deserve the pro-
tection of the Bill of Rights, especially when the,
statement is not a criticism of the Chilean gov-
ernment but is a personal slur in very poor
taste. Irregardless whether their statement is
true or not, it is an unnecessary irritant to a
proud and sensitive people at a time when this
nation is making a considerable effort to win its
friendship. - Alvin Dann
Hitler And The Moon
In his Munich speech a while ago Adolf Hit-
ler, in contradicting President Roosevelt's refer-
ence to evidence of Nazi designs on South Amer-
ica, declared: "As far as I am concerned South
America is as far away as the moon."
The lunar simile has been heard from the
same source before. Addressing the Reichstag in
Berlin's Kroll Opera House on Jan. 30, 1939, the
Reichsfuebrer said:
The assertion that National Socialism in
Germany will soon attack North and South
America. Australia, or even the Nehlrerlaids,

VOL. LII. No. 53
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
gineers: Mid-semester reports for
grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West
Engineering Building.
R.O.T.C.: Uniforms will be issued
at Headquarters December 1, 2 and 3.
All students who ordered uniforms
are urged to call for same on these
Academic Notices
Bacteriological Seminar will meet
Monday, Dec. 1, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564
East Medical Building. Subject:
"The Distribution of the Virus of
Poliomyelitis in the Host and its En-
All interested are cordially invited.
Section 3 of Sociology 141 (Crim-
inology) will not meet this morning.
L. E. Hewitt
Sociology 73 (Community Prob-
lems) will not meet this morning.
A. E. Wood
Fine Arts 184: (Islamic Decorative
Arts). The class will meet for its
trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts
today at 1:15 p.m. in front of Angell
Richard Ettinghausen
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures on Naval Subjects: Captain
Lyal A. Davidson, Captain U.S. Navy,
Professor of Naval Science and Tac-
tics, University of Michigan, will de-
liver a lecture on "The Navy De-
partment and Its Bureaus" at 7:15
p.m. Tuesday, December 2, in Room
348 West Engineering Building.
English 149 (Play Writing) will
meet Tuesday, December 2, instead of
Monday evening, Dec. 1, in Room
4208 A.H. . .K. T. Rowe
Sociology 51: Mid-Semester Make-
up Examination will be given today
at 1:00 p.m. Room D, Haven Hall.
R. C. Angell
Frederick Stock, Conductor, and
the Clcago Symphony Orchestra,
will present the fifth program in the
Choral Union Concert Series, Sun-
day afternoon, November 30, at 3:00
o'clock sharp in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be secured at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower until noon
Saturday. On Sunday the box office
will be open in Hill Auditorium be-
ginning at 1:30. a
Charles A. Sink, President
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of colored
lithographs and wood block prints
by Georges Rouault and watercolors
and small sculptures by William Zor-
ach in the Rackham Building Ex-
ibition Galleries through December
10, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by
students in architecture at Cornell,'
Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and Michigan, for
the problem "A Trade School" are
being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room. Architecture Building,

through December 4. Open daily 9
to 5, except Sunday. The public is
University 'Lecture. Professor Vic-
tor R. Gardner, Head of the De-
partment of Horticulture and Direc-
tor of the Experiment Station pt
Michigan State College, will speak
on the subject, "Research in the
Twilight Zone between Botany and
Horticulture," under the auspices of
the Department of Botany, on, Thurs-
day, December 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Kellogg Auditorium. The public is
cordially invited.
Lectures: Father D'Arcy, world-
famous Jesuit scholar and lecturer in
Thomistic philosophy at the Univer-
sity of Oxford, will be the second
speaker in the series of lectures on
"The Failure of Skepticism?" on Fri-
day, December ยข5, at 8:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Gregory Vlastos, Professor of
Philosophy at Queen's University,
Ontario, and an outstanding young
Protestant thinker, will complete the
series on Sunday evening, January
18. The series is sponsored jointly
by Newman Club, Hillel Foundation,
and Inter-Guild.
Events Today
Meeting of the Michigan College
Chemistry Teachers Association to-
day at 10:15 a.m. in Room 151,;Chem-
istryBuilding, Atthe morning s



By Lichty

"The honeymoon must be over . . . I'm to start leaving the'
the morning paper!"

ATENT NUMBER 130317 is, I hope, going to
mark the end of an era. A news story yester-
day says that 'Pratho P. Scott, of Tulsa, Okla-
homa, acting purelYon a hunch, hired himself
a patent attorney, and by heck, he patended the
"V for Victory" idea.
Now the full impact of this move cannot be
grasped at once by the average reader. It was
even tough for me to grasp it, but I have, and
tonight I am going out and get drunk about it
because it means something significant about
the national scene. It means that if Pratho can
hold ,his own against the furious jewelry makers,,
dress designers, sign painters, and ladies clubs,
all of whom have leaped full upon the V cam-
paign as a wolf does on the stray lamb, shaking
and worrying it for all it was worth, these folks
are going to have to pay through the nose, but
through the nose for their patriotism.
THIS will have one of two effects. Either we
will find out just how high the partisanship
of these elements of our great warm-hearted na-
tion comes, qr the Ladies Wear aspect of the
dot dot dot dash guerilla war will end, probably
with a rebirth of emphasis on the British flag
I have long admired the beautiful complete-
ness of the V. campaign as expressed on the con-
tinent of Europe and in Scandinavia. At the
same time it has always jarred a little on my
sensibilities to see such hordes of over-painted,
dowdy females sporting their little dog-license
"V's" on too ample bosoms or at scraggly necks.
I have somehow never been quite convinced of
the sincerity of motive behind this local display
of the oneness of spirit betwen our own plush
dames and the British people. The V in America
has at times seemed to me a thing very much
like Mah Jong or miniature golf-at best, in its
full significance, no better than silly, and in
truth of a less beneficial nature than its prede-
cessors in that it failed to provide some much
needed exercise for the well-dined waistlines of
Our Womanhood.
IF it were a case of funds from the sale of V's
actually being turned over to Britain, neither
Pratho Scott nor myself would be quite so jubi-
lant over it all, I am sure. Maybe Pratho would.
I don't know Pratho personally. At least then it
would be up to the ladies-if they couldn't stand
paying their money for nothing tangible, if they
couldn't stand just sending all the money to
Britain and not getting something to wear on
their busts to show that'they were paying money
for their good ideals-and I have never known
or heard of American Womanhood doing any-
thing so silly and impractical-then at least
part of what they spent to adorn themseives
would be diverted-to food and medicine or bul-
lets for the British. But the little V trinkets,
though at first ?inked in the muddled brains of
our protected and charitable ladies here, actu-
ally -_unless specifically advertised as being for

a talk by Dr. L. H. Newburgh on
"Methods of Measuring Transforma-
tions of Entergy by Man."
The Observatory on the fifth floor
of Angell Hall will be open to the
public from 7:30 to 9:30 this eve-
ning. The moon, and the planets
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, will be
shown through the telescopes. Chil-
dren must be accompanied by adults.
Petitioning for Orientation Advis-
ors for next fall closes at 12:00 noon
today. These positions are open to
all women who will be Juniors and
Seniors next year. No late petitions
will be accepted. All girls interested
must also be interviewed, and present
their eligibility cards at the inter-
view. Announcements of dates for
interviewing will be announced.
Saturday Luncheon Group: Stu-
dents interested in a discussion of
the ethical issues involved in cur-
rent social and political events are
invited to the Saturday Luncheon
Group meeting at Lane Hall on Sat-
urdays~ from 12:15 to 2:00.
Work Holiday: Students wishing to
help paint and repair toys for di;-
tribution to needy Ann Arbor chil-
dren at Christmas time should re-
port to the Lane Hall work shop ih
old clothes any time petween 9:00
a.m. and noon'and 1:00 and 6:00 p.m.
The Fifth Annual Instrumental
Music Clinic will be held in *Ann
Arbor today. This meeting of the
orchestra division of the clinic, spon-
sored by the Michigan School Band
Orchestra Association and the Ehool
of Music of the University of Michi-
gan, will begin at 10:00 a.m. in Hill
The Suomi Club meeting sched-
uled for today has been postponed
indefinitely. Announcement of the
meeting will be made in the D.O.B.
Graduate Outing Club: A secial
outing will be held today. The des-
tination will not be announced until
the time of departure. Come dressed
for rough going. Meet at 12:50 p.m.
a4 the menagerie behind the Museum.
Return at 6:00 p.m. This replaces
the regular meeting unless there is
snow on Sunday.
The Opening Broadcast of the
Metropolitan Opera Season may be
heard in the Men's Louge of the
Rackham Building today at 2:00 p.m.
Thel opera will be "La Traviata."
Bowling for }Vomen: Entries for
the individual bowling tournament
must be in by this noon. Sign at
the Women's Athletic Building now,
Coming Fkvents
Junior Research Club will meet on
Tuesday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Rackham Amphitheater. Pro-
"A Reconstruction of Aboriginal
History of Eastern United States,'
by James B. Griffin, Museum of An-
"Performance of Military Aircraft,'
by Emerson W. Conlon, Department
of Aeronautical Engineering.
A Board of Naval Medical Examin.
ers for the physical examination o
candidates for appointment in the
United States Naval Reserve (En.
gineering Specialist Branch) wil
meet at the Naval ROTC Headquar-
ters, North Hall, between 9:00 a.m
and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, Decembe
4. In order to avoid congestion anc
delay, telephone Ext. 396 for an ap
Women's Research Club will mee
on Monday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m
in he riikhami Amphitheater. Pro

dents: The badminton courts in Bar-
bour Gymnasium are open for use
of men and women students on Mon-
day and Friday evenings from 7:30
to 9:30.
Congregational Student Fellowship:
Professor Mary Van Tuyl, of the Psy-
chology Department, will speak on,
"Shall We Pray?" at the Congrega-
tional Student Fellowship on Sun-
day night in the church parlors.
Wesley Foundation: Monday Bible
Class at 7:30 p.m. in Room 214. Dr.
Charles W. Brashares will lead the
group in the next subject under "De-
veloping Religious Ideas" which will
be "War."
The Lutheran Student Association
will have its supper hour at 5:30 p.m.
and its forum hour at 7:00 p.m. on
Sunday at Zion Parish Hall, 309 E.
Washington Street. Rev. Schaffnit
of' Detroit will speak on the sub-
ject. Lutheran Intermissions in the
United States."
ZionLutheran Church: Church
Worship service at 10: a.m. with
sermon on "Be Prepared," by Mr.
Clement Shoemaker.
Trinity, Lutheran Church: The
Holy Communion service at 10:30
Sermon by Rev. Henry O.-Yoder on
"Now is the Time."
Christian Church (Disciples): 10:45
Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick
Cowin, Mirlister.
Disciples Guild: 6:30, Guild Sun-
day Evening Hour. A student panel
will discdss the religious faiths pre
sented during the last few weeks ir
the series on "My Religion." A so-.
cial hour and tea will follow the dis-


Seal The Doom
Of Tuberculosis

0 *

ITH the last week in Novembe , stu-
dents begin to look anxiously toward
the forthcoming Christmas vacation, and the
holiday spirit prevails. Here. in America certain
things have 'become inseparably associated with
Christmas . . . . "Jingle Bells," holly wreaths,
Santa Claus, and, the Christmas Seals. '
This year's drive has already started. The
profits from the sale of these little stickers, as
everyone should know, are used as a weapon in
the great battle against tuberculosis. From the
drive come miracles of healing and new hope . .
. miracles of recovery from a disease that has
taken more human lives than all the wars in
the history of mankind.
Perhaps our minds are too confused by the
chaos and unrest in the world today.. . perhaps
our thoughts are overcrowded with labor strikes,
Fascism and wars. But, this battle against tuber-
culosis is against a far greater scourge to man
than is the struggle to defeat Fascism and the
like. The fight continues,. but without the help
of Christmas Seals it 'may well be a losing one.
That we air eager and willing to fight an enemy
has been evidenced by the successful Red Cross
&ive and by the tremendous aid we have given

Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m.
Church Service: "No Miracles To-
day" by H. P. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Student meeting, "Tur-
key at the Cyossroads.". Discussion
led by I. R. Khalidi, Grad.,,of Jeru-
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. with Prof. Kenneth Hance,
leader. Morning Worship at 10:40
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "Home." Wesleyan Guil1 meet-
ing at 6:00 p.m. in the Wesley Foun-
dation Lounge. The study groups on
peace, missions, money and church-
manship, drama, publications, inter-
national-interracial problems, and
juvenile delinquency and the newly
organized Graduate group will meet
following the joint worship service.
Supper and fellowship hour at 7:15
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Services held in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Dr. Leonard A.
Parr, minister, will preach the ser-
mon, "The Empty Room,"
5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high
school group, will meet in Pilgrim
Hall. Dr. Parr will talk on "This
Country of Yours." Supper.
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in
the church parlors. Dr. Mary Van
Tuyl will talk on "Shall We Pray?"
Tuesday, Dec. 2, 4:00 p.m. An in-
formal tea, open to all Congregation-
al students, will be held at this time
every week in Pilgrim Hall.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Ancient and Modern .Ne-
cromancy, Alias Mesmerism and Hyp-
notism, Denounced."
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
Free' public Reading Room at 106
E. Washington St.. open .week days
from 11:30 a.m until 5:00 p.M.,

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