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November 29, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-29

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Partly cloudy; continued mild,






Time M agazine's
Disgusting Lie'...



Tattered Form
Of Roosevelt's
Price Control
Bill Approved
Administration Is Faced
With Choice Of Drastic
Revision Or Defeat
Coalition Of Parties
Is Higlhly Effective
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-(P)--A
tattered remnant of the Administra-
tion price control bill was passed by
the House tonight after President
Roosevelt's forces, facing a complete
rout, compromised on many points
with a coalition of Republicans and
Climaxing what. many members
said privately w the most confused
legislative situation they had experi-
enced, the revamped bill was seAt to
the Senate by a roll call vote of 224
to 161 after a Republican effort to
send it back to the House Banking
Committee had been defeated by a
standing vote of 171 to 134.
As finally approved the bill would
give A single administrator power to
impose ceilings on the prices of com-
modities whose prices get out of line
with the rest 6f the price structure,
but :an administrative board of re-
view would have authority to set aside
the administrapor's rulings.
Labor Wins Victory
Early in the day, the labor bloc
scored a victory when the House swept
aside a proposal for a modified form
of wage control. The chamber quickly
followed that action by approving a
provision prohibiting the establish-
ment of ceilings for farm prices below
their 1919-29 average, although crit-
ics contended this clause would per.
mit some farm prices to,rise as much
as 30 per cent.
Besides commodity prices, the bill
would empower the administrator to
establish ceilings for rents in defense
areas if state or local governments
failed to take action 60 days after he
had recommended stabilization. He
would be required to take into con-
sideration the rents prevailing about
April 1, 1940 #fixing any rent ceil-
Soon after 't House resumed con-
sideration of Vamendments to the bill,
the first major revision of -the Admin-
istration's version was accomplished
when Chairman Steagall (Dem.-Ala.)
of the banking committee accepted a
substitute for" a coinmittee amend-
ment which would have given the
price administrator power to engage
in klarge-scale buying and selling of
any commodity for the purpose of
maintaining price stability.
Under the substitute, proposed by.
Rep. Dewey (Rep.-Ill.), the only pur-
chases that could be made woul be
those designed to stimulate produc-
tion of high-cost or marginal pro-
ducers. Under the committee plan,
the administrator could have made
the purchases anywhere and proceeds
from sale of such commodities would
have gone into a revolving fund.
Stock T o Lead
Fith Concert
Leading an orchestra with his left
hand while making notes of the dif-
ferent tempos of a new composition
with his right is one of the many abil-

ities of Dr. Frederick A. Stock who
will lead the Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra in the fifth concert of the
Choral Union Series at 3 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium.
br. Stock has been conductor of
the Chicago orchestra since 1905. He
is known as the "dean of American
conductors" and is famous for his
great knowledge of orchestral litera-
ture, He never depends on a musical
score while directing.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra
is this year celebrating its 51st season..
It is rated as one of the world's finest
orchestras and is famous for its spirit
of cooperation between leader and
Sunday Dr. Stock will lead the or-
chestra in Suite No. 2 in B minor,
for strings and flute, by Bach, "On
the Shores of Sorrento," from Sym-
phonie Fantasia, "Aus Italien," Op.
16, by Strauss and Frantasis, "Fran-
cesca da Rimini," Op. 32, by Tschai-
kowsky. Variations on an Original
Theme, Op. 36, by Elgar and Rim-
sky-Korsakoff's Capriccio Espagnol,
Op. 34, will also be played.

Refugee Ship
Reaches U.S.
After 84 Days
Bombings, Water Shortage
Hamper Egyptian Liner
In EscapeVoyage
NEW YORK, Nov. 28-(P)-An es-
capee from more than 100 bombings,
the Egyptian passenger liner El Nil
steamed into port today after an 84-
day voyage from Alexandria with ad-
venturous passengers whose tales ri-
valled fiction.
The 48 passengers and 165 crew-
men told of bombings at Suez, a fran-
tic search for fuel oil along the east
and west coast of Africa, jealousy
which gave rise to knife wielding be-
cause of the presence of a pretty wo-
man aboard and the actions sof a
man who described himself as a
Then there was a water shortage
which left the ship dry three days
before she reached Trinidad and the
crew's refusal to sail the trim 7,769-
ton motorship to Freetown, Sierra
Leone, because of the fear of Axis
submarines and raiders.
The passengers-Jews from Pales
tine, members of the Royal Canadian
Airforce, sailors who quit their ship
at Suez and a Turk with a fortune in
jewels, art treasures and Islamic man-
uscripts-were delayed in docking
here because they got in at night and
another ship was at their pier.
The El Nil left Alaxandria Sept. 5,
witnessed bombings at Port Said and
Suez, put into Mombasa for oil 'and
finally reached Capetown. Prom there
she went to Lagos and Tkoradi on
the west African coast.
'The Blue Bird'
To 'wOpen Here
On Wednesday
Maeterlinck Fantasy Has
Student Cast Of 108
Directed By Halstead
"The Blue Bird," a fantasy by the
Belgian playwright, Maurice Maeter-
linck, will be presented by Ply Pro-
duction of the Department of Speech
Wednesday through Saturqay, Dec. 3
through Dec. 6, as the second of-
fering of the winter dramatic sea-
. Two dance routines under the di-
rection of Ruth Bloomer, modern
dance instructor, will be features of
the pla'y. The first will be the dance
of the 12 hours, and the second, a
dance of the stars, perfumes, will o'
the wisps and fireflies.
The cast of 108 characters is made
up of students in Play Production
classes under the direction of. Wil-
liam P. Halstead, associate professor
in the speech department.
Tickets will be sold ' at the box
office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
and continue through Tuesday. For
the days of the show, the box office
will be open from 10 a.m. to 8:30
Patrons with season tickets must
turn in their stubs by Thursday to
obtain tickets for the presentation.
The preceding play of the season
was William Saroyan's "Jim Dandy."

Strike Laws.
Take Shape
In Congress
Committees Approve New
Legislation Permitting
Defense Plant Seizure
House To Examine
Measure Monday
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-(A)-Leg-
islation empowering the government
to take over a defense plant when pro-
ducion is interrupted was approved
by Senate and House Committees!
today after the Administration drop-
ped the idea of compulsory arbitra-
tion of labor disputes.
But while both provided for gov-
ernment seizure of strike-bound
plants, the separate measures report-
ed by the Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee and the House Labor Committee
differed widely.
It was quickly evident, too, that
the House Committee's version would
not satisfy a considerable group of
legislators on that side of the Capitol
and that there would be a battle to
substitute more stringent anti-strike
legislation when the bill comes up on
the House floor next Monday.
The House committee's bill pro-
posed government possession of a
plant only when lengthy efforts to
settle a dispute had failed. It would
give statuatory authority to the De-
Lense Mediation Board, which was
created by a Presidential order, and
establish the following procedure:
The Board, at the discretion of its
chairman, could take jurisdiction over
any labor dispute affecting national
defense which could not be settled by
collective bargaining, conciliation and
mediation. At present the Board can-
not assume jurisdiction over any case,
acting only when a dispute is certi-
fied to it by the Labor Department.
At any time after taking jurisdic-
tion, the Board could issue an order
effective for 60 days prohibiting any
one from calling or assisting a strike
and prohibiting the employer from
changing the working conditions.
The orders would be enforceable by
federal injunctions with violators sub-
ject to contempt of court proceedings.
SU' Club Heads
Convene Today
Annual President's Day
Honors State Alumni
More than fifty guests of the
Alumni Association will convene to-
day for the second annual President's
Day, held in honor of the presidents
of the Alumni Clubs of the state.
Presidents of each of these clubs
along with their guests have been in-
vited to participate in the meetings
of the day. Assembly and registration
will begin at 9:45 today in the Union.
This will be followed by a conducted
tour of the University Hospital.
Later conferences will be held in
the Union. These will end at noon,
and the guests will attend President
Ruthven's luncheon. Adjournment
will come at the will of the luncheon-
ers. President's Day, however, will
end officially at 5 p.m. Informal din-
ner with the District Officers and
Alumni Association officials will be
held at 6 p.m.

Vital Axis Libyan Force Trapped
As North African Climax Nears;
U.S. Awaits Next Japanese Move



Orient Remains In Crisis
As Tokyo Masses Men
Near Thailand Frontier
Peke In Pacific
Depends On Japan
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28-The om-
inous Japanese-American situation
reached a new point of gravity today
with the captial's most authoritative
quarters asserting in effect that this
country's last word has been said and
that the question of peace in the Pa-
cific depends upon Tokyo's next move.
At the same time, the only indi-
cation of what that move would be
was a continuation of troubled re-
ports from the Orient. They told.of
Japanese troops massing in Indo-
China and of preparations in Thai-
land for defense against attack. Jap-
anese newspapers defended the course

Leading Figures In Far East


Moscow Danger
As Nazi Striking
Advances FromM


NEW YORK, Nov. 28-()-
Sharp attacks on the United
States, holding Washington re-
sponsible "if anything breaks
out" in the Pacific, were broad-
cast by the Tokyo radio tonight.
"The United States has broken
the peace," said a Tokyo announ-
cer heard by NBC.
An English-language broadcast
heard by CBS %quoted Tokyo
newspapers as declaring:
"So long as the United States
maintains an attitude of obstruc-
ting Japan's policy to establish
a new East Asiatic order, in col-
laboration with Britain, the 1
Dutch Indies, Australia and t
Chungking, we have to conclude
that the United States lacks in
faith and sincerity in preserving
the peace, not only in the Pacific,1
but also in the entire world, and
if anything breaks out, the Uni-
ted States must bear the whole '
responsibility." -
of their "government and said the
dispatch of an expeditionary force
to Indo-China had been justified by
Officially it was said here that
negotiations with the Japanese rep-
resentatives had not broken down
completely. However, President
Roosevelt entrained at mid-afternoon
for a rest at Warm Springs, Ga. It
was felt that he would not have left
the capital if there remained any-
prospect of improving relations be-
tween Washington and 'I'okyo by a
qontinuation of the discussions.
How long he would remain at the
Southern resort depended, he told a
press conference, on developments in
the Japanese situation. From that
he went on to announce that Ameri-
can merchant ships in the Pacific
would not be armed "under existing
circumstances." He gave the last
phrase so emphatic an inflection that
a correspondent asked:
"Mr. President, how long do you
expect existing circumstances to con-
It would be much better Mr. Roose-
velt replied, to ask that question in
Tokyo than in Washington.
The situation as it stood was: Jap-
an insists upon the establishment of
a Japanese - controlled economic
sphere in the Orient, imposed if nec-
essary by military force. The United
States is unalterably opposed to such
military conquest. Diplomatic dis-
cussions have failed to break the dead-

With America's final'terms for Far Eastern settlement in Japan's
hands, the diplomatic spotlight shifted to Tokyo last night where U.S.
Ambassador Joseph 'Clark Grew (left) and Japanese Foreign Minister
Shigenori Togo (right) took the center of the stage as Nippon's net
move was awaited.
Sophomore Battle Spirit RsTng;
First Year Fur Will .Fly Today,

Frosh Struggle To Obtaint
Right To Remove Pots
In AnnualGrudge Fight
Led by husky, 210-pound Merv Pre-
gulman and eleven other determined
captains, the Class of '44 is more than
ready for "total war" against their
traditional rivals-those ever-cocky
The expected blitzkrieg and mutual
massacre is scheduled for 1:15 p.m.;
today in the Intramural Sports Build-
Unlike past years a definite winner
will be decided upon today. Ten
points are to be awarded on each event
and the class with the highest total
will receive the Holy Plaque.
Plaque Is Large'
This latter is a large plaque upon
which the victorious class will each
year have its name inscribed. It will
be hung in a prominent place on cam-
pus and is expected to become a cov-
eted possession of warring classes in
the future.
An added incentive to the frosh is
the announcement that if they come
out on top they may burn those de-
spised pots. However, if they lose,
the sophomores will have the pleas-
ure of being able to call "Pots, frosh!"
for the rest of the year.
Comes As Surprise
Coming as a surprise to iany, in
view of past experiences, is the un-
paralleled spirit and enthusiasm of
the sophomores. In previous years the
frosh have usually run rampant over
the few sophs who hadn't decided to
spend the day quietly in Detroit or
under the bed in their room.,
I But this year's class--encouraged by

the fact that referees will be on handN
to keep the sides even at all times-
is vehement in its determination toi
"teach 'those lowly, childish frosht
which class is the best in the history
of Michigan."1
Jumped Gunt
Jumping the gun somewhat-but
unable to wait any longer for thet
chance to get at each other-smallI
gangs of both closses roamed around,
the campus last night raising the fa-
miliar cry, "To hell with '45 (or '44,t
depending upon who's reading this).t
The real battle in the I-M Building;
this afternoon will climax several
weeks of planning and preparation by;
both frosh and sophs. Early this week
each side issued flaming proclama-
tions and scattered them about the
Twelve captains t have also been
elected by the battle-hungry classes.
(Continued on Page 2)
Fifth Music Clinic
Commences Today
Sponsored by the Michigan School
Band and Orchestral Association and
the Music School,, the Fifth Annual
Instrumental Music Clinic will begin,
today at 10 a.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Charles B. Righter of the Mu-
sic School of the University of Iowa
will lecture at 10 a.m. on "Building
the Stringed Orchestra in the High
The afternoon session will be de-
voted to performance by the Univer-
sity Symphony Orchestra of music on
the lists for class A, B, and C high,
schools. The conductors will be Thor
Johnson and Mr. Righter.

German Tobruk
Column Doomed
(By The Assocated Press)
The strongest surviving forces of
he Axis Libyan tank corps appeared
ast night to be entrapped and fight
ng for life east of the Tobruk-Re-
;egh zone, where the Imperial British
rmy had erected a wall against es-
ape to the west.
The hour of opportunity for a
supreme British objective-the de-
truction of the elite of General Er-
vin Rommel's mechanized arm-thus
,eemed at hand.
In thetsecond and greater theatre
gainst the Axis, hobwever-that in'
Russia--the Germans clearly were
nhalted generally in their drives up-
n Moscow. Both below and above
he capital, the Russians were falling
ack under enormous German pres-
;re and a Nazi effort to outflaink
he city on the east was progressing
rom the region of Stalinogorsk, 120
niles to the southeast.
Within 36 Miles Of Capital
To the west of Moscow, Soviet ac-
ounts implied that the German ad-
vance had been halted,; but the in-
vader was acknowledged'to be stand-
ing within 36 miles of the capital in
that area.
On the far southern Russian front,
however, the Germans were getting
the worst of it.
Berlin admitted Red counter-at-
acks of extraordinary strength in the
Rostov-oa-Don and Donets River
pend sectors. These appeared to be
in continuation of an all-out countr-
offensive in which the Russians had
claimed to have driven the invader
back by as much as 70 miles in some
areas. The Nazis laid claim to Only
two successful operations of conse-
quence in the south.
One of these was a new drive on
Sevastopol in the Crimea, which was
said to have broken through the dif-
ficult montain passes to the east.
Nazi Aerial -Ation
The dther was stabbing aerial
action across the Kerch Strait, which
separates the Crimea from the Cau-
casus, against the Kuban River sec-
tion of Cis Caucasia, on the fringe
of the oil country. This suggested
that an effort to leap the -strait in
force might be in the making.
In Libya, the most critical phase
of the campaign was unfolding.
Moving westward in two columns-
the one the remnants of a diversion
expedition which was reeling back
with .hardly half of itg original force
after a foray over the Egyptian fron-
tier, and the other made up of de-
tachments driven out of frontier posi-
tions about Sidi Omar and. Halfaya
Pass-Rommel's forces met the, full
shock of the strongest British line yet
formed in Libya.
Presumably, he had set out with the
intentien of breakin through some-
where below Tobruk to go to the re-
lief of other German and Italian
troops engaged in heavy 'action be-
yond Tobruk and deeper in Libya at
the spearhead of the British ad-
The solidification of the Tobruk-
Rezegh junction changed all this and
confronted him with the alternative
of breaking out or being smashed.
Finland Labeled
'Nazi' By Hull
Claims Finns Cooperate
Fully With Germans
WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. -)-
Secretary of State Hull toay labeled
Finland a puppet of the Hitler re-
He asserted the little country's

signing of the .Anti-Comintern PactI
was highly significant and could not
be camouflaged or explained away,
and added that every recent act of the
Finnish Government shows it is "fully
cooperating with the Hitler forces."
He reiterated previous warnings
that Finnish military operations in
Russia grievously hamper American
efforts to aid the Soviet Union and


Lewis, Browne Battle Tuesday:
SaukCenter Will Meet London
In Lecture Series Debate Here

Inquiring Reporters Inquire:
Ed And Coed Express Views:
What's Wrong With Michigan?



There's nearly as much contrast
between their viewpoints as their
birthplaces. r
! Sinclair Lewis-Sauk Center, Minn.
-and Lewis Browne-London, Eng-
land- will debate "Can It Happen
Here," with Lewis taking the nega-
tive and Browne the affirmative at
8:15 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
The Oratorical Association will
open the Hill Auditorium box office
from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., and 2 p.m.
until 4 p.m. Monday, and from 10
a.m. until 8:15 p.m. Tuesday.
In 1920, Lewis' first important nov-
el, "Main StreeThb was' the center of
a bitter controversy. The book was
an immediate success not only in
English-speakingcountries but in
translation in other lands. In suc-
cession followed "Babbitt," "Arrow-
smith," "Elmer Gantry," "Dods-
worth," and other novels which won
Lewis a lasting nlace in American

inclines to say Fascism can happen
here. The author of "Stranger Than
Fiction" has defended democracy in
the past, at great cost to himself.
While.Rabbi at the Temple Israel
in Waterbury, Conn., he gave a spir-
ited defense of free speech which pro-
voked disagreement and caused him
to resign.
Browne's books include "This Be-
lieving World," to this day the most
popular of all studies of comparative
religion, the biographies "Blessed
Spinoza," and "That Man Heine."
Other works are "Oh, Say Can You
See," "All Things Are Possible," "How
Odd of God" and "The Graphic Bi-
ble." For the last few years, Dr.
Browne has worked against time to
complete bis history of civilization
since 1776, "Something Went Wrong,"
which has just been published.
Browne has lectured widely
throughout America, and is known as
one of its outstanding platform per-

Wonder If Breakfast
Was In Glove Panel
DETROIT, Nov. 28--)-Before an
utterly aghast traffic judge a dapper
little music teacher related today how
he plugged his electric razor into the
automobile battery and shaved at 40
or 50 miles an hour without taking
his eyes off the road.
Into Judge Thomas F. Maher's
court came Patrolmen John Milner
and Archie Hamon with the musician,
John F. Jones, whom the officers
discovered in the midst of his non-
stop shave in front of a turned down
rear view mirror. He was going 48
miles an hour, the officers said..
Jones, who told the court the story

"Restore the standard three-to-one
ratio of men to women on campus.
We think the reason is obvious."
This was the winsome answer of
Betsy Follin, '45, and Peggy Vickroy,
'43, to the question: "If you could sug-
gest one improvement in the Univer-
versity of 'Michigan,* what change
would you make?
The girls were sitting on the steps
in front of the Library contemplat-
ing the old days.
Also on the Library steps was Al
Morrison, '44E, who thinks that "East
Hall should either be given back to
the Indians or turned into a recrea-,
tion hall for tired-out lit students."
Inside the Library Phil Sanford,
'44, works in the check room and gets
a good opportunity to observe Michi-
gan coeds,. Said "Phil to the ques-
tion: "Get a few good-looking women
down here. The standards are low."
Phil comes from Flint, admits that
dates there are really something to

Angie doesn't like surprises, thinks
that unannounced quizzes in Poli Sci
should be eliminated. "That course
is making me a nervous wreck."
-Bunny Bunnell, '44, is chairman of
the publicity committee for Soph
Cabaret and has a one-track mind.
Says Bunny: "There should be more
good dances on campus like those
that will be held when Soph Cabaret
rolls around Dec. 5 and 6."
Ginny Graham, '44, spoke serious-
ly. "There should be a closer re-
lationship between students and pro-
fessors at the University. You never
get to know them as well as you
might. Not in the way of apple pol-
ishing or faculty teas, which are a
bore," she added. "But there should
be more personal conferences with
instructor and student-faculty get-
We went around to the lobby of
University Hall to ask the girl be-
hind the candy counter, but she had
just closed up shop.

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