T1 IC iCiIGAN D'A its
1 i0i0an :43al-ty
Letters To The Editor
Edited and managed by students of the University of,
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
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National Advertising Service, inc.
, College Publishers Representative
dember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staffj
Emile Gele
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal wilson
Arthur Hill
39.net Hiatt
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell .
. . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* . . .City Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women# Editor
. . , . Exchange Editor
Busines Staff
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Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright
. . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
* Women's Business Manager
The"editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Answer To Paton
To the Editor:
ANENT Paton isolationism:
1. It is not especially difficult for Mr.
Paton to take the position of isolationist; the
Middle West offers substantial company.
2. It is not necessarily easy for those of us
who advocate participation in World War II.
Some of us were direct witnesses of the slaughter
of World War I. Our present conviction is based
on the compulsion of evidence, that is, what we
have construed as evidence.
3. Everyone is entitled to the expression of
his opinion: warmonger as well as isolation-
mbnger, perfervid orator as well as disinterested
4. It is fantastic to assume that a space ship
may take us to the planet Neptune. Mr. Paton
should exercise more care in his use of the term
5. Unnamed "responsible military men" and
"prevailing military opinion" are indexes to
biased selection of authority. They are often no
more valid than "they say."
6. Whether or not this is our war is probably
a matter of personal opinion, arrived at throug%
narrowness or breadth of outlook, moral, sense,
imagination, and desire, as well as data which
are often only partially interpretable. Though
of "pure Nordic blood." my moral sense is out-
raged by Nazi treatment of Jews; though an ag-
nostic, I am offended by Nazi treatment of re-
ligious groups; though appreciative of order
and efficiency, I am opposed to brutal compul-
sion. It may be a moot question whether my
attitude is a result of an intelligent appraisal
of events or a matter of temperament, but I am
opposed to autocrats abroad as well as at home.
7. If, as Mr. Paton maintains, "Germany is
eating the heart out of her military machine,
both with respect to men and material, in the
Russian campaign . . ." why does he speak of
"millions of our young men to make the supreme
sacrifice in France, Egypt and other foreign
areas . "'
8. Whether civic and economictliberty can
survive on the basis of our being at war or ab-
staining from war, no one can say. It is a gam-
ble either way. We who signed for war may be
mistaken, but we are as convinced of the wisdom
of our position as Mr. Paton is of his. We are as
fearful of the results of isolationism as he is of
the consequences of war.
$. "Not all the faults are on one side and all
the virtues on the other." No, we have to keep
books of data, some admittedly dubious, and we
have to strike a balance of faults and virtues.
Some of us find that we have a balance in favor
of war against Germany.
10. If it is true that "75% of the American
people are utterly, opposed to a war with Ger-
many . . . . "I have failed to read the proper
11. Mr. Paton does not like names of a certain
kind-"pro-Nazi,' "copperhead," "Quizling" or
"traitor." It would be well to refrain from using
"warmonger" to qualify those who favor war
against Germany.
12. There is no need to answer all Mr. Paton's
arguments, +hor, indeed, those of opponents who
write in the same 'vein. It is distressing that
professors too often mistake passion and right-
eous indignation for argument, that mere opin-
ion is set forth as authoritative, that personal
prejudice should bear the weight of logic. Why
not adm t'that neither Mr. Paton nor his oppo-
nents can determine what is finally wise and
right in the choices now made about war and
isolationism? The evidence is not, and by the
very nature of the circumstances cannot be,
complete. The only thing we can do is to urge
those who have not yet made up their minds to
examine the evidence from all angles, to proceed
as rationally as they know how, and to utter
their conclusions with tolerance for the views
of others.
Con gratulation s To Paton
To the Editor:
T TAKES A LOT OF COURAGE these days to
stand four-square for what you think is right.
Groups of loud-mouthed little men try to shout
you down. Politicians beat the drums harder
and longer. Enemies carp at you. And friends
are afraid to defend you.
So when Professor Paton has the courage and
intellectual honesty to speak up for what he
thinks is right, we want to congratulate him. We
all know a lot of faculty men who feel the same
way. But how many have the intestinal fortitude
to stand up for what they think? From the view-
point of us students, it looks pretty damn bad
when out of all the faculty men whom we know
are opposed to American entry into this war-
and there are a lot at the University of Michigan
-only one dares present his case. And then
they lecture to us about culture, good citizenship,
sensitiveness, etc. What the hell do they expect
us to think of a college education, anyway?
Professor Paton's recent letter to The Daily
was a sincere and cool-headed survey of the war
situation by a prominent faculty member. He
is neither "pro-Nazi" or a "traitor." And it will
take more than shouting and conscience-soothing
falsities to answer his case. We're damned glad
to support a brave man.
Norm Call Charles Heinen
Paul Goldsmith John Corson
Tippy Lockard Bill Cartmill
The Committee for Medical Aid to Russia
couldn't have picked a better film than Sergei
Eisenstein's "Alexander Nevsky," which they are
showing at a benefit today and tomorrow in the
Rackham Auditorium.
The Soviet picture is one of those rare cinema
masterpieces--one of the very few that "has
ever3ftlng." Terrific adventure ,at its very fast-
est pace; stirring music, dynamic ifuman inter-
est-and the supreme story of a people fighting
with conviction-so strongly applicable today
that it is difficult to separate the conflict repre-
sented in the production from the one now rag-
ing in Europe and Asia.
The production is an epic in every sense of
the word-one that should have turned Cecil
B. green with envy-but with a touch that
Demille could never attain. Eisenstein has
produced a spectacular masterpiece, but one
that is not all spectacle. Behind the rugged
masculinity of the picture there is a tender
heart,' the heart of the Russian people,
willing to fight to the end to defend their
The picture treats the battles between the
Germans and the Russians in the 13th century,
and the particular episode of the film is con-
cerned with the attempted German invasion of
Novgorod. The state is defended on a frozen
lake, where the great battle scene takes place.
Ordinarily I don't like battle scenes, but this
was filmed with such spirit, and above all with
such realism, that it was difficult to imagine that
the actors were not really fighting for their
lives and country.
I don't want it to look like I'm playing into
the hands of Papa, but I can't find anything
wrong with the film.
Paton 'Reluctance'
Not Understandable . .
F there was any one part of Profes-
sor Paton's letter to The Daily of
several days ago that aroused us more than any-
thing else, it #vas pis introductory statements
concerning the ease of supporting war these
days and the "understandable reluctance to
speak out on the other side. and run the risk of
being labeled 'pro-Nazi,' 'copperhead,' 'Quisling,'
or 'traitor' . . . ." We were primarily interested
in this claim because if there is one sure way to
get a dictatorship government, which Professor
Paton fears, as well as those- of us who lean.
towards intervention, it will be because the peo-;
ple who constitute the opposition did not fight
against the government policies while they had
the opportunity.
We do not agree with Professor Paton's views
on intervention. We feel that America cannot
survive alone. We feel that Europe's war our
war, for we will beIvitally affected by the out-
come of that war. But most of all, we do not
agree with his "understandable reluctance" to
speak his views on the subject. $Professor -Paton
says that 75 percent of the American people are
opposed to war, we do not agree with his fig-
ures. This r{fers only to an immediate declara-
tion, because Gallup polls show 67% would go to
war before letting Hitler defeat the English. But
we do agree that not every person in the United,
States wants to go to war under any circum-
stances. Yet The Daily, as a fairly representative
newspaper of college thought, has published a
preponderant number of editorials and letters in
favor of some form of intervention, 'and corre-
spondingly few editorial and letters in favor of
isolation or the necessity of staying,out of this
war under any condition.
IF there are more people who believe as Profes-
sor Paton does, why have they not been ac-
tive? We know that there are people who be-
lieve that way. Yet they have been-content to
sit and do nothing, for the most part, and salve
their consciences with a "natural reluctance" of
being labeled with a nasty namne. Certainly they
will be called uncomplimentary names. So has
every man who has fought against something
which affected millions of people, violently on
one side or the other.
But if you believe in a policy strongly enough,
a label should not be enough to stop you. We all
realize that intervention in this war will con-
cern all of us. no matter what our views, in as
intimate a way as anything possibly could. Some
of us are ready to risk that concern. Some of
us are not. But those who are in opposition have
the same rights to speak and be heard. And
their opportunity does not consist of bull ses-'
sions among those who already believe the same
thing. It means getting out and doing some-,
thing. Professor Paton expressed himself, there
is ample space for others of his views to do the
same. No man will have the right to say that
he was pushed into any situation which may
arise if he has not fought as hard as the other
side for what he believes in. Reluctance is un-
natural, and the best way to be snowed under
in whatever policy the United States adopts.
-Eugene Mandeberg
'Defense Strie' Curbs
Would Stifle Labor . 0 0
Drew Perso
Robert S Allen
WASHINGTON- The first thing
honest, earnest Phil Murray did
after his unanimous re-election as
CIO president was to summon the
entire national CIO staff before him
and deliver a very meaningful lecture
on "loyalty."
With a few exceptions the CIO staff
was originally appointed by John L.
Lewis, and most of them contirtued to
play close ball with John L. after
Murray took over the driver's seat.
Prominent among those present at
this secret carpet session were: Allan
Haywood, organization director and
an old Lewis henchman John T.
Jones, legislative representative and
a long-time Lewis lieutenant; Lee
Pressman, leftwing general counsel;
and comptroller J. Raymond Bell,
Lewis's brother-in-law.
MURRAY made no threats, but he
implied plenty. He made it very
clear that he knew what had gone on
behind his back and intended to have
no more of it. Henceforth he was
going to be boss in practice as well as
in name.
"For a year I have said nothing
about many things I knew were tak-
ing place," he said quietly. "I have
been aware of everything that was
said and done: But from now on I
want'you to know that I won't stand
for any disloyalty from anyone. This
convention has given me a mandate
and I intend to see that it is fulfilled.
Either you will be loyal to me, or you
will get out."
Murray's private lecture was a fol-
low-up of his closing speech to the
convention castigating 'ethuggery"
and "jurisdictional raids." Both
blasts were aimed directly at the
United Construction Workers, whose
chief, A. D. "Denny" Lewis,' was ap-
pointed to the $10,000-a-year job by
his brother, John L.
have been raiding other unions'
and have stirred up a hornet's nest
of indigation within the CIO. Also,
this union has barged into fields only'
remotely related to construction. It'
granted a charter to a, Communist-
controlled teamsters local in Minne-
apolis and is organizing employes in
New York City apartments and Yale
College. Actually the union has only
a few construction locals.
Murray has done nothing about
this, but in his blistering speech he'
served notice that he was going to.1
"Labor pnions are never built by
the use of thruggery and brass
knucks," he said grimly. "And as
president of this organization I do not
intend to allow jurisdictional raids.
I shall not stand for any backstairs
Secret Nazi Code
J. Edgar Hoover has uncovered a
new type of secret code used by the
Germans in communicating with
agents in this country. It is based
on the latest American best-selling
Each agent is assigned a number
and also a novel or non-fiction book.
One man may have number 88, and
the novel, "Gone With the Wind."
Another may have "The Nine Old
Men." Instead of carrying a code
book around with him, which would
be incriminating if discovered, he
carries the innocent book.
Then he gets a wireless message
reading something like this: 88-24-6,
78-9, 204-3, etc. The first number is
his designation as agent $8. The next
number, 24, refers to a page of the
book, and the next number refers to
a line. The first letter in the line is
the letter required. By the next
combination he gets another letter
and gradually makes up the words of
the secret message.'
This code defied counter-espionage
until G-Men caught one of the agents
and broke him down. He confessed
that the book he was carrying, "All
This And Heaven Too," was his code
book, and he explained the entire
system to Hoover's men.
AN INTERESTING, if tardy, side-
light on the Ohio State game
was how one spectator got his nose
stepped on. Yes, and what's more,
he was standing up.
It seems he was walking into the
stadium at the last minute, and the
crowd was so large that our friend
was forced to squeeze in sideways. As
he oozed into the stadium he had to
pass the bleachers on the very top
of the stands. It happened that he
was on the outside of the aisle and
1-c .z - i++ta lia+ nn nn o ^"
. .
"Decks cleared, steam up, crew at battie stations and no newsreel or
newspaper photographers aboard . . . what kind of Press Relations
officer are you, anyhow?"
The photography is great.
well, I just said that it doesn't
ing at all. I mean it's good.
The acting-
seem like act-
A t
r -
;; ;_
1 'i'Y i
- E. L. Dahlstrom
ing to note that these sensational work stop-
pages are less than one percent of the number
of stoppages immediately before the last war.
* Smacking faintly of the "thought" of the Na-
tional Association of Manufacturers is all the
drivel about stopping men from exercising their
right to work in violation of democratic prin-
ciples. Certainly the strikers at Air Associates,
Inc., in Bendix, N. J., were undemocratic, maybe
even red, when they struck against a manage-
ment who broke three union contracts, a boss
who was"equally hated by other managers and
labor. It is not inconceivable that strikes may
be absolutely necessary even in the hallowed
defense industries: that is labor's only real
weapon, the unified strike.
is no way to settle anything. Yes, those
strikers have no right to run about the country
starting fights. But remember, it was strikers
who were shot from ambush in the recent mine
battle near Uniontown, Pa.; it was strike-
breakers who started the riots at Air Associates.
Those agitating labor men certainly must be
watched closely to keep them from destroying
the lives of law-abiding, respectable citizens who
want ,to continue their "American Way of Liv-
ing" in spite of a bunch of red unionists.
It's easy to say that strikes must be stopped by
legislation. It's not so easy to tell which strikes
are to be banned. What is defense industry?
How about the company that furnishes paper
clips to OPM? Is that defense industry? What
if share-croppers struck? Isn't cotton used for
defense too? A little matter like determining
what defense strikes are would never stop the
Congressional vultures from banning every strike
in "defense" no matter what or why it is. As a
matter of fact, the indeterminacy of which in-
.llfrie c A11ri ent a cr1n _...r A ,- 4V% ,,
The music by Prokofieff surges with the power
and the spirit of the people it typifies. It leads
one to wonder whether the music has since been
adapted for performance as an orchestral suite.
Register one inquiry, please. If anyone knows,
please write. Thanks.
The picture was produced sb as to imply
a parallel between these 13th century battles>
and the present battle of the Russian people
for existence. If it was produced as a pro-
paganda film; it has certainly succeeded. If
it is merely a history film, it has achieved'its
purpose. If it is an epic, a film spectacle, it
did not fall short. If it is a tender story,
showing the soul of a fun-loving, hard-work-
ing people, it has certainly come up to
its goal.
Even if you're an isolationist, you'll enjoy-the
film by the world's greatest cinema artist, Sergei
out the troops on strikers; make the workers
postpone the settlement of grievances by a vote;
force arbitration (by the troops again, one sup-
poses). That's all very nice, but remember that
all the coercion that Ford's service men exerted
on the workers did not prevent a strike. Bloody
Harlan County, Ky. miners have struck time and
again in the face of some of the most effective
labor-killing "deputies and company police" in
the nation.
Miss Ford. Force the workers into arbi-
tration by calling out the troops? No? How else
can it be done if the unions feel that the arbitra-!
tion agency is unfair? If they feel the board is
fair why make it compulsory to arbitrate? Even,
the old demon of the employers, John L. Lewis,
led his UMW men to arbitration of the captive
mine strike voluntarily.
The real picture, then, is one of undetermined
law. The ultimate effect of anti-strike legisla-
tion is likely to mean more trouble than ever
VOL. LII. No. 52
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin Is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The third regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the academic session of 1941-1942
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall
on December 1, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various com-
mittees have been prepared in ad-
vance and are included with the
call to the meeting. They should
be retained in your files as part of
the minutes of the December meet-
ing. Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of November 3rd, 1941
(pages 769-771, page 769 as correct-
ed), which were distributed by cam-
pus mail.
2. Consideration of reports:
A. Reports submitted with the call
to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor V. W. Crane.
b. University Council, prepared by I
Professor F. E. Bartell.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor
G. R. LaRue.
d. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H. Kraus.
B. Oral reports:
a. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-Professor A. F.
b. Evaluation- of Faculty Services-
Professor'R. C. Angell.
3. Problem of, the instruetorship;
consideration of the resolutions sub-
mitted by the Executive Committee.
(page 774).
4. New Business.
5. Announcements.
Choral Union Members: Members
whose records of attendance are
clear will be issued passes for the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra con-
cert to be given Sunday afternoon,
November 30, at 3:00 o'clock, by call-
ing in persoi between 10 and 12, and
1 and 4, today, at the office of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower. After 4 o'clock no
passes will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
The following girls have been ac-
cepted as members of the University
Women's Glee Club: 1st soprano:
Jackie Bear, Marjorie Gould, Dorothy
Dubuisson, Winifred Murray, Alwilda
Kelly, Lois Clinton.
2nd soprano: Betty A. Chaufty,
Margaret Davidson, Mary Stander-
line, Anne Kahn,Margaret Gardner,
Barbara Moore.
1st alto: Phyllis Munger, Marcia
Nelson, Irene Mendelsohn, Nina
Spurr, Jane Morely, Florence. Zapo-
2nd alto: Gerry Stadelman, Jeanne
Meier, Leanor Grossman, Gwen
Cooper, Melvina Eberle, Maxine Ba-
Academic Notices
Fine Arts 184: (Islamic Decorative
Arts). The class will meet for its
trip to the Detroit Institute of Arts
on Saturday, November 29, at 1:15
p.m. in front of Angel Hall.
Richard Ettinghausen.
English 149 (Play Writing) will
meet Tuesday, December 2, instead of
A/^"e arn- . i " i n 1 .n1.r A M
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents an exhibition of colored
lithographs and wood block prints by
William Zorach and watercolors and
small sculptures\ by Georges Rouault
in the Rackham Building Exhibition
Galleries through December 10, 2:00-
5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m.
' Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Drawings submitted by
students in architecture at Cornell,
Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and Michigan, for
the problem "A Trade School" are
being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Building;
through December 4. Open daily 9
to 5, except Sunday. The public is
University Lecture: Lieutenant
Paul A. Smith, Chief of the Aero-
nautical Chart Section, U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey will lecture on
the subject, "Preparation of Aero-
nautical Charts," under the auspices
of the Department of Civil Engineer-
ing today at 1:15 p.m. in Room 348
West Engineering Building. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Lecture: Professor Chalfant Rob-
inson, Curator of Mediaeval, Manu-
scripts at Princeton University, will
lecture to the junior and senior stu-
dents today at 1:30 p.m. in the main
Hospital Amphitheatre.
The subject of the lecture will be,
"The Case of Louis 11th-A Study
in Historical Pathology."
Classes will be dismissed for the
seniors and juniors during this hour
in order that they may attend.
Events Today
The French. Round 'Table will meet
tonightat 8:00 in Room 23 of the
International Center. Stanislaus Yoh
will speak on "La Situation actuelle
de la Chine du Nord."
Coffee Hour: All students are wel-
come at the Student Religious Asso-
ciation Coffee Hour, held in the
library of Lane Hall on Friday after-
noons from 4:00 to 6:00.
Meditation retreat: Students inter-
ested in a auiet week-end of medita-
Levant Jenner, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis: "Esters of Pyri-
dinecarboxylic Acids as Local Anes-
thetics; Local Anesthetics in the
Naphthalene Series," today, 309
Chemistry Building, 2:00 p.m. Chair-f
man, F. F. Blicke.
By action of the Executive Board,
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Frederick Stock, Conductor, and
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
will present the fifth program in the
Choral Union Concert Series, Sun-
day afternoon, November 30, at 3:00
o'clock sharp in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be secured at the offices
of the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower until noon
Saturday. On Sunday the box office
will be open in Hill Auditorium be-
ginning at 1:30.
Charles A. Sink, President