I weather Fair. Jr iA1Fr4 ~iaiti* Editorial Paton's Reluctance' Not Understandable , i VOL. LII. No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Labor Fights Pending Bill As CIO. AFL, Join In Stand' Four House Committees Press Legislative Bans; Murray Calls Meeting Roosevelt Refuses Board .Resignations (By The Associated Press) An all-out campaign by organized labor to block enactment of anti- strike legislation was taking sh pe Thursday as four Congressional co n- mittees pressed consideration of such measures. After both CIO and AFL spokesmen declared emphatically to Congres- sional groups that they opposed any anti-strike leAislation whatsoever, the CIO called on all its unions to send from three to ten representatives to a meeting in Washington Monday to "take whatever action may be nec- essary" regarding pending legislative proposals. The C1O conclave would coincide with the expected start of House con- sideration of labor legislation. There was a similar CIO gathering last July when anti-strike proposals-sub- sequently defeated-were up in ,the House. Victory Apparent It appeared that the AFL and CIO already had scored one victory with the help of the National Manufac- turers, Association: Charles R. Hook, representing the NAM, expressed to the House Labor Committee yesterday opposition to compulsory arbitration. Noting that the CII0 and AFL opposed it, acting chairman Ramspeck (Dem.-Ga.) said he doubted; such a provision would be included in the legislation the \House group is drafting, although earlier it had been incorporated tentatively. Instead, he said, the Committee might favor government seizure of any plant threatened with a production stop- page. The White House meanwhile an- nounced that President Roosevelt had declined to accept the resignations of Philip Murray, president of the CIO, and Thomas Kennedy, secretary of the United Mine Workers (CIO), from the Defense Mediation, Board, and had so informed them in letters. Action Follows Vote Murray and Kennedy. resigned when the Board voted 9, to 2 against recommending that all miners in coal pits owned by steel companies be re- quired to join the United Mine Work- ers. There was no immediate word from Murray and Kennedy as to whether they would return to the Board. With- out CIO participation, the Board nec- essariiy would have to be reorganized. It was originally constituted with three members from the public-at- large, four from industry, and four from labor (two from the CIO and two from AFL.) The situation with respect to strikes and threatened strikes was little changed. Senior Ball, Frosh Frolic Petitions Due This Is Capture Of Rostov, Germans Say British Split Axis Armies In Libya, Reach Tobruk; apan Menaces Thailand I Berlin sources say this'is the first picture showing. the capture of Rostov, Russia's northern gateway to the Caucasus. The picture shows a Nazi tank passing burning buildings in Rostov, the Germans say.' It was sent from Berlin by radio. Japanese Envoys Confer With FDR, Hull; Silent On U.S. Pacific Plan Nippon Accelerates Troop Movements - BULLETIN-- SHANGHAI, Friday, Nov. 28--(P) -Japanese distributed a story to- day claiming that the British were massing huge forces in Malaya for an invasion of Thailand. The account, issued by the Domei agency, quoted a correspondent of the Tokyo newspaper Nichi Nichi as saying the British troops num- bered 500,000. WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 - (A) - Signs of an imminent Japanese.in- vasion of Thailand (Siam) sharpened the Far astern crisis today as Jap- an's negotiators in Washington-Am- bassador Kichisaburo Nomura and special envoy Saburo Kurusu-called at the White House for a 45-minute talk with President Roosevelt and Secretary of State Hull. They came at the President's re- Choral Union CWill Sponsor Fifth Concert * *" * Amherst Meet Opens Season For Natators Varsity. Swimmers Heavy Favorites To Launch 'Eastern Tour With Win (Special to The Daily) AMHERST, Mass., Nov. 28-Mich- igan's Big Ten and National Collegi- ate championship swimming team will unveil its 1941-42 potentialities here af 3 p.m. today when it meets the Amherst College natators in the Wol- verines' first meet of the season. The Ann Arbor aggregation arrived here early this morning after an all night motor trip. According to Coach Matt Mann, the Michigan crew is in good shape for its first taste of com- petition. Although the Amherst outfit is highly regarded in the East, Michi- gan is expected to open its campaign with an impressive victory. The Wol- verines suffered heavy graduation losses last spring, losing such stars as Charley Barker, Jim Welsh, Frannie Heydt, and Bill Beebe, but the all-; around power and individual brill- iance of Mann's natators should prove enough to turn back Amherst. Capt. Dobby Burton, Gus Share- met, Bob West, Tommy Williams, and Lew Kivi will carry the Maize and Blue colors in the freestyle events. Much interest will be especially fo- cused Sharemet's way to see if he will live up to his sophomore promise of two years ago after a letdown last season. The two men who will handle the distance duties are Jack Patten and Perry Trytton. The former was for- ced to take a back seat to Welsh last year, but is expected to blossom out into one of the best in the nation, while Trytton, a sophomore, is a newcomer to collegiate ranks. In the breaststroke, Michigan can call upon two of the best performers in the country, Jim Skinner, a local Ann Arbor boy, and senior John Sharemet. Skinner made a grand slam in the 200 yard event last year, winning the Big Ten, National Intercollegiate, and Na- tional AAU titles, while John can hold his own in any nautical company. Senior DickRiedl and junior Ted (Continued on Page 3) Given To Doctor Bell Dr. Margaret Bell, chairman of the Department of Physical Education for Women, has been appointed regional representative of the division of phys- ical fitness for the Office of Civilian Defense. The appointment was announced by Maj. Raymond Kelly of Chicago, regional representative of the Sixth Civilian Defense Area. It is expected that Miss Alice Mar-) ble, Assistant Director of Civilian De- fense in charge of women's activities will soon make a visit to this area. All-Campus 'Draft" Dance Is Scleduled The first all-campus dance for1 Fort Custer draftees, initiated by theI Student Senate and the Student De-; fenders of Democracy, will be held Saturday, Dec. 12, the Senate unani- mously decided at its bi-monthly, meeting yesterday. Faced by problems of housing, food and entertainment, the Senate voted. to set up a steering committee headed by John Zimmerman, '43. The com- mittee's first step, a campus-wide let- ter appealing for financial support and cooperation, has already been taken, Zimmerman told the meeting. Every Senator present was asked to take part in making the affair a success, since "we must have complete support if we are to give these boys a weekend in Ann Arbor." Zimmer- man also declared that the Senate and other campus organizations will have to shoulder the burden alone without any USO help. "This dance, set for a date right before the army's Christmas fur- loughs (if campus organizations co- operate with us)," Zimmerman sum- marized," is the most practical way the University can use to show its appreciation for the 'nation's drafted men and the service they are giving." The invitation dance, tentatively planned for fifty soldiers with a pos- sibility of future similar affairs, will be handled by four groups within Zimmerman's steering committee. Margaret Campbell, '42, is in charge (Continued on Page 6) Scrap Copper Shortage Laid To Bootlegging Thousands Uiemployed Because Of Hoarding, SPAB Head Declares WASHINGTON, Nov. 27. -(P)- Donald Nelson, executive director of the Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, declared today the Govern- ment would take steps to stop the hoarding and bootlegging of copper, practices which he said were ham- pering the defense effort. Appearing before an appropria- tions subcommittee of the House, he explained that 30 per cent of the cop- per supply in normal times was from scrap copper. He said the percent- age today was much smaller than that because of hoarding and boot- legging. He added, "some way has got to be found to prevent that." The committee was principally concerned with the effect of the copper shortage on the rural electri- fication program. Nelson said he had laid the matter before SPAB, BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 27-(i)- Argentina agreed today to sell to the United States her entirestungsten production for three years, thus assuring North American defense industries a steady supply of this war-important material and, in ef-. fect, denying it to the Axis. The chief sufferer will be Japan which has been taking about half of the Argentine production. The agreement was in keeping with the United States policy of purchasing supplies of strategic materials from other American states. which expected to decide on a policy next Tuesday. Nelson did not disclose what would be done by the SPAB, OPM, or other Government agencies to step up the return of scrap copper. He said the ratio of supply to de- mand for copper was about 1 to 21/2 or 3. He said thousands of persons were losing jobs because of the cop- per shortage. Harry Slattery, REA administra- tor, has warned that unless rural electric cooperativps could get cop- per soon some would be destroyed. Asked for his own views about the REA, Nelson declared that the wir- ing of farm homes could not, gen- erally speaking, be considered an es- sential part of the national defense. Chairman Tarver (D.-Ga.) point- ed out that in some sections REA projects would be helpful in the agri- cultural department's food-for-de- fense program. Nelson conceded that such cases were "borderline." He added, "I'm prejudiced in favor of REA. I believe in REA." MANILA, Nov. 27. -(A')- Tight military control of all activities in this Far Eastern outpost, perhaps even a military governorship, was believed imminent tonight after all- daybeconferencesnbetween the big four military and civic chiefs of the Philippines.4 The conferences were character-t ized officially as "entirely co-inci- dental" with developments att Washington, where the Japanese- American negotiations seeminglyt ended last night. Informed obser- vers, however, were inclined to be-1 lieve they concerned military mat- ters, including civilian defense. quest, less than 24 hours after Hull had handed them a set of basic prin- ciples which the United States con- siders essential to maintenance of p'eace and security in the Far East. Withdrawal of Japanese troops, from Indo-China is understood to, have been one of the subjects most exhaustively discussed during the ne- gotiations which reached a critical stage yesterday. Reports of accelerated Japanese military preparations in Indo-China and heightened naval activity in ad- jacent waters have been reaching Washington in ominous volume dur- ing the past week. Only today official dispatches were received in the cap- ital, it was learned authoritatively, telling of the landing of many thous- ands of Japanese troops at Saigon and other large contingents elsewhere in southern Indo-China. Sizable troop movements toward the Thailand border also were repor- ted, with indications that a Japanese thrust into that country might begin within a day or two. When 1Kurusu and Nomura emerged from the White House conference, re- porters bombarded them with ques- tions, but the answers were non-com- mittal. They were silent as to whe- ther negotiations might-be resumed, and when asked if the document handed to them by Hull could be re- garded as a basis for further negotia- tion their reply was they had not heard from their government since they cabled its contents to Tokyo. Dr. F. A. Stock To Conduct Chicago Orchestra Here In ProgramSunday An old favorite of local concert audiences, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will appear here under the baton of its distinguished-looking conductor, Dr. Frederick A. Stock, ir the fifth concert of the Choral Unior Series at 3 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi- torium. Acclaimed as one of the world',, leading orchestras, the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra will be making it., 33rd Ann Arbor appearance. It player annually in the May Festivals froir 1905 to 1935 and presented a Chora Union concert in 1937. This orchestra boasts the "dean of American conductors" The brilliant record of Dr. Stock is rivaled by feu in the musical world. He has beer conductor~, of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra since 1905. Simplicity is the key word with Dr Stock. His conducting does not con- tain the theatrical motions now used by so many other orchestra leaders At the opening of the program hE walks out on the stage, bows simply and begins the first composition lim- mediately, sometimes even before the applause has subsided. The program Sunday will be at follows: Suite No. 2 in B minor, for string. and flute, by Bach. "On the Shores of Sorrento," from Symphonie Fantasia. "Aus Italien," Op. 16, by Strauss. Fantasia, "Francesca da Rimini," Op. 32, by Tschaikowsky. Variations on an Original Theme; Op. 36, by Elgar., . Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34. by Rimsky-Korsakoff. Balloon Escapes CAMP DAVIS, N.C., Nov. 27.-P)- - Immediately after Capt. R. W. Far- rar pulled out of Camp Davis a bar- rage balloon escaped. He stopped at a place 25 miles away. The balloon slowly descended and settled gently on his automobile. Churchill Policy Approved By Commons; Laborite Attacks American Aims Reds Admit Peril On Moscow Front (By The Associated Press) Britain's desert fighters, after 10 days of costly effort, have split the Axis armies in Libya by punching a hole northward from the tank graveyard of Rezegh to the besieged men of Tobruk, the High Command announced last night. This historic junction, admittedly a shaky one, occurred at Ed Duda, 10 miles southeast of Tobruk's outer defense rim, and it may prove a de- cisive turning point in the entire Lib- yan campaign. The men of Tobruk, Poles, Czechs, Indians and a mixture of British Imperials, fought their way to Ed Duda where they were met by New Zealand and British tank units push- ing up from the south toward the coast. The Tobruk garrison has been under siege since April. Communications Established Thus a slender 100-mile communi- cations line curving southeastward from Tobruk to Sidi Omar near the Egyptian border was established. But "formidable Axis pockets of resistance" still exist on both sides >f this line, the British emphasized. Moreover, Axis reinforcements were being rushed from the weft in an Affort to break the Tobruk junction. the RAF was reported taking a heavy ,oll of these marching men. The British also acknowledged paving trouble near Sidi Omar where . German tank column crashed across into Egypt to harass the long upply line at its source.. Five of ,hese tanks were smashed, 80 other ehicles destroyed, and 300 prisoners aken in this area, a communique aid, but the fighting with separated ,ank units is continuing, on moth ;ides of the border. Italians Claim Victory The Italians jubilantly claimed the ecapture; of Sidi Omar itself in this pparent Axis diversion attempt. tome also said its tank units "sus- ained strong clashes" with the Bri- ish at Rezegh and "repelled"'Bri- ish attempts to break out of To- bruk. The situation on the Moscow front till was obscure but admittedly peri- lous for the Russians who said the ,ravest Nazi threat was in the Vol- >kolamsk sector, 65 miles northwest of the capital. German pressure there vas said to be "enormous." 0 Seniors and freshmen who are seeking positions on Senior Ball anda Frosh Frolic committees have until 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 2, to. turn in their petitions, according to William Slocum, '42, president of the Men's Judiciary Council. Thirteen students are to be chosen Thursday, Dec. 11, for the Senior Ball committee and eight for the Frosh Frolic. Trhe former will consist of five members from the literary col-l lege (two of them women), three from the engineering college, and one each from the architecture, music, edu- cation, forestry and nursing schools. On the Frosh Frolic committee will be9 five students from the literary col-t lege (two of them women), and three4 from the engineering or architecturalI colleges. Petitions for all candidates are available on week-days from 3 to 5 p.m. in the student offices of the Union. When they are turned in, they must be accompanied by 25 signatures fn, tli annant14z ra. ca oonn O By ROBERT MANTIHO Beginning with a burglary at the old Dental Building several days be- fore school officially opened, thieves have been making merry at the Uni- versity's expense ever since. First there was the removal of $700 in gold from fillings on the second floor of the old Dental Building dur- ing Orientation Week. Glass cases containing plaster fillings were brok- en into, the plaster was taken off and the gold removed. No outside door was forced-and police are still won- dering how entrance was made. Early Oct. 22, four fraternities and another University building served the needs of burglars. Phi Epsilon Phi, Acacia, Delta Tau Delta and nota Sima nelta re-nnrteid a com- These Fellas Just Ain't Proud: Crim Wve Vict -is - Include Umversity, Students, Faculty household goods and personal items- from their homes. Professor Sherlock listed a vacuum cleaner, portable typewriter, linen and clothing among the missing arti- cles, while Professor Bennett claimed the loss of a miniature camera, blan- kets, luggage, a fur coat, jewelry, a radio and drawing instruments. A window was broken in the first floor of the Sherlock home to force entrance and a screen was removed from a window at the Bennett resi- dence to make the theft possible. A dark coupe in the vicinity of Pro- fessor Sherlock's home the night be- fore the crime was the only clue picked up by the police. It was seen to drive away at hiigh speed, but mo accurate description of the car was S-1,n - 1 iinla"A ianifpain Can It Happen Here? Fascism In U.S. To Be Subject Of Debate Lewis, Browne Uritish Commons Vote confidence To Churchill LONDON, Nov. 27.-(A')-The Bri- ish House of Commons gave Win- ton Churchill another towvering vote f confidence in himself, his govern- aent and his warmethods today fter hearing the bitter charge from ohn (Jock) McGovern, long a one- nan Parliamentary tornado, that America is prepared toruse British odies to blast her way into the mar- ets of the Continent." By the vote, 362 to 2, the govern- aent beat down an attack by the mregenerate Independent Labor 'arty, a four-man group of extreme eft-wingers, to amend the tradi- ional House reply to- the recent peech from the Throne by insert- ag a note of regret that the speech' ontained no definite proposals for' hanging the present economic sys- em. I.L.P. wantg a "socialist char- er" for after the war. Debate Carried Afield McGovern, however, carried the lebate far afield, charging among >ther things that the Churchill- 2oosevelt Atlantic -charter Wa "one >f the grossest pieces of deceit of nodern times" and that the United States, by pursuing its -present policy, vants to "reestablish the old finan- Aial system of Wall Street" in Eur- ope-"they are no more concerned with freedom and democracy than gre a large number of reactionary fascists in this country." Churchill himself stayed away from the debate, but his foreign secretary, Anthony Eden, rebuked the firvRa,.fn rarl. inv t il ,h t Charrnster To Warble Opera Hit At Pan-Hel Dancers at tonight's Panhellenic Ball will be given a sneak preview of one of the 1942 Union Opera song hits when Joan Reutter, '43SM, Mich- igan's Hour of Charm winner, sings "Will It Ever Be The Same." She will be accompanied by Gordon Hardy, Grad., musical director of the Opera, "Full House," a prize winning Hopwood script. Ann Arborites dismayed by the ironic pessimism of Sinclair Lewis in his book, "It Can't Happen Here," have good reason to take heart for the cause of democracy-the famed writer has changed his mind. Lewis will debate Lewis Browne* an outstanding speaker and author, in the fourth lecture of the Oratorical] Series at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Lewis, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1930, was ques- tioned on his stand recently. Al- with the object of becoming a wealtpy merchant prince. But after a year of business experi- ence, he returned to school and de- voted himself to study for the Jewish ministry. Since that time, his writings, such as "Stranger Than Fiction," have be- come world-famous and others, such as "This Believing World," have achieved tremendous popularity. His lecture appearances throughout the country have placed him in the first rank of the nation's speakers. A literary giant of contemporary