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November 27, 1941 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-27

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Skirted Males Will Shake A Leg
In '42 MimesOpera, 'Full House'
Show Based On Hopwood Mimes' 'Oomph, Twist A nd Grind Girls'
Script By Ray Ingham;
Collins ToPlay Lead

Concert Band
Will Start Air
Series today,
WJR Will Carry Program
Of Morris Hall Studio;
Revelli Will Conduct
Presenting the first in a series of
regular Thursday programs, the Uni-
versity Concert Band under the direc-
tion of Prof. William D. Revelli will
play a 25-minute broadcast at 5:10
p.m. today over station WJR, De-
troit, through the studios in Morris
Opening this first weekly program
will be Saint-Saens' "March Hero-
ique," followed by a Chorale and
Fugue by Bach-Abert. The program
will be concluded with the playing
of Alford's Army March.
Although this is the concert band's
first radio appearance this year, it
has already played its inaugural con-
cert, having appeared at the annual
Varsity Night show held October 28
in Hill Auditorium.
Also scheduled for the concert band
before the Christmas holidays are a
concert in Jackson on Tuesday, Dec.
9, and the annual Christmas concert
in Hill Auditorium the following
Although a great many good men
are not back this year, Professor
Revelli reports that he has every ex-
pectation of achieving the same de-
gree of perfection this year as last,
when conductor Edwin Franko Gold-
man judged the Michigan band the
"outstanding college band in the na-
Together with the regimental band,
the concert band replaces the March-
ing Band, which is active only during
the football season.
Group To Attend Meeting
Ten members of the Episcopalian
Students' Guild will attend the sec-
ond Episcopal student conference to
be ,held Nov. 28, 29 and 30 at Albion
College. The Rev. Angus Dun, D. D.,
Dean of the Episcopalian Theologi-
cal School and Professor of System-
atic /Divinity, has been secured as
the conference leader.

Three University girl Debaters
To Attend Big Ten Conference

Three debaters from the women's
varsity debate team will represent the
University at the annual Women's
Discussion Conference of the Big Ten
to be held tomorrow and Saturday at
Purdue University.
The proposition under discussion
is: What part should the United
States play in establishing a just and
stable post-war world order.
Shirley Field, '44, acting for Mich-
igan, will take part in the opening
panel discussion Friday morning. This
group will outline for the delegates
the-basic aspects of the problem. Miss
Field will also participate in the
after-dinner speaking at a banquet
tomorrow evening.
Rosebud Scott, '42, will act as chair-
man for three meetings of a round-
table group which will convene to-
morrow afternoon and evening, and
also Saturday morning. In addition
to this, Miss Scott will present a ten
minute report to the general session
Saturday morning.
Dorothy Wineland, '43. will repre-
sent Michigan in various round-table
discussions, and she will also take
part in a radio broadcast from sta-
tion WBAA at 2 p.m. Saturday after-
Coach of the University squad,
Boddy Will Speak
At AIEEMeeting
Leonard Boddy, consulting engi-
neer for the King-Seeley corporation,
will speak before a meeting of the
student chapter of the American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers at '8
p.m. tomorrow in the Union.
Mr. Boddy will speak on "The
Theory and Application of Electric
Gauges" and will bring sample gauges
for demonstration.
George Gotchall, '42, secretary of
A.I.E.E. explained that Mr. Boddy's
speech will be of particular interest
because of his part in King-Seeley's
experimental work with electrical
gauges. "King-Seeley began their
work with gauges two and a half
years ago and have spent $200,000 in
the perfection of their equipment,"
Gotchall continued.

Glen E. Mills, will attend a coaches'
meeting which will plan conference
forensic activities for next semester.
After the conference this group will
announce the 1942-43 schedule for
the Big Ten women's varsity debating1
Two Purdue professors will render
critiques of the conference sessions at
a luncheon which will take place Sat-
urday noon before the radio broad-
cast. Later at a general session meet-
ing, a final summing up of the topic
will be given, and the reports of the
group chairmen will be presented in
order to draw conclusions from the
discussions of the proposition.
The colleges besides Michigan,
which will participate in this confer-
ence, are Ohio State, Purdue; Illinois,
Chicago, Northwestern. Minnesota.
Iowa, and Wisconsin.
Graduate Club Hike
Will Test Members
At SundayMeeting
No place for lovers of lounging
chairs and hearth-side ease will be
the meeting of the Graduate Outing
Club Saturday afternoon, warns
President Ivor Cornman, Grad.
With hints of something exciting,
rough and new, all club members
are cautioned to wear old clothes and
be prepared for anything from wad-
ing creeks to climbing mountains.
Graduate girls are advised not to
The club will meet behind the
museum at 12:50 p.m. Saturday and
will return about16 p.m. Transporta-
tion will be furnished and there will
be no charge for the outing.
There will be no meeting of the
club Sunday unless there has been
a,heavy snowfall.
New Gun Is Tested
CANBERRA, Australia, Nov. 26-
UP)-An Australian wartime inven-
tion, a mortar-type gun which uses
compressed air propulsion instead of
ordinary explosives, is being tested
by the Australian government.

Lfa Sociedad Iispanliea
To Mleet At Leagueic Today
Professor Julio dcl Toro of the
Spanish department will conduct the
conversation group of La Sociedad
at 8 p.m. today in the League.
The regular meeting of the group
will be held next Thursday, but all
Spanish students are requested to at-
tend La Sociedad's conversation
groups. A program is planned for
the regular meeting; the conversation
groups are allowed to run as natural
speaking situations would.
in your living room!
Glaring lamps that make it
difficult to read...lamps that
cause squinting and frown-
ing . . . lamps ghat tire the
eyes . . . these are 'ho-hum"
lamps, and they have no place
in your living roomn. Try one
of the $lew LE.S. lamps in-
stead, with a I50-watt bulb.
(We do not sell these lamps.
See them at your dealer's.)
The Dieroit Edison Company.

Dance lines like these are one-two-three kicking today in prepara-
tion for the 1942 Mimes Opera, "Full House."

Chest and Awakened Rameses, played
only to Ann Arbor audiences. The
sixth, Contrarie Mary, was invited by
some alumi to play in Chicago and
was so well feceived that Model
Daughter was demanded for the next
year's trip.
Beginning Of Trip
This was the beginning of the an-
nual trip. The 1915 All That Glitters
show, played in other Michigan cities
as well and in the war years the
shows went to Fort Camp Custer, at
Battle Creek.
In 1921 the Opera season was shift-
ed from spring to December and
Make It For Two of 1921 ured
Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illi-
nois during Christmas vacation.
1923 was the banner year in Union
Opera history. Cotton Stockings
played in Ann A'bor, Toledo, Bif-
falo, New York, Philadelphia, Wash-
ington, Pitts\trgh, Cincinnati, In-
dianapolis, Cicago, Grand Rapids,
Saginaw, Flint, Bay City and Detroit.
The show grossed almost $100,000
with a profit of $30,000 and played
before 40,000 persons. It was Cotton
Stockings which set the record of
income for an amateur production
at New York City's Metropolitan Op-
era House, grossing $6,000 for a one-
night stand.
Many of the Michigan songs which
U. of M. students sing today are prod-
ucts of past Operas. "College Days"
came from Koanzaland, "When Night
Falls Dear" from Michigenda. "The
Friars Song" from Contrarie Mary
and "Men of the Mdize and Blue"
from Tres Rouge of 1916, are but a
few of the many Opera songs written
by students.
Strikers Reject Plan
MT. CLEMENS, Nov. 26-(AP)-The
United Pottery Workers (CIO) on
strike against the Mt Clemens Pot-
tery Co., rejected today a proposal
that they return to work pending ex-
pedited mediation of their complaints
that five union members were un-
fairly discharged.
is thelatest
Swanky new, use
ful gifts fashioned
by Rumpp in west
a romantic western
saddle leather
every man is eager '
to have.
b A
(A) BILL-OLDS-Slim trim with many

University Musical Society
announces the following
F rwmci . STOCK, Conductor
Sun., Nov. 30, 3:00 P.M.

War Restricts Postal Service

Christmas deliveries
pied foreign countries

to Nazi-occu-
will be under

sharp restrictions this year, accord-
ipg to Ann Arbor postmistress, Mrs.
Florence Abbot.
Package delivery will be made only
to England, Portugal, Switzerland
and Spain on the European conti-
nent. No insurance will be written
on packages destined for Spain.
These restrictions, Mrs. Abbot ex-
plained, will not apply to letters,
which may be sent to any country
except occupied France.
Gift packages to the four European
and any Asiatic points will be limited
to five pounds weight and must not
include more than two pounds of
any one kind of food. Universal re-
strictions prohibit the sending, of
tobaccos anywhere on the Continent.
As all shipments will be made by
Litvinoff To Arrive
Pan American Airways said today
Maxim M. Litvinoff, newly-named
Russian ambassador to the United
States, would board the China Clipper
at Singapore Nov. 30, and was sched-
uled t arrive here Dec. 6.

boat in convoys, Postmistress Abbot
warned that to expect delivery by
Christmas all packages and letters
sent outside of this country should
be mailed immediately. Airmail by
Atlantic Clipper will be accepted at
60, cents for each ounce.
A special arrangement has been
made for the sending of Christmas
packages to prisoners of war. An
eleven-pound parcel will be har)dled
by parcel post free of charge if
the complete address-concentration
camp, prison number and country-
is known of the addressee. No type
of insurance or guarantee is made
that these packages will reach their

Free Transportation
to and from stables
Every Friday

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