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November 27, 1941 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-27

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Aid jun Mi tl

- r f , ....-
ited and managed by students of the University of
higan under the authority of the Board in Control
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versity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
he Associated Press s exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ts of republication of all other matters herein also
atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
Ind class mail matter.
ibscriptions during the. regular school year b
10" $4.00, by mail $5.00."
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
tber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

: Editorial


lie Ge16
'in Dan
id Lachenbruch
hur Hill
iet Hiattc
ce Miller .
ginia Mitchell

Managing Editor
* . . . Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
« Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
* .Assistant Women's EditoQr
* .. Exchange Editor

niel H. Ikuyett
mies B.. Collins
use Carpenter
elyn Wright

Business Staff
. * Associate Busines
. Woments Advertising
. Women's Business


The editorials published in tI]he Michigan
1 'Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Lgislation Needed -
'captive coal strike, while it is grat-
ifying, does not in any way lessen the urgent need
for anti-defense strike legislation. In view of
Pr sident Roosevelt's conference with congres-
sional leaders Monday, it is evident that the plan
to jrestrict work stoppages is being kept near,
the top of Congress' program and will follow the
pr te-fixing bill. Such action is encouraging be-
cause it is definitely a job for, Congress. The
theat of a nation-wide railroad strike remains
ungiiminished, and the present wave of strikes
all over the country can be expected to continue
Lntil the government adopts an adequate policy
denanding compulsory arbitration.
The settlement of the coal strike came as a
surprise to those who had kept in close contact
with the strike, for John L. Lewis had personal-
ly rejected the plan earlier in the week. In view
of his past inconsistent political policy, he un-
cloubtedly has some view in mind besides the
"good of the nation." Neither he nor his cronies
hMlave'r bothered much hithertof ore about the
what's-good-for-the-nation-is-good-for-us atti-.
tude and his recent change of heart is probably
due to more than President Roosevelt's sixth ap-
peal. Perhaps he has begun to realize that the
patience of the President and the American
people has been tried to the breaking point and
that Congress in its present mood will not be de-
terred from enacting strike curbs.
HE RESENT FIGHT between the Amer-
ican people and the labor unions is due
to the contention that the United Mine
Workers and other unions of both the AFL
and CIO have aright to enforce their rule
by rioting and slaughtering. Until fairly re-
cently, President Roosevelt has ignored, even
condoned, mass picketing and, rioting, but
even those sympathetic with Labor's rights
cannot approve such outright defiance of
public authority and coercion when it tends
to interfere with the operation of the na-
tional war policy. When unions decline fair
mediation and strike against national de-
ense, when fights start when men try to
pasthrough picket lines to reach their
Sork, when for their ownselfish aims labor
eaders stop the wheels of industry, then
tjhey should be made to realize that there is
a vast difference between the right to strike
d the right to riot.
If the National Defense Mediation Board had
voted 9-2 in favor of the United Mine Workers,
ad owners of the captive mines had refused to
accept the Board's decision and resorted to a
.oc1out, the public reaction would have been
the same as it is against the unions, and the
mihe owners wuld have been denounced as
arrogant and unpatriotic. Time and again the
en4loyers are forced to accept the decisions of
arbitration boards, but the unions can strike in-
definitely. Something will have to be done -
and soon - to prevent a complete breakdown
in defense production.
that there are 17 stoppages of progress in
plants with known defense contracts, five of them
>f primary defense significance and involving
4,800 workers. Our national safety is being jeop-
« -a±, a ,.,.t,; l inrT n.r 4n l n c tofaininlnasif +'the

Letters To The Editor
Labor And The War But this it cannot do if it is treated as an outcast
group, the American untouchables.
To the Editor: Philip Murray, President of the CIO, has
THOSE OF US who were fortunate enough to formulated a plan for American industry-
attend the CIO convention last week in De- Industry Councils, he calls it-which would
expedite the fight against Hitlerism in the
troit were impressed with the seriousness and most democratic and efficient way. Under
responsibility displayed by these representatives this plan councils composed of equal num-
of more than five million workers, chiefly em- bers of representatives of management and
ployed in the basic industries without which na- labor, with a government representative as
tional defense and the defeat of Hitlerism can- chairman, would be established in each basic
not go on: steel, shipbuilding, coal, airplanes, industry. These councils would plan for
tanks. The sober understanding displayed there each industry as a whole: production, ex-
as to the consequences of a Hitler victory for pansion, allocation of materials, use of un-
all Americans and for labor was a heartening employed workers and training of additional
sight. workers, labor relations, and so - on. Over
this network of Industry Councils would be
But while labor was assembled in Detroit I a National Defense Board, similarly consti-
pledging itself to beat Hitler in the battle oft tuted, with the President of the United
production, taking a stand for the widest States as chairman. It would act as a board
possible use pf mediation and conciliation in of appeal, would grant contracts, and. co-
place of strikes, urging the greatest possible ordinate the system. Under this plan bottle-
extension of democracy-and breaking the necks would be eliminated and production
power of appeasers and irresponsibles in its I would go full speed ahead with a minimum
own ranks-in Washington the last ditch of friction.
enemies of labor were oiling up their guns I
to make an attack on this vital sector of the THEINDUSTRIALISTS haven't done too won-
American people. Nothing but the complete derful a job with defense production. Letla-
destruction of the American labor movement bor, which knows production problems fromthe
is the goal of these would-be American Hit- inside, have a real share in this American effort.
lers-no matter in what patriotic language Labor, as was stated emphatically at the con-
they hide their fascistic designs. 'jvention, is in no mood to be coerced. But let
Ilabor become a partner on a respected, equal
THE American labor movement is alive to the footing, and the men who have to sacrifice the
present danger and awake to its responsibili- most (next to the soldiers) in harder work,
ties. Labor wants to go all out against Hitlerism. longer hours, speed-up, will show America what
Will America extend a friendly hand to the they can do. Labor will not be robbed of its
workers, or will she persist in treating them as rights without a fight, but it will gladly waive
unreliable, suspect, semi-subversive forces? some of them voluntarily, as the British workers
Now is the time for labor to receive its proper have done, in order to defeat Hitlerism. The
recognition by the government and to have its decision America makes on this question will
voice heard in the determination of policies, affect this country for generations. May it be
British labor saved England after Dunkirk; the right one.
American labor may yet save the United States. - Cleora E. Gagnier, Grad.
RAMBLING NOTES for an idle excursion. Be- rock-bound "for the good of the house" lads
cause of the unpredictable and usually bad still on the scene, ,but are usually sophomores
nature of Ann, Arbor weather, it seems that and by the time they are seniors it has worn
thin, and unless they are president of the house
every time the sunshines around here I get kind they don't make much noise abot anything ex-
of 'Old South and can't stick to anything, and cept exams and dates.
although I feel fine when I get up in the morn- Uged to be different-the grads tell you so.
ing, it wears off soon, and all I want to do is be But nowadays it doesn't rate more than a thin
worthless. This in 'increasing doses as I grow smile, and try as I may, I can't make an issue
sicker and sicker of humdrum little old Ann of it. Just as many good-time Charlies raising
Arbor. Town with a thousand things to do, but hell at independent dances as there are at frat
just try looking for, one of them. Town where affairs. Just as many serious scholars in those
so many people are well dressed and shaved that big, unpaid-for houses or dorms. Biggest knock
I feel bad about my beard, and town where if I n the greek system now is that you don't meet
shave and get well dressed, I can't do anything as many people, but when you work your way
else, through the year-by-year process of meeting a
Seems as though the business staff around lot of people, you kind of wish you had built up
here has mastered the secret. They're always your, bridge game instead-and what is more,
pretty well-groomed, and yet they get work done you wuld have time to shave, which gives this
of'asort. Probably having to go out and meet thing a sort of hirsute unity, doesn't it?
the customers has something to do with it. On WEED OUT a portion of the college population,
the writing end of the game we never have to old duffer. That's all rigt ith me. I'd like
meet anybody. Nobody cares how we look, to'weed out a portion myself. But as ar as
SOME OLD DUFFER in New York came out starting the old fraternity versus independent
last week for a new aristocracy in education, feud, you'll have to climb back in your chair at
to be governed by the fraternities. His point the Yale Club and dream up a new one.
seems to be something about character and Wish somebody would start an argument with
breeding, and weeding. Too many unsound peo- me, one that I could take seriously. My days
ple getting educated these days. True enough, are full, but there's always time for a scrap if
old duffer of the national council. But the an- only somebody would get right out on a limb and
swer doesn't lie in Banta's Greek Exchange. start something terrible, or important. Trouble
Sort of like a vpice from the past to hear that' is, it's been so long since anybody went out on
old strain of fraternity snobbery cropping up on a limb that I wouldn't really hae my heart in
the news pages. Am a brother of sorts myself, the sawing-off process. Instinct would tell me
and can't say that I've noticed much of it to get out there and sit beside him. Heigh-ho-
anywhere around here. True there are a few the sun still shining. So long until soon.

Washington Merry-Go-Round


By Lichty



(t} 341,C$gl O 'Ic'{tO Time ''r
Re. U 8 Ps at.Oi, AU RsRhlea

Theory and Application of Electric
Gauges." All engineers are invited.


(Continued from Page 2)
Literature, Science, and the Arts for
the academic session of 1941-1942
will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall
on December 1, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the various com-
mittees have been prepared in ad-
vance and are included with the
call to the. meeting. They should
be retained in your files as part of
the minutes of the December meet-
ing. Edward H. Kraus
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of November 3rd, 1941
(pages 769-771, page 769 as correct-
ed), which were distributed by cam-
pus mail.
2. Consideration of reports:
A. Reports submitted with the call
to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor V. W. Crane.
b. University Council, prepared by
Professor F. E. Bartell.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor'
G. R. LaRue.
d. Deans' Conference, prepared by
Dean E. H. Kraus.
B. Oral reports:
a. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-Professor A. F.
b. Evaluation of Faculty Services-
Professor R. C. Angell.
3. Problem of the instructorship;
consideration of the resolutions sub-
mitted by the Executive Committee.
(page 774).
4. New' Business.
5. Announcements.
Choral Union Members: Members
whose reords of attendance are
clear will be issued 'passes for the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra con-
cert to be given Sunday afternoon,
November 30, at 3:00 o'clock, by call-
ing in person between 10 and 12, and
1 and 4, Friday, November 28, at the
office of the University Musical Soci-
ety in Burton Memorial Tower. After
4 o'clock no passes will be issued.
Charles A. Sink, President
A1cademic Notices
English 31, Section 12, which ordi-
narily meets. in 2215 A.H. at 11
o'clock, will meet Friday, November
28, in Room 231 A.H.
W. R. Humphreys
Mi. Sc. I: Make-up quiz on Marks-
manship 4:00 p.m. today R.O.T.C.
Hall for any who missed it.
Doctoral Examination for Edward
Levant Jenner,, Pharmaceutical
Chemistry; thesis: "Esters of Pyri-
dinecarboxylic Acids as Local Anes-
thetics; Local Anesthetics in the
Naphthalene Series," Friday, Novem-
ber 28, 309 Chemistry Building, 2:00
p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke.
By action of the Executive Board,
the chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present..
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Frederick Stock, Conductor, and
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra,
will present the fifth program in the
Choral Union Concert Series, Sun-
day afternoon, November 30, at 3:00
o'clock sharp in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be secured at the offices
of the University Musical Society in

lithographs and wood block prints by
William Zorach and watercolors and
small sculptures by Georges Rouault
in the Rackham Building Exhibition
Galleries through December 10, 2:00-
5:00 and 1:30-9:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Lieutenant
Paul A. Smith, Chief of the Aero-
nautical Chart Section, U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey, will lecture on
the subject, "Lands Beneath the
Sea," (illustrated) under the auspices
of the Department of Civil Engineer-
ing' today at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. The public is
cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor Chal-
fant Robinson, Curator of Mediaeval
Manuscripts at Princeton University
will lecture on the subject, "Mediae-
val Manuscripts," (illustrated), un-
der the auspices of the Department
of History in the Auditorium of the
Kellogg Foundation Institute to-
day at 4:15 p.m. The public is cord-
ially invited.
University Lecture: Lieutenant
Paul A. Smith, Chief of the Aero-
nautical Chart Section, U.S. Coast
and Geodetic Survey will lecture on
the subject, "Preparation of Aero-
nautical Charts," under the auspices
of the Department of Civil Engineer-
ing, on Friday, November 28, at 1:15
p.m. in Room 348 West Engineering
Building. The public is cordially in-
Lecture: Professor Chalfant Pob-
inson, Curator of. Mediaeval Manu-
scripts at Princeton University, will
lecture to the junior and senior stu-
dents on Friday, November 28, at 1:30
p.m. in the main Hospital Amphi-
The subject of the lecture will be,
"The Case of Louis 11th-A Study
in Historical Pathology."
Classes will be dismissed for the
seniors and juniors during this hour
in order that they may attend.
French Lecture: Dr. Francis Gra-
vit, of the Romance Language De-
partment, will give the second of the
French Lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais, on Wednesday, Dec.
3, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of his lec-
ture is: "Jean-Baptiste Lully et T-
Opera Francais au XVIIe Siecle,"
(illustrated with phonograph rec-
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Events Today
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob-
servatory lecture room. Dr. Allan D.
Maxwell will review "The Laplacian
and Gaussian Orbit Methods" by
Samuel. Herrick, Jr. Tea will be
served at 4:00.
The Society of Automotive Engin-
eers will meet tonight at 7:30 in the
Kellogg Auditorium, Dental Build-
ing. Mr. S. B. Tuttle, project engin-
eer of the Detroit Diesel Engine Divi-

"I had a nice visit with daughter, Pa . , . Beats me, though, how a
body can put up with all them conveniences in city apartments."

The Jewish-Gentile Rlatlons Sem-
nar will not meet today because of
a conflict in time with Student Re-
ligious Association Council meeting.
The next meeting of the, seminar
will be held on Thursday, December
4. at 7:30 p.m. in Lane Hall.
At the Phi Delta Kappa Coffee
Hour, 4:15 this afternoon. East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building,
Professor W. C. Trow and. Percy
Danforth will discuss "Aesthetic
Learning." There will also be a brief
membership meeting.
The Inter-Guild Luncheon open to
Inter-Guild Council members and
members of any student Protestant
Guild, will be held at Lane Hall this
noon. The luncheon will be followed
by a business meeting of the Council.
Drum and Bugle Corps: Practice
at 7:30 tonight in R.O.T.C. Hall.
Polonia Society will meet tonight at
7:30 at the International Center re-
creation room. A talk, "Historic Po-
land," will be given by Erving Grif-
fel. Games and refreshments.
La Sociedad Hispanica Conversa-
tion Group will meet tonight at 8:00
in the Michigan League. Professor
del Toro will lead the discussion
groups, and new members especially
are invited to attend this meeting.
Mihigan Outing Club will have a
meeting today at 4:15 'p.m. in the
Union, the room number to be posted
on the bulletin board. Plans will
be made for the Hostel Trip to the
Saline Valley Farms from Saturday
until Sunday noon. Small charge.
If interested but unable to attend,
contact either Dan Saulson (9818) or
Libby Mahlman (2-4471) before Sat-
urday noon.
Bridge Tournament: The sixth in
the regular series of Duplicate Bridge
tournaments will be held in the Con-
corse of the League tonight, 7:15-
11:00. Prizes. Students, faculty, and
townspeople are invited.
Soph Cabaret publicity committee
meeting in the League today at 5:00
p.m. Very important. Room will be
posted on the bulletin toard.
Michigan Dames Bridge Group will
meet at the Michigan League to-
night at 8:00.
Coming Events
Meeting of the Michigan College
Chemistry Teachers Association, Sat-
urday, Nov. 29, at 10:15 a.m. in Room
151, Chemistry Building. At the
morning session Dr. E. J. Abbott will
speak on "Technical Methods in In-
dustrial Research," and Dr. R. J.
Carney will present "Illustration of
Quantitative Analytical Procedures
by Moving Pictures in Color." Lun-
cheon'will be served at the Michigan
League at 12:30. In the afternoon
the group will go to the University
Hospital for a talk by Dr. L. H. New-
burgh' on "Methods of Measuring
Transformations of Energy by Man."
Psychological Journal Club: The
meeting scheduled for today has
been postponed to Dec. 11. At that
time Dr. C. W. Crannell will report
his work on choice-point behavior:
7:30 p.m., East Conference Room of
the Rackham Building.' Refresh-
Women of the University Faculty:
A dinner meeting will be held on
Friday, November 28, at 6:30 p.m.
in Room 101 at the Union. Reserva-
tions must be made by Thursday
noon, at the office of Dr. Margaret
Suomi Club will meet at 8:30 Sat-
urday evening, November 29, at the
International Center.

Meditation retreat: Students inter-
ested in a quiet week-end of medita-
tion and religious study should call
Lane Hall for resrvations and detailed
information. This is sponsored by
the Student Religious Association.
Students will leave for the Lynn
Orchard Farm at 4:00 p.m. Friday,
November 28, and return by 2:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 30.
Red Cross Sorority Group will meet
on Friday, November 28. at 4:00 p.m.
Bring in all of your contributions
and materials. This will be the last
meeting and collection for this year's
drive. Attendance compulsory for
alj representatives.
Ushering Committee of Theatre
Arts: Sign up in the Undergraduate
Office to usher for the Children's
Theatre performances of "Pinocchio".
Shows will be at 3:45 p.m. on Fri-
day and on Saturday at 1:30 and
3:30 p.m.
Bowling for Women: Entries for
the individual bowling tournament
must be in by Saturday noon, No-
vember 29. Sign at the Women's
Athletic Building now.
Wesley Foundation: Hay Ride and
square dancing party at the Saline
Valley Farms Friday night. The
group will leave the church at 8:00
p.m' Please make reservation by
nllir RARW%1 lhpfrp V ThifThrv nnnn.



WASHINGTON-Republican National Chair-
man Joe Martin isn't advertising it yet, but he
has found an issue which he thinks may swing
the House of Representatives against Roosevelt
in 1942. It is the "Raw Deal given to Little
Business Men y the New Deal."
This has the New Deal itself ifrantically wor-
ried, for the latest defense experiment to protect
little business has just blown up.
This is the inside reason behind the trip
of Floyd Odlum to the Mayo clinic at Roches-
ter, :Minn. Officially it's ulcers. But back
of that is worry over failure to spread war
contracts among little business men.
It hasn't been announced yet, but Odlum is
getting out. He is going back to Wall Street
where he finds running big business a lot easier
than trying to take war contracts.away from
big business and give them to little business.
ODLUM, who is head of the Atlas 'Corpora-
tion, outsmarted some of the best brains in
Wall Street, but he found he couldn't break
through the rampart of Army-Navy brass hats,
the OPM One-Dollar-Men and all the other red
tape artists who belieded in throwing contracts
in the easiest direction - to big business - and
letting little business go into bankruptcy.

Defense Stepchild
,Odium has accomplished some results. He has
doubled sub-contracting. But these orders, im-
pressive by themselves, have not kept pace with
the rapid widening and deepening of the little
business crisi4 - as material, labor and other
shortages have increasingly curtailed non-de-
fense production.
DRASTICALLY NEEDED is a surgical reor-
ganization of the whole defense contracting
system, making little business an integral part
of defense production instead of a stepchild to
whom a few scraps are thrown occasionally when
its yelling becomes annoying.
The big complaint against Odlum is that in-
stead of tackling this basic difficulty immediate-
ly, he built up an elaborate administrative or-
ganization that looked grandiose on paper but
did not keep the wolf from the door of small
business. Time is of the essence these fast-
moving days. Scores of little plants are shut-
ting down daily. Good intentions, no matter how
good, won't keep them going.
oDLUM was too polite, too anxious to get along
with people, was too steeped in Wall Street
salve. He talked about joining the Army and

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