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November 27, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-27

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Cloudy, Colder


Anti- Strike
Legislation Needed ..






House Action
Bans Control
Of All Wages
BrYHuoe Vote
Administration Bill Issues
Await Final Settlement;
Serious Questions Arise
Banking Committee
May Make Study
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-()-By
the decisive vote of 218 to 63, the
House today rejected the proposal
that a rigid limit be imposed upon all
wages and prices.
With ;that done, it pushed on to is-
sues presented by the administration
bill to establish ceilings for the prices
of selected commodities. There was
an increasing demand thatbthe legis-
iation be sent back to the banking
committee for additional study.
Ahead lay decisions on several
prickly questions, on all of which
most of the political or regional blocs
customary to the House were widely
split. The issues awaiting settlement
Regulating the prices of farm com-
Licensing $Sstem
Establishing a licensing system. for
dealers selling commodities to be'
Granting the government authority
to stabilize prices by large-scale buy-
ing or selling of commodities.
Giving. broad powers of adminis-
tration to the present price control
office headed by Leon Henderson.
If the licensing provision is in-
cluded, Rep:MVartin (Rep.-Mass.), the
Republican leader, said there would
be virtually solid Republican senti-
ment for recommitting the bill.
Rep. Dies (Dem.-Tex.), chairman
of the Committee on Un-Americanl
Activities, said on the floor that. he
would vote to recommit the measure
If it contains its present broad dele-
gation of power to Henderson. He3
has said repeatedly that HendersonE
and his associates had records of af-
filiation with Communist organiza-
Introduced By Qore
The over-all price ceiling proposal
was presented by 'Rep. Gore (Dem.-
Tenn.), who had already fought the
issue out and been defeated in thec
House Banking Committee. His pro-;
posal embodied the ideas of Bernard;
M. Baruch, chairman of the old War;
Industries Board.,
It would have frozen rents, pricesi
andtwages at their level of this week
for the duration of the emergency, ex-
cept that agricultural prices could not
be fixed until they reached parity.
In behalf of his proposal, Gore said
the administration bill was a "weak-
kneed, piece - meal, half-hearted"
measure which might easily bring on
inflation instead of preventing it.
Depth Charges.s
Kill U.S._Salors
Crew Says Cause Of Deaths
Was ShipExplosive
NEW YORK, Nov. 26-(PA)-Sur-
vivors from the torpedoed American
destroyer Reuben James believe thatj
some of the 100 men lst with the
ship died from the explosion of the
vessel's own depth charges.'

Men clinging to life rafts in the
icy waters on the night of Oct. 31
were torn to pieces by their own ex-
plosives going off below them, surviv-
ors related.
At his press conference in Wash-
ington, Secretary of the Navy Frank
Knox said that there were two depth
charge exposions, although "we don't
know with what effect."1
Survivors asserted that the depth
charges (metal cans containing high
explosives) had been set to explode
at 50 and 100-foot depths and that
at least two went off as the ship sank
to those levels. They said safety
catches on the charges had not been
locked because the ship was in a
danger area 'near Iceland.
Knox said that the charges were3
normally carried ready for automatic
explosion while in a perilous zone.
Capetown Clipper Ends
Epic-Making Journey
NEW YORK, Nov. 26--(P)-Com-
pleting an epic 19,961-mile route-
proving flight that linked three conti-

Lost Bicycles Close In
On Local Police Force
Bicycles have a habit of growing
on a person-even if hk wears a blue
Chief of Police Sherman T. Morten-
son has watched his men bring in the
lost or stolen bikes for several months
now and the assorted collection to
date totals approximately twenty. If
many more are picked up, the police
department will have to look for new
storage space or else sell the bikes at
public auction.
So the Chief is appealing to all Uni-
versity students who have somehow
parted with their bicycles during the
past two months to reduce the stock
on hand.
The Chief says, "Come on down to
police headquarters and have a look."
Missing bicycles now in the hands of
police can be identified by their city
license tags or serial numbers.
Prof*' Worrell
Will Present
Russel Lecture
Scholar Receives Honor
For Outstanding Work
On Eastern Languages
William Hoyt Worrell, professor of
semitics and an authority on Near
Eastern languages, will be the Henry
Russel Lecturer for 1941-42.
Author of six books and editor of a
seventh which is now on the press,
Worrell has established a national
reputation in his field. He has tra-
veled extensively in the Near East
and in collaboration with a young
Austrian scholar, Werner Vycichl, has
discovered an |gyptian community in
which many words have been; pre-
Professor Worrell, a graduate of the
University, has been a member of the
faculty since 1925. Prior. to that time
he was diretor of the American
School of Oriental Languages in
Jerusalem. .
In recognition of his scholarship he
has served as president of the West-
ern Branch of the American Oriental
Society, of the Michigan Academy of
Science, Arts and Letters and of the
Research Club of the University. He
was also made a fellow in the Ameri-
can Academy of Arts and Science in
Awarded annually to the member
of the faculty who has done the most
scholarly work throughout the school
year, the lectureship was made pos-
sible by a bequest to the University
in 1920 by Henry Russel. An award
is also given for distinguished work
among the younger faculty members.
Hoosier Hammer
Will Take To Air
Tom Harmon and his draft board
can stop checking signals. The Wol-
verine hero of day before yesterday
has been approved for the Army Air
Corps, and will probably be in uni-
form before he gets the New Year's
confetti out of his hair.
The Gary gridder certainly can't
be very surprised about the way the
whole thing turned out; in his tour
around the lettuce league last fall he
predicted that come the new year he'd
be taking to the air for Uncle Sam.
Thomas Dudley will follow his
friend and fellow All-American, Ed
Frutig, into the service.

Bill Drafted
To Eliminate
Labor Tie-Up
Mediation Board Powers
To Be Revised Greatly
By New Anti-Strike Act
Chairman's Action
Is Termed 'Drastic'
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-(A01
-The Hlouse Judiciary Conit-
tee in an extraordinary meeting
tonight decided to recommend
legislation of its own to control
defense strikes unless the labor
committee approved a bill "with
enough teeth in it."
(By The Associated Press)
:Legislative machinery to end de-
fense sthikes turned in the capital
yesterday while in New York City the
three-man arbitration board in the
captive coal mine dispute planned to
remain in continuous session until it
reached a settlement.
Acting Chairman Ramspeck (Demr'
Ga.) of the House labor committee
disclosed the tentative provisions of
his "drastic" measure which may
reach the chamber tomorrow, while
on the other side of the Capitol.
The Ramspeek measure, decided
upon after a White House conference,
would recreate the National Defense
Mediation Board which would act
after collective bargaining or other
conciliation had failed. If either side
refused to participate in board media-
tion proceedings, the President could
create an emergency arbitration
board representing the public to make
recommendations in 30 days.
If labor rejected the board recom-
mendations, it would be deprived for
six months of rights under the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act and the
Norris-LaGuardia Act, which limits
the right of Federal courts to issue
in junctions in labor disputes.
If management rejected the rec-
ommendations, the Chief Executive
would be authorized, in his discre-
tion, to take over the plant and oper-
ate it on behalf of the government.
The bill also would provide a 60-day
cooling off period, during the board's
Russian Films
Will Be Shown
Prokofiev Music Provides
Program's Background
Fierce battles between the Germans
and the Russians in the 13th century
with an implied parallel to the pres-
ent conflict raging on the Eastern
front-are the outstanding action
shots of the film "Alexander Nevsky,"
which opens at 8:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The picture is enhanced by the
music of Prokofiev, which provides a
background in which sound and im-
age blend remarkably well.
Also on the program, sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Committee for Medical
aid to Russia, are two other films-a
documentary on "Soviet Oil in the
Caucasus" and "Golden Mountains"
featuring Shostakovitch, world fam-
ous composer who is now at work on
his seventh symphony in Leningrad.
Tickets are available during the day
at the League and at the Rackham
'Building after 7:30 p.m.

Britain's Libyan Forces Combine
For New Drive North Of Tobruk;
Nazis Aim At Circling Of Moscow

B /?CE '~TOBRUK:E::.'j' BUT:r E:-
": BI '




Charles Di
Wins Final Fall
Allen Takes Second Place;
Victor Asks Tolerance,
Lauds University View
Charles C. Diggs, Jr., '44, was de-,
clared winner of the Speech 31 con-
test held in the Natural Science Aud-
itorium yesterday.
Betty C. Allen, '43, and Jean E.
Mills, '44, finished second and third
respectively. Other contestants were
Harry Anderson, '44, Clarence Brim-
rmer, '44, Robert Buell, '44, and Hay-
den Crawford, '44.
In his winning speech, entitled
"Missionaries of Tolerance," Diggs
declared that the University was do-
ing away with much of the intoler-
ance in the United Sta es by permit-
ting Negro students to be judged sole-
ly on their merit.
The three winners of this compe-
tition and those of the second which'
will be conducted later this semester1
will be honored at a speech convo-
cation to be held next spring.
Chairman of the speech contest was
Hugh Norton, Grad. Judges were
Prof. Harlan Blomer, Prof. Kenneth
Hance and Mr. Neil Smith, all of the
speech department.
U.S. May' Use Draftees
To Mani Two-Ocean avy
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.-(P-
The nation's projected two-ocean
Navy may be manned partly with
draftees, it was disclosed today,
because volunteer enlistments are
failing to produce the required
Secretary Knox said there had
been a 15 per cent slump in enlist-
ments in October and early No-
vember after the destroyers Kear-
ny and Reuben James were tor-
pedoed with a loss of 112 lives.
Knox attributed this to reluc-
tance of many parents to grant
permission for sons under 21 to
join the Navy, but he added that
in recent days this attitude was
becoming less pronounced.
Enlistments now are averaging
about 9,000 a month against a
Navy need for 13,000 a month now
and 15,000 monthly beginning next.
July 1 when new ships will go into
service in rapidly increasing num-
Paraguayan Head
Stalls Axis Move
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Nov. 26
-(A')-Reliable sources said tonight
that President Higinio Morinigo of
Paraguay has defeated a bloodless
Coup d'Etat of pro-Axis color after a
three-day crisis beginning Nov. 19.
During the period heavy army re-
serves were called into Asuncion and

A great and final struggle in the
North African campaign was ap-
parently near last night as British
forces, after over-running Gam.-
but, merged in the Rezegh area
about Tobruk as one powerful strik-
ing force against an inferior Axis
army. German commander Rorn-
mel apparently had strengthened
his position in Rezegh in prepara-
tion for the final attack. In the
South, a column of Indian troops
pushed past Augila on toward the
objective of El Agheila on the Gulf
of Sirte.

Pe Lain Claimed
To Be Fighting
Axis Pressure
NEW YORK, Nov. 26.-(iP)-Reli-
able reports received in New York
tonight suggested the possibility of a
hitch in German-French negotia-
tions, with Marshal Petain of France
holding out against outright mem-
bership in the Axis.
These reports, coming from well-
informed neutral sources, seemed to
be supported by the failure of leaders
of the two countries to meet the
middle of this week, as had been ex-
Petain's reported resistance to Ger-
man bids was said to be based large-
ly on recent war developments from
the various fronts. His chief reasons
were listed as these:
1. The Italians again have pressed
their aspirations for French territory
in recent talks with the Germans.
2. The French have received re-
ports that German losses in Russia
are exertemely heavy, although not
as great as the Russians claim. The
Russians have said the Germans have
suffered more than 6,000,000 casual-
3. Uncertainty of the fighting in
North Africa.
The Germans thus far have not
commented on reports of a projected
meeting with the French, which came
from Vichy during the past week.

Japan Handed
U.S. Blue-Print
For Far East,
'Non-Aggression' Doctrine
Included In Program:
Rejection IsExpected
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26-(1P)-The
United States tonight handed Japan
what was believed to be a blue-print
for peace in the Pacific, but it was
based on the "non-aggression's doc-
trine preached for years by Secretary
of State Hull and hence its reception
was considered highly uncertain.
Japan's two envoys, Ambassador
Kichasaburo Nomura and special em-
issary Saburo Kurusu, were given
what was officially described as a
"document" when they called on Hull
about 5 p.m. for a crucial conference.
After an hour and 15 minute talk
with the Secretary of State, they
NEW YORK, Nov. 26-(P)-NBC
tonight reported hearing a Tokyo
radio broadcast in Portugese beam-
ed to Brazil declaring Japan has
given up hope of a peaceful outcome
of the Washington negotiations be-
tween the U. S. State Department
and the Japanese.
emerged smiling but silent. Hull, who
escorted them to the door, also smiled.
A state department official told
reporters that the Japanese were
handed, for their consideration, a pa-
per that was the culmination of sev-
eral conferences in recent weeks.
The document rests on certain prin-
ciples with which the correspondents
should be entirely familiar.
Hull has repeatedly emphasized
the necessity of abstinence from the
use of force, non-interference by one.
nation in the affairs of another, set-
tlement of all problems by peaceful
negotiation, and observance of the
sanctity of treaties.

Sudden Counter-Offensive
Near Egyptian Frontier
Is RepelledBy Anzacs
Bitter Tanik Battle
ClaimedBy Rome
(By The Associated Press)
Two arms of the British offensive
in North Libya, which had fought for-
ward to a junction in the Rezegh area
about Tobruk, moved last night as
one powerful striking force against an
apparently inferior Axis army in the
preliminaries of a great new battle
upon which hinged the whole of the
North African campaign.
This merger was effected by the
arrival in the Rezegh theatre of a
New Zealand column beating west-
ward along the Mediterranean coast
to its rendezvous with the main Brit-
ish armored infantry and South Af-
rican concentrations.
The German commander, General
Erwin Rommel, thus was confronted
at a time when he was somewhat
weakened by his dispatch of a Ger-
man column eastward across the
Egyptian frontier in a couter-offen-
sive which the British command
termed an unsuccessful diversion.
This cost him a third of the tankg
strength of the column and imperiled
the remainder.
British Hold Back Strength
Moreover, it appeared for the first
time that not even in the earlier full-
scale clash of mechanized weapons
had the British command thrown its
whole strength into action, for pre-
viously unused tank formations were
reported moving up into the British
lines in support of the Imperial in-
fantry-many of them American ma-
chines which informed persons stated
had shown the lowest casualty rate
thus far of any in action.
In spite of all. this, however, in
spite o.what seemgd to be a gener-
ally superior British situation, it was
acknowledged at the Imperial GHQ
that the developing showdown could
fall either way.
Romel, although badly knocked
about, clearly had improved his Re-
zegh positions to the extent that he'
had by strong counter-attacks beaten
back the nearer British encirclement
arcs and he, too, was still able to
bring up reserves.
Nazis Close On Moscow

Veiled Threat From Berlin:
VonRibbentropIssues Warning
f That .Disaster Nears For U.S.

'See You In The Morgue:'
Spectators To Be Welcomed
At Soph-Frosh Grudge Battles

While the decisive and perpaps the
last battle was shaping up in Libya,
the gray Nazi peril was reaching
closer to Moscow in the Russian thea-
Both north and south of Moscow
the German advance was unhalted.
Below the capital, a powerful Ger-
man thrust which already had broken
through from Tula 60 miles to the
east to 'Stalinogorsk was acknow-
leged by the Soviet to have turned
north in a maneuver of encirclement
and to have reached a town identi-
fied only as V, which might well have'
been Venev, 40 miles above Stalino-
gorsk and about 100 miles southeast
of Moscow itself. .
Bitter Tank Battle
Claimed By Rome
ROME, Nov. 26-Two United States
observers, "various English and Amer-
ican journalists," and a second Brit-
ish gereral have been captured while
further British units have been wiped
out in the bitter battle of tanks in the
Libyan desert, Italian headquarters
announced today.
A communique said the Americans
were among more than 5,000 captives
already in camps. They were taken,
it was claimed, south of Rezegh, in
the central theatre of the present
desert warfare.
The second British general claimed
captured was identified as Gen. B. F.
Armstrong (presumably a brigadier)
commanding a brigade of the first
South African division. No names
were given for the Americans suppos-
edly taken.
(The claim found no confirmation
in London or ,Washington, although
it was realized that a check would
take time. The Associated Press cor-
respondent with the eighth British
Imperial Army, Edward Kennedy, was
in Cairo Wedresday and there were
indications that Godfrey Anderson,
field correspondent of the affiliated
Associated Press of Great Britain,

BERLIN, Nov. 26.-(AP)-Germany's
foreign minister, Joachim von Rib-
bentrop, appealed indirectly to the
American people today to disown
what he called the "catastrophic pol-
icy of their government" and declared
lease-lend assistance to Germany's
enemies would bring the United
States to an "economic crisis the
like of which no land has ever seen."
Speaking before representatives of
the 13 Anti-Comintern signatory
governments, Von Ribbentrop defied
the United States to try to hold up
they so-called new order in "either
Europe or the Far East.
He said that Germany would win
the war anyway-even if the United
States enters it, and that the big
loser would be . the American tax-
payer when depression came.
"I believe the American catastrophe

German attitude toward the United
Dienst Aus Deutschland, a com-
mentary service reflecting foreign
office views, stressed "how carefully
the German minister differentiated
between the President and his friends
on one side and the mass of the
American people on the other."
Germany has already won her cam-
paign in the East, Von Ribbentrop
He said: "If the United States
enters the war against us or not, it
will not change the outcome, which
is victory for the Axis and its allies."
President Roosevelt, he charged, is
a "war conspirator" dragging an un-
willing America along on a "policyj
of catastrophe."
L Prime Minister Churchill, he add-

Spectators usually aren't welcome
in a war zone, but this war is differ-
ent. There will be plenty of ring-side
seats-and no scalpers-to Ann Ar-,
bor's "battle of the century" when
the victory-hungry sophomores tear
into the Class of '45.
So if you coeds and upperclassmen
are interested in seeing two groups t
of strong and healthy- young men
attempt to massacre each other, all
you will have to do is walk down to
the Intramural Sports Building Sat-
urday afternoon.
And from what happened at their
mass meeting last night-watch those

Pusack, Warren Jorgenson, Ralph
Amstutz and Howard Howerth.
These are the men who, armed with
death-dealing pillows, will tangle
with 12 similarly armed freshmen
captains in one of the feature events
of the afternoon.
Other games on the program are
designed for mass participation and
will give every sophomore a chance
to put those all-too-cocky freshmen
in their places for once and for all.
Of course, the frosh may have some-
thing to say about that.
Both sides must be dressed in long
trousers and tennis shoes. The soph-
omores are requested to wear dark

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