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November 26, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-26

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Ten fArguments For Isolationism

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Publisled every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for, republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
earriew $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Pblishers Representative
41ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42



Emile 0e16 . .
Alvin Dann. .
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt .
Crack, Miller .
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins:.
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

- Managing Editor
. Editorial Director '
* . . .City" Editor
s . .Associate: Editor
Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager,


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The British Lion
U sesIts Claws
has as yet come through concerning
tht British advance into Libya. One thing'stands
out however, and tihat is the bold conception of
the plan of attack followed by the Empire Forces.
Heretofore it has been the Nazi legions which
"cut upthe enemy in pockets," heretofore it has
been the Geman panzer unit which "crisscrossed
back and forth across the enemy's lines," and
heretdfore it has been the "lightning-thrust" of
the German High Command communique which
"cut through to the enemy's rear." Now these
same phrases are abeing employed by the British,
and apparently not without the same basis in
Not only in terminology, but also in tactics,
does the present British effort equal, anl even
outstrip successful Nazi campaigns of the past.
The action of the British in attempting the bold
move of sending the left wing of their army across
t desert; across the Cyrenaican hump, tells
much concerning the change which has occurred
in the miids of England's high command.
THESE DARING MOVES on the part of the
British may or may not prove successful. At-
tempting not only a frontal assault on Axis posi-
tions, but also a grand encirclement movement
aimed at cutting off the rear of the enemy, ven-
tures more than one would have imagined the
British cared to risk, Certainly, these are not
the moves of the staid "old guard" of the British
Army. .
Yes, much is being risked, but if the tactics
should prove successful, the gain will be enor-
mous. Not only will the army of General Rommel
be routed, but it will be totally destroyed, along
with the Italian troops which are aiding him.
Thus, a reformed Axis force, counterattacking,
as was the case after the last British advance
into Libya, will be inpossible. If the tactics
of the military leadeer should fall-disaster
looms. The British seem atlast to realize that
nothing ventured, nothing gained.
IF THE PRESENT ATTACK has been launched
only as a result of the clamor for action in
Britain and America, then the danger is great,
but if it has been set in motion' because the Brit-
ish general staff felt that an attack at this time
would be of advantage strategically to the future
course of the war; then we may well observe theI
course of events with hope.
-Herbert Edelhert
And Action . . .
SMOKE traditionally means combus-
tion, and in the same way casualties
are an inevitable result of military activity. Cer-
tainl the British army realized, before under-
taking the present re-conquest of northern
Africa, that regardless of the success of the cam-
paign, there would be great numbers of wounded
during the struggle. For this reason, the suddei
dash of Middle Eastern forces across the Libyan
sands a few days ago might b striking closer
home than one would ordinarily realize.#

Set Forth
To the Editor:
A NUMBER of faculty member
rather outspoken of late, thro
umns of The Daily, in advocatingc
ticipation of the United States in
war, and as far as the faculty is co
has been little or nothing offeredi
This state of affairs need not be su
easy to support war these days, whe
of our very powerful Federal gove
the possible exception of Congress
every effort in that direction and u
is politically safe; 'there is an u
reluctance to speak out on the ot
run the risk of being labeled "pro
perhead," "Quisling," or "traitor"
war contingent-to say nothingc
more serious punishment. Howevi
numerous members of this faculty,
are many other citizens, who bel
sincerity that it will be a terrible m
country goes sled-length into the E
flict, and it is perhaps still permissi
possibly not advisable, for such t
say. Following is an outline of th
one such person to the pro-war ar
(1) It is fantastic to assume that
is in serious danger of domination
many, by physical means or otherwi
ble military men have pointed out
again that with proper attention 1
air defense this continent can be
pletely invulnerable to invasion. Th
voluntarily go over into the Nazi can
(2) It is fantastic to assume that
actively enciFtled or threatened; t
acute danger that N i Germany is
of molding a conquered Europe an
unified\instrument with which to
conquer the Americas. Actually it
not this country, that is in a despe
Germany is a land very meagerly e
natural resources, particularly wh
with population, and the countries
run are no better off. Germany a
tory'she has occupied are complete
cut off fro'i world commerce and
tant raw materials. Germany, not
ered from the previous exhausting w
going the strain of another tremen(
effort. It has become quite plain th
able to stage a successful invasion
the most she can hope for is h ha
probably temporary continental do
is prevailing military opinion that
eating the heart out of her milita
both with respect to men and mat
Russian campaign, and that regar
immediate outcome she will be past
hereffort when this campaign is ov
(3) It is fantastic to say that this
It is another of a long series'of large
pean conflicts and it will become (
if we insist on "barging in." It see
that any considerable number o
should be beguiled with such nons
face of the futility of our recent mi
in interventionism. True, England'
of European affairs has been cha
England herself threatened. It re
seen if the British Empire can be
maintained intact in the face ofr
and political developments. But I d
the thesi that this country is a part
ish Empire or that our very life as
pends on preventing the disintegrati
power. Why this easy assumption
power and influence are absolutely
America's welfare? A glance over
does not show the British fleet co
rescue in the only mortal crisis facin
States since the two wars that
against England to secure for this
status of an independent, sovereign
from it! We can all find good gro
nestly hoping that England will h
this is a far cry from being cocks
should call upon millions of our y
make the supreme sacrifice in' Fr
and other foreign areas, thousands o
the land they are supposed to be de
(4) The most serious threat to An
tutions and the "American way of

present time is the pro-war movem
deed to be doubted if civil and eco
can survive, to any considerable di
country seriously undertakes a mE
campaign in Europe, to say nothi
and East Asia. If this is to be our m
in life for the next few years, ev(
must give way. To wage decisive
powerful nations, -thousands of mi
base of supplies, is' a colossal unde
once such an adventure is launched
how long we might be involved!
defense is one thing; a crushing ass
many and Italy at a great distance
quite different.
(5) Prediction of economic disc
country in the unlikely event th

By Professor Pciton
should win complete control of Europe is un-
s have been warranted. The North American continent is
)ugh the col- exceptionally favored with respect to natural
complete par- resources;it is inhabited by 150 millions of peo-
the European ple with a fairly high level of native ability and
ncerned there resourcefulness. In this situation it is folly to
in opposition, assert that this continent could not carry on
rprising. It is without economic collapse if Germany dominated
n all branches Europe. It should be remenibered that foreign
rnment, with trade in total (including trade with other North
, are bending American countries) constitutes less than 10%
xarmongering of the volume of American business. The pri-
nderstandable mary basis of our standard of living is a high
her side and level of domestic production and consumption.
-Nazi," "cop- It should also be remembered that the desire to
by the pro- trade does not die with a change in political
of danger of organization. Whoever controls Europe will be
er, there are eager to do business with other parts of the
just as there world. Likewise whoever controls the Dutch East,
ieve with all Indies will be eager to find a market for the
istake if this rubber and other products of that area.
uropear\ con- (6) The major objective of the nation, like
ible, although that of the family unit, should be that of devel-
o have their oping domestic strength-economically, socially,
e reaction of Politically. We can best do our bit to banish all
guments: the ills from the four corners of the earth by
this country being strong and prosperous at home. This ob-
by Nazi Ger- jective, however, is not inconsistent with the
se. Responsi- exercising of a constructive influence in foreign
over and over affairs. With respect to the European war scene
to naval and we can be most useful by playing our traditional
made com- role of supplying food and other essentials to
iat we should the suffering, and striving at all times to bring
np is scarcely about a fair peace. This talk in high places of
crushing "eighty million malignant Huns" is
we are being neither intelligent nor helpful. Not all the faults
hat thee is are on one side and all the virtues on the other.
on the verge (7) It is not in keeping with the American
d Asia into a tradition to attempt to dictate the kind of gow-.
attack and ernment that any nation shall have, to say noth-
is Germany, ing of an important nation such as Germany.
rate position. Yet our Federal administration-with strong dic-
ndowed with tatorial tendencies of its own-is now telling
en compared other nations that they cannot keep their dic-
she hasover- tators; that the United States will allow them to
nd the terri- have only the kind of government that is ac-
ly blockadd, ceptable to this country. Isn't this treading on
many impor- the edge of "Hitlerism," itself?
fully recov- (8) Notwithstading Mr. Roosevelt's clear-cut
ar, is under- and solemn assurances to the contrary, given
dous military one short year ago, the Roosevelt administration
at she is un- has been using all its great power to push this
of England; country, step by step, into the European war.
zardous and . The Administration knows, as we all know, that
mination. It at least 75% of the American people are utterly
Germany is opposed to a war with Germany; hence the un-
try machine, scrupulous effort to edge us in, bit by bit, against
erial, in the our will. In this situation it is certainly not un-
'dless of the American to protest; yet sincere opponents of
the peak of the war trend have been blackguarded by prom-
er. inent government officials. It is a sorry picture.
is "our war" Germany has been accused of endeavoring to un-
e-scale Euro- dermine morale in neighboring countries and of
our war only waging undeclared war. In this country our
ns incredible Fedral adninistration is playing the same game,
f Americans endeavoring-by every means at hand, fair or
ense; in the foul-to break down the manifest' desire of the
ad adventure majority of Americans to keep out of this war.
s domination It ean hardly be doubted that millions of Ameri-
llenged and cans voted for Mr. Roosevelt last fall primarily
mains to be because they had confidence in his ability and
indefinitely expressed determination to keep this country at
new military peace. Does anyone suppose for onemoment
o not accept that he could have been elected for a third term
of the Bit- had he laid before the people his plans for in-
a nation de- volving the nation in war? l
on of British (9) The technical excuse for war in recent
that British months has been maintenance of "freedom of the
essential to seas" for our shipping. If the Administration
our history were actually interested in "freedom of the seas"
ming to our one of the main matters under discussion at
g the United Washington would be the complete British block-
were fought ade' of Europe, and the resulting radical inter-
country the ference with our commerce-to say nothing of
nation. Far the frightful condition of semi-starvation for
nds for ear- the occupied countries. This was a sore point
Old out, but with the United States in 1914-1917, but the
ure that we question is being entirely overlooked by our
oung men to government in these days.
ance, Egypt, (10) If the United States goes to war with any
f miles from nation is should be done by act of Congress, as
fending. provided in the Constitution, and it should be
nerican insti- done on our own acount, as a sovereign state,
life" at the and not as the cat's paw of any other nation.

ent. It is in- We should have a clear-cut program and a clear-
nomic liberty cut objective, formally announced. What do we
egree, if this intend to acconilish? What is the program for
ajor military a fair and lasting peace? How are we to avoid
ng of Africa the failure of our efforts in the last war? Can
ain objective America be counted upon to maintain a dom-
erything else inant position in European affairs if we should
war against ever again succeed in achieving such a position?
les from our Certainly we should not be asked to pour out our
rtaking, and substance and give up our lives without some-
who can say thing more definite to go on than "crushing
An effective Hitlerism."
ault on Ger- - W. A. Paton

Drew Pearso
05 RbetS.Alen
WASHINGTON-The British bar-
irin of Russian Ambassador Lit-
vinoff from an airplane en route to
the U.S.A. has increased Washing-
ton whispers that it is about time the
British did something to clean up
their moribund diplomatic service
and cut out snubs to people who are
trying to help them.
It has long been the belief of Amer-
icans, too polite to mention it, that
the British Embassy in Washington
:an make more mistakes to the square
inch even than Mr. Hull's State De-
partment-and many of the State
Department's mistakes come from
trying so ardently to ape the British.
For years the British Embassy has
sat on its hilltop, well removed from
the bustle of Washington, and looked
with slightly disdainful amusement
upon hoi polloi of Congress. An in-
vitation to the British Embassy in
those good old days was considered
by the dowagers as better thal an
invitation to the White House.
BUT those good old days, unfor-
tunately both fqr the dowagers
and the Embassy, are gone, never to
return. However, the Embassy ap-
pears completely unaware of that
fact. And its charming young men
go their charming way, saying some-
times too audibly: "We must be nice
to Americans"; while the real work
of defending Britain takes place in
the British Purchasing Commission,
largely uner the direction of hard-
boiled Canadians and Australians.
Viscount Halifax is one of the mostt
delightful and genteel' persons ever
to grace the Embassy. He tries hard.
But hard as he tries, he cannot over-J
come the, bubbling Charles Peake,o
who minces around him as if hisA
Lordship still were Viceroy of Indiad
with white and crimson-costumedp
Sikhs mounted on black chargers
outside his palace, in Calcutta, in-
stead of being in a city where poli-
tics are very earthy and where theE
Congressman's wife from Keokuk has
a lot more influence than the pinkP
tea protocol experts usually seen ata
the British Embassy.
Perhaps it's expecting too much,
but it would be interesting to watch -
the effect on Congress if the Britisht
Embassy unbent a bit and, as a mild
contribution toward winning the war,
invited the wives of mid-western Sen-
ators and Congressmen to dinner.
Finns Vs. Nazis
[NTELLIGENCE reports from Eur-
ope for the first time indicate
friction between German and Fin-
nish troops on the Eastern fronts.
The Finns are sore because the Nazis9
have been living off the country andv
have not been at all scrupulous in
paying Finnish peasants for pigs,
cows and chickens.s" t
On top of this, the Nazis recentlyf
ousted Finnish children from an or-f
phanage at Rovaninemi and used it1
for the general staff. This made theE
Finns boil with anger.
Note: With Finnish-British rela-
tions anything but happy, the Britishi
Ambassador, Lord Halifax, sat on the
right of Mrs. Evalyn McLean at din-
ner the other night, while Fidnish
Minister Procope sat on her left.
They appeared to have a good time.J
ha r Pensions
CONGRESS is going to do some-r
thing for the families ofthe heroes
who lost their lives in the Reubenr

James and other disasters in the1
Battle of the Atlantic.1
A bill, strongly backed by the
President, will soon be reported by
the House Pensions Committee tof
increase payments to full war-timef
levels for death or disability incurred
in "extra hazardous" service.
This will mean an increase of about
42 percent in payments to the bene-I
ficiaries of service men killed in
ship disasters, maneuvers, airplane
crashes, etc., and a 25 percent in-
crease for disabilities.
to tax any small phonograph's re-
productive powers.c
RONALD COLMAN is Scrooge in-
Decca's recorder version of Dick-
ens' "A .Christmas Carol." (Album
A-290. This set of three twelve-inch
records is ideal for a gift to friends,
especially if there are children in the
family. Colman carries off his part
well and the supporting cast conveys
the spirit of Christmas.
Incidental music to the recorded
drama rounds out a very Christmasy
week's Bluebird release includes
a recording with Jingle Bells by Glenn
Miller on one side and Alvino Rey
playing Santa Claus Is Coming to
Town on the other. A Christmas in
swing, it might be called, for both are
novel arrangements at a toe-tickling
Somebody Loves Me is the oldie
Tommy Dorsey swings for his fans
this week. Featuring the Pied Pipers,
hnt trnmnpet and a nowerful kick. The

(Continued from Page 2)
The English Journal Club will meetc
tonight at 7:45 in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-'
ing. Mr. David Stocking and Mr.
J. E. Tilford will discuss recent co-l
operative research in English and
American liteaturn Graduate stu-
dents in English and other interestedC
persons are cordially invited.
Anatomy Research Club will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501
East Medical Bldg.
Dr. Alexander Barry will present a
paper entitled, "The Effect of Exan-r
guination on the Heart of the Embry-l
nic Chick."
Tea will be served in Room 3502Y
from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Everyone in-
terested is cordially invited.
Le Cercie Francais will Ineet to-r
aight at 8:00 at the Michigan League.
Dr. Clifford Prator will give an in-
formal talk, with records, on: "Quel-r
fues vedettes du music-hall fran-I
vais." Games, French songs.
The German Round Table willt
meet tonight at 9:00 in Room 23 of
;he International Center. Mustafa
.,kinci will speak on "Meinse Reise
von Konstantinopel nach New York."
The program of recorded music at
the International Center this evening
from 7:30 to 9:00 will consist of thel
following numbers: Smetana's"The
Vloldau," Mendelssohn's Concerto in 5
E Minor with violin and orchestra,'
Menuhin and Enesco; Beethoven's
Symphony No. 7. Anyone interested
is welcome to attend-.
- I
The seminar in the History of Re-
ligious Sects conducted by Mr. Ken-z
aeth Morgan, director of the Stu-{
dent Religious Association, will meet
at Lane Hall today at 4:30 p.m.
The League tounil will meet to-
night at 7:15 in the League. The
room will be posted. All Leaguej
House presidents are expected to at-
tend and to report on Red Cross col-~
Hiawatha Club meeting scheduled
for today has been postponed until
further notice.
Motor Mechanics class for women
will meet tonight at 7:00 at Ann
Arbor High School.
Home Nursing: The first meeting
of the 4:00-6:00 p.m. section will be
held in Health Service today.
Home Nursing: The first meeting
of the 7:00-9:00 p.m. section will be
held in Health Service tonight. Any
student wishing to register for Home
Nursing may join by reporting to this
section in Health Service tonight at
Mr. Benjamin Lovett will be at the
Women's Athletic Building tonight,
can Country
7:30-8:30, to direct a group in the
American Country Dance. Students
are requested to bring their "Good
Morning" dance manuals. Open to
the public.
JGP Central Committee luncheon
meeting today in the League.
Women's Archery Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Waterman Gym-
nasium. All those interested are
cordially invited. Bring your own

for the study of "Christianity and
Human Nature" under the direction
of Rev. H. L. Pickerill.
Michigan Dames Art Group will
meet at the home of Mrs. C. Wellers,
1130 Fair Oaks Parkway tonight at
Michigan Dames Bowling Group
will meet today at 2:30 p.m. in the
Twentieth Century Recreation, 214
W. Huron Street.
Coning Events
Psychological Journal Club: The
meeting scheduled for Nov. 27 has
been postponed to Dec. 11. At that
time Dr. C. W. Crannell will report
his work on choice-point behavior:
7:30 p.m., East Conference Room of_
the Rackham Building. Refresh-
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Novem-
ber 27, in the Observatory lecture
room. Dr. Allan D. Maxwell will re-
view "The Laplacian and Gaussian
Orbit Methods" by Samuel Herricl
Jr. Tea will be served at 4:00.
The Society of Automotive Engin-
eers will meet on Thursday, November
27, at 7:30 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi-
torium, Dental Building. Mr. S.
B. Tuttle, project engineer of the
Detroit Diesel Engine Division of the
General Motors Corporation, will
speak on "Diesel Engine Installation."
All engineers are invited.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will meet on Thursday, No-
vember 27, at the Michigan Union at
8:00 p.m. Mr. Leonard Boddy, con-
sulting engineer for the King-Seeley
Corp., will talk on "The Theory and
Application of Electric Gauges." All
engineers are invited.
The new Political Science organ-
ization meeting, which was scheduled
for today at 3:15 p.m., has been post-
poned until Wednesday, December 3,
at 3:15 p.m. in room 2203 Angell
Hall. Other Political Science stu-
dents interested are invited.
The Jewish-Gentile Relations Sem-
inur will not meet Thursday, Nov. 27,
because of a conflict in time with
Student Religious Association Coun-
cil meeting. The next meeting of
the seminar will be held on Thursday,
December 4, at 7:30 p.m. in Lane
La Sociedad Hispanica Conversa-
tion Group will meet Thursday at
8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League.
Professor del Toro will lead the dis-
cussion groups, and new members
especially are invited to attend this
Women of the University Faculty:
A dinner meeting will be held on
Friday, November 28, at 6:30 p.m.
in Room 101 at the Union. Reserva-
tions must be made by Thursday
noon, at the office of Dr. Margaret
Michigan Outing Club will have a
meeting Thursday at 4:15 p.m. in
the Union, the room number to be
posted on the bulletin board. Plans
will be made for the Hostel Trip to
the Saline Valley Farms from Satur-
day until Sunday noon. Small
charge. If interested but unable to
attend, contact either Dan Saulson
(9818) or Libby Mahlman (2-4471)
before Saturday noon.
Polonia Society will meet on Thurs-
day. Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the In-

"Women folks been complainin' 'bout the funny flavor in my
sliced meats, Zeb! . . . You'll just have to quit cuttin' yer plug
tobacco in the meat slicer."

is something
aster to this
iat Germany

seen in the original purpose in recruiting the
drivers. The request did not originate in this
country; it came from staff headquarters of the
British army itself, giving complete details as to
the number of men and machines wanted, their
destination, and the time of sailing.
It is not too fantastic to assure that the call
was sent out with the present Libyan campaign
as a definite objective. From the extent of opera-
tions there during the past week, it is evident that
all preparations have been carefully and deliber-
ately calculated. The precise moment of attack
had been worked out to the greatest advantage of
the British army. The presence of volunteer am-
bulance drivers from the United States would
relieve all available troops for combat duty,
thereby raising striking power to maximum

Tschaikowsky, Dickens
And Tommy Dorsey
THE long-awaited Horowitz-Toscanini record-
ing of the Tschaikowsky Piano Concerto has
at last been released.
The boys down at Victor are all picking Tschai-
kowsky this year, and as one dowager woman
was heard to say, "I know he's a red but he's so
Nevertheless this new Victor album (M-800)
constitutes an amazing piece of virtuosity show-
ing to best advantage the tremendous talents of
Horowitz and Toscanini. It's a wonderful album
-but it ain't Tschaikowsky. ,
A more faithful and much more subdued re-
- A - f--m__= - A Svc _17 s-4- n4 - - AQAn -- ..

Early this month a group of 1,000 American
volunteer ambulance drivers, recruited by the
American Field Service from all parts of the
entrv left New York. together with 400 com- /

will meet

Arts Make-up Committee
eonight in the League at

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