THE MTCHIGAN DAILY Ceithaml Chosen To Captain Wolverine Gridders In Te6m Selects Ru be Kelto As Most Valuable Player Dependability, Leadership Characterize New Captain; Crisler Praises Tackle INTRAMURAL Sport Shots By BART JENKS and DON MELA The winter season of indoor sports is now in full stride at the Sports Building, with all but a few of the outdoor games completed. This week Wolverine All-Opponent Team Contains Unpublicized Players Three obscure athletes, rarely con- Bob Westfall. "He was the finest first idered by the All-American selectors, year man I've ever seen," said the were paid homage by the 1941 Michi- "Bullet." Graham was a coach's can football squad yesterday after- dream, a good passer and an excep- noon, when the Wolverines made Bob tionally fine runner." votl of Northwestern, Stan Gervelis Tippy Lockard championed Gervel- f Pitt and Cant .Bill Diehl of Iowa ic' n im to fp by i "H 5l n IO (Continued from Page 1) capabilities when he said "that guy may not pass or kick or even carry the ball, but he does something that makes up for all three." The 195-pound quarterback is one4 of the best-liked fellows on the team and is an excellent field general. Football authorities who have seen when the Wolverine mentor was at Minnesota. James Kline of Erie, Pa., was named senior football manager for the 1942 season at the annual grid banquet yesterday. He fills the spot occupied by William Hurley this year. Named as alternate manager was Howard De- Young. Also selected as aids for the football squad for next year were five junior managers. They include Merritt Bigelow, Samuel Emmons, Donald Howell, Robert Oberfelder and Louis Froikin, alternate. Before the big banquet got under way coaches, players and visiting cele- brities were swamped with demands for autographs by a large milling crowd of high school athletes. Hal Newhouser, youthful Detroit Tiger, southpaw, barely had a chance to get to his place at the dinner. Tom Har- mon was kept plenty busy before and after the big doings with admirers. He made his nightly sports broadcast over a Detroit radio station during the course of the proceedings. S ophs Attract Much Attention Theta Delta Chi and Delta Upsilonu will play for second place in the unanimous choices for their annual! wAll-Opponent team.I speedball league while Kappa Nu and Northwestern and Iowa. both de- Theta Xi will tangle for third place. feated by the Wolverines this season, Zeta Beta Tau won fourth place by each placed three men on the mythi- beating Psi Upsilon, 9-6. 1 cal combine, while Pittsburgh and Thesitatin i th ReideceMinnesota placed two apiece. and The situation in the Residence Ohio Stateand Columbia shared the Halls volleyball competition is par- two remaining places. alleling very closely so far the re- A tie for then quarterback berth sults of the football. Williams split honors between Bill Garnaas of House And Winchell House are out the Gophers and Floyd Chambers of in front in their leagues and will i the Wildcats. Motl And Gervelis At Ends probably meet for the West Quad Motl and Gerveliswa waEd . . |Motl and Gervelis were awarded championship, while in League II, | the end berths; Jim Walker, of the Fletcher and Prescott, old rivals, Hawkeyes and Jim Daniell, Ohio State are fighting it out for the crown. I were selected tackles; Ralph Fife of Pittsburgh, and Len Levy were named is- c aim LO amae DYsayng1, me played 60 minutes ani was a swell defensive player as well as a fine .i. . . I In Cage Drills REUBEN KELTO the Wolverines play this year often remark that Ceithaml never calls a wrong play. Celthml, who is the third succes- sive back to be elected captain of the Wolverine football team, was the "iron, man" of the 1941 squad. He played 435 minutes out of a pos- sible 480. Tht selection of Kelto as the team's most valuable player proved that hard work and dependability will reap their own rewards The husky tackle was a reserve for two years and was never suspected of developing into first class material. But the big fellow fooled his critics by becoming one of Michigan's most accomplished tackles. Crisler had much prais'e for the "Rube" and didn't hesitate to express it. Said the astute-Wolverine nientor, "Kelto was one of the most valuable players I have ever known. I l1ave never seen him in any game when he didn't perform to his full capabili- ties." Kelto played under Coach Bob Reiksen at Bessemer High School. Reiksen played for Crisler in 1930-31 HOME COOKING Pleasant Dining Rooms UNIVERSITY GRILL Open Sundays 615 E. William Sophomore candidates for the 1941-42 Michigan basketball team held the center of Coach Bennie Oos- terbaan's attention yesterday during 'practice. The Wolverine cage coach plans to cut his squad either today or tomorrow and he wants to be cer- tam that he keeps the pick of his ma- terial. Oosterbaan is pleased with the showing of his sophomores, and felt that some of them would see quite a bit of action during the coming sea- son. Yesterday a soph quintet com- posed of Bob Shemky, Bill MacCon- nachie, Morrie Bikoff, Bob Gilbert and Wally Spreen scrimmaged the veterans of last year in an intensive hour drill. Capt. Bill Cartmill, Leo Doyle, Jim Mandler, Mel Comin and Don Holman opposed them. The Michigan mentor stressed ball' handling during the scrimmage,j which is really needed to build a fast, breaking team. Although outscored by the veterans, the sophomores were not outclassed. Every man showed that he would give the letter winners of last year plenty of comIetition for starting berths. With 20 games on the schedule, Coach Oosterbaan's squad faces a tough season. "The outlook for the coming season is fair," he stated. "We may be a little slow in starting, but as soon as the sophomores get the necessary experience, we'll give the other teams trouble." The new squad boasts more height than last year's team, which was one of its short- comings. The starting team will prob- ably average one or two inches over six feet. All the players are in good condi- tion except' Big Jim Mandler, last year's center, who has been suffering from a head cdld for the last week. However, he jias been practicing daily. Most of the squad has been working out under the eye of Assis- tant Coach Ernie McCoy for four weeks. Badger Students 'Sick And Tired' MADISON, Wis., Nov. 25-()- Wisconsin students "are sick and tired of alibis for football victories," The Daily Cardinal, University stu- deht newspaper, said in an editorial today. Blaming the coaching staff for the football team's showing this year, the editorial said in part: "We believe that somewhere along the line basic fundamentals of the game have been overlooked. The hard low tackle is a rarity,.on the Wiscon- sin gridirQri. Blocking is much the same. Our pass defense has been dis- gusting. "It's the coaches' fault-here we will take our stand." Harry Stuhldreher has been the Badger grid coach since 1936. The fraternity swimming and water polo standings present a situation which is to be expected with the same three teams leading in each sport. Chi Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon have all reached the semifinals in swimming and the same situation prevails in water polo with the exception that SAE must defeat Trigon to stay in the 'semifinals. Michigan House, always strong in bowling, is seeking its second title in three years in that sport. How- ever, though leading with a record of six wins and no defeats, their leadership is being challenged by Fletcher (5-3), Hinsdale (4-2), and Williams and Winchell (3-0) . Adams House continues its losing ways with a record of no wins and six losses. Four players remain in the All- Campus tennis tournament. Dick Bruns will play George Madiel, while Ray Schneider is paired with Charles Ochab. These matches will be played Sunday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m. at the Sports Building. The finals will be played one week later. The annual handball singles turnament begins Monday, Dec. 1, and a new champion will be found this year since last year's winner, Al Israel, will not be around to defend the title . . . Entries are now be- ing taken for a twenty-one tourna- ment, consisting of long and short basketball shots. Max Kanter wonx this tournament last year. Though there is always plenty of action at the Sports Building, this Saturday is going to be one of the busiest days in a long -time. From 10:30 a.m. to noon, over a thousand high school coaches and officials will hold a basketball rules meeting of the State High School Athletic Asso- ciation. At 1:30 p.m. the freshmen and sophomores will have their in- terclass games, while at 3 p.m. there will be some of the regularly' sched- uled volleyball contests. Then at 4 p.m. various games will be held for a group of Fort Custer soldiers here as guests of the Hillel Foundation. In the evening will come the matches of the Ann Arbor Badminton Club and co-recreational swimming. What a day!! Kovacs Made Ineligible NEW YORK, Nov. 25-(P)-Frankie Kovacs was declared ineligible today to compete in tournaments or match- es played under auspices of the Uni- ted States Lawn Tennis Association, pending charges he had violated" the amateur regulations. Kovacs' alleged violation was not specified. guards and Diehl picked for the cen- ter post Garnaas and Chambers were tied for the quarterback slot, Paul Gover- nali of Columbia and Otto Graham of Northwestern were awarded the halfback positions while Greene of Iowa was chosen fullback. In spite of the fact that he was not a unanimous choice, however, Go- vernali, the Lions' great passer, at- tracted the loftiest praise from many of the Wolverines. "He was a back who could really take punishment and come back for more-a great sportsman," was the comment of Tommy Kuzma. Governali Never Complained "He took an awful beating and never complained," was tackle Bob Flora's opinion of the Columbia ace. Graham, Northwestern's sophomore sensation, was the favorite of ex-Capt.' Aggies, Dube Trail Gophers In AP .Poll ing NEW YORK, Nov. 25-(f')-As Minnesota, its season- completed, perches with some confidence at the top of the list of the nation's college football teams as determined b~ the xAssociated Press Poll:, the No. 2 team selected by the 115 experts faces a future shadowed with doubt. Texas A. and M., trailing the Gold- en Gophers by 202 points 'and edging out Duke for second placq by only 10 'points, still must meet its traditional rival, Texas, as well as Washington State. The two games could very vyell send the Aggies into a tailspin. It was pretty much a Gopher pa- rade this week as first place votes went. Bernie Bierman's mighty Min- nesotans collected 95 of the 115 first- place votes, and with 16 second'-place ballots, three for third and one for fifth, they gathered 1,024 points out of a possible 1,150. The first 10, with their point totals: Minnesota 1,024; Texas A. & M. 922, Duke 912, Notre Dame 778, Dg- quesne 465,, Michigan 378, Missouri 349, Fordham, 2413/4, Northwestern 182 sA, Texas 157. Second ten: Navy 153, Vanderbilt 124/4, Penn 103, Mississippi 77, Ohio State 71, Clemson 70, Oregon State 63, Alabama 37, Harvard 28, Georgia 27. Aso-rans: Tulane s9- Stanford 14, Mississippi State 6, Tennessee and Santa Clara 3 each, Penn State and Washington State 2 each. NORTHWESTERN'S GRAHAM -i pass receiver. The kind of a guy that never quits playing regardless of the score." But it was left to Bob Ingalls to make the unique selection of the day. Said Michigan's wisecracking center, "The toughest ,man I met all year was Biggy Munn. He made 50 men bury 'their noses in dust five times a week. Bill Daley of Minnesota took care of this little detail on .the sixth day. Thank god for Sunday." ALL-OPPOSITION TEAMW Motl, Northwestern ......... E Walker, Iowa.. T Fife, Pitt .................G Diehl, Iowa.......... . C Levy, Minnesota . G Daniell, OSU ....... ..... T Gervelis, Pitt....:.. .... ..E Garnaas, Minnesota ........ QB Chambers, Northwestern .... QB Governali, Columbia .... . LH Graham, Northwestern.... RH Green, Iowa.... .... ....FB Honorable Mention: Wildung, Min- nesota; Howard, OSU; Smith, Illinois; Baumiann, Northwestern; Fisher, OSU; Graf, OSU. - Wildung Will Pilot Gopher Gridmen MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 25-(P)-Dick Wildung, 210-pound tackle from Lu- verne, Minn., today was elected cap- tain of the 1942 Minnesota football squad. Lettermen of this year's Western Conference and mythical National Championship team, gathered at a football convocation plade the selec- tion. Symbolic of the occasion, retiring Captain Bruce Smith, outstanding halfback and main cog in this year's Golden Gopher gridiron success, pass- ed a flaming torch to the big lineman. Wildung has one season of play remaining with the Gophers. He was a tackle selection on the 1941 Con- ference .ll-Star Football Team named for the Associated Press by Big Ten coaches. NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Boston Bruins 7, Detroit Red Wings 1 Rangers 5, Blackhawks 4 (overtime) I unO'tap JoISe PCilI'es Fine Outercoatts From. the popular priced medium weight fleece coats to the finest HICKEY -F REEMAN Ka'rajah coats, we soW an unusually wide selection. The men who want warmth-with- out-weight coats will be particular- ly pleased1. We serve SPECIAL NOON-DAY LUNCHESy Have lunch with us todav $275o to $7250 I!