Weather Partly Cloudy. Jr 5kb iaiti Editorial The British Lion Uses Its Claws .. . u T...... . 17« ' R.. - '. VUL. LU. No. 5U ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS -- i _ w ss +w+ w s s! M Ysaa a -%p Iw rA i- House Action On Strike Law Believed Due nFe-y Committee Holds Meeting With FDR On Progrlm, To Enforce Arbitration Ramspeck Predicts Executive Approval WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. -(A)- Legislation to stop defense strikes by invoking compulsory arbitration en- forced by stiff, penalties took shape in the House today. Acting Chairman Ramspeck (Dem.- Ga.) of the House Labor Committee said he, hoped to have such a meas- ure *ready by Friday and disclosed that it sprang from a conference be- tween Presideit Roosevelt and 11 House members at the White House Ceithaml Will Captain Gridiron Squad For '42 Kelto Elected Most Valuable Player By Teammates; Announcement Made At Annual Athletic Banquet * * * * 19,st nighxt. Neither he nor .any of the other conferees would say definitely whe- ther the President had recommended or opposed such a far-reaching step but Ramspeck predicted that the Chief Executive would sign it. Although details remain to be worked out, Ramspeck outlined the program this way: When a strike or other labor stop- page threatened in a defense plant, the dispute would go through the suc- cessive steps of normal collective bar- gaining, conciliation, mediation and, finally, at the discretion of the Presi- dent himself, compulsory arbitration. That would mean, he said, that both sides would be bound in ad- vance to accept an arbitration board's decision.s If the workers refused, they would lose their rights under the Wagner Act and if the employer were recalcitrant, the Government 'might ,take over his plant. "°it's pretty drastic, all right," iE p ck commented, "It would pre- vent strikes in defense industries during the emergency unless manage- mont wants o turn over its plant to the governmeht'or unless the workers want to surrender their rights under existing legislation." Balljoting Djate For Positions Is Announced Frosh Frolic, Senior Ball Voting Will Be Dec. 11; Petitions Due Tuesday Elections for Senior Ball and Frosh Frolic committee positions will be held on Thursday, Dec. 11 it was announced yesterday by William Slo- cum '42, president of the Men's Ju- dicary Council. Thirteen students are to be elected to the Senior Ball Committee, five from the literary college (two of them women), three from the engineering college, and one each from the archi- tecture, music, education, forestry and nursing schools. For the Frosh Folic committee, five literary college freshmen (two of them women) will be chosen, and three students from the engineering or architectural colleges. Petitions for all candidates will be available from 3 to 5 p.m. starting today at the student offices of the Union, They must be returned by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 2, accompanied by 25 signatures from the petitioner's class and school and also by the ap- plicant's eligibility card. % Women candidates will be inter- viewed by the Women's Judiciary Council from 3 to 5:30 p n. Thurs- day, Dec. 4, in the undergraduate offices of the League. The Men's Judiciary Council will conduct interviews for men candi- dates between 2 and 5:30 p.m. Wed- nesday, Dec. 3, in the Union. '* * * * George Ceithaml, a junior from Chicago, was elected captain of the Michigan football team 'yesterday by the squad. Reuben Kelto of Bessemer was chosen the team's rhost valuable player. Announcement of the elections was made at the Eighth Annual High School Athletic Banquet in the Union. Twenty-five Wolverine letter win-, ners recognized the qualities of lead- ership and sturdy dependability when they elected George.Ceithaml of Chi- cago, captain of the 1942 football team and Reuben Kelto from Besse- mer the team's most valuable player. This announcement came last night at. the Eighth Annual High School Athletic Banquet held at the Union. For both Ceithaml and Kelto these honors come as fitting rewards for I their notable-athletic careers charac- terized by stellar achievements on the Wolverine football team. Ceithaml will take the place of re- tiring Capt. Bob Westfall who led his teammates in one of the-most colorful seasons in Michigan history. Last year Ceithaml stepped into F'orest Evashevski's shoes when Har- mon's pathfinder was injuredin the bitterly contested Penn game and proceeded to display such intelligent signal calling and excellent blocking that Wolverine fans forgL 'that "Evie" was out of the game. Ceithaml came to Michigan two years ago with a reputation of being a versatile ball player after playing four positions in high school. But "Cy" didn't care what position he had, to play when he came to college, mak- ing the team was his one ambition. Showing that such an idea was not idle day-dreaming, the husky quar- terback won the much coveted Chi- cago Alumni Award. Coach Fritz Crisler commenting on the selection of Ceithaml, said, "'This1 was a wise selection. George will make a fine captain." Many sports writers call Ceithaml the greatest blocling back in the country. The new Michigan captain, has carried the ball only four times all season, with three of the four coming-inrthe Ohio State game. One Iowa player summed up Ceithaml s ,Continued on Page 3) Cohen To Open Lecture Series On Skepticism Campus Religious Groups Sponsor Address Today By ChicagoPhilosopher Prof. Morris Raphael Cohen of the University of Chicago will deliver the first in a series of three lectures on! "The Failure of Skepticism" at 8:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture' Hall. The lectures are sponsored by the Newman Club, Inter-Guild and Hillel Foundation. Othey lecturers to appear later are the Rev. Martin Cyril D'Arcy of Ox- ford University and Dr. Gregory Vlastos, 'professor of philosphy at Queen's University in Canada. President of the American Philo- sophical Association in 1929, Profes- sor Cohen taught at the City College of 'New York for 35 years before he became professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1938. Professor Cohen is recognized as one of the outstanding modern phil- osophers. Political scientist Harold J. Laski has called him the most pene- trating and creative American phil- osopher since William James. Boa-d Gets Rail Dispute; Parleys Fail Group Meets Tomorrow To Give Both Interests Chance To State Case Findings To Be Sent To President Dec. 1 (By The Associated Press) The railroad wage dispute went back into the lap of the Emergency Fact-Finding Board yesterday after a series of conferences between man- agement and labor representatives proved fruitless. While legislation to provide for compulsory arbitration of labor dis- putes took shape on Capitol Hill, President Roosevelt told a press con- ference of the decision to have the Fact-Finding Board go over the whole dispute again and report back to him by Dec. 1. The, Board, the Chief Executive said, will reconvene for hearings to- morrow or Friday and each side will have one day to state its position. Brotherhoods Threaten Strike The 19 operating and non-operat- ing brotherhoods with a membership of 1,250,000 have threatened to strike unless their demands are met. The 350,000 operating employes de- manded a 30 per cent inrease over a present minimum of $5.06 daily, but the fact-finding board recommended a temporary increase of 71/2 per cent and a review of the wage situation at the end of next year. The board recommended an average increase of 13%/ per cent for the 900,000 non- operators over the 35 to 85 cents they now get. The men asked increases f 30 to 34 cents an hour. Three-Man Board The three-man arbitration board in the captive coal mine dispute gath- ered in New York for &he opening of its proceedings today. Dr. John R. Steelman, director of the Federal Conciliation Service; John L. Lewis, president of the Unit- ed Mine Workers, and Benjamin Fairless, president of the United ~States Steel Corporation, seek to iron out the issue which brought' about a week's strike in the captive pits owned py the steel firms. The issue is whether all the miners shall be compelled to join the union. The TMW calls this a "union shop" while President Roosevelt calls it a "closed shop." There were continued work stop- pages about the nation. Aircraft production was curtailed by a -strike of 8,500 AFL machinists in the St. Louis area. The strike grows out of a jurisdictional row. Joseph Keenan, Labor Relations expert of the Office of Production Management, said in St. Louis that the strike was "the most important and serious labor tie-up anywhere in the nation." Deadline St ForWritings 'Perspectives' Announces Pre-Christmas Issue In preparation for a pe-Christ- mas issue the editors of Perspectives, University literary magazine, have announced that manuscripts will be accepted up until the deadline on midnight Saturday. Essays, fiction, poetry or book re- views are sought for publication. Crit- ical discussions of literary topics or individual writers are especially de- sirable for publication, the editorsI say. Students who are interested in having theirework considered should bring their manuscripts either to the Student Publications Building or to the English Office in Ang'ell Hall. All those who wish to submit their work or who desire further informa- tion concerning publication are asked either to look through this semester's first issue of Perspectives or to contact Jay McCormick,,'42, editor. Chilea PesideRi L Dies After Illness SANTIAGO, Chile, Nov. 25.-(P)- President Pedro Aguirre Cerda of Chile, head of the first and only pop- ular front government in Latin Amer- ica, died today at 62 after an illness" whose seriousness he apparently had foreseen, Troops British Shock Patrol Hits Occupied French Coast; Keyfs RapsObstruction (;ernians In Retreat, Russian Report Says -BULLETIN- The Associated Press reported in a late dispatch last night that the Russians had admitted a German break-through near Moscow. LONDON, Nov. 25--()-Britain disclosed officially today that a small shock patrol had raided the German- held coast of French Normandy Sun- day night and returned home intact. Meanwhile a World War naval hero bitterly accused the nation's war-pol- icy makers of overriding even Win- ston Churchill to block a real in- vasion punch by the troops a year ago. At that time, said Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes, the men under his command "were ready and eager to act." Announcement of the Sunday night raid was made by the British Min- istry of Information as the reqult of a Geman communique claim that a British attempt to land on the French Channel coast had been thrown back by coastal defenses with "heavy losses." Later a German spokesman said only 40 to 50 raiders were in- volved. - The British announcement said that the German communique refer- red, probably, to "a small British patrol which was landed on the night of Nov. 23 on the coast -of Normandy. This patrol returned complete. The only casualty sustained was one man struck in the army by a machine-gun bullet." No details of the Sunday action were given, however, the Ministry saying the Germans were fishing for information. Germans Retreat, Russian Report Says KUIBYSHEV, Russia, Nov. 25-(A) -The Red Army holding the North- ern Caucasus approaches has launch- ed a counter-offensive which already has driven the Germans back more than 60 miles in some sectors above and to the west of Rostov, Soviet mili- tary dispatches reported tonight. This major drive, which was said to be continuing, appeared to be en- dangering the rear of the southern German forces that had broken into Rostov itself. It was by all accounts on a wide front, for German losses were pic- tured as enormous, and it was syn- chronized with Russian counter-ac- tion at the northern wing of the front as well. There, Red troops were declared to have stormed into the southwestern section of Tikhvin, a strategic point 110 miles east of Leningrad, and to be holding the offensive generally about Leningrad itself. Raid 'Severe Quake Creates Puzzle For Scientists (By The Associated Press) A violent earthquake, which some seismologists said was the greatest ever recorded on their instruments, occurred today in an easterly direc- tion from New York. Its epicenter was not determined, but Dr. Frederick Pough of the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History said its might possibly have been in the vicinity of Iceland, where U. S. armed forces are stationed. In Lisbon, Portugal, where the quake was felt and slight damage was done, Amorim Ferreira, director of the city observatory, said it was "undoubtedly the most violent" re- corded since the disastrous quake of 1755, which took 50,000 lives in Lis- bon. The Lisbon seismograph was brok- en by the shock and the epicenter could not be estimated, The quake The University Observatory seis- mograph recorded one of its most severe earthquakes in recent years yesterday. The first shock came at 1:12 p.m. yesterday and waves con- tinued for over three hours. Indi- cations are that the quake oc- curred about 3,800 miles from Ann Arbor. Many othper seismographic reports were received from such varied points as Pittsburgh and London, England. toppled chimneys, disrupted telephone communication, and caused several fires. Many persons fainted in thE streets. Others rushed in panic from their omes., At St. Louis, the Rev. James B. MacElwane, S. .J. of St. Louis Uni- versity, described the quake as "very. very strong." His calculations placed its center. 3370 miles east-northeast of St. Louis In the Atlantic ocean between the Azores and Madeira. The St. Louis University seismo- graph began recording at 1:13:25 p.m. and the waves still were agitating the machine at 4 p.m. In London, an official of the West Bromich Observatory said "in all my experience I have never seen any- thing to approach" the shock re- corded there at 12:08 (EST). The tremo~s threw the instrument's levers out of their sockets. In New York,~ the Rev. Joseph J. Lynch, Fordham University seismol- ogist, said tonight that if today's earthquake originated somewhere in the Atlantic 'Ocean-as estimated by many authorities-its effect on any submarines near its center would have been "terrific." s Foot Soldiers See Action As Struggle To Trap Nazi Forces Continues British Try To Cut Axis Supply Lines -=-BULLETIN - Tokyo, Wednesday, Nov. 26.-() The United States Consulate today agan urged all Americans to leave Japan promptly. Similar advice was given to Americans 4i China. CAIRO, Egypt, Nov. 25-(P)--A sec- ond and historic line-the Imperial British infantry--was slowly beating forward tonight in the iron wreckage of one of the war's great mechanized battles. The first great clash of steel behind him and still not wholly evaluated, save that it was known that both sides had lost tants heavily, General Sir Alan Cunningham was pouring rein- forcements of old-time foot soldiers into his right wing near the Medi- terranean in the second phase of his 'campaign to overwhelm the scarred battalions of the Axis commander, General Erwin Rommel, ''ank Action Declining Tank action still was in progress, but at a greatly declining tempo, and it appear'ed that the contest had be- come one to determine whether Rom- mel could keep his supply lines suf- ficiently open to survive. At sea, Axis supply problems' were further complicated by the sinking of a two-ship southbound convoy in mid-Mediterranean by British surface warships, the Admiralty announced in London. The supply ships were said to have been of medium tonnage. Two escorting destroyers escaped. Axis Imprisoned The Axis, driven out of the ports of Bardia and Gambut And apparently imprisoned along the sea by the Brit- ish Mediterranean fleet, was not able 30 far as could be learned to bring up treserves of consequence. Along the coast the New Zealanders who had overrun Barda and Gambut were driving forward almost directly west upon Tobruk to an eventual junction with other troops mdving up from just to the sout of the city. Since Sunday, the bayonet has gradually been reinforcing the tank. It first was used in the frontier sec- tor by an Indian brigade, part of the forces which neutralized Axis for- motions around Salum and which was -harged with the task of penetrating an enemy position and "winkling out" its garrison. This it successfully accomplished. The task was capture of Axis posi- tions southwest of Fort Capuzzp, which aerial reconnaissance had iden- tified as heavily fortified, with many strong points. Choral Union Will Present Fifth Concert Ann Arbor music lovers will hear cne of the world's leading orchestras and see the "dean of American con- ductors" when the Chicago Sym- phony Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Frederick A. Stock presents the fifth concert of the Choral Union Series at 3 p.m. Sunday in theari Auditorium. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra .is now celebrating its golden jubilee. Dr. Stock has been conductor since 1905. Both he and the orchestra ap- peared here annually in the May Festivals, from 1905 to 1935 and played in a Choral Union concert in 1937. The abilities of this brilliant, but modest, conductor have become al- most legendary in the nation's music circles.#His knowledge of orchestral literature is tremendous. He never depends on a written score and has been known to memorize the unfa- miliar music of a new score within a two-hour traim trip. Sunday's program will be opened by Suite No. 2 in B minor, for strings Bayonets Replace Tanks In Libyan Desert Battle; Continent Asked how serious sea shock would be he replied: "Well, I wouldn't one."I such an under- for submarines, want to be on Boys Will Be Girls:; Price Cartoon In New Yorker Inspired Union Opera Script Cartooning has always been a nice little sideline for English major Ray Ingham, Grad. Get Ready Sophs: Sophomores To Elect Captains For Coming Freshman Battle Officers May Tangle With Fun-Loving Youth It's strictly up to the sophomores from here in. With roars that shook the Natural Science Auditorium the freshmen laid down a challenge last night that cannot be ignored. Tonight is your night, men of '44, and from campus rumor it appears that you'll have plenty of company if you show up at 7:30 p.m. in that same auditorium where the frosh plotted your doom. The preliminaries to violence that will take place tonight are to include the election of twelve husky captains whose principal task will be to or- cheek) the Interfraternity Council has unbent so far as to allow pledges time off from their interminable du- ties in order that they might enter the contest with strength unabated and conscience clear. Clad in gym clothes and tennis shoes these deceptively ill-armed lads will do more damage than Westfall, cleats and all. Tugs-of-war, mass water polo games, and a sport aptly termed Chinese graveyard speak well for homicidal opportunities, and it is not likely that either frosh or soph will hold back anything from the fray. And this week his pen and ink plans are really paying off well. For Ingham is the author of the Union Opera's script, "Full House" and the whole thing can trace its beginnings back to a cartoon. The Hopwood Award winning play, which is being transformed into a musical for this year's "girl" showpis based around a George Price cartoon appearing in the New Yorker maga- zine. In short it is the story of a pulp magazine writer who finds his created characters assuming life-like forms. For what happens then, come to the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Decem- ber 9 through 13. For the first time in Union Opera history the author of the production i .si If Joe College doesn't become a little more conservative on Friday and Saturday nights, he and Chief of Po- lice Sherman Mortenson will tangle.- Complaints have been coming in I m Ydx fd.4 vF 66 S :'