1: THE MICHIcAN DAILY ,_ Petitions For Orientation eek Advisers AreDueSaturday Two Weedks To Be Allotted To Interviews Sophomore, Junior Women Are Eligible For Application; Marks Must Meet Standards Petitions for freshman and trans- fer orientation adviser appointments may be filled out this week, and will be accepted no later than 12 noon Saturday in the undergraduate of- fice of the League. Although the announcement of ap- pointmen'ts will be 'reserved until spring, petitioning is being held now in order to afford time for individual attention to each woman who inter- views for an appointment, according to Jane.Baits, '42, chairman of Ju- diciary committee. Interviews To Follow Following the week of petitioning, two weeks will be alloted to inter- viewing. This will take place from 3p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the undergrad- uate office, Dec. 2 through Dec. 5; and Dec. 9 through Dec. 12. In order to avoid confusion caused by a last day rush in interviewing, the inter- views will be conducted on the basis of alphabetical assignment, to be announced in the I.O.B. The duties of the orientation ad- viser, to be outlined in detail follow- ing announcement of the chosen women in the spring, consist of ac- quainting freshmen and transfer stu- dents with the physical aspects of campus, as well as acting as their personal student advisers. Present sophomore and junior women are" eligible to apply for the positions, providing that, their marks meet the standards for participation in ac- tivities. Chairman To Be Chosen A central committee in charge of orientation will also be chosen from the applicants, headedl by an orienta- tion chairman. All orientation ad- visers will return to school a week early next September, meetingg for a group dinner before their activities begin. This year the advisers met every noon for lunch, and were provided with dinner tickets redeemable at the Y eague cafeteria. Their activities be- gan with summer correspondence and continued through the registration period. Veritable Pandemonium Reigns In Midst Of Quiz Kids' Interview Hillel To Hold Annual Dance At Huron Hills Sti dt mt Will Fntartni G= atc It : _ _. I 'I -J ay, (Continued from Page1) garten amused classmates by read- ing them stories. Anything having to do with figures fascinates him and often on trips busies himself figuring mileage and rates of sneed. Harve Fischman, age 11, is a red- head and possesses an infectious smile and laugh that makes him a favorite wherever he goes. He's the American history and presidents ex- pert of the group and is making a book of interesting facts about in- teresting people of historical and contemporary fame. Harve The Doodler His interest in history became evi- dent when he was four years old and doodled away on scrap paper with ideas of how Yankee and Confeder- ate soldiers looked. His favorite game is pinochle, but not being able to find a deck in town, had to be con- tent playing checkers Jack Lucal, age 14, but only for a month, was dark and dignified (in fact handsome, if that's possible for 14 years) and strangely enough is considering priesthood-until he falls in love, no doubt. Cuts The Newspaper t Jack's chief interest is current events an while we busily scrawled out notes, he studied a newspaper clipping of the supreme court jus- tices-"just in case," he said. His mother has trained him "to read a newspaper with a scissors." Gerard Darrow, age 9, the ring leader of the kids, has the most in- tellectual appearance and at the same time is the most boyish acting. You never know what he's going to say ! next-usually it's something quick and clever and off the trackof the conversation. Gerard Is Nature Lover Gerard is the expert of sources of nature with herpetology being his main line though his aunt insists he doesn't know anything about it. He Theatre-Arts' Second Play To Open Friday "Pinocchio," second in the 1941-42 productions to be presented by Thea- tre Arts, children's dramatic organi- zation, will open Friday with one per- formance at 3:45 p.m. and will fol- low with two performances on Sat- urday, at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Starting with the famous Collodi tale which has, in addition to its natural charm and adaptability to children's acting, a ready-made audi- ence, both juvenile and adult, the League's theatre unit has made the story into one of the most effective child-plays of the season. Playing the leading role, that of the little wooden puppet who had such a difficult time being good, and who had such trouble with a nose which grew to enormous lengths\ when he told lies, is John Hathaway. He is supported by a cast of Ann Arbor grade school children. Because Theatre Arts is not a pro- ject designed to make money, but is in the nature of a laboratory theatre for the University men and women who take the main roles and for the younger children taking junio parts, only a small charge is made for tick- ets. They may be purchased at the League all this week. Mary Ellen Wheeler is directing the series this year, and general chairman is Virginia Appleton, '42, with Veitch Purdom, '42, asnd Marjory Storkan, '43, assisting her. dislikes ice cream because "it's too cold" and is quite proud of his men- agerie of alligator, turtles, lizard, sal- amander and cocker spaniel. "I could have wrung his neck," his aunt said, referring to their inter- view with President Ruthven when Gerard dominated the conversation with his dissertation on ornithology. Once more, he was apparently un- daunted when he learned that Presi- dent Ruthven was no less an expert on the subject. The Musical Expert - Joan Bishop, age 14, is the musical expert of ljhe troupe. She started pi- ano at the age of five and at the end of three months gave a full length public recital. At six and seven years she played atthe Chicago World's Fair and at eleven played with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Joan possesses absolute pitch in the extreme and can reach octaves with the thumb and third finger. She has a natural free arm move- ment which takes others years to ac- quire and slim, strong hands indica- tive of a great musical future. All the Quiz Kids called, Ann Ar - bor "a nice little town"awhile Harve was particularly impressed with the State Street traffic. Dick ventured to remark that what they wanted most to see was the stadium and Fritz Crisler. Ba l IPatrons Announced Erwin's Orchestra Will Play Friday At Panhellenic Dance Heading the list of those who have been asked to serve as patrons for the annual Panhellenic Ball to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the League Ballroom will be President and Mrs. Ruthven, anounced Carol Pitcher, '43, general chairman. Ohers who have been invited to act as sponsors for "fanhellenic Par- thenon" include Vice-President and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Regent Es- ther Cram and Mr. L. V. Cram, Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Joseph A. Burs- ley, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Miss Jean- nette Perry, Dean and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Miss Ethel A. McCormick, Dr. Ma4aret Bell. " Will Be Patrons The list of patrons continues with Prof. and Mrs. John L. Brifnm, Prof. and Mrs. Dwight L. Dumond, Prof. and Mrs. James K.\Polock, Prof. and Mrs. William D. Revelli, Prof. and Mrs. A. Franklin Shull, Prof. and Mrs. Avard Fairbanks, Prof. and Mrs. Russell C. Hussey, and Prof. and Mrs. Bennett Weaver. Also Prof. and Mrs. Irving H. An- derson, Prof. and Mrs. Arno L. Bader, Prof. and Mrs. H. Harlan Bloomer, Prof. and Mrs. Claude Eggertsen, Prof. and Mrs. Charles E. Koella, Prof. and Mrs. Glenn D. McGeoch, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, Jr., Miss Marie Hartwig and Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Staubach. The List Continues Other guests at the Ball will be Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Rice, Mrs. Millard Boyd, Mrs. Mary K. .Brennen, Mrs. Robert 'Burton, Mrs. L. M. Davies and Mrs. Edward Goodale. Also Mrs. Paul Kircher, Mrs. Lewis Kniskern, Mrs. James A. Orbison, Mrs. Hazel D. Overton, Mrs. Lour- ence C. Piatt, Mrs. E. J. Pilher, Mrs. Nan G. Riggs, Mrs. Boaler Rowles, Mrs. Germer Schmidt, Mrs. James D. Sherman, Mrs. Ruth W. Smith, Mrs. Fred J. Steinhilber, Mrs. Norris R. Wentworth and Mrs. Harry E. Young. i J +{ 7 7 1 1 I I 3LuuenJi s'V in Ir~ jn5 .IuesLs_11_ From Camp Custer, Michigan The Union Opera has at least one dynamite publicity man of whom we State As Climax To Jamboree know. His name is C. Freeman Alexander. In addition to being a tall, clean-limbed specimen of noble Young America, C. Freeman has that spark Cy Jand go, that je ne sais quoi which makes all the difference between the old mi anrdayt--on gustamboreeschool, prosaic publicity man and the subtle-approach boy of the new school. in honor of out-of-town guests, Hillel For C. Freeman is subtle. There can be little doubt about that. It was Foundation will hold its annual fall he who thought up the method with which the title of this year's Union dance from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur- Opera was to be revealed tq a startled world. And this was the way he had day at the Huron Hills Country Club.;it figured: Honoring 30 men from Camp Cus- The day before the announcement was to be made C. Freeman and his ter, 15 students from Michigan State gang, of vagabond news-hawks (The Union Publicity Committee) would Normal, and 50 students from Michi- place on every bulletin board in town an un-captioned picture of a hand gan State, the 'Jamboree' will include holding a deck of cards through which would be thrust a gory knife. The next day passers-by would look at this ominous sign, pale, and a tour of campus leaving at 2 :30 p.m. hide their blanching faces with shuddering hands. With the sheer ominous- from the Foundation, two basketball'Iness of this startling picture, they would be prepared for the announcement games at 4:30 p.m. at the Sports of the Opera's name on- the next *lay. A masterful 9 t*y Building between Michigan State and publicity stunt, certainly. The fruit of a mind of , Michigan, and between Camp Custer genius. People would nod at each other sagely and w and Michigan, as well as, dinners at say, "The fellow who thought that up is going 4 the Union, and at the home of Mr. places!" Only something went wrong. and Mrs. Osais Zwerdling. Crosman To Play iThe Dropped Cues .. . In charge of the dance for which ( Passers-by missed their cues. They were at the Max Crosman and his orchestra will bottom of page six in the script instead of the top and of page two. They didn't even shiver slightly; just look rather contemplat- play, are Sylvia Forman, '42.n d ively at the picture, think how nifty it would be to cover up the cracked Robert Morrison, '43. Chaperons for plaster ifear the dresser, and quickly put the sleeve on the sign. Score for the affair will be Prof. and Mrs. Wil the Opera publicity: zero. Liam Haber, Mr. and Mrs. Zwerdling I We present this just as an example of how the modern world treats and Dr. and Mrs. I. L. Sharfman. subtle genius. And C. Freeman, we might add, is going places, indeed. Buses will leave the Foundation for A sudden thought of last week's blast from a Mr. Matthews makes us Huron Hills country club every 15 determine to please him this week and write the rest of this project in the minutes from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Ludington Daily Blast society column style, which must certainly please him. the fare will be 20c per person for the Thus: Members of Theta Xi had a gay little get-togetlher last Wednes- rcund trip. Those planning to attend day nigMt to honor their pledges. It was just an impromptu afrair to get a the dance must bring their member- few ofhe boys and girls together (if you want to discount about two months' ship card, or if they don't have them, planning) and seen having an impromptu good time on the left side of the thcy nay buy them at the door. th ybyBemPatto odance floor were Dave Wehmeyer and Betty Ann Cattell and Jim Eyster Will Be Patrons and Mary Pat Hanavan. Seen on the right side of the dance floor were Patrons for the dance will include John Hunter and Suki Scheffer and Dave Pusack and Marcia Zimmerman, Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Kahn, Dr. and while Bill Wadsworth and Joan Schrepper and Lee Nelson and Betty Halpin Mrs. Jacob Sachs, Dr. and Mrs. Kasi- were seen in the middle of the dance floor. Blakeman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Levy Theta Delta Chi had oodles of fun at its pledge formal on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman and Dr' Sally Wellington and Warren Deland, Marg Johnson and Bob Getti Marny and Mrs. Hirsch Hdotkins. Also listed Gardner and Irl Brent, Dorothy O'Dell and Ted Sharp, and Marty Shartel are Mr and Mrs. Samuel Bothman and Don Nixon were all seen on the dance floor. Fashion School Contest Is Open For Seniors W G li . Wl Ylw.hT1iG . /V111i, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fishow and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan. The committee in charge of the tour of campus and of arranging dates for the soldiers includes Mar- jorie Teller, '42, Ruth Bloom, '43, Ina Mae Rabinovitch, '42, Bertha Pines, '43, and Frieda Sendler, '44. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE Basketball Schedule: At 5:10 p.m. tomorrow Adelia Cheever vs. Helen Newberry; Kappa Kappa Gamma vs. Alpha Gamma Delta. At 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Martha Cook vs. Jordan; Delta Delta Delta vs. Betsy Barbour. At 5:10 p.m. Alpha -Chi Omega vs. Collegiate Sorosis; Zeta Tau Alpha vs. Gam- ma Phi Beta. Marriage Announced Mrs. Frank C. Norfleet of Lansing announces the marraige of her daughter Frances, '42, to Quentin A. Ewert, '41L, of Grand Ledge. Mr. Ewert, who is an ensigp in the Naval Reserve, is now attending Har- vard University. Two Will At 8 Hugh S. Norton, Grad., will direct two one-act" plays to be presented in a program of "One-Act Drama" to members of the Faculty Women's Club and their husbands at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Students of classes in Play Produc- tion will take part in the two com- edies, both by Thornton'Wilder, The first of the two will be "The Happy Journey from Newark to Camden," and the second "The Pullman Car Hiawatha." Neil Smith, Grad.,, and Joy Wright, '43, will have roles in the second play. A social for members and, the cast will be held in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room and the Concourse of the League following the progiam. For those- who have made reserva- tions, an informal subscription dinner will be served at 6:45 p.m. in the LIAgue before the program. One-Act, Plays Be Presented :30 P.M. Today Five Fashion Fellowships,4covering tuition for the year 1942-43, to be awarded to members of this year's senior class, have just been .announ- ced by the Tobe-Coburn School for Fashion Careers in New York. Competition for these fellowships will be open to senior women who reg- ister by filling out registration blanks and by -submitting the first paper and an informal autobiography to the school no later than Dec. 5. The contest will consist of two ad- ditional .papers, a set of 'test ques- tions ad a fashion research project, all spaced at convenient intervals. The competitive Fellowships are offered by the School because, ac- cording to Julia Coburn, president, they "bring students of exceptional ability to the fashion field." Last year's Fellowship winners included Yvonne Westrate, '41, who now rep- resents Michigan at the School. Others who received fellowships last year were women from the Univer- sities of Colorado, Syracuse, and Pur- due, and Jamestown College. The Tobe-Coburn School For Fash- ionCareers is designed to train young women tp become executives in the fashion field. "A Letter To Seniors" containing complete information, with the regis- tration blank, may be obtained in the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, from sorority house presidents, or from Lou Carpenter, '42, 2-5618. Alpha Chi Omega announces the pledging of Bernardine Cameron, '45, and Claite Sherman, '45, both of Detroit. F' r ' K 11 m 1' 1-' ' Seniors- DECEMBER 7 IS THE DEADLINE FOR ENSIAN PHOTOGRAPHS ' ( .'., Make your appointment now to be assured of a Rentschler Photograph 12.50 Treasures for your sweater wardrobe! Won- derful Christmas gifts! To wear with skirts, over shirts, with outdoor clothes. Knit by hand of thick, thick yarn; embroidered with . . .Finer portraits are not made. Vu At " , --,Ow Iii u s I i i r .,