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November 25, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-25

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WC eather


Continued Cold

5k iati




When A Wolf
Shears The Sheep ,..




FDR Demand
Speedy Action
On Labor Bill
Bi-Partisan Group Plans
'Cooling-Off' Period,
Arbi ration Measures
Curbs Would Last
Ony For Duration
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24-()-A
bi-partisan group of Congressmen
meeting with President Roosevelt and
labor and justice department exec-
tives reached a consensus tonight
that labor legislation should be taken
up promptly, that it should provide
for a cooling off period before strikes,
and that the Chief Executive should
bave the power to inaugurate com-
pulsory arbitration' if necessary.
Those points were enunciated by
House niajority leader McCormack
(Dem.-Mass.), who talked with re-
porters in the White House lobby
after the two and a quarter hout
Emer ency Move
The proposed legislation would ap-
ply only to strikes against defense in-
dustry and Qnly for the period of the
House minority leader Martin
(Rep.Mass.) stood by McCormack's
side, agreeing that there had been a
consensus but remarking that no
commitments had been made.
"It was pretty generally agreed,"
McCormack said, "that labor legis-
lation would be taken up by the
House after th price control bill."
Watlg Period, Needed
Likewise, the Democratic leader as-
serted, it was the general view that
there should be "a period of reason
or a period of sanity, a waiting period'
called for by law."
Furthermore, he added, it was
agreed that "the President should
have the power, in the final analysis
to order arbitration.
As McCormack viewed the opera-
tion of the prospective measure, there
would be first a cooling off period,
a period of negotiation or mediation,
and then, if need be, arbitration.
No Details Discussed!
Asked whether the so-called ,cool-
ing off period would be for thirty
days, as some legislators have sug-
gested, McCormack said that the
length of the period and other details
had not been discussed.
He intimated that there had alsoE
been some talk of holding secret bal-
lots' before strikes could be called.
Stump Speakers
Will HoldMeeting
Inaugurating a new subject for dis-
cussion by new members, Sigma RhoR
Tau, engineering stump speakers'
society, will hold its regular weekly
meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Faculty speaker for the evening will
be Prof. D. E. Hobart of the Depart-I
ment of Engineering Drawing andI
Mechanism, who will address the
group on the subject "Tool and Die
Having formerly discussed the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of rear-
engine automobiles, freshman speak-
ing groups will today take up discus-
sion of the subject, "Battleships vs.
Airplanes in Modern Warefare."

British Report Capture,
Of Important Axis Base
Gambut Taken By Right Flank In Showdown Battle
As Left Races To Cut Off Northern Libya


Troops Enter Dutch Guiana

To Protect Vital Bauxite Source;
French Col onies May Be Seized

(By The Associated Press)'
CAIRO, Egypt, Nov. 24-The Brit-
ish right was locked in a decisive bat-
tle tonight with Axis forces in a 1,600
square-mile area, claiming the cap-
ture of the important Axis supply
center of Gambut in the course of
that terrible struggle, while far to the
south the Imperial left was racing
westward in a vast are apparently
intended to cut off all northern Libya.
The latter column, loosed originally
from Giarabub, was acknowledged by
the Axis to have driven forward some
200 miles, capturing an Italian garri-
son north of Gialo Oasis, and appear-
ed to be meeting little opposition in
-a grand maneuver of encirclement
headed for the Gulf of Sirte to cut
the coa'stal route of existence to west-
ern Libya. 0
The master plan, it appeared, was
to draw a line of men and steel across
the southern end of the entire Libyan
hump and thus to leave the eastern
Axis forces of the German general
Erwin Rommel-which. already were
declared to be cut into four or more
sections-with no prospect of rein-
forcement or supplies save through
highly hazardous air and sea trans-
But while this thrust was moving
at a great rate through the silent
wastes of the south, the British right
was involved in such a showdown as
desert warfare had never before seen.
Gambut, about half way to the
British garrison of Tobruk on the
Mediterranean shore, was stormed
and overrun by New Zealanders, the
British command announced, in a
continuation of the coastal drive that
already had wrested Bardia from the
Germans and Italians.
From Gambut all the way westward
to the viinity of Rezegh, 10 miles
German Pact
Pledges War
On Comintern
BERLIN, Nov. 24.-R)--Seven more
governments ,either active Axis allies
or occupied by Axis troops, tomorrow
will join the six-power anti-comin-
tern pact aimed against "all destruc-
tive powers which directly'or indirect-'
ly support Bolshevism."
This phrase was taken by observ-
ers as a reference to the United States
and Britain because of their support
of the Soviet armies fighting an Axis
invasion. Berlin considers these na-
tions active sponsors of "world Bol-
shevism" because of that support.
Authorized Germans said the new
signers are to be Finland, Croatia,
Rumania and Slovakia, who have
contributed manpower in the battle
against Russia; occupied Denmark
and Bulgaria, and the Japanese-spon-
sored Nanking regime in China.
The six nations who will renew
their signatures are Germany, Japan,
Italy, Spain, Hungary and Manchu-
kuo, which was created by a Japanese
invasion of Manuchuria.
The observance was described as
"a demonstration of defensive will
to oppose all destructive powers which
directly or indirectly support Bol-
shevism" and "an alliance which will
create the pre-conditions for a new
order in Europe and for the applica-
tion of principles of a new order in
the entire world."

below Tobruk, the foiward British
columns were gambling with every
weapon at hand to break Rommel's
back and smash the pride of his
army-the heavy mechanized forces.
Both sides were losing heavily in
this battlefield of great decision and
as tank strength declined British in-
fantrymen-Englishmen, South Afri-
cans, New' Zealanders-armed with
Bren guns charged the Axis positions.
"There is an amazing battle, going
on in an area 40 by 40 miles," the
British military spokesman summed~
up, "and there are no regular lines
and no telephone communications."
"This battle," said the British com-
mand itself, "which has been fought
and is being fought with the utmost
resolution by both sides, has been in
progress without cessation for over
48 hours."
German Units
Claim Advance
Near Moscow
Tanks, Artillery Capture
City 31 Miles Outside
BERLIN, Nov. 24-(P)-German
tank and artillery units were reported
officially tonight only 31 miles. north-1
west of the coveted prize of Moscow
after capturing Solnetschnogorsk..
The High Command said the cap-
ture of the city, which does not ap-
pear on most maps, occurred "after
embittered fighting," and war dis-
patches said 1,400 Russians defending
14 three - story - deep underground
casemates were wiped out by German
artillery and shock troops.
Solnetschnogorski apparently is on
the Kalinin-Moscow railroad, hence
the Germans claimed their troops had
gone two-thirds of the way to Moscow
from the bitter fighting area of Kal-
German airmen ranged ahead to
bomb and disrupt rail traffic or com-
munication lines' radiating from the
capital itself, the communique said.1
West of Moscow along the Rssian
arc of defenses, German dispatches
said nine other casemates of unusual
strength had been overcome.
Nazi artillery silenced the concr te
and steel casemates, these accounts
said, to permit engineers armed with
dynamite to approach and complete
the destruction.
Other heavy artillery batteries 'con-
tinued to poundtbesieged Leningrad
in the northwest, the communique
Nothing was said of operations in
the southern Donets basin area, but
in the Crimea the Germans admitted
the Russians still were holding out
at Savastopol, the big southwestern
Red naval base.
Cohen To Talk
In New Series
On Skepuctsm
Prof. Morris Raphael Cohen-called
the modern Socrates with the acid
tongue-will present his view of the
subject, "The Failure of Skepticism,"
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
The lecture will be the first in a
series of three sponsored by Hillel
Foundation, Newman Club and the
Inter-Guild. The three speakers will
attack the question of skepticism
from the viewpoint of different faiths
and varied training.
Professor Cohen will be followed by
the Reverend Martin Cyril D'Arcy,
lecturer in Thomistic philosophy at
the University of Oxford, and Dr.

Gregory Vlastos, professor of phil-
osophy at Queen's University in Can-
ada on Dec. 5 and Jan 18 respectiyely.
Born in Russia, Professor Cohen
roomed with Hon. Felix Frankfurter,
Supreme Court Justice, when both
were attending Harvard. Now pro-
fessor of philosophy at the University
of Chicago, he formerly taught for
35 years at the City College of New
U.S. Consulate Explosion
Strains Far East Policy

Quiz Kids Defeat Professors
After Hectic Battle Of Brains


Forty-nine year old Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department
.and nine year old Gerard Darrow of
the Quiz Kids showed an Oratorical
audience last night that even book
worms can glow in the dark.
With These personalities generally
directing traffic around masses of
intellectual stumps planted by referee
Prof. John L. Brumm of the journal-
ism department, it was a nip and tuck
battle all the way, but the Quiz Kids
won, 440 points to 390. x
Defeat lost much o its sting, how-
ever, when fond memories of the
sound trouncing given the University
of Chicago faculty were revived.
Whatever sting was lost in this way,
Professor Brumm compensated for
with sharp darts at his colleagues.
Professor Brumm's humor, the pi-
ano playing of 14-year-old Joan Bish-
op, the hordes of facts of undeter-
mined significance, suspense, ignor-
ance, wit and wisdom all combined to
provide a "good time" evening for
nearly 5,000 Ann Arborites.
Richard Williams, 11 years old,
provided the biggest single sensation
of the evening. He solved a mathe-
matical monstrosity in short order,
deftly employing formulae of college
level to their fullest advantage. He
also spelled aloud correctly the name
of the temporary Russian capital,
Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geo-
graphy department, to the amaze-
ment of all, slipped on a catch ques-
tion to give the impression that he
didn't know cows could not speak.
Jack Lucal, 14 years old, said Pres-
ident John Adams' wife was the First
Lady to hang washing in the East
Room of the White House. Harve
Fischman, 11 years Qld, said Millard
Fillmore was the first President to
install a bathtub in the White House.
(Facts of undetermined significance.)
On the faculty side, Profs. Robert
C. Angell of the sociology department,
Harold M. Dorr of the political sci-
ence department, Slosson and poet
Wystan H. Auden of the English de-
partment possibly set a bad precedent
Lirary Adds
To Americana
Buys Senate Rule Book
Owned By Jefferson
The first book to be published on
parliamentary procedure has been
added to the fast-growing collection
of Americana in the William L. Clem-
ents Library.-
Written by Thomas Jefferson, the
wo'rk is entitled "A Manual of Parlia-
mentary Practice for Use in the Sen-
ate of the United States." The copy
in Ann Arbor is of unusual value be-
chuse it was originally in the library
of its author, Randolph G. Adams, di-
rectoi of the Clements LibrarV, an-
nounced yesterday.
Still used by the Senate, the "Man-
ual," was the first book printed in
Washington after the transfer of gov-
ernmental offices from New York in
The volume purchased remained
the personal property of Jefferson
when he sold most of his library to
the United States to become the nu-
cleus of the present Library of Con-
gress. Upon his death in 1826, the
book was sold by the executors of his
Since that time thevolume changed
hands from one rare book collector
to another until it was obtained by
Louis J. Kolb, noted bibliophile, from
whose collection it was purchased.
An inscription in Jefferson's own
handwriting can be seen in the book.
Christmas Seal Drive
Seeks 10,000 Patrons
The annual Christmas seal sale of

the Washtenaw County branch of the
Michigan Tuberculosis Association
will get under way today when' 10,000
envelopes, each containing 200
Christmas seals, will be mailed to Ann
Arhn and.AVrnilar, ti vrcii~,rtg

for their students, particularly the
latter two.
Given the quotation, "The barber-
shop is the last refuge of masculinity,"
Professor Slosson did not know it
was taken from one of his own books.
Auden was trapped similarly with
lines from some poems of his own
Quiz Kids
-'Just Kids'
All just kids, all talking at once
and when they were packed in one
small Union room, pandemonium
really broke loose.-The Quiz Kids
were in town.
Armed with a dictionary in one
hand an an encyclopedia in the oth-
er, we entered the realms of the in-
tellects and were quite unpreparedr
for what followed. They were all
perfectly human kids who loved to
laugh and eat candy.
Richard Williams age 11, a blonde
headed, fair skinned boy in knickers,
was perhaps the shyest of them all.
Dubbed the mathematical quiz kid,,
Richard lives in East! Chicago where'
he is in the 7th grade. He is far su-
perior to the others in his class in
mathematics and in six weeks he
completed an ordinary year's course.
Dick could read perfectly at the
age of three and when in kinder-
(Continued on Page 5)
ASME Meets,
T Hear Smith
'The Future Of Power'
To Be Topic Of Talk
Three hundred engineers repre-
senting University organizations and
members of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers from Flint, To-
ledo, Jackson and Detroit will assem-
ble in the Rackham Amphitfieatre at,
8 p.m. today to hear A. R. Smith
speak on "The Future of Power Gen-
The Detroit section of ASME is
sponsoring the speech by Mr. Smith
who is managing engineer of the Tur-
bine Division of General Electric in{
Schenectady, N. Y.{
Preceeding themeeting ASME ex-
ecutive councils of the University
branch and the Detroit section will
honor Mr. Smith with a dinner in;
the Union at 6 p.m. Other guests will
include members of the faculty of the
College of Engineering.
Mr. Smith has installed steam-
electric turbines in Europe and South'
America, apd has been connected
with General Electric since 1897.
Moving pictures of the uses of coal:
in power development will be, shown
at 7 p.m.
'Roaring Forties' To Clash

American Move Is Intended To Prevent
Nazi Sabotage Of Valuable Aluminum
Ore; Brazil, Netherlands To Cooperate
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(R)-The United States today announced the
despatch of American troops to Dutch Guiana to guard vital bauxite mines
against the Axis, and Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.) predicted that this
country may soon take over French Guiana and the French island of
"I approve the action of the President in taking steps to protect the
security of our basic war materials," said the chairman of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee. "I think we shall have to take over Martin-
ique (in the Caribbean) and French Guiana if Vichy continues to succumb
to Nazi influence."
Dutch Guiana, which is on the northeast coast of South America, lies next
door to French Guiana. The Nazis, according to reports in diplomatic circles,
Chave been active in the latter colony,

U-Boat Sink
Near Canada
By Corvettes
Two Submarines Sighted
Off Newfoundland Coast.
Nov. 5, Says Navy Head
OTTAWA, Nov. 24-VP)-A German
U-boat was sunk recently in the
North Atlantic by two Canadian cor-
vettes, the Navy Minsitry announced
The sinking was credited to the
corvettes Chambly and Moosejaw-
These small, auxiliary vessels are de-
signed chiefly for operations close
to shore but some are cq pable of wide
The announcement, issued by Navy
Minister Angus MacDonald, did not
say where the U-boat was sunk.
On Nov. 5 MacDonald said German
submarines were operating off the
coast of Newfoundland, within sight
of the shore.
At that time he said two U-boats
had been attacked-one by a corvette
and the other by a plane-in October
off the northern tip of Newfoundland!
and that one possibly was sunk.
* MacDonald said these submarines
were discovered at the point where
Belle Isle Strait, the northern mouth
,of the St. Lawrence River, empties
into the Atlantic.
This is about 400 miles from the
site of the United States navy base
on the south coast of Newfoundland.
Capt. Davidson Will Speak
On Army-Navy Operations
Capt. Lyal A. Davidson, U.S.N., pro-
fessor of Naval Science and Tactics
and Commandant of the University's
NROTC unit, will speak on "The
Naval District and Joint Operations
with the Army" at 7:15 p.m. today
in Room 348, West Engineering Build-
Captain Davidson delivered the in-
itial lecture of the series of talks on
naval subjects sponsored this semes-
ter by the 'department ofNaval Sci-
ence and Tactics.

and it was believed'the United States
was sending troops to Dutch Guiana
as a precaution aginst any coup which
might lead to sabotage of the mines.
Bauxite is an ore which enters in-
to the production of aluminum. A
White House announcement said the
colony of Surinam (another name for
Dutch Guiana) furnishes more than
60 per cent of the requirements of
this country's aluminum indus ry and
that the ore was vital as well to "all
nations resisting aggression."
Cooperation Is Seen.
The decision to send troops was
taken, it was stressed, with the co-
operation of both the Netherlands,
mother country of the colony, and of
Brazil, which borders it on the south.
"This contingent will, of course, be
withdrawn as soon as the present
danger to the mines is removed and
at the latest upon the conclusion of
hositilities," the White House said.
The danger was not specified, but
authoritative sources said it was from
sabotage rather than invasion. Only
relatively weak colonial forces have
been available to assure a protection
of the mines since the Nazi invasion
of the Netherlands. About the size
of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the
colony has a total population of
* Other Colonies May B Taken
In London, the Netherlands Gov-
ernment hinted the United State4
might take over other Dutch posses-
sions in the Western Hemisphere-
the Curacao )slands off the north
coast of Venezuela.
Both the White House and War De-
partment were.silent on the size and
other details of the Army contingent
sent to Surinam, but it was ,under-
stood the troops were detached frost
the garrison at Trinidad, in the Car-
ibbean, one of the eight bases ac-
quired last year from Great Britain.
They were reported en route to
Paramaribo, chief port of the Dutch
Brazilian Military Mission
En Route To'Dutch Guiana
The Brazilian government announced
tonight it was sending a military mis-
sion to Dutch Guiana to cooperate
with Netherlands and United States
troops in guarding the valuab* baux-
ite mines there.
The government said It also would
take "special measures of military
vigilante" on its side of the Dutch
colonial frontier as a means of im-
plementing a policy of whole-hearted
hemisphere defense solidarity.
Informed sources here said a U. S.
army force of approximately 2,000

Intervention Need Disputed !
Ann Arbor Community Forun
HearsForeign Policy Debated

Freshmen To Organize Today
For Sports Building Mayhem,

l~? a'


Interventionists vied with isola-
tionists in a spirited discussion of the
question "What should be the foreign
policy of the United States in the
present world crisis?" at the Ann
Arbor Community Forum yesterday.
Speaking for' the cause of all-out
aid to the embattled democracies, Dr.
William A. Frayer, former member
of the University history department,
declared that our foreign policy
should be so shaped as to "insure the
complete defeat of Hitler."
Danger Of Germany
"Germany is a real and great dan-
ger to us," he said, "because it thor-
oughly believes in the idea of the
master race. Without punishing
Germany at a peace conference, we
should take all measures necessary

cause the allies took the side of
Russia, invader of Finland, a terri-
tory grabber in Germany's class.
No War For Empire
He concluded by saying that we
should not go to war to maintain the
British Empire, for we ourselves had
to fight a war to gain independence
of that Empire.
Following the speeches Frayer and
Wiltse joined William Muehl, '44L,
Prof. James H. Cissel, of the 'engin-
eering school, and Eugene Power,
head of a local manufacturing con-
cern, to discuss the question inform-
ally among themselves and with the
Power stated that if the Nazis win
the United States would be ringed

That time of the year has come
when every upperclassman carries his
ident card, when soph is soph and
frosh is frosh, and when no one need
fear they will never meet.
Those proclamations so liberally
spread around campus yesterday are
not mere laughing matters, as those
who are about to die in the frosh-
soph games at the Sports Building
Saturday well know.
Freshmen Open Fire
The first overt act will be commit-
ted at 7:30 pm. today in the Natural
Science Auditorium by the ever-ram-
bunctious freshmen, always spoiling
for a chance to show their power to
those who would oppose them. They
will elect 12 captains who will be
privileged not only to organize the
slaughter, but to get an extra whack
at those snooty sophomores.
The sophomores, on the other hand,
|figure that weaklings of frosh need
a day more to get prepared, and so
.:rill moat o fl 79(1 n m nwmm rnw in

the rumor is that retreat means men-wnicn may already nave landed
death, but facing the onslaught means in Guiana-would represent virtually
murder.', all branches of the service except
On the land, on the sea, 'and cavalry.
through the air the combatants will
styain every resource at their com-
m'and to lick the living daylights out Harmon, W es&,a.
of each other. A mass water polo
game in which every man is a sub-
marine, and every man's head the For Football Stars
ball, will probably replace Trafalgar
and Jutland as the major naval battle
of history. Tommy Harmon, Bob Westfall and
Served By RIiskey # his Varsity teammates will rub el-
Earl Riskey, the referee, and his bows with high school football play-
staff have provided enough events to ers from all over Washtenaw County
keep the more belligerent spirits hap- at the Union Ballroom today.
py for the rest of time. A mass tug- The occasion is the annual foot-
of-war, a giant volley-ball game, ball banquet scheduled to get under
and a strange, but oh-too-welcome way at 6 p.m. with 800 expected, to
game called Chinese graveyard should attend.
send anyone but Superman home a From behind locke doors-they'll
tired, well-exercised individual. Sat- only be closed from 6 to 6:30 p.m. for
urday night dates need not fear miss- privacy-the dinner guests will watch
ing swains, however, as the swim- Tommy Harmon give his regular



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