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November 23, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-23

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f r

Localv orum
To Argue U.S.
Foreign Policy
University Participants Are
Swander, Cissel; Muehi;
To Be Held Tomorrow

Nazi African Head


Alternat ve American foreign poli-
cies in a world at war will be dis-
dussedby members of the University
faculty" students and townspeople in
the Ann Arbor Community Forum
meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the
high school.
Presenting the isolationist position
on the subject "What should be 'the
foreign policy of the United States in
the present world crisis?" will be
Prof. James i. Cissel, of the engi-
neering school, William Muehl, '44L,
and A. J. Wiltse, president of a local
printing concern.
Arguing the question from the in-
terventionist standpoint will be Ho-
mer Swander, chairman of the Mich-
igan chapter of Student Defenders of
Democracy, Eugene B. Power, presi-
dent of an Ann Arbor film mainu-
facturing company, and Dr. William
A. Frayer, former member of the
University history department.
The forum will not attempt- to
reach a conclusion. on the question,
bpt will enable the speakers to pre-
sent fully their respective viewpoints'
Following they formal discussion the
audience will have the opportunity to
question the speakers and to partici-
pate in further discussion.
University Musical Society
announces the following
Sun., Nov. 30, 3,:00, P.M.


Galens To Open Annual Fund
Campaign For Child Shut-Ins
Bucket brigades of a non-incen- advance sales chairman, and Logan
diary nature will be spread over cam- Hovis, production chairman.
pus December 5 and 6 for the an-; The Galens workshop, in any com-
nual fund-raising campaign of Ga- arable form, can be found in none
Waalfun-rasin camaig ofGa-I .f America's universities. Through
lens, junior and senior medical so- mhe widecope ofvisiactivities, the
ciety. cspital's younger inmates have
Weather or not, the embryo doc- :cund their enforced stay to be a
tors will be swinging their pails for "sappy one. If future patients are to
student contributions to Galens' an- 'Lave the same benefit, only your sup-
nual Christmas party fund for chil- >ort can give it to them.
lren at the University Hospital. En-
tertainment, Christmas trees, giftse
and Santa Claus will be given to the LI
kids with your donations.
But Galens aims at something more Prom ises Aid
lasting than a one- day "binge." Us
igits collected funds to maintain
the Galens workshop, handicrafts of To FD R Drive
every descripticn are offered shut-in
children through a supervised occu-
pr ,(Continued fron Page 1)
patens also provides a library of
children books and periodical aovie in captive coal mines. The mine
hildrsn ooksdendhe ariocadthveworkers policy committee accepted
shows to widen the walls around the the President's suggestion for end-!
hospital's younger set. ing the strike only a few minutes
Last year Galens stood in the snow after the convention adjourned.
for two days and raised $1,800. an all- a
time record. But this year, marking "We offer to the government and
the thirteenth annual drive, the irndustry our full resources for the
group is out to beat the number jinx maximum prosecution of the nation-
in addition to last year's figure. al defense program in order that we;
Although the public sale of tags is may soon establish a world based on
scheduled for December 5 and 6, economic security and political and
campus fraternities and sororities religious freedom," Murray said in his
will participate in an advance drive letter.
December .4. The first day of the Murray said the CIO represented
public campaign will be concentrated "more than 5,000,000 workers" who
in the University area, while Decem- were "dedicated to the task of doing
ber 6 will see the buckets in down-' all within their power to eliminate
town Ann Arbor. the menace of Hitlerism ..."
Leaders of the drive, all medical He added: "National unity is of
school seniors, are Robert Murphy, course essential today. All sections
general chairman, Donald Cooper, of the labor movement, management
publicity chairman. William VerHey, and government must wholehearted-

Executed 'Duchess'

Mike Life
Life behind the scenes in a broad- Mort Jampel, former Daily man
casting studio, inside facts about and Soo announcer, claims Flint's
Morris Hall personalities, and pro- WFDF is a "pretty fine outfit to work
gram reviews, critiques and forecasts for." He helped secure an audition
will appear Sundays in this column. for another Miehigan alumnus. Ted
In short, MIKE LIFE will reveal who's Taylor, alias Matson. who received
who and what's what in campus the job with the Flint station.
radio. * *
WFDF is being considered as an
From the University of Oregon outlet for University of Michigan
comes the director of student pro- student programs, to supplement
grams, Donald Hargis, who joins the WJR and W45D. Technical difficul-
Morris Hall roll call in the capacity ties must firstDbe straightened out
of Guest Director, before broadcasting can get under
This is the first time that Hargis, way.
who is working for his Ph.D. in radio * * *
at the University, has been affiliated If there's an FM receiving set ac-
with the broadcasting studio during cessible on Monday, tune in at 3:30
the regular school year. on W45D. Don Hargis' adaptation of
Frank Nader, of Chicago, recently Hawthorne's "Hollow of the Three
with the*RCA Manufacturing Com- Hills" looks promising.
pany in Indianapolis, replaces Char- "It's a 'Hermit's Cave' sort of
lie Moore as technician at Morris show," said Hargis, by way of ex-
Hall. planation.

Lieut. General Erwin Rommel
(above) is in charge of German
forces in North Africa, now threat-
ened by a new British offensive.
J General Rcmmel had been awarded
the Oak Leaves in addition to the
Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
when this picture was taken.
'Mo' Stays Here
As Consolation Prize
Michigan may not have its expected
victory over Ohio State's Buckeyes,
but "Mo" is still in Ain Arbor.
The little red plaster bull, spawned
by Michigan and ignored by Ohio
State, is rumored to be in stud and
local animal husbandmen are await-
ing the results of his reported union
with "The Ol' Wet Sock."
Another and more vicious source
declares that "Mo" will be split asun-
der, amidships, thus pan-broiling a
sacred cow on the stadium's gridiron.
Buck Dawson, '42, tearfully announ-
ced this possibility and commented,
"Since Ohio should rave been on the
tail-end of the score, 'Mo's' head will
stay in Ann Arbor.
According to Bill Todd, '42, pres-
ident of the Student Senate, Ohio
State turned "Mo" Pinto vermillion
veal yesterday with a telegram post-
poning all trophy arrangements until
next year. ."Withithe game coming
out a tie," Todd declared "I don't
know what we would have done with
the dumb thing anyway."
German Plan

Frederick Stock
Wed., Dec. 10, 8:30 P.M.

For European
,Peace Hinted
WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. -(p)_
Cautioning the world's democracies
to be on guard, the White House
said ,today that Germany was pre-
raring a winter peace offensive em-
bracing proposals ostensibly restor-
ing economic and political independ-
ence to Continental Europe, but act-
ually leaving Hitler master of a
string of "puppet states."
Stephen T. Early, a presidential
secretary, disclosed at a press con-
f rence that this government had
reports of such a plan. A reporter
had asked whether an "economic
peace" was about to be proposed by
the Nazis.
Reading froni a penciled memor-
andum as if prepared for the ques-
tion, Early said both President Roose-
velt and the State Department had
received information from certain
European sources that a conference
vas to be called either in December
r January "on some occasion con-
,idered propitious by Germany."
He added that invitations already
xere going, forth from Germany to
"some belligerents, the Axis Powers,
and some neutral Furopean nations."
"So far as our information goes,"
he said, "the conference would be
restricted to a meeting of European
powers. That excludes, of cohrse,
this hemisphere and, I understand
also, that England will not be in-

IFC To Hold
Mayor Edward Jeffries
To Address Banquet-
An address by Mayor Edward J.
Jeffries of Detroit will highlight the
annual Interfraternity pledge ban-
quet to be held at 6:15 p.m. tomor-
row in the Union Ballroom.
'More than 650 fraternity men are
expected to attend, having been re-
assured by Don Stevenson, '42, presi-
dent of the sponsoring Interfrater-
nity Council, that the banquet would
not interfer with attendance at the
Quiz Kid-faculty . contest at Hill
Robert Porter, '42, secretary-treas-
urer of the Council, will act as toast-
master, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley
will present the scholarship' award to
the fraternity which maintained the
highest scholastic average during the
past year. The fraternity receiving
the award will be the special guest of
the Council.
Stevenson, who is leaving next,
week to attend a National Interfra-
ternity Council meeting, will also
speak briefly.
The four juniors on the Council
who have arranged the banquet are l
John White and Bob Grimshaw,
seating and tickets; Bill Robinson,
menu, and Dick Gouthier, program.
The literary climbers of the class of
'45 are already burrowing into the
archives of the Hopwood Room, fer-
reting out prizewinning freshmen
scripts of past{ competitions in the
hope of gleaning valuable tips to aid
them in the forthcoming contest.
Award-seekers from both the Lit-
erary and Engineering Schools are al-
ready maling copious notes and
drawing up rough drafts in advance
of /the freshman Hopwood deadline
on Jan. 20.
Professors Arno L. Bader and Louis
1. Bredvold of the English depart-
ment, and Dr. Frank Robbins, man-
aging editor of the University Press
will judge the contest.

ly unite behind our national program.
The strengthening and growth of
labor unions would establish the
morale necessary, for the attainment
of this end. Great participation in
the national defense program and a
more active participation of labor in
government are essential.
"It is the sincere conviction of the
Congress of Industrial Organizations
that with the adoption of the indus-
try-council plan would be created the
national unity which all Americans
are striving to obtain.
"The CIO and its millions of mem-
bers stand ready to participate in
the battle of production toward the
end of defeating the Nazi forces. Our
workers desire to produce more and
iore guns, tanks, planes and ships.
We 'have expressed our desire to util-
ize to the utmost degree the media-
tion facilities of the government for
the peaceful solution of industrial
At the final session of the conven-
tion today, the CIO assailed the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation and the
National Labor 1.elations Board.
A meeting of the undergraduate
;staff of Perspectives will be held
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Stu-
tent Publications Building. All
editors and tryouts for the maga-
zine are urged to attend. Plans for
the rext issue will be discussed.

Mrs. Evelita Juanita (Duchess)
Spinelli, 52, (above) convicted slay-
er, died in the San Quentin peni-
tentiary gas chamber, the first wo-
man to be executed by law in Cali-
fornia. She was executed after
having previously obtained three
reprieves from death.
Noted Comedy
i o OpenHere
For Short Run
Opening a series of well-known
stage productions, "Life With Fath-
er," a comedy based on the, book by
the late Clarence Day, will begin a
two-day run tomorrow at the Mich,
gan Theatre.
Based on the experiences of the
family of a conservative New York
banker of the plush-lined Eighties,
the play will bring to Ann Arbor
Percy Waram as Father, Margalo
Gillmore as Mother, and a well-estab-
lished New York supporting cast.
Source of material for the produc-
tion was Day's series of articles on
his i family which appeared in the
New Yorker magazine, later published
in book form. The wife of the late
author has cooperated with script
writers Howard Lindsay and Russel
Crouse in adapting the experiences to
the stage.
Critics have hailed "Life With
Father" as the most hilarious play
of the decade. Everywhere its ap-
pearances have met with phenomen-
al success, breaking records in all
major cities in which it has ap-
Success of the play may be attrib-
uted to the fact that it is built
around realspeople. The character of
Father has become a trad!~iohal
part of American drama, with his
explosive laughter and continuous
vitality throughout the drama.
"Life With Father" is produced by
Oscar Serlin and directed by Bre-
taigne Windust.

Toasted r
Coeese-Bacon Sandwich
Orange Chiffon Pie
or Half Grapefruit

Bowl of Oyster Stew
Clef's Salad, French Dressin
Bul/er Cream Layer Cake or
Strawberry-Royal Ice Creamt

at fifty five cents

Creamed Chipped Beef,
Toast Points
Mashed Potatoes
Fresh Peas
Pineapple Sundae
or Layer Cake
at sixty fiae cents

Cream of Tomato Soa1p
Roast Loin of Pork
Candied Yams
Fresh Succotash
Orange Chiffon Pie
or Double Chocolate Sundae
at eighty-five cents

Served in the Main Dining Room--6:00 until 7:30 o'clock

NovEMBER 23, 1941
., .,

_ f'
1 r
1 S ({rryn '
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r p
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'I :

Here's a new twist
for you would-be
seuson changers.
ray you
tel suits
ats now
utfits in'

Serge Koussevitzky
Chorus - Orchestra - Soloists
THOR JOHN~ION, Conductor
Sun., Dec. 14, 4:15 P.M.


Lyal A. Davidson

ITo Lecture On Tuesday
Capt. Lyal A. Davidson, U.S.N., pro- The Community Forum will meet
fessor of Naval Science and Tactics at 8 p.m. tomorrow at Ann Arbor
and Commandant.,of the University's High School instead of Tuesday,
NROTC unit, will give the eighth as was previously stated.
lecture of a series of talks on naval
subjects at 7:15 p.m next Tuesday
in room 348, West Engineering Build- Rev. Marley Returns
ing. The Rev. H. P. Marley, returned
Captain Davidson, who delivered from a lecture tour of western col-
the initial lecture of the serie's, will leges, will speak on "The Fountain
speak Tuesday night on "The Naval of Youth and the Ocean of Maturity"
District and Joint' Operations with at 11:00 a.m. today in the Unitarian
the Army.", church.
Sunday at the Wolverine
Chicken Gumbo Soup
Tomato or Grapefruit Juice
Pickles ... Olives
or GRILLED SIRLOIN STEAK, fresh mushrooms,
Masd- o r FrenchFidl nrttonp"

If you can' change the
you can change the w
feel about it. These pas
can be worn under coo
and double as smart of
themselves when spring
Sizes: 9-17 and 10-18.
1 -

n A~n 9

Thor Johnson



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