THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDA upigan lIaity Letters To The Editor I r w " he Drew Pedrsow dOd GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty FI ed and managed by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in Control udent Publications. dished every morning except Monday during the rsity year aid Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the r republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise Icredited in this newspaper. All of republication of all other matters herein also ed. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as 1 class mail matter. scriptions during the regular school year by $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOtR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * osTOR . Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO . ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.-42 Editorial Stafic e Gel . . Dann. I Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson ir Hill' , t Hiatt ,. a Miller. . ,nia Mitchell . . . -~ Managing Editor S . . . Editorial Director' . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . -Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . .Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright Business ;Staff .. Business Manager . .woAssociate Business Manager . . Women's Adertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager r , NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. lsolationist And Liberal? s It Possible? - A CHALLENGE of fundamental im- portance has been aimed at ,inter-' rentionists of "Swander's ilk." lIii most concise terms, it questions how one, an remain an interventionist and a liberal at he same time. The challenge revealed a thoroughly inade- 'uate acquaintance with the men, the motives rd the ideals of the interventionist movement, id, blandly ignored the ominous danger in cer- ain of the isolationist bedfellows and "ideals." Do the innumerable democratic idealists of the nterventionist movement have to be pointed >ut one by one, their records gone over and their onstituents listed? That should not be neces- nary again-it has been done amply in the past. ['he isolationists,' then, must know these men xis. Evidently they are oblivious to the deep- eated reason behind their stand. We would ask, what are the ideals of the iso- ationists, who look on nonchalantly while the deals of freedom, humanity and progress are mashed throughout the civilized world? Their iswer-we strengthen these ideals in our own ountry. They say that by not trying to stop the nurder of freedom of- speech, religion and press, et alone the free labor movement, they can build hese same attributes up to a new vitality in the Jnited States. , UCH a limited "ideal" has also limited the vision and perspective of these "idealists." If ntervention were to die tomorrow, where would he control go? To Wheeler, Lindbergh and Nye, rithout doubt. And as we all know, they are not he disciples of democracy, nor of brotherly love. But for the sake of argumeit, let us assume hat such a sincere man as Norman Thomas were o exert the dominating influence in American ife. Would that insure our freedom with a vic- orious Hitler? What would happen to our free abor movement under the mental and physical train that a Nazi victory would compel? With ,ngland, Russia and probably China gone, our sland in a sea of Fascism would have an ever- asting horror of the Fascist sea rising and swal- >wing it. We would constantly grow weaker reparing, the whole national attitude would ecome one of futility with infinite more eason than now) and we would be easy meat for yranny, whether from without or within. Fine atmosphere for freedom. Fine atmos- here for brotherly love. Fine atmosphere for a emocratic labor movement. Isolationists then ask, "Aren't they -the inter- entionists) defeating their own purpose by acking a strike, now, no matter how justified it ayy be?"' What do these national introverts believe to e the fundamental ideal motivating the inter- entionists of "Swander's ilk?" Those of the "ilk" and, incidentally, interven-' onist labor leaders both in Britain and in the inlted States, are fighting to strengthen de- "cracy throughout the world, and that means t home too. Unless this is done, the cause is ot worth supreme sacrifice. Referring specifically to the captive mines ;rike, isolationists repeat, "we don't see how is possible to remain an interventionist and liperal at the same time." As far as the cap- ye mine strike is conce'ned, these points should e made: Sincere interventionists within the IO such as James Carey and R. J. Thomas un- ,....R:. a .4.7 w..ew i rno.Tk Lx f fl~" .Fib s xna _ Closed Shop And Democracy To the Editor: Let us not argue over trivia. The present cae of the mine strike goes much deeper than Mr. Swander would lead us to believe. Whether the striking miners obtain or do not obtain a closed shop is no more important than whether or not the automobile workers obtain a closed shop. The fundamental question is. should there be a closed shop in any industry. Mr. Swander berates the management of the steel companies for refusing to give in to the union on this issue. He will admit that the steel companies have, in the past agreed to wage increases, but for this he will give them no credit. His answer will no doubt be that the steel companies were forced to raise wages. Whatever their motives, the fact remains that they have helped to better the living conditions of their workers. They have now reached a point where they have' refused, are refusing, and, we hope, will continue to refuse to give in to labor. No doubt Mr. Swander will -justify the closed shop on the grounds that it has been granted to labor in several industries. Is this any justifica- tion? We seem to remember an old saying about "Two wrongs . " In this particular case Mr. Swander justifies the demand for a closed shop on the grounds that 95 percent of the miners belong to the, UMW. There is certainly good reason to doubt the accuracy of these figures, but that is of little or no importance. It would make no difference if the UMW could boast a 99 percent membership. The fundamental principle of the closed shop is still wrong. Mr. Swander condemns the management of the steel companies for their lack of patriotism. He implies that they are sabotaging our democracy in favor -of their own selfish interests. Perhaps their motives are selfish ones, but what about labor? And as far as democracy -is concerned, just what is democratic about the closed shop?,Is it a fundamental principle of democracy that a man must pay to get a job? For in reality that is what the closed shop amounts to. Mr. Swander might well be defied to point out one democratic aspect of the closed shop principle. Yet Mr. Swander terms the pteel companies unpatriotic! Every man should have the right to work where he wants to, at what he wants to, and on his own terms. He should not have to "knuckle under" to any organization whatsoever, espec- ially one which is supposed to be helping labor. Moreover this particular institution is not one which seeks to improve the working or living conditions of the workers. Its primary objective is that of power; power to hold the "whip-hand" over big business; power to deny workers their rights of individualism; power based on purely selfish reasons. Mr. Swander claims an open shop to be un- fair to the organized majority, since the un- organized minority though as little as 5 per cent shares equally in all the benefits of organization. Then he condemns the manage- mneit of the steel companies for being selfish. Please, Mr. Swander, let us be consistent! -Wm. G. Robinson VAting Machines For Ann Arbor . . T HE DECISION of the Ann Arbor City Council to install voting machines for use in elections should receive the whole- hearted support of the community. The pro- vision of a simple, economical methodof voting and the guarantee of honest administration of that method are necessary conditions for tlt successful working of the Democratic,system. Voting machines are already in use in many of the large cities in this country. New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, San Fran- cisco and Los Angeles are among those using the machines. They have proven far superior to the old way of voting by ballot in all cases. Their greatest disadvantage, of course, is the large cost involved in the initial purchase. This cost, however, is more than balanced by the savings possible during a long period of time. The huge yearly expense of printing ballots will be com- pletely avoided. THE TIME-SAVING ELEMENT involved in relections is also important. Under the old system the results of elections were not known fbr as long as a day. With machines automat- ically tabulating the votes, results will be error- less and ascertained within several hours. The large number of incorrectly marked ballots will also be done away with. Obviously the greatest advantage of the voting machines is its elimination of possible fraudu- lent counting. While Ann Arbor elections have continuously been devoid of such actions, ,the possibility of tampering with the ballot count always remains. The voting machine effectively removes this possibility. It also makes the pro- cess required of the voter much simpler. ALTHOUGH the Council has as yet not given the go-ahead signal on the actual buying of the machines, it is certain that this will be done. The Council should be praised for the farsight- ed step that will assure the Ann Arbor citizenry of the most efficient way of voting. -eorge W. Sallade movement means to a vigorous democracy, howf vital it is for the movement to constantly ad- vance. And they understood that if labor backed down at this point, its test of strength, that its cause might go on the downslide, and labor's vital enthusiasm for demonracv with it. Are Coal Miners People? To the Editor: Those who are busy shouting that strikes must stop might remember that we, the people of the United States, are the coal miners too. We are fighting for home and family, for free- dom of speech and the opportunity to earn a decent living. The miner was fighting for these things before the defense effort arrived on the scene. Prior to the New Deal and the vise of the C.I.O., the coal operators had control over most of the things that made life worth living for their employees.,In the words of one old miner. there were two thipgs the company didn't own' in his town-"the Railroad and God." The twenty students who spent last summer working for the American Friends' Service Com- mittee (Quakers) rehabilitation project in Fay- ette County;Pa., lived with the miners who work the captive mines in that district. They saw some of the conditions they had heard about, (some they hadn't heard about), they heard the stories that these families had to tell them, and they had the chance to become, a little bit, neigh- bors. I know about the captive mines and the "captive" miners because I was one of the re- habilitators for the AFSC. Coal mining has al- ways been particularly susceptible to booms and depressions because there has been little plan- ning of production. Besides it is estimated that there are 130,000 too many miners in the in- dustry. To cut down expenses (especially 1931-2- 3-4) the companies dismissed the "inside" men whose job it is to lay track so that cars can be brought up to the face of the coal for load- ing, and to set timbers to hold up the roof. The miner then had to do this work himself before he was able to get the coal out. In other words, the miner worked for the company on his own time - for no pay! Paid only for the coal he loaded, the miner loaded extra tons into wagons, the weight of which was misrepresented by the company, and received- the pittance which one operator flung him! In other mines the check weighman falsified the tonnage for "the com- pany. Until the coming of the United Mine Workers, the miner was helpless in the face of these abuses. He could not act singly against the company. He was fired if he\dared to make a complaint; he was blacklisted in all the mines and despite the verbal protection of tenancy laws, he was liable to be evicted immediately from the com- pany-owned house on any pretense whatsoever. The company store was perhaps the most no- torious abuse. Miners were forced to buy there at double the prices charged at other competing stores. Duringa period of employment the miner paid off the debts he had contracted for food, etc., while he had been laid off. A pay check shown us by an employee of Frick Coal and Coke Co., a U.S. steel subsidiary,.typically had deduc- tions for rent, doctor, insurance, light. The bal- ance was for food, after the company had taken its share. Since very few miners worked reg- ularly, pay checks often ran to fractions of the dollar and minus quantities. During the depression of the thirties, the com- pany stores extended credit at first. Some, how- ever, finally were shut down - shelves stocked with canned goods and miners' children starving. Quakers who volunteered in a child-feeding program, were unable to reach the poorest fam- ilies through the schools - those children had not enough clothes to get there. One relief work- er, with experience in Europe, said that the clothing situation "could only be compared to that in Poland and Russia after the last war." The children were swollen - bellied with star- vation, rachitic, sickly and unable to retain food when relief finally did get to them. The boom in the coal industry bringing 7 dollars a day is only temporary. The defense pro- gram will last only a few years - then what? The companies are making no attempt to remedy bad housing conditions. The union is fighting for vacations with pay and better all-around conditions which hold with "closed shop". Is this defense of a democracy for the stockholders or for the millions of farmers and workers? I'm just a carpenter, painter . . . America! - Joan M. Deiches Doii'Says How hard and thick-skinned can one become and yet remain sensitive to the needs of others? On what basis can a devout soul approach his God in a day of blood and tears? When all of our intercourse and our group life is chilled by the threat of universal war and world-revolution what shall we do to keep life free and the mind alert? Such are the questions which run through every person's thoughts day after day. Religion is fundamental. Between God and man no person, no event, no nation, no situation can intervene. That street is a two-way thor- oughfare and always open. To avail myself of it, I must learn to pray. If this is for you. a new task, begin with the reading of meaningful prayers, such as endure in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer and the writings of Thomas a Kempis, Samuel McComb, Walter Rauschenbash, W. E. Orchard. Remember that prayer, accord- ing to Trench: "Is not the overcoming of God's reluctance; it is laying hold of His highest willingness." Re'ligion, also, deals with the personal atti- tude. In a world where serious conflicts are many, when issues are sharply drawn, when great stakes are up, when each must choose and on his choice take the consequences, when good men offer opposing calls, he is most religions who can maintain unity between his God-concept and his rpainmo +f llnw ma pi, loci a - TASHINGTON-Being Republican National Chairman these troub- led days is no easy-chair sinecure. Between trying to keep peace be- tween rambunctious Willkie inter- ventionists and rebellious isolation- ists whipping an effective organiza- tion into shape for next year's mo- mentous elections, and wringing funds from disaffected contributors, the job of National Chairman de- mands the patience of Job, the hardi- ness of a broncho buster and the fervor of a temperance crusader. Modest Chairman Joe Martin would be the last to claim any of these qnalifications.. Both friends and foes agree he is doing an able job under extremely trying conditions. The increasingly bitter cleavage be- tween GOP isolationists afid antis is a real threat to the party, and no one knows that better than Mar- tin. Thpe recent move by a group of House isolationists to "purge" Willkie was largely empty clatter. Represen- tative Dewey Short, leader of the clique, is a big shot in his Missouri Ozark district, but little potatoes in Republican national councils. Short and his small band have neither the power nor the standing to purge anyone. THE ONLY THING that was signif- icant about the outbreak was that it brought into the open the seething factionalism now raging within the party over foreign policy. This undercover struggle will not be decided by the GOP in Congress. It will come to a showdown in Jan- uary at a National Committee meet- ing that has been called by Martin. Also attending the pow-wow' will be all GOP State Chairmen, who in the past year, through an organiza-. tion of their own, have been very in- sistent about getting a bigger voice in the management of the party's af- fairs nationally. The chairmen plan to demand such recognition at the Jan- uary meeting. Specifically, they want one of them to be made No. 2 man in the national headquarters wth the title of executive director. The chairmen had several plain- talking conferences with Martini about this last summer. Without waiting for the January conclave, he already is doing something about it. He has appointed Ken Wherry, forceful Nebraska State Chairman, as his western representative, and as Wherry's first job, sent him on a tour of 22 states to meet local leaders and advise on pepping up their" organ- izations. Japanese Parleys Most Japanese who fly--across the Pacific are watched very carefully. But Special Ambassador Saburo Ku- rusu was an exception. By deliberate design, he was allowed to get a very general view of the vast air bases which the U.S. Navy has built on the strategic islands of the Pacific. The reason was obvious - namely, to strengthen the bargaining power of American diplomacy, fr the stronger the American position in the Pacific, the more toned-down is Jap- anese belligerency. Probably this birds-eye view of our fortifications had little effect up- on Ambassador Kurusu, however, for two reasons. One is that the Japan- ese already have a very efficient es- pionage system and probably already knew all about our Pacific dtrength. Second was the fact that the Japan- ese already had begun to pause a bit - chiefly because Hitler's Russian time-table was out of gear. - The important differencebetween the U.S. and Japanese discussions during the current week is that the Japanese are pushing theirs, while Messrs. Hull and Roosevelt are pro- longing theirs. The Japanese; moder- ates would like to get something done immediately in order to head off the military. And the military also are not entirely averse to talking terms with the United States-if they can get our recognition of Japanese con- quest over China - which is going to be very difficult. The final outcome, however, de- pends almost entirely on Russian de- feat or Russian victory: other. A third will appear with such vague ideals and such low purpose that living has no tension and choices make little difference. Growth in make little difference. Growth of soul in a decade like our own is apt to depend upon the energy and will a man can summon to move toward ideals or goals which long have bea- coned him but never commanded resolute allegiance. Faith in an adequate God, whose world is succeeding beyond man's pet- ty bungling, is one of the boons of religion: "It fortifies my soul to know That though I perish, truth is so: I steadier step when I recall That, if I slip, Thou doest not fall." (Arthur Clough)_ A comnlete renly to the issues raised DAILY OFF"ICIAL BULLETIN . -I* "W" --WW "After I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 9411 VOL. LI. No. 48 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.] Notices Notice to All Faculty Members and University Employees. The regents of the University in 1931 adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That it is the sense of the Regents that employees on "full- time" and on annual or monthlysal- ary who ordinarily receive a vacation at the expense of the University and pay on holidays and for a reasonable period of sick leave if necessary, are not entitled to payment for "over- time," whether in their own or an- other department of the University unless such arrangement shall have been authorized in advance by the President or the Board of Regents. Faculty, School of Education: The regular meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, November 24, in the University Elementary School Li- brary. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. and meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Choral Union Concert: The Chi- cago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor, will be heard Sun- day afternoon, November 30 at 3:00 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Dr Stock has arranged a program of composi- tions byBach, Strauss, Tschaikow- sky, Elgar, and Rimsky-Korsakoff. A limited number of tickets are still available at the offices f the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. ,Charles A. Sink, President. Executive Committee of the Inter fraternity Council: The following dis- ciplinary measures were takqn by the Executive Committee of the Inter- fraternity Council at a meeting held Friday, November 21:l A fine of twenty-five dollars was imposed upon Chi Phi for an illegal initiation with the warning that a .similar infraction in the future will be more severely dealt with. A fine of ten dollars was imposed upon Acacia for its failure to comply with the Interfraternity rules re- garding initiation, with a warning that any violations in the future will be dealt with more severely. Phi Kappa Psi was warned to dis- continue pledging men who have not registered properly with the Inter- fraternity Council, and reminded that a further violation of the rules will be considered a much more seri- ous offense. Zeta Psi was reprimanded for al- lowing a second semester freshman to live in the house. The pledge was denied permission to be initiated and forced to leave the fraternity im- mediately. Robert Porter, Secretary Hitch Hikers: About a month ago a student left a pair of shoes in a car in which he rode from Detroit to Ann Arbor. The Dean of Stu- dents' Office has information re- garding the person holding them for the students. Academic 'otices Physics Colloquium will be held in Room 1041, Randall Laboratory, at 4:15 p.m., on Monday, November 24. Professor Duffendack will speak on the topic, "The Use of a Geiger- Mueller Photoelectron Color in Spec- troscopic Research." Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical ing. All interested are cordially in- vited. To Students Enrolled for Series of Lectures on Naval Subjects: Cap- tain Lyal A. Davidson, Captain U.S. Navy, Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, University of Michigan wfill deliver a lecture on "The Naval Dis- trict and Joint Operations with the Army" at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, No- vember 25, in Room 348 West En- gineering Building. Economics 181: Hour examination scheduled for November 25 has been postponed until December 2. Robert S. Ford Economics 221: Professor Haber will meet the seminar on Wednesday, November 26, 1:00-3:00 p.m., instead of on Monday, November 24. Geology 11-Bluebook No. 2, on Friday, November 28, at 9 o'clock. Students whose names begin with A through T-Auditorium; U through Z-Room 3055 N.S. Concerts Faculty Concert: The public is cordially invited to attend a concert given by several members, of the faculty of the School of Music at 4:15 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Participating in the pro- grai will be Mrs. Maud Okkelberg, Mrs. Ava Case and Professor Joseph Brinkman pianists, Mr. Mark Bills, baritone and Mr. William StubIns, clarinetist. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of "Contem- porary Textiles" designed by Rodier, Dufy, Dufresne, Poiret, Deskey, and V'Saski, and from the School of De- sign in ,Chicago, the Cranbrook Academy of Art, the Taliesin Fellow- ship, and the Commercial Market. Textile processes, with models, looms, demonstration weaving and printing, are included. Rackham Building Ex- hibition Galleles' through Nov. 24, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Stulent work of the member schools of the Association of Collegiate Schools is being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through Novem- ber 25. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture Cancelled: Jacob Crane, Assistant Coordinator Division of Defense Housing Coordination, who was scheduled to lecture here on Monday, November 24, at 2:00 p.m. in the ground floor lecture room, Architecture Building, has been unayoidably detained in Washington and will be unable to keep his ap- pointment. University Lecture: Mr. Hubert Herring, Executive Director of the Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America, will lecture on. the subject, "Latin America, Ger- many, and the United States," un- der the auspices of the Committee'on Latin-American Studies, on Monday, November 24, at 4:15 p.m. in th Rackham Amphitheater. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Lieutenant Paul A. Smith, Chief of the Aero- nautical Chart Section, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, will lecture on the subject, "Lands Beneath the scred Kuzma, two of them grabbed my legs and two others had to take my arms."