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Cloudy, colder; snow or rain.
VOL. LIT. No. 47
Michigan To Face Buckeyes In Final Game i
'M' Drum Ma jors All
In its last football appearance of the season today, the 130-piece.
University Marching Band will be put through its paces at half-time
by Drum Major Lynn Stedman, ,45 (center), assisted by Co-Drum
Major Jim Kennedy, '43 (right), and Twirler Gene Sherry, '42SM.
Michigan Ban To Marh Tody
In Last ppearace eason
Axis Armies Flee
As British Attack,
Murray Reelected
English Military Sourcei*Ten Pickets Felled In Gun
States Final Showdown War With Non-Strikers
Is Now Near At Hand In FayetteCoal Fields
Possession Of Tula New Plan To Settle
Still Undetermined Strike Undertaken
(By The Associated Press) DETROIT, Nov. 21-(P)-Philip
The invading British with their Murray accepted a second term as
new American-made weapons ap- President of the CIO today with a
peared last night to have won the plea to government and business to
initial stages of that great Libyan cooperate with labor in good faith
battle which Winston Churchill had and a declaration that he would fight
ordered to rid North Africa of the against any attempt to place legis-
Axis armies. lative "shackles" on union organi-
The British,. Middle Eastern Com- zations.
mand, announcing that the quick Murray, 55 years old and a veteran
decisive engagement predicted by the of the labor movement, was re-elected
Prime Minister had been "joined in by aclamation .at the CIO's annual
earnest" since Thursday, declared convention. A 34-minute demonstra-
that all main lines were now directly tion by the delegates when his name
threatened and that the German and was placed in nomination indicated
'Italian tank columns had been sent he had become the No. 1 man in the
reeling back to defeat in every major CIOin fact as well as title since he
action where they had offered battle. - took over the top offie when John
187 Tanks Lost L. Lewis relinquished it last year.
The loss of at least 187 Axis tanks Addressing his remarks to Presi-
in this developing all-out struggle dent Roosevelt and business men, he
was reported by British authorities. asserted:
British military informants in "Accept us in good faith, sit around
Cairo summed up with the declara- the industry council table with us,
tion that the showdown was at hand perfect your programs of expansion
and that matters were going "very with us, give us an administrative
well" for British arms. part in the development of these
The strongest of all British pushes great projects."
-and they were spread out upon a Battle At Mine
front of 140 miles wide-was by Gen- Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh, blazing
eral Sir Alan Cunningham's center, guns felled 10 pickets today in a
the main force of which last reported battle between non-strikers and pick-
to be beating on beyond Tobruk over ets in the Fayette.coal fields. Turbu-
the. high plateau barely south of the lent center of the five-day-old United
town while subsidiary British forces Mine Workers strike against the steel
turned off the main line of that ad- company-owned captive mines.
vance and struck to the north to The men, all identified as strike
meet the long-besieged defenders of pickets by the CIO. United Mine
the Tobruk garrison itself. Workers, were wounded in a fresh
The main drive, reaching up nearly outburst of shooting at the Eden-
to the Mediterranean shore, appar- born mine of the H. C. Frick Com-
ently had cut the main Axis armored pany, 18 miles north of Uniontown,
forces in two. 'where three were wounded yester-
90-Mile Advance day. The Frick Company is a sub-
More important, however, was the sidiary of U. S. Steel Corporation.
'progress of the main British column In Washington, the government
which, by-passing Tobruk in a total undertook a new effort to settle the
advance that was approaching 90 captive coal mine strike tonight.
mile's, appeared to be drawing a wide William H. Davis, chairman of the
arc to envelop all the Axis forces Defense Mediation Board, addressed
between that area and the Egyptian telegrams to commercial mine opera-
frontier to the East. [tors associations designed to show
On the Russian front, where a new that the United Mine Workers will
German recapitulation put Red cas- lose no rights in the commercial
ualties to date in killed, wounded or mines if it postpones its demand for a
captured at the extraordinary figure union shop in the captive mines.
of 10,00,000, fi'ghting was bitter on -________
the long-contested sectors above and T B Ca i n
below Moscow. 11 ampai n
German forces have broken
through Soviet defenses at Tula, 100 ToBei n Here
miles south of Moscow, but are being .
pushed back again by stubborn Red Sale
troops, a Russian official spokesman W it S al/
said late today.
The Germans for their part ac-
knowledged strong Russian counter- Annual Christmas Drive
attacks both at Tula and around Kal- -BLo
inin, which is 95 miles northwest of B L tcal rganizatond
Moscow. To Be Started Monday
The German Eastern armies were
in many instances being provisioned Christmas may only mean vacation
Sy upply planes which were having to you, but to the Washtenaw Coun-
azardous going in the blizzards ty Tuberculosis Society it means a
howling over Russia. drive to secure funds for a continua-
_._ +inono +hneirncae ining r grram fnr
.. All-American captain
* * I,
Concluding what may well be an-.I
other "All-American" season, the 130-I
piece University Marching Band will,
make its final football appearance
between halves of the Ohio State
gare today.
Directed by Prof. William D. Rev-
elli and drilled by Lieut. John A.
Lohla of the Department of Military
Science and Tactics, the band has al-
ready been declared one of the finest
in the nation by top-notch sports re-
porters who have seen it perform.
Drum major Lynn Stedman, '45,
will lead the band through its half-
Mimes Opera',-
Script Secret
Now Revealed
"Full House," a prize-winning Hop-
wood play by Ray Ingharfi, Grad.,
has been chosen as the script for the
1942 Union Mimes Opera to be pre-
sented Dec. 9 through 13 in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, Director Bob
Adams, '30, announced yesterday.,
Ingham's script was awarded $400
in the major drama division of the
Jiles and Avery Hopwood creative
writing contest last June.
According to Jim Gorinson, '42,
general chairman, and Bob Titus, '42,
president of Mimes, Director Adams
and Ingham are now working on a
slight revision of the play which will
enable the presentation of dance
skits and music.n n
The story is all about one Fenno
Hedge, a pulp story nagazine writer,
whose creations come to life and just
about eat him out of house and home,
His cousin Stuart Hedge, a young
college student, arrives on the scene
with Lana Carter (who is going to
look more rapacious than Lana Tur-
ner) to get his uncle out of trouble,
Stu writes Fenno's sponging'char-
acters out of existence, but his uncle
refuses to accept this solution. So
Fenno writes himself out of the
trouble, etc..
Foreign Policy Is Topic
Of. Community Forum
Opposing viewpoints on the na-
time maneuvers today, assisted by
co-drum major Jim Kennedy, '43,
and twirler Gene Sherry, '42SM. Ken-
nedy will take charge of the pre-game
Recreated from their initial use
about five years ago, the formations
today will be based on a "Soap Bub-
ble" theme,."undoubtedly one of the
most popular formations ever to be
presented by the band" according to
Professor Reveli.,
Playing a "bubble medley" com-
posed of such tunes as "I'm Forever
Blowing Bubbles, the band will form
a huge soap bubble pipe and will then
proceed to "blow" a gigantic bubble.
In honor of football captain Bob
Westfall, ensuing formations by the
band will include the formation of
the word BOB, during which the band
will sing "College Days," the- first
gridiron singing it has done this year.
It is desired that spectators join in
the singing, Professor Revelli said.
Heard Sunday night over the "Hour
of Charm" program as Michigan's,
singing coed, Joan -Reutter, '43SM,
will lead the stands in the singing of
"The Yellow and the Blue" while the
band stands it its traditional block'
Students having non-student
QSU tickets which they'ind they
cannot use should turn them in to
the Michigan Union ticket resale
desk between 9 a.m. and. 1 p.m.
today, according to Bob Burstein,
TenMichigan Gridders To Play
Their Last College Game Today
To upwards of 85,753 people today's
Michigan-Ohio State grid clash may,
be just another series of the thrills
and spills that accompany every
other top notch football game, but to
10 members of the Wolverine team
today's contest brings a tinge of sad-
For this afternoon's Wolverine-
Buckeye clash represents for these 10
seniors the moment all great ath-
letes never look forward to-the final
bow of a delightful career. After to-
day the roar of the crowd, the thrill
of combat, the pride of wearing Maize
and Blue colors, all will be memories.
For many of these retiring seniors
it will mark the third year in a Wol-
verine uniform. To some this is their
first year of competition. But veter-
ans or novices, all have contributed to
Michigan's immortal football heri-
Here are just a fewr things to re-
member about each of the gridders
before they becomehMichigan legends:
Capt. Bob Westfall: Recently pro-
claimed by Coach Fritz Crisler the
greatest fullback that he had ever
coached. ... number one exponent of
the spinner nlayin collegiate com-'
petition today . . . his line plunges
have beenresponsible for many a
Michigan victory. . . in conference
competition last year was the leading
ground gainer ... almost certain of
All-American honors . . . was a valu-
able Michigan captain.
Bob Ingalls: Carrying out the Wol-
verines',tradition of great centers..
one of the best linesmen in the coun-
try . . . mentioned for All-American'
honors . . . showed his versatility by
filling in for Forest Evashavski at
quarterback in his sophomore year
... hasn't made a bad pass all year.
Rube Kelto: "Old Reliable" him-
self . . . long under-rated by scribes
and spectators, Rube is really "a foot-
ball player's football player" . . .sel-
dom speaks but makes up for it in
action.. . one of Michigan's most de-
pendable linemen.
Harlin Iraumann: When things
looked dark as far as ends were con-
cerned the tow-headed Dutchman
came through . . . stopped many a
wide end run . . . his height 'makes
him an excellent pass receiver.
Dive Nelson: One of the most col-
orful players on the squad . . . his
speed accounted for many long Mich-
(Continued on Page 3)
ski and the rest of that magnificent-
crew that made Fritz Crisler's Michi-
gan coaching career a successful one.
But the Crisler-coached lads of Ann
Arbor shrugged off the skepticism of
the experts and faced the gigantic
task that confronted them. The re-
sult is that when they line up for the
opening kickoff against Ohio State
today, they will be sporting an im-
pressive record of six victories and
only one defeat, and that at the
hands of mighty Minnesota.
Today's contest will mark the 38th
renewal of the Michigan-Ohio State
football rivalry. It started back in
1897 and the records show 4 decided
edge in favor of the Wolverines. To
date, the Michigan boys have come
out on top 25 times while the Bucks
can only point to ten victories over
the local outfit. Two of the encoun-
ters have ended in deadlocks.
More than the traditional rivalry
wil be at stake when the two forces
meet today, however, for the winner
will take undisputed possession of
second place in the Western Confer-
ence. And if Wisconsin should pull a
surprise victory over Minnesota, to-
day's winner will move into a tie for
first place honors.
Ten Varsity gridders will don the
Maize and Blue for the last time to-
day. Captain Bob Westfall, Bob In-
galls, Rube Kelto, Harlin Fraumann,
Davey Nelson, Bill Melzow, Bob Flora,
Ted Kennedy, Al Thomas, and Leo
(Continued on Page 3)
A Headache For Trle Chief:
85,000 Spectators Are Expected
In Little Old Ann Arbor Today
The Mighty Will Meet Monday:
Five Little Quiz Kids To Enga
Facultyites In Challenge A
Those mighty mammoths of
ether, the five little Quiz Kids,
invade the academic towers ofa
quiet college town Monday for
wit-battle of the decade.
tion of their case finding program for
another year.
Beginning Monday and continuing
until Christmas, the Society will con-
i "e duct a fund raising campaign through
selling of Christ-
I ~ mas seals. The drive CHRISTMAS
atch will be conducted SEALS
entirely through the
mail, there will be-
::no personal solici-
tation, except in the
tiniversity dormi-
tories where con-
tribution boxes will 94
be placed for the MinEr cHRISTMAS
convenience of the
students. Protect
Mrs. Flora Brown, Your Home fromn
in charge of the an- Tuberculosis
nual drive, said that no quota has
been set, but that the Society can
use all the funds it receives for case
finding, and clinical work.
Of the money collected through
I the sale of Christmas seals. 80 per
Little Red
Fresh from a home-town rout of
five University of Chicago behemoths
of brain, the kiddy quintet will en-
Michigan Faculty The Quiz Kids
Slosson Richard
Dorr Jack
Named 'Mo' To Go
To Winning T eam'
As far as Michigan's Student Sen-
ate is concerned, the winning teamf
today will be in possession of "Mo,"
a little red bull, along with its share
of the gate receipts.
"Mo," representing the Wolverine-
Buckeye rivalry and also a telegram.
writer's abbreviation of "Michigan-
Ohio Rtate" was launched as a tra-
The governor of Ohio won't pre-
dict a score but "hopes" Ohio will'
win this year, Police Chief Sherman^
Mortenson is worrying about the.
traffic problem-and 85,000people
are making Ann Arbor a big city for
a day.
Said Gov. J"hn Briker of Ohio
after twice refusing to predict a
score: "It'll be a good clean football
game . .. We're up here as guests of
Michigan, but I hope Ohio wins."
Said Chief of Police Mortenson,
with a telephone in one hand: "I'm
keeping my fingers crossed. 20,000
automobiles, 65 special busses,18
'Football Specials'-andl me with only
30 extra officers to keep the traffic
under control."
Police Chief Sherman Mortenson
first started to worry when Oscar
Olander, state commissioner of pub-
sheriff's deputies from Washtenaw
County at city street intersections.
Wayne County couldn't send any
deputy sheriffs because'"we have to
worry about the crowd after, they get
cut of Ann Arbor." Dearborn said the
20,000 people are expected to attend
the game from Ohio. The Ann Arbor
Railroad has 11 trains coming. They
are all "Football Specials" and will
unload at the Ferry Field yards near
the stadium from noon until game-
Busses will "rush out'of Detroit as
fast as the crowd can fill them" be-
fore the game and will do double-duty
service afterwards. Toledo is sending
a squad of 27 specially chartered bus-
ses to add to the traffic congestion.
But the police department isn't
giving up hope yet. Late yesterday
word was received that the strike
near Muskegon might be ended in
i .: .: