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November 20, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-20

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Cloudy~; Oica sianal Rain.


Lw igmi


An Isolationist
Repiies To Swander.,






CIO Conclave
Union Growth
Must Continue
Withdrawal Of Leaders
From Mediation Board
Approved By Delegates
Organization Drive
To Start In South
(By The Associated Press) .
DETROIT, Nov. 19 - President
Philip Murray told the CIO's annual
convention today that "nothing must
stop the work of organizing the un-
organized in America-not even the
great national emergency."
He made the assertion after the
delegates had approved the principle
of mediation but at the same time
had endorsed the resignation of CIO
members from the National Defense
Mediation $oard in the captive mines
Murray geclared the slogan for the
coming ye?.r must be "organize the
South," and opined that the task
should be accomplished in the next
12 months.

World Unity Is Needed
For Peace, Ruthven Says
President Calls For Spirit Of Universal Fellowship
As Foreign Students Celebrate Thanksgiving

Must Be Done
"It's got to be done," he added, "by
brave men in the Ileart-of industry,
at the gates of plants, in mass meet-
ings around the plants-and in picket
The delegates voted approval of a
committee report which recalled that
the organization had supported the
National Defense Mediation Board
in the past and added: "This basic
policy of the CIO still stands."
The statement pointed out, how-
ever, that Murray had previously con-
tendtd that the Board's recommenda-
tion against a union shop for John
L. Lewis' United Mine Workers in the
captive mine case, had "made it im-
possible for labor to retain any con-
fidence in its future actions."
The pronouncement commended
the action of Murray and other CIO
officials who quit the Board in pro-
test against the decision but then
Murray Gets Support'
"In doing so we wish to reaffirm
President Murray's counsel to CIO
affiliates to utilize in full all avail-
able machinery for mediation to
achieve the peaceful solution of the
problems arising between labor and
It concluded by suggesting that
the CIO's proposed industrial coun-
cil plan-embracing ',planning for
each basic defense industry by rep-
resentatives of labor, management
and government-would contribute to
the stabilization of labor relations.
The delegates voted approval of a
committee report which recalled that
the organization had supported the
National Defense Mediation Board in
the past and added: "This basic pol-
icy of the CIO still stands."

Addressing an audience-colored
by the native costumes of many lands
-of more than 500 foreign students,
faculty and townspeople at the Uni-
versity's annual International Dinner
yesterday in the Union, President
Alexander G. Ruthven declared that
only the firm establishment of a spirit
of the brotherhood of man will guar-
antee world peace.
Admitting that this spirit is be-
coming more real, President Ruthven
called on the gathering to give thanks
for the growing feeling of universal
fellowship and sighted the continu-
ance of the International Dinner as
evidence that "this University has
faith in the brotherhood of man."
He emphasized that Americans no
longer regard themselves as isolated
from the other nations of the world
but realize that we all are of one
species and must share the trials of
our fellow men.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor
to foreign students and director of
the International Center, pointed out
that "by coming here we express our
faith in good will among men without
which world peace is impossible."
He stressed the fact that regard-
less of a world at war representatives
of many nations were able to gather
'in a peaceful celebration. Friendship,
he said, is not incompatible with dif-
ferences of race, languages and
Fakri Maluf, Grad., native of Ras
Bierut, Syria, replying for University
Vichy Breaks
With Weygand
Leader's Refusal To Aid
Nazis Is Labeled Reason
For Past Differences
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, Unoccupied France, Nov.
18-General Maxime Weygand, the
military enigma of France, was re-
ported tonight to have come to the
parting of the ways with Vichy govt-
ernment and td have resigned as
Marshall Petain's representative and
army commander in North Africa.
(Diplomatic informants in Wash-
ington said they had received author-
itative confirmation that Waygand
had been ousted, presumably as the
result of increased authority of Ger-
man collaborationist elements in the
Vichy Government.)
While the strong and popular
leader of France's untried African
armies walked alone, lost in thought,
on the banks of the River Allier, fol-
lowing three days of conferences with
Petain, Admiral William D. Leahy,
the American Ambassador, saw the
old Chief-of-State.
They were alone except for Leahy's
interpreter, Douglas MacArthur,
third secretary of the Embassy.
Authorized Vichy sources said,
however, that Leahy could not inter-
fere directly with what was essen-
tially a French internal affair.
Spokesmen likewise insisted that
Weygand's case was not mentioned
in recent- conversations between Pe-
tain and Otto Abetz, Adolf Hitler's
Ambassador to Paris, but the fact re-
mained that Waygand came from
French Africa soon after the Abetz
visit to Vichy. Moreover, the Vichy
colonial secretary, RearAdmiral Rene
Platon, has been dispatched to Dakar
suddenly in the latest manifestation
of activity connected with North
Africa. I

foreign students, described Thanks-
giving as expressing "the profound
religious optimism and the unyielding
faith in good, which are so character-
istic of American life."
The speeches were followed by a
program of folk dances. Ruth Ann
Koesun, of Chicago, demonstrated an
old Chinese ritual dance and a Chi-
nese scarf dance. Native dances were
also given by group of Turkish and
Phillipine students.
The Interiational Dinner is given
each year on the "eve of Thanksgiv-
ing" by the University to officially
welcome foreign students. The tra-
dition was begun 19 years ago.
Cborine Line'
Is Chosen For
.Mimes Opera
35 Male,'Chorus Beauties'
To Perform In Current
Edition Of Annual Show
Mimes Union Opera, 1942 Edition,
took a little more concrete form yes-
terday when Chorus directors Millie
Radford, '42, and Mary Hayden, '42,
announced that a 35 man "chorine
line" had been formed. ;
The hairy-legged ones will perform
in six separate lines-the can-can,
toe, tap, pony chorus, dream ballet,
rhumba and the True Story, a spe-
cialty number.
The show will be presented Decem-
ber 9 through 13 in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre of the Michigan
League. Jim Gormson, '42, is gen-
eral chairman. Bob Titus, '42, Mimes
president, is'now closely working with
Director Bob Adams on a slight re-
vision of the script.
The members of the tap chorus are
Dick Wirth, '43E; Ed Whalen, '43;
Harold Petrowitz, '43E; Chuck Solar,
'42; Bill Gans, '43E; Bill Funk, "43;
Bob Gelston, '43; Carl Langenbach,
'42F&C; Bruce Mayper, '42; Jack
Page, '44, and Dick Ford, '44.
The same men, along with Bud
Sykes, '42, will comprise the toe danc-
ing chorus.
A naughty-naughty black silk-
(Continued on Page 6)
Five Men Die
In Train Fire
Freight Locomotive Burns
In California Tunnel
(By The Associated Press)
VAN NUYS, Calif., Nov. 19-Trap-
ped in a 7,000-foot railroad tunnel,
five men perished today as a giant
Southern Pacific locomotive burst
into flames and turned the bore into
a hell of smoke and fumes.
Five other men escaped, groping
their way through the darkness to
fresh air.
The deaths resulted from a freak
accident in which a coupling snapped
on the 96-car freight train, auto-
matically setting the air brakes. The
oil line from locomotive to tender
was severed and burning oil sprayed
a small area of the tunnel.
"It was the crazy feeling of being
lost in Hell," said one of the sur-
vivors, student fireman Boyd Bonner,
24, of Bakersfield.
The scene was 35 miles north of Los
Angeles on the Southern Pacific's
coast route to San Francisco.

Await Emergency's End,
President Asks In Plea;
'Unsatisfactory' Is Reply
UMW Heads Seek
UnionShop Now
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 - UP) -
President Roosevelt proposed a new
formula for ending the strike in the
captive coal mines today but John
L. Lewis flatly and firmly turned, it
Mr. Roosevelt proposed that fur-
ther discussion of the one issue of the
strike-which he described as the
closd shop-be postponed until after
the national emergency, or that the
dispute be submitted to arbitration
with the union and the mine manage-
ment agreeing in advance to abide
by the result.
Lewis replied that any formal de-
cision would have to await a meeting
of the union's policy making commit-
tee on Saturday, but that as far as
he was concerned the arrangement
was unsatisfactory.
Union Shop Needed
The officers of the union, he said,
had no authority from the member-
ship to accept anything short of a
"union shop"-an arrangement under
which all employes must join the
union. As for arbitration, he added,
Mr. Roosevelt's recent statements had
been so "prejudicial" to the claims of
the union that he doubted an un-
biased umpire could be found.
Meanwhile, the United States Steel
Corporation had accepted Mr. Roose-
velt's proposal and said it was ready
to pursue either of the courses that
the Ciief Executive proposed. It is
one of several steel companies in-
volved in the controversy.
These developments left Washing-
ton wondering whether the next step
would be dicisive action by Mr. Roose-
velt to open the mines, either by
sending in troops or by asking Con-
gress for quick legislation to assure
a resumption of coal production.
50,000 Troops Ready
Some 50,000 troops were in readi-
ness to move into the coal fields. At
the same time, the effect of the strike
upon the production of steel for de-
fense was growing more acute. Three
blast furnaces in Birmingham were
shut down for lack of fuel, and the
Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation
announced a probability that it would
have to shut down six furnaces by to-
Sympathy strikes were spreading
in the commercial coal fields; a rough
survey showed at least 90,000 miners
out in more than 137 commercial
Little Red Bull
To Be Trophy
Of OSU Game
And a little red bull shall lead
Somewhat restrained by the fire-
breathing, flame snorting monster
glaring down from its rostrum, the
Student Senate unanimously voted
last night to give a scarlet steer the
honor of playing trophy for the an-
nual Michigan-Ohio State football
"Mo," as the plaster symbol has
been christened by OSU's student
senate, will be mounted on a large
wooden oval with Ohio State's seal
painted on one side and the Wolver-
ine's emblem on the other. Further
repetitions of last year's 40-0 triumph
will give us the bull and the game's
pigskin to boot.
According to Bill Todd, '42, presi-
dent of the senate, a letter will be
sent immediately to Columbus, in-
forming the Buckeyes of "Mo" and
offering to present it to the victor-

ious team after the game.
"Mo" stands about two hands
tall, and his gender is rather unde-
termined. Buck Dawson, '43, his spon-
sor, donor, and rumored procreator
calls him a steer, but anyone's guess
is just as good. He ("Mo," not Daw-
son) mounts two white horns which
can be turned up or down to signal'
victory, defeat, or a left turn.
I -~.& %rV AT T . mrryfv wr,'m - I

French Film,
The Puritan',
Begins Today
Production Is Sponsored
By Art Cinema League;
To Have_3-Day Run
One of the great psychological
movies of our time, "The Puritan,"
will be shown at 8:15 p.m. today,
tomorrow and Saturday in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre by the Art Cin-
ema League. Tickets are on sale in
the League box office.
Based on a story by Liam O'Flah-
erty, author of "The Informer," a
film voted the best film of 1935 by
the National Board of Review, "The
Puritan" is similarly a motion picture
study of a mind, again a probe into
the processes of thought, the circum-
stances and events inspiring them,
and the eventual doom to which they
lead the man who undergoes them.
Produced in France in 1937, "The
Puritan" has aroused storms of con-
troversy in New York state where the
censorship issue arose, and in cer-
tain European countries.
Several film critics stressed "the
'The Puritan.' They assert these
deeper meanings which unfold in
deeper meanings "lurk just behind
the facade of the plot, and dialogue-
though they are read not so much
in the lines and between them, they
form a murky shifting cloud of pro-
found significance, lending the whole
thing a great deal of weight and Sub-
stance. A state of affairs such as this
is commonly termed 'provocative'-
and that is what 'The Puritan' is."
Odd Burglaries
Robbers Ransack Garages
But Leave Without Loot
Police today were still puzzled as
to the motive of burglars who ran-
sacked four garages early yesterday
morning, causing a "merry mixup"
but claiming none of the loot.
Prof. Adam Christman, of the
chemistry department, found two
auto wheels with tires, a radio and an
auto robe in front of his garage at
1613 Shadford. He reported this to
police who had previously been in-
formed that the garage of George
Willard, 1614 Brooklyn, had been en-
tered and that a $65 radio had been
stolen. A report had also been filed
that the garage of Edward Rents-
chler, 1615 Shadford, had been ran-
sacked and two wheels, tires and an
auto- robe had been taken. These
missing articles were identified as
being those found near Professor
Christmnan's garage.
Later, police received a call that
two wheels and tires were taken from
the garage of Weldon Hare, 1610
Shadford. These were found in front
of his neighbor's garage as was a
radio taken from the garage of Al-
fred Slaeb, 1421 Brooklyn. Another
garage in that same block was broken
into but nothing was found missing.

British Begin Triple-Threat Drive
Against Axis In Northern Africa;
Lewis Rejects Proposal For Peace

cial announcement last night.
Already, the British said today, they
had advanced more than 50 miles in-
to enemy territory, have taken many
German prisoners, put Italian troops
to flight, subjected the stubborn Hell-
fire (Halfaya) Pass to a heavy naval
bombardment, and wrought "tre-
mendous damage to the enemy" with
continuing air attacks on German-
Italian positions and airdromes at
Tmimi, Derna, Nartuba, Agedabia,
Bomba and Bengasi.
The whole great attack is under a
joint Army, Navy and Air Force com-
mand, headed by Lieut.-Gen. Sir
Alan- Gordon Cunningham for the
Army, his brother, Admiral Sir An-
drew Browne Cunningham, for the
Navy, and Air Vice-Marshal Arthur
Coningham for the RAF.
Army Strength Built Up
The first land thrust by an army
built up to great strength in compari-
son with the "token forces" which
first defeated the Italians in Libya
last winter was from Sidi Omar
straight into Cyrenaica, Libya's east-
ern section.
The surprise was declared to be
The Axis forces recoiled, startled
,and unsure whether this was a real
offensive or merely another of1 the
frequent sorties which have kept the
desert warfare alive throughout the
almost insufferable summer.
They soon learned that 'this was
the real thing. The thunder of
bombs from American-made planes,
the rattle of gunfire and the clank
and roar of American-made tanks
never ceased.
German Ability Admitted
For the first time in this war, the
best of British fighting forces were
pitted in all the elements against an
elite German army force which the
Nazis and Fascists have built up
painfully over the last few months
despite constant harassment by the
Royal Navy in the Mediterranean.
The British refused to minimize
the ability or brains of the battle-
tested Germans, but said that a strik-
ing success for British arms here
might well knock Italy out of the
war, since it would provide nearby
bases for the RAF to bomb Italy
The British were fighting with a
considerable number of American-
made planes and tanks which have
been reaching the Middle-East ever
since President Roosevelt opened the
Red Sea to American shipping after
the British smashed the Fascists in
Italian East Africa.

U.SM exico
Sign Treaties;
Loans Effected
Mexicans Agree To Pay
For Oil Expropriations;-
U.S. To Aid With Loans
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. - The
United States and Mexico today
signed a series of agreements for a
friendly settlement of all major ques-
tions which have been at issue be-
tween the two neighboring countries-
for many years.
The agreements call for a settle-
ment of the long-pending dispute over
expropriation of American oil 'pro-
perties in Mexico; payment by Mexi-
co of $40,000,000 in full settlement of
general and agrarian claims by
American citizens against Mexico;
announcement of intention to nego-
tiate a reciprocal trade agreement;
agreement for providing financial
assistance to Mexico to stabilize the
peso; agreement to purchase newly
mined Mexican silver; and a $30,000,-
000 loan to assist in the financing of
Mexico's highway construction.
The agreement to settle the oil ex-
propriation issue provides for each
government to designate an expert to
place a valuation on the properties
seized by the Mexican Government
and "determine the Just compensa-
tion to be paid the American owners
for their properties and rights and
Secretary of State Hull, in an-
nouncing signing of the agreements-
"They mark a new milestone of
great importance in the cause of in-
creasingly closer collaboration and
solidarity between the countries of
the New World."
Sharp Reveals
2-Night J-Hop
Begins Feb. 13
Michigan's 1942 J-Hop-"the col-
lege dance of the year"-will be held
Friday and Saturday nights, Feb. 13
and 14, in the Sports Building, Gen-
eral Chairman Ted Sharp, '43E, an-
nounced yesterday.
The only college dance in the na-
tion to be presented on two consecu-
tive nights, the J-Hop will bring three
top-ranking bands to Ann Arbor. Two
will play continuously from 9 p.m. to
3 a.m. on Friday and the other will
supply the music for the informal
Saturday night dance at the regular
According to Music Chairman Bob
Bartlow, plans are already underway
to present coast-to-coast broadcasts
from the Sports Building each night.
Tickets for the "college dance of
the year" which are usually more
scarce than tickets for Saturday's
Ohio State game, will go on sale in
the Union early in December under
a new distribution method which will
relieve congestion and prevent group
Michigan men in their white ties
(Continued on Page 5) 1
Bands Will Entertain
Before Ohio State Game

Imperial TrF'oops Invade Eastern Libya
As Royal Navy Pounds Colonial Port;
Air Force Batters Desert Defenses
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, Thursday, Nov. 20.-Armed plentifully with American
weapons manned by some 750,000 Imperial troops plus the Royal Navy, the
British have opened a new triple-threat offensive by land, sea and air
against the Axis in Libya.
The aims of the attack coordinating massed air attacks, a land thrust
already beyond 50 miles deep into Libya and the pounding of naval guns
against shore objectives are:
(1) A diversion of Axis strength for Russia,
(2) Cleaning the Axis finally out of North Africa, and
(3) Eventually knocking Italy out of the war from Mediterranean
coastal bases.
The Imperial Army swept into eastern Libya from Egypt's western desert
at dawn Tuesday in a campaign that was so closely guarded a secret that
no hint of it leaked out until an offi-


lle Charg
Hostage Dead
Top 100,000-


(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Thursday, Nov. 20.-The
"hostage terror" sweeping nine Axis-
occupied countries in Europe has re-
sulted in the death of more Than 100,-
000 persons, and the disappearance
and imprisonment of countless other
thousands, the inter-allied informa-
tion committee announced today.
Britain, Russia, and the nine oc-
cupied countries are represented on
the committee, whose report said:
"No, occupied country is free of
the hostage terror. In seven out of
the nine countries thousands of in-
nocent men and women have died,,
and in all of thei thousands live
daily under the shadow of death."
The report said the hostage system
was invented iby the Italians in their
Easter invasion of Albania in 1939,
was perfected by the Germans and
"received its most ruthless applica-
tion" in Bulgarian reprisals on six
Greek cities where 15,000 persons were
killed in a single expedition.
Greenberg Returns
To CiviesMonday
DETROIT, Nov. 19-VP)-Sergt.
Hank Greenberg of the Second In-
fantry anti-tank company ends a
six-month military career next Mon-
day, thus making himself available
fnr ta ndafri ean-, n-'Vunl

Communique From The Front:
Frosh, Sophs Prepare For Clash
As Lively Class Spirit Prevails

Sports Reporter Goes Straight:
Quiz ids, Michigan Faculty Men
Collide In Intersectional Battle


There may be no Black Friday this
year but those pesky freshmen are
just as cocky as ever and the Class of
'44 is going to do something about it.
With cries of "its about time those
frosh took a licking," the sophomores
are vigorously laying plans for what
they claim will be the "ignomnious
defeat" of the "lowly freshmen' in
the Class Games Saturday, Nov. 29.{
The fact that the Class of '45 has
a dnm.u.-n4at ffarntv +a.-inn f Wat

pletely out-numbering the sopho-
mores as has happened in the past.
The full facilities of the Sports
Building is to be granted the "war-
ring" classes. Included on the action-
loaded program are a mass tug-of-
war, a giant volley ball game, Clhinese
soccer, shuttle relays and a deadly
sounding game named grave-yard.
Not willing to hold their conflict
down to a land-skirmish, the under-
classmen will also engage in a naval
battle in the intramural 'swimming
pool. Races and relays are to be
faA tm-.a fn11nmPa1 ay, a m~e wnt4ar

Five thousand screaming enthusi-
asts are expected to pack the con-
fines of Hill Auditorium next Mon-
day evening as five of Michigan's
brighter faculty lights march as un-
derdogs to battle with those titanic
tots of radio, the Quiz Kids.
Having disposed of the best that
the University of Chicago could offer
with ridiculous ease, these terrible
infants fear no man-be his name
ever so appendaged with degrees and
doctorates. Undefeated, untied, and
on their way to the Wisdom Bowl,
they tackle the Aso-called Athens of
the West with perfect confidence in
their ability to handle the academic
,nA nn his hnme armi iiv

bookie is giving about three to one
on the kids, the Wolverine intelli-
gence squad isn't giving up hope.
Their ace snapper-back Prof.Preston
Slosson has reminded them that the
best men don't always win by citing
the outcome of the long struggle be-
tween the Pittites and the Fordhams.
In what may be a throwback to
great contests of days gone by, the
men of Michigan may try to field an
extra man in order to stop the on-
slaught of the Windy City colossus.
'Doubleman' W. H. Auden will make
the attempt but probably wil be
forced to use but one side of his
personality at a time.
Others in the varsity lineup are

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