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November 19, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-19

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news of the dorms
Stockwell is celebrating Thanksgiv- Mosher will have music before-
ing with an informal dance tomorrow and-after-dinner tomorrow and will
and Mosher-Jordan gals will dance in also entertain Jordan girls and guests
Jordan's radio room from 8 to 10:30 at tea at 6 p.m. Elizabeth Brockhaus,
p.m. '44, is in charge of the tea arrange-
Jordan hasn't let the thought of ments.
that Thanksgiving turkey keep
them from more serious thoughts Dinner For Eight
this week. They held their regular
current events discussion Tuesday Wednesday evening guests at the
night. Eleanor Weber, '45, deliv- East Quad were the following: Mrs.
ered a talk to the girls in the man:- Virginia Harryman and Dr. J.
ner of her father who lectures Brown Farrior of the West Quad;
throughout the country. Mrs. Walter C. Newell, House Di-
Couzens Hall comes back into the rector of Helen Newberry; Mr. and
limelight . . . We've missed the nurses
who announce that they are going Mrs. Ira Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Karl
to spend Thanksgiving eve toasting Litzenberg; and Miss Joan Stevens,
marshmallows before the fire. Grad student in music. The last
named Joan it was who entertained
Kind Florence Nightingale the guests and menfolk of the EastI
Quad with a short but snappy pi-
The kind-hearted women in o recital in Greene House
white Have something in particular an rcilin GeeHos
to be thankful for this week. They Lounge. She played selections from
have just received word that little Beethoven, Haydn, Brahms and
George Eisler, native of Austria Chopin. (P.S.-By "guests" we
who fled to Czechoslavakia and mean those who came to dinner.)
then to England with his mother,
has now become their little charge. On the same Wednesday evening
The girls contributed $30 for his Martha Cookites had an exchange
support this year through the Save- dinner with Victor Vaughanites and
the-Children-Fund in this country. the four houses of the East Quad.
Little George Is a little 13 year old Hinsdale House hereby serves not-
whose picture has been practically ices df a Radio Dance Saturday night
worn .out by its passing around in the West Dining room. All men in
from one Couzens Hall girl to an- the East Quad are invited to tune
other, :.. up.

Army Bomber Wrecker In Maine Wilds

Favor Sport,
Sutrvey Shows
Majority Choose Tennis
For Competitive Play ;
Basket>all Second

All Art Forms
Are Displayed
In ACSA Show
Sculpture And Paintings
Will Be Contributions
Of American Schools

Burned wreckage of an Army B-18-A Bomber which carried four men to death, lay amid leafless trees
in the swampy wilderness about 15 miles from the outlying village of Lee, Me. A swath was cut in the trees
as the big ship landed and turned over on its back.

Detroit Guild
To Cooperate
With Armory

source Book
To Be Revised

The Writers and Illustrators Guild Pharmacoeia To Appear
of Detroit have recently taken over .
the management of the Friday and With National Formulary
SaturvT nio-ht dinces at the Ann IIn New Official Edition

t . GiULS1L~ly 11 ' 11 t1 L11:C U4 11C '1111

. ..., - -

ENGLISH BIKE for sale-girl's mod-
el-excellent condition-call Fran,
2-1017, around 6:00 p.m. 128c
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
RIDE HOME?-Of courses many of
you are looking for some way to
cut down on those travel expenses
over the Thanksgiving and Xmas
holidays. Why not advertise your
need-a carxeor expense-sharing
passengers-in the Daily Classi-
fieds? Reach the greatest number
of people for best results!
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. , 7c
GRAPHING'-illustrated and typed
work for fraternities and other stu-
dent organizations. 1 cent postage
on alumni mailings. The Edwards
Letter Shop, 711 N. University,
Phonse 2-2846. 8c

Arbor armory.
This organization has anounced
their new policy of turning over all
their profits over operating expenses
to the national defense fund cam-
paign. These expenses included the
rental which the Ann Arbor home
guard unit of the Michigan state
troops will receive for the purchase
of equipment.
The committee in charge expect
to distribute their profits in the form
of defense stamps to holders of cards
which show the highest attendance.
Prizes will also be given to the win-
ners of various contests that will be
held throughout the year.
Talamon Reads
French Work's
Lecture Series Sponsored
By Cercle Francais
Prof. Rene Talamon of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages yester-
day read three masterpieces of
French literature, opening the seriesj
of talks sponsored annually by the
Cercle Francais.
Selected by Professor Talamon
were Alphonse Daudet's "Les Vieux,"
one of the author's better known
short stories, which concerns life in
Provence; a brief scene from Moli-
ere's "Le Bourgeoise Gentilhomme"
and a poem by Victor Hugo entitled
"Les Djinns."
The entire series, which is given in
French, is under the direction of Prof.
Charles E. Koella, adviser of the
Cercle. The programs will be cli-
maxed April 29 by the traditional
presentation of a French play.
Tickets, at 50 cents for the sea-
son, are available to all on campus
who are interested. They may be
purchased from the secretary of the
romance languages department in
the Romance Language Building.
Rugg To Address ASME
The American Society of Mechani-
cal Engineers will hear Mr. 0. Rugg,
technician in the glass laboratory of
3, Dearborn automobile plant, speak
on safety glass at 7:30 p.m. today
at the Union. A demonstration will
accompany the talk.1

The "U.S.P. and N.F."-the Bibles
of the pharmacists throughout the
United States-will soon make their(
appearance in the first editions since
These two books-the United States
Pharmacopeia and National Formu-
lary-which provide the basis for
study in the field of pharmacy con-
tain formulas for medicinal prepara-
tions as well as descriptive material
and tests for identity, strength and
Every pharmacist in the nation is
required by law to possess the latest
editions of these two volumes. Since
1920 when the United States Phar-
macopeia made its appearance it has
been published in decennial revisions
by a committee composed of leading
pharmacists, physicians and chem-
In 1938 this policy was broken for
the first time when a supplement to
the eleventh edition was issued. Be-
cause of the progress of medical
science since 1936 it was found nec-
essary to publish an entirely new edi-
tion of the two volumes five years
earlier than traditionally due.
Among the discoveries made in
that short period, the sulfa- com-
pounds which include sulfanilamide,
the wonder drug, and its derivatives,
sufapyradine and sulfathiazole. These
compounds with many other new
medicaments from the laboratory
have created new remedies and have
rendered others obsolete.
The new books will be used in the
College of Pharmacy and in the
Medical School as soon as they ap-
Engineers Must Sign
Today For Ford Trip
Members of the student chapter of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers who plan to go on the in-
spection tour of the Ford bomber
plant in Ypsilanti on Dec. 2, must
sign up immediately, John Auferoth,
'42E, publicity director of the or-
ganization, announced today.
Auferoth explained that because
special permits are required for tours
of defense industries, anyone who has
not signed up when the list is sent
in will not be able to accompany the

Variety Mark
French Group
Oriental paintings, Bagdad, Proust
and the French collapse in the war
are some of the diversified subjects
of the French Round Table which
meets every Friday at 8 p.m. at the
International Center.
The Round Table, directed by Prof.
Percival Price, is composed of ad-
vanced students, instructors and'
graduate students who wish to keep
up their knowledge of the French
language and culture through French
Professor Price emphasized that
the group is open to students who
wish to better their own knowledge
of French by listeningto the discus-
sions or, engaging in them,
The Round Table is very informal,
having no definite membership or
organization. It sprung up more or
less spontaneously from the need of
a small group to retain their French
by speaking with others. It is not
competing with Le Cercle Francais
because it is only for persons already
having a command of the language.
One of the members of the group
speaks on any subject that he wishes,
although sometimes outside speakers
are brought in. The present group is
made up of, students from France,
Canada, the Near East, the Orient,
and America.
Housel Will Inspect
Atlantic Air Bases
Prof. William S. Housel, of the
transportation engineering depart-
ment, will leave today for an in-
spection tour of Atlantic seacoast
Professor Housel, who is consul-
tant to the Navy Department, has
been called for because of unforeseen
difficulties in the construction of
several air bases in North Carolina.
He expects to return to Ann Arbor
near the middle of next week.
Professor Housel returend recently
from Mobile, Alabama, where he had
gone to inspect air bases under con-
struction there.
Week Days 2-4-7-9 P.M.

From the brilliant, colorful art
By T. O. KING work of California University to the
Ninety-eight per cent of the inde- asr of Princet y e
pendent men on campus are interes- abstract design of Princeton may be"
ted in one sport or another, Congress, pund all "types of drawing, painting
Independent Men's Association, re- and sculpture which combine to form
vealed yesterday. the annual exhibit of the Association
The results of the survey of stu- of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
dent interest which I.M.A. conducted now being displayed until Nov. 25 in
with printed questionnaire cards dur-
ing registration indicated that there the third floor exhibition room of the
is no branch of athletics in which Architecture Building.
some students are not ardently in- Since every year this association
terested. decides on a different theme around
Tennis proved to be the favorite which the exhibit will be prepared,
avocation of those who wish to take the allied arts related to architecture,
part in competitive contests. Twenty such as the three before mentioned,
per cent of those who filled out the were selected this year.
cards indicated this choice. The exhibit is comprised of the
Basketball ran a close second, ac- work of 17 schools from all parts of
cumulating about eighteen per cent the United States. Two identical dis-
of the student vote. Football and plays are made up, one being sent to
baseball seem to be objects of in- all of the schools 'in the Association,
terests for most of those who regis- west of Kansas, the other going to
tered but only about ten per cent all colleges in the East. After Nov.
were interested in actual participa- 24 the Eastern unit will leave here to
tion. These two sports remain popu- go to Ohio State University.
lar as news value and interest but Dean Bennett of the College of
are far outstripped in actual partici- Architecture pointed out concerning
pation. the exhibition, "These displays show
Noticeable interest was also shown considerable progressive spirit, es-
in golf, handball, bowling and swim- pecially Princeton and the Illinois In-
ming. stitute of Technology. Michigan's
Strangling votes for more activities exhibit, composed of water colors and
in falconry, speedball, and squash studies of abstract design, represents
were recorded on cards of students a medium between these two schools
who seem dissatisfied with the more and the conservative work of such
common and popular athletic recre- universities as Pennsylvania State
ation. and Columbia."
A lone member of a cooperative
house held out for log-rolling and
another equally skilled found no out- HOMECOOKED
let for his prowess as a jiu-jitsu PLATE LUNCh
artist. on Saturday
The I.M.A. will attempt to create for students and guests,
activities for those who wish to par- beginning at eleven o'Cock.
ticipate in the sports in which they CHRISTIAN CfURCiU
indicated interest. Corner of Hill and Tappan
Nov. 24 and 25
Oscar Serlin presents Clarence Day's
Made into a play by is "
NOW Seting &Costurnesby
Excellent Seats Available at $1.10, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75
Seats for Both Performances Now Selling


1.of a Series




il/orP Jhan't C/ivitnr..
The ALLENEL Hotel is proud to offer you
the following menu. This is our biggest day of
the year, so why not join your friends and enjoy
a superb meal?
- I/enu -
Blue Points or Fresh Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail
Fresh Fruit Cocktail Supreme
Chilled Tomato Juice
Thanksgiving Soup Consomme' En 'Tasse

By The Gunner

Mixed Olives

Cranberry Sauce . . . . . . . . . $1.25
BAKED HALF GUINEA HEN, Glaze Pineapple . $1.25
ROAST MUSCOVY DUCK, Candied Yams . . $1.25
HALF MALLARD DUCK, Allenel Style . . . . $1.25
BROILED BEEF TENDERLOIN, Fried Mushrooms . . $1.25
WHOLE BROILED LIVE LOBSTER (Boston Style) . . $1.25
Baked Idaho, Mashed; or French Fried Potatoes
Fresh Peas or Asparagus in Butter
Fresh Vegetable Salad
Pumpkin or Hot Mince Pie Orange Ice
Crushed Cherry Parfait
English Plum Pudding or Fruit Cake with Brandy Sauce
Coffee FrTa Milk.

Besides the Army and the Navy,
the United States Marines are draw-
ing their share of University men to
the colors. Lieutenant William A.
Rygg, '36E, is one of the pilots with
the Navy and Marine Corps aviation
squadrons participating in the Ar-
my's Carolina maneuvers which will
continue until Nov. 30.
* * * r
A recent addition to the "Devil
Dogs" is Michael R. Yunck, who re-
ceived his commission as second
lieutenant in the Corps following his
recent graduation from the Naval
Air Station at Jacksonville. He has
been assigned to active duty with an
aircraft squadron.
Thomas Sparks, Jr., formerly '43,
is now undergoing primary training
11After Co~mmencemenr't?

at Parris Island, $. C., with the Ma-
rines. Sparks achieved wrestling
fame in high school in Tulsa, Okla.,
but ineligibility prevented his par-
ticipation in collegiate competition.
Lost Times Today


Michigan's sugar factories annually produce more
than 300,000,000 pounds of beet sugar. And the
telephone helps in moving that production from
farm to sugar bowl.
Factory and field men frequently use the telephone
in contacting farmers and in keeping track of beet
production. And after the sugar has been refined,
the telephone helps in moving it on to the sugar
brokers, whose salesmen in turn use telephone serv-
ice extensively in contacting grocery trade.
But the telephone's part does not end there, for the
housewife has only to call her grocer to have some
good, pure Michigan beet sugar delivered to her
No. 1 6 of a series on howr the telephone serv~es thec

JAnnapolisSolutes thef Navy
f hi LL14 .. RA'


1M..L- M.arm.l. * nmtRoV'

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