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November 18, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-18

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Mild Partly Cloudy
Russians Gain Defense, Labor's Rights Tokyo Envoy, Mines Virtuall St
Near Capital; Compatible,_Carey Says FDR ConferY
Nazis Capture (Editor's Note: Thistry weas. shop was granted in the mines, it On Far East X Lews Defies S(
,. tained frm exclusive interviews with woud not be pushed further, he
* up , t i ' James Carey and R. J. Thomas last asre
1ly Port night !at the CIO convention head-asetd
Cr. ne n Por quareters in Detroit.) -Carey claimed the Mediation Board K , ROeVelt Attempt
andthe President deviated from their TO fele Differences a0 T ak e Uver C O
GermanRnh B brF Ra I HOMER SWANDER to grant the union shop and, at the In U1S-Ni Pnli

O ou-l s Nllws
From~ Chile .t
11 t s

To East As Oil Fields
Appear As New Goal
Soviet Announces -
Success In North
(By The Associated Press)
Hitler's long gray columns appear-
ed last-night to have surmounted the
last obstacle save one before the west-
ern Caucasus, but it was equally ap-
parent that his armies of the north
and center were hard put to hold
their own upon harsh and frozen
battlefields where the worst was yet
to come.
While the Germans were announ-
cing the capture of Kerch, the ex-
treme eastern Crimean port separ-
ated from Caucasia by a strait at one
point onlyitwo miles 'wide, the Rus-
sians were proclaiming that the weary
invader wa in retreat in three sec-
tors about Moscow and before Lenin-
grad had been driven out of positions
which he had held for two months.
Ludicrous Flight
In one of the three Moscow thea-
ters-that of Tula, about 100 miles
south of the capital-the retreat was
described in Soviet accounts as a
ludicrous flight of elgtat miles.
There, the officiel' Soviet news
agency declared, the. Nazis were
thrown into a panic-striken rout,"
in some 'cases leaving behind their
uneaten lentil porridge and in the
sotithern outslkirts of Tula "running
down th frosty streets in their un-
eforekLeningrad, Russian coun-
terattacks wre pictured as ap-
proaching the strength of a mao
counter.offensive, inyolving artillery,
bombers, fighter aircraft and infan-
trymen,:and it was said that every,
German attempt to regain their lost
positions had failed.
In the Crimea it appeared thatkthe
Germans were preparing to try to
sprin&the strait toward the Krasno-
dar oil fields in the western Cauca-
sus, and Berlin claimed that Nazi
bombing planes were ranging as far
east as the Caussus mountain' bar-
Gloom In Japan °
In an atmosphere of gloom that
perhaps was. more suggestive than
what actually was said, the Japanese
Parliament gave the impression last
night that the emrfire had fatalisti-
/cally resolved to go to war with the
United States unless Washington
made what would amount to utter
\ capitulation in the Pacific.
Nothing said in the House sug-
gested that the government was going
to be checked in any way, and barring
the single possibility tha$ it was a
grandiose and terribly hazardous
bluff it appeared that the United
States could not make friends.
Army Bomber
Falls In Storm
Fatal Cras Also Reported
From MaineBoglands
PARK CITY Utah, Nov. 17.-()-
An amy bomber, rocked by a savage
Western storm, plunged to a fiery
end in the snow lashed Wasatch
Mountains early today after five of
the seven men aboard had parachu-
ted to safety.
Major Robert E. L. Pirtle, 34, Coun-
cil Grove, Kan., plummeted several
thousand feet to death witl' a torn
'chute trailing him in a high wind.
Sgt. J. D. Anderson, 20, Ogden,
Utah, stayed with the plane a d was
killed as the twin-motored bomber
ploughed into a tree-studed moun-
tainside and exploded.'
At Bangor Maine, the bodies of
four army men were found today be-
side crumpled wreckage of their B-
18-A bomber that crashed in the
trackless boglands 60 miles from the

northeast army air base they missed
on a foggy flight last Saturday night.
An unopened parachute was found
on each of the men.
The pilot's body was strapped to
his seat, which had been torn from
the cockpit floor, and his hands still
gripped the "stick," which also had
been ripped away.
The bodies had been hurled about
1)0 feet from the wreckage, part of
which was burned.
Soldiers will be sent into the woods
tomorrow to cut a trail over which

Young, soft spoken James ,Carey,
secretary of the CIO, maintaized last
night that CIO interventionists are
entirely consistent in their simultan-
eous support of the President's for-
eign policy and of a last-resort strike
in the captive coal mines. I
Carey, one of. the CIO members
who resigned from the National Med-
iation Board only a few days ago,
said the Board violated its initial
function of judging fairly and not
taking away rights from either em-
ployer or union.
"If judged completely on its
merits," he declared,"there is no rea-d
son why the United Mine Workers'
request for a union shop should not
have been granted.
"Ninety per cent of the soft coal;
mines in the nation are working un-
der such a contract and 95, per cent
of the workers in the captive mines
are members of the UMW. If, with
shch evidence before it, the Media-
tion Board refuses to allow a union
shop we may be sure it would con-
tinue such a policy as long as it re-
mained intact."
According to Carey, the inside story
on the refusal of the mine owners to
grant the closed shop is that they
had feared a union shop in the mines
would mean the same in steel and
shipbuilding. The mine owners, there-
fore, wanted a commitment from.
labor guaranteeing that if a union
Secret Is out;
Gargoyle Hits
Campus toay
Gargoyle can keep no more secrets
about its November issue, because the
magazine is being sold today at an
increased number of places on dam-
pus and will be available-for a while
-to the student body.
Points of interest in the pigskin
issue include a spread of pictures re-
cording the highlights of the football
season, together with candid shots of
the crowds. Taking a wider field un-
der its wing, Gargoyle has also se-
cured articles by three faculty men,
authorities in their respective .fields,
on the "Impact of World War II.,
Psychology has been treated by
Prof. Norman R. F. Maier, effects on
political institutions by Prof. James
K. Pollock and literature by W. H.
Auden, visiting lecturer in English.
Aesthetics lhave come to the fore
again in the moithly feature, Album
of Beauty, for which several coeds
are selected and photographed to
grace each issue.
And, of course, there are Prepos-
terous Persons, Gargoyle Speaks, The
Worm Turns and Your Michigan, the
last showing this month the Art
A second sellout is, predicted, in
view of the results of last ,month's
sale, so students are urged not to pass
that first salesman by, if they want
to be sure of buying a Gargoyle.
Bishop Defends Strikes
For Increased Wages
Catholic Bishop asserted here today
that the working man who strikes for
more money "is only imitating the
employers, who did it first."
The employers first demanded
large sums of money from the gov-
ernment before they would proceed
with defense contracts, the Most Rev.
Gerald Shaughnessy, Bishop of Se-
attle, declared in an interview during
sessions of the church's seventh na-
tional Congress of the Confraternity
of Christian Doctrine.

City Council Approves
New Voting Machines
At its regular meeting held yester-
day, the -City Council unanimously
voted to adopt voting machines at
the earliest possible moment and au-
thorized the City Clerk to advertise
for bids quoting on both outright pur-
chase and on some time-payment
The action followed the recommen-
dation of a special committee on vot-
;n-ff 4., c

same time, attempted to stop the
miners from striking. He emphasized
that this was inconsistent with the
ideals of a democratic labor move-
Carey, who has continually advo-
cated close cooperation between the
CIO and government mediation agen-
cies, and has been an ardent suppor-
ter of the Administration's foreign
policy, is firmly convinced labor can-
not give up now.
He maintains that while "no trade
unionist can honestly be an isolation-
ist," nevertheless, every union mem-
ber must support the UMW because
of the justice of its request.
Expressing the views of many dele-
gates contacted at the convention, R.
J. Thomas, president of the United
Automobile Workers, asserted that
"if someone other than Lewis had
asked for the union shop he would
have obtained it, but the Mediation
Board will not give John L. Lewis
anything. It is purely a clash of per-
Louis Hopkins
Warns Against
University Defense Head
Condemns Isolationism,
Stresses Civilian Work
Warning againsis an isolationist
psychology which would prefer to
"sit in Ann Arbor and watch the
wheels go 'round," Prof. Louis Hop-
kins, University defense head, out-
lined yesterday the results of his trip
to Washington Thursday for the first
meeting of the Commission on Col-
leges and Civilian Defense.
The work of Director 'Fiorello La-
Guardia's commission will be under
two general headings, according to
Professor Hopkins. The main prob-
lem to be solved is the protection of
students, faculty, members and prop-
erty ,in any college likely to be in a
wartime danger zone.
"With the massing of people in
dormitories and buildings," Professor
Hopkins declared, "the average col-
lege or university presents a peculiar
situation. Here in Ann Arbor, with
our hospital and health service, we
have an excellent opportunity to co-
operate in the civilian defense pro-
In this connedtion, Professor Hop-
kins pointed out that the University
"was less than three minutes away
from Fort's Ypsilanti plant as the
bomber flies. Althoughthe more in-
tensive preparation will be concen-
trated in such coastal universities as
Yale, Harvard and Stanford, Profes-
sor Hopkins noted that "there is little
difference in the flight distance from
Bermuda to Ann Arbor, and that be-
tween Moscow and Berlin."
Morale building will be the second
phase of the Civilian Defense pro-
gram in - American universities. "In
this respect," Professor Hopkins de-
clared, "the University of Michigan
has made excellent headway. We have
already begun Red Cross training,
and we intend to inaugurate public
policy courses next semester to ac-
quaint students with the emergency

Ju . ".'1 1 1U1
Conciliation Limits
Qualified By Japan
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. -(.)-
President Roosevelt talked today with
Japan's special emissary, Saburo Ku-
rusu, who flew from Tokyo to Wash-
ington in an effort to settle Japan-
ese-American differences and arrived
just ahead of an ominous warning
from his government that "there is
naturally a limit to our conciliatory
Kurusu went to the White House
with Japanese Ambassador Kichisa-
buro Nomura and Secretary of State
Hull, with whom they had just held
a preliminary conversation. After
the White House conference, which
lasted more than an hour, Admiral
Nomura said to newspapermen that:.
"Many things were said."
Neither Secretary Hull nor the
Japanese diplomats had much tq add
to those four pregnant words, but in
Government circles it was indicated
that the conversation had not been
entirely one-sided.
It was know that the President
had on his desk up-to-the-minute
information on ts country's mili-
tary preparedness in the Far East,
but officials discouraged an specu-
lation as to what extent he had called
these facts to the attention of his
Hull was noncommittal and cau-
tious. He avoided ,the direct question
as to whether today's talks could be
regarded as a satisfactory beginning
and pointed out that they were of a
very general and preliminary char-
i Asked if he could say whether to-
day's talks indicated an optimistic
or a pessimistic outlook for further
conferences, Hull's reply was laconic:
I"Not, yet."
Kurusu and Nomura were in a
(Contiinueon Page 7)
Adler Derides
Critics Of Aid
For Russians
To say ,that aid to Russia is com-
munistic, anti-religious and un-
American is malicious nonsense, de-
clared Philip Adler, editorial staff
member of the Detroit News, in his
address yesterday before the local
Russian War Relief (Medical Aid to
Russia) cpmmittee at the Rackham
Adler, a Russian-born American
citizen, described the Soviet Union in
light of the first hand information
gathered by him during years as a
foreign correspondent in that coun-
try. He spoke of the tremendous
medical strides which Russian scien-
tists have made and told of the vast
collective farms which he saw.
Confident of Soviet victory, Adler
described the vast war machine which
includes every man, woman and
child, regardless of age, that the
Russians have been developing for
many years in anticipation of the
present conflict.
Geographically, if, for no other
reason, Russia, England and the
United States are bound together as
the nations having the natural re-
sources of the world against the on-
slaught of the "have pot" Axis na-
tions, Adler. said.

Pinza, Martinelli Are Fecwatred
In Fourth Choral Union Concert


Tall, handsome Ezio Pinza, basso,
and silver-haired Giovanni Martin-
elli, tenor, will present a joint recital
in the fourth concert of the Annual
Choral Union Series at 8:30 p.m. to-
day in the ,Hill Auditorium.
Two of the most popular members
of the Metropolitan Opera Company,
Pinza and Martinelli are favorites of
Ann Arbor concert audiences. This
will be Pinza's fourth appearance
here while Martinelli will be heard
for the fourteenth time.
Martinelli has established a record
equalled by few in American operatic
annals. He made his New York debut
in 1913 when Enrico Caruso was
startling the music world and has
sung some 58 operatic roles since that
date. Pinza first sang before a New
York audience in 1926.
Pinza and Martinelli will be accom-
panied by Fritz Kitzinger at the pi-
ano. The program will be opened by
Martinelli who will sing Au die Musik
by Schubert; Die Mainacht by
,Brahms; and Ch'ella mi creda, from
"Girl of the Golden West" by Puccini.
Pinza will sing the following group
'42 Officers ;
To Be Elected
Today At Polls
Four Schools Will Select
Senior Heads; Votingi
By ProxyIs Prohibited
Elections will be held today 'for
senior class officers in the literary,
forestry, business administration and
education schools at the following
places and times.
Literary college, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.,
25 Angell Hall.
Forestry school, 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.,
2039 Natural Science.
Business administration school, 1
p.m. to 5 p.m., Tappan'Hall Lobby.
Education school, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.,
2431 Elementary School.
Identification cards are absolutely
necessary for securing ballots, Robert
Samuels, '42, tlirector of elections,
pointed out. It was also stressed that
voting by proxy is prohibited.
Lit School Candidates
The candidates for president in the
literary college are Richard Arbuckle,
James Aldrich, Norman Call; Lee
Perry and Hoe Seltzer. Vice-presi-
dential candidates are Agnes Crow,
Jeanne Goudy and Helen Rhodes.
Those running for secretary are
Roger Kelley, Robert Krause, John
Sharemet, and Keith Watson. The
candidates for treasurer include Pat-
ricia MacFarland, Mildred Radford
.and Barbara Suffrin.
In the forestry school Carl Lan-
genbach and Alex Yorman are the
presidential candidates, and Law-
rence Howard and James Vardman
are the candidates for vice-president.
Those running for secretary are Sam-
uel Bellanca, Robert Neelands and
William Hauser.
Business Ad Candidates
Candidates for president in the
business administration school are
Jack Harwood and Stanley Sayre,
and candidates for the vice-presi-
dency are Clarence Klopsic and Rob-
ert Travis. Those running for secre-
tary are James Keenan and Charles
Le Claire. Russel Braga and David
Rice are the candidates for treasurer.
In the education school Robert
Halm, David Nelson and Matthew
Zipple are the candidates for presi-
dent, Marny Gardner and Mary Ann
Paton for vice-president, Albert Hyde
and Ralph Snyder for secretary and
Lindsley Buck and Jean Johnson for
Elections Are Easier
If No One Else Runs
The senior class officers in the law,

music and architectural schools were
elected automatically, as there was
no opposing candidates.
The officers in the law school are
rInn Tr.d+wm nvreidnnt JTack Shn-

of selections: Tu o sai by Torelli;
Lungi dal caro bene by Sarti; Ich
grolle nicht by Schumann; and Der.
Atlas by Schubert. Martinelli's ren-
dering of Paradiso from Meyerbeer's
"L'Africana" will complete- the first
half of the program.
Velvet Shoes by Thompson, Thun-
derin' Wonderin', a Negro spiritual by
Faure; Ariett by Vidal; La fleur que
MacGinsey, Nebbie by Rspighi and
Il lacerato spirito from Verdi's "Si-
mon Boccanegra" will be sung by
Pinza following the brief intermission.
Martinelli's last group of solo num-
bers will include Apres un teve by
tu ni'avais jettee from "Carmen" by
Bizet. The two opera stars will com-
bine to conclude the concert with a
duet, I Mulattieri by Masini.
CIO To Back
Mine Strikers
In Coal Battle
Detroit Convention Votes
Its Unqualified Support
Of UMW's Demands
DETROIT, Nov. 17-(AP)-Without
a dissenting voice; the Congress of
Industrial Organizations today placed
its unqualified support behind John
L. Lewis and his United Mine Work-
ers of America in their demand fo
a union shop in captive coal pits.
As the CIO opened its fourth an-
nual convention here, delegates also
applauded a call for "whole-hearted"
backing of President Roosevelt's for-
eign policy.I
In pledging unanimous support tc
the UMWA, the convention approved
a resolution adopted yesterday by the
executive board.
The convention also received for
later' consideration an executive
board statement contending that
arms production was lagging and
urging full employment of the na-
tion's manpower A.nd productive fa-
cilities in the defense program.
President Philip Murray drew
cheers when he advocated "whole-
hearted" support of the administra-
tion's foreign policy.
The CIO chief stated he was not
a warmonger, expressed the hope
that "our nation will never undergo
the rigors of war" and added:
"When I support the President, I
do so with the definite commitment
that we will fight for the retention of
our liberties and the maintenance of
our economic freedom."
Murray accused the National Medi-
I ation Board of "reprehensible dis-
crimination" in the captive mines dis-
pute and charged that AFL repre-
sentatives on the board had "resorted
to the vilest kind of treachery" in
voting against a union shop in that
Late in the day, the exeutive
board disclosed it had endorsed unan-
imously a pronouncement on "lag-
ging arms production and defense

UMW President's Letter
To Roosevelt Reviews
Breakdown Of Talks
Pickets Withdraw
From Steel Works
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17-(P)--An
effective strike of United Mine Work-
ers (CIO) slowed the flow of steel
to steel mills to a trickle today, and
John L. Lewis, belligerently defying
the government to use troops, de-
clared "the army is not going to shoot
our people and the soldiers are not
going tomine coal."
To President Roosevelt, who had
asked for a personal report on week-
end negotiations concerning UMW's
demand for a unin shop in "captive"
coal mines, Lewis sent instead a let-
ter which he also made public.
Letter Recites Contention
This communication recited mine
workers' contention that an open
shop agreement with steel companies
which own the captive mines would
be violative of union shop agreements
with commercial coal mines. Then it
tersely said:
"We offered the Appalachian-
agreement (providing for a union
shop), the steel executives refused
NEW YORK, Nov. 17. -P)-
Benjamin Fairless, president of
the U.S. Steel Corporation, de-
clared tonight the three major
steel companies involved in the
captive mine dispute would at-
tempt to operate their mines and
expressed hope it would not be
necessary for the Government to
take them over,
acceptance. They offered an open
shop agreement. We refused."
Mr. Roosevelt received also a report
from the steel industry representa-
tives-Benjamin Fairless of United
States. Steel, Eugene Grace of :Beth-
lehem, and Frank Purnell of Youngs-
,own Sheet and Tube., It was first
dlelivered orally in the forenoon, but
hey promised a written report later.
#teview Of Negotiations
Their written report, made public
'y the White House, recalled that
,ontract'negotiations with the UMW
began in July, and said all issues
"were disposed of practically all in
favor of the union," with the excep-
ion of the union shop demand.
On this, it said, the union refused
,o yield while "we firmly and sin-
,erely believe that the r ght to work
in our coal mines, or in any other
'ndustry, should not be dependent
upon membership or non-member-
ship in any organization." It closed
,vith an expression of belief that "ev-
?rything reasonably within our pow-
r has been done to avert a work
The White House was silent, for the
;ime, being, on what the President
# night do in the light of his public
assertion last week that production
from the "captive mines-which pro-
luce fuel for steel mills busy with
armament orders-must be contin-
zed without delay, and his assurancew
;o Congress that "the government
proposes to see this thing through."
Rep. Cox (Dem.-Ga.) complained
vehemently during a meeting of the
House rules committee that President
Roosevelt "is still in the talking
stage" and suggested that Congress
might "put the lid on" the admin-
-istration's price control legislation
intil the President consented to con-
sideration of labor measures.
The strike itself appeared to have
stopped work by all but relatively a
handful of the 54,800 miners who
'Jig the coal to keep the steel mills
functioning. About 95 per cent of
these, by the Defense Mediation
Board's estimate, are members of the

Pickets Leave Gates
Of Birmingham Plant
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 17-(;P)
-Picket lines were suddenly with-
drawn tonight from the seven main
gates of the huge Fairfield Steel
Works of the Tennessee Coal, Iron
and Railroad Company. Union
sources charged the pickets had been
threatened by county deputies.
The Steel Workers Organizing
Committee (CIO) picket lines were
established about an hour previously

Silver Anniversary Of Union
Will Be Commemorated Today

The Seventh Annual Union Open
House, commemorating the silver an-
niversary of the erection of the pres-
ent Union building, will be held from
8 to 10 p.m. today and everybody is
Jim Edmunds, '43E, of the Union
executive staff, says that the entire
two-million dollar plant-from swim-
ming pool to the bowling alleys-will
be thrown open to public inspection.
National defense, the part that the
University and Detroit are playing,
will be highlighted by displays from
the General Motors and Chrysler
Corporations and the University
ROTC and NROTC units.
On the fun side the ledger is full
+n Pr.. anninwil l hP nirifltA1 in

at the front door, will relax his vigi-
lance for the only time in the school
year tonight and permit women-es-
corted and unescorted-to enter the
Union building by the front door, the
traditional privilege of men only. But
George is going to take a busman's
holiday and attend the open house
The General Motors Corporation
will display a 50 caliber aircraft ma-
chine gun, samples of 75 and 105 rtm
shells from beginning to end of man-
ufacture and a machine gun mounted
on a board to show the related posi-
tions of the parts when the explosion
takes place within the gun. A 37 mm
cannon will be displayed by the Uni-

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