It THE MICHIGAN DAILY SITNMAY, NOVEMBM 1s1, 94 t appan &tttihti Washington Merry-Go-Round 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty . I ; r > -v R y DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN ' I I ditedand managed by students of the University of shigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications.. ublished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press' he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All its of republication of all other matters herein also rved. atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd lass mail matter. ubscriptions during the regular school year by d $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTIaMIG BY 'National Advertising Service, Inc. ., College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. riciaCo " BosToN * Los ANGeLES . SAN FRANCIsco mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 19,11-42, Editoria Gels vin Dann . vid Lachenbruch y McCormick al Wilson. -thur Hill net Hiatt race Miller frginia Mitchell. rd Staff Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . ,. . Associate Editor Sports Editor assistant Sports Editor * . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . Exchange Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager Louise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wright . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: BILL BAKER The editorials published in The Michigan waily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor Also Strikes To Eat Decently . WHENEVER we hear the plea to cut out strikes these days, we think back' to a Washington Merry-Go-Round of sev- eral weeks ago. There is a large group of people who are demanding of the government an ef- fective brake to be put on strikes for an in- creed wage scale in defense industries. Pre- clous time is lost, they point out, time that could be used towards making munitions for battling. Britain. We are not concerned with jurisdic- tional or closed shop strikes in this editorial. But we are concerned with those who make the blanket claim that there is no cause for labor to demand higher pay. It has been the policy of American newspapers for as long as we can remember to play up every strike that came along. Pictures are plentifully supplied of bleeding strike breakers, beaten by the animal-like union men-goaded on to greater crimes against organized industry by the union leaders, (synonym, racketeers). But when it comes to giving the reasons for the strike, labor's reasons, from responsible labor leaders, there is a death-like silence in the pa- pers. And when the people read these newspa- per accounts of strikes they demand that some- thing be done to curb labor's right to strike, the right that keeps America a democracy as well as "free enterprise." They appeal to the govern- ment, and here, quoted from the Washington Merry-Go-Round, is a sample of whom they xre appealing to: "The Price Control bill was drafted by Price Administrator Leon Henderson after weeks of careful study, and turned over to the Banking Committee in July. The Committee had nothing on its docket, could have considered it imme- diately, but recessed for a month instead, so the boys could go home to look over their political fences" " ..... In the wasted three months, price in- dexes have soared and all sorts of economic, financial and social complications have resulted -including strikes." Fvery housewife can tell you that prices have risen sky high, that she needs more money to keep a decent table. And labor is striking to keep a decent table too, for it takes more than patriotism to keep the workers eating. There has, been no adequate adjustment between rising* wage scales and mounting prices. It is a race in which the wage scale is lagging far behind. It requires a high wage these days to keep up the boast of "the American-standard of living," and labor is determined that it will not relin- quish that standard, that it will fight to keep it. .But the labor baiters in Washington hurry home to polish the apple with their constituents and suggest "restraints" and "cooling-off peri- ods" when they have the iheans of cutting down strikes awaiting their pleasure-on -their Wash- ington desks.. Equate rents, food prices, lux- uries, clothes, movies, gas, cars, almost any item, with prices a year ago before you send that telegram off to your Congressman. Or perhaps you can save the price, he may be home, trying to guarantee his re-election by telling you that V.,.r i n+-PfPncP'nusencee WASHINGTON-The heroism of the R.A.F. is one of the most glorious pages in all military history, but as an independent air force its days are numbered. No publicity has been given the matter, but a mission of British air officers is in the U.S. studying our Air Corps organization preparatory to remodelling the R. A. F. along the same lines. After more than two years of active war ex- perience, the British have decided that an in- dependent air force is not the most efficient method of handling air power. They consider the U. S. Army system of an integrated air com- mand much more effective, and are planning to make extensive changes in the R.A.F. set-up. This is highly significant in view of the loud clamor in certain congressional quarters for tak- ing the Air Corps out of the Army and givng it an independent status. Hearings on such a bill were scheduled for last month, but were postponed by Senator Bob Reynolds, oft-married, isolationist chairman of the Military Affairs committee, to enable/him to honeymoon with his 20-year-old heiress bride. Reynolds is a strong advocate of an independent air force. Meanwhile, the War Department is quietly formulating some changes in the Air Corps com- mand to be announced shortly. These changes will give airmen an even greater voice in the Army than they have had under the revision announced by Secretary Stimson last summer. Under the Stimson reorganization, five Air Support Commands were established, and an Air Corps officer was elevated to the rank of Lieu- tenant General and made commander of the Panama Canal and all the Caribbean defenses. Now the inside word is that the vital Alaskan defenses soon will be put unler an Air general and the same also may be done in Hawaii. Also, one of the new commanders of the four citizen armies may be an Air Corps officer, pro- moted to the rank of Lieutenant General. Presidential Advice Those five Republican Congressmen who ac- cepted the invitation to fly to Great Britain as guests of the New York newspaper "PM', re- ceived the full blessing of the President before they departed, plus a piece of advice. The group, led by Representative Joseph C. Baldwin of New York, a strong supporter of the Administration's foreign policy, told Roosevelt that it planned to obtain firt-hand information on the effectiveness of U. S. lend-lease aid as well as an over-all picture of wartime economic conditions in England. The President replied that he was in full accord with the aims of the trip, which, he said, pro- vided. a "marvelous opportunity" to study British morale, home defense and industrial production at close range. "But I want to put you on your guard about one thing," he grinned. "Don't be surprised if te officials you meet over'there drop everything for a spot of tea at four o'clock in the afternoon. The British people-in peace or war-don't travel at the hectic pace to which we are accustomed, and they shouldn't be criticized for it. "I know, because I spent some time in Great Britain during the last war." Lewis On Hillman According to insiders, one job John L. Lewis RECORDS Some Like It Smooth Some Like It Hot Two popular albums are on the slate for re- view today. The first is one of a series released some time ago by Decca, but nevertheless worthy of mention-in fact a must for all lovers of real hot jazz. I'm speaking of Decca's Gems of Jazz series, which consists of three albums of hitherto un- released masterpieces of the world's leading jazzmen. Volume two of the set, which I shall review today, features the following experts: Ray Bauduc, Bunny Berigan, Pete Brown, Benny Carter, Dick Clark, Cozy Cole, Israel Crosby Benny Goodman, Bobby Hackett, Joe Harris, Cliff Jackson, Nate Kazebier, Billy Kyle, Joe Marsala, Eddie Miller, Allen Reuss, Edgar Samp- son and Jess Stacy. These great artists are divided into the fol- lowing ,.combinations: Gene Krupa ~axld his. Chicagoans, Bunny Berigan and his Blue Boys, Pete Brown and his Jump Band, and two piano solo records by Jess Stacy. It is extremely difficult to say which of the six discs in this set is the best, for they all excel in their own fields of jazz. As Leonard G. Fea- ther, jazz expert, says in his introduction to the album, in this series all types of jazz are repre- sented, "there is only one common denominator: all the records are first-class swing music.'' "Jazz does not have to be departmentalized to be good. Many musicians . .. . do play in a style that typifies a particular school of jazz thought, but all of them have a number of ele- ments in common, and more important than any subdivision of jazz styles is the basic concept of swing style itself." "The men who made the music in this album may be from Chicago or New York or New Or- leans; they may be colored or white; but when they got together in the studio all they remem- bered was that they were expected to play good hot jazz. And that . . . . is what gets results." Victor's newest popular album is entitled From the Golden Pares of Melody. and is plaved by a plans to do at the CIO convention opening in Detroit tomorrow is to lay out OPM Associate Director Sidney Hillman good and plenty. This will be nothing new, because next to Franklin Roosevelt, Hillman, who as president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers union helped found the CIO, is Lewis's pet hate. What will be new is that Lewis will blast Hillman at a CIO convention. It was not always that way between them. Just two short years ago Lewis heaped lavish praise on Hillman with the same ardor that he now lashes him. In the CIO News of September 25, 1939, ap- peared a three-column article signed by Lewis acclaiming Hillman in the most flattering terms. Headed "Sidney Hillman-a Great American," the article reviews a biography written by George Soule. Here's what Lewis said. "It is hard on the author1 of a book about Sidney Hillman to have me comment on it. That is because in a good many years of close asso- ciation with the man I have grown to know him and to feel a respect and affection for him that no author could easily express in a book. Sidney Hillman is one of the great Americans of ' this generation. The author is right when -he says that Sidney Hillman 'represents something es- sentially American, the best in the American spirit.' "Sidney Hillman's success is written in terms of dollars and cents, but not for himself. His success is measured by dollars and cents of hun- dreds of thousands of Americans who work for their living. His success is engraved forever in the lives of American workers, constituting a mohument more lasting than any of granite." ouble-Purpose Planes If you fly the airlines a year from now, you may find the plane equipped with a parachute platform and a "blister" for a gun mounting. Airlines had a hard struggle to get any new equipment at all. Last year, it was seriously pro- posed to curtail commercial flying and devote all airplane production to military uses. But the airlines made a survey which showed that a large percentage of their traffic was connected with defense' business, and they won priority' for construction of 228 commercial planes up to mid-1943. Of these, 138 will be completed next year. Dominic Says WjHAT OF RELIGION and the public schools? The state of New York has legislated "re- leased-time" for pupils from the public schools to attend church classes, when parents make request. The superintendent of schools in the city of Chicago has asked that provision for such education be made in that city. Pittsburgh pro- vides public credit for religion studies by the students in curch classes. Here are the major incidents which made this a public issue. The aim is to improve American life, to be sure. The assumption is that knowledge of the Bible, the, worship of God, familiarity with the sacraments of religion, leadership of the minis- ters, if extended to all pupils, would strengthen faith, improve conduct and restore thAt assur- ance which seemed to imbue democratic life prior to the industrial and scientific period. A worthy goal, no doubt, but is the problem so simple? Children, by the weekday released-time plan of religious education, it is assumed, will be taught by trained teachers and given an educa- tion in religion which will compare favorably with the public school teaching. Will they be so taught? Who is preparing the teachers for that noble task? Where is the supply from which churches may draw as these schools are being installed at present? What system of instruction comparable to the elaborate Colleges of Educa- tion, Departments of Public Instruction and Teacher Training Institutes will keep up a sup- ply of expert church school teachers, superin- tendents and principles? If we grant that the application of religious teaching to our democratic way of life is a de- sirable advance, as I do grant, then we who are at a University have a distinct responsibility. In the curriculum of Michigan are fifty courses grouped as a "Degree Program in Religion and Ethics" in which any junior with the necessary prerequisites may enroll and receive his A.B. de- gree when sixty hours of credit is accumulated., Ours is the first State University to accomplish this overture to religious education. However, though this concentration has been offered four semesters, only three hun- dred are in any one of the courses which definitely deal with religion and not one junior arrived with prerequisites enough to take the degree program this semester. That is about how interested we are in re- ligion within our democracy. Something like it is apparent throughout the United States. In fact, it seldom occurs to a university student that it is in his power to aid his culture and to invigorate his country or to weaken it by the university training he selects. No short-cut can bring one to his destination ready for the task which he started to perform. If we are to have a democracy which thrives because the individuals in it are strong, then during generation after generation, someone- many persons-must study for democracy. Why SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1941 VOL. I.. No. 43 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletinis constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Public Health Assembly: An assem- bly of all students in Public Health will be held on Tuesday, November 18. at 4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Insti- tute. Dr. Haven Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Public Health Practice, Columbia University and Lecturer in Public Health Practice. University of Michigan, will speak on "Uniformity of Procedure in Communicable Dis- ease Control." Students are expected to be present. The Automobile Regulation will be lifted over Thanksgiving from Wed- nesday, Nov. 19, at 12 Noon until Friday, Nov. 21, at 8:00 a.m. Cars which are brought into Ann Arbor during this period must be taken out of town by 8:00 Friday morning, Nov. 21. Students are hereby noti- fied that the Automobile Regulation will be enforced as usual over the Thanksgiving week-end and that no additional driving privileges will be granted. Office of the Dean of Students House Heads, 'Dormitory Directors, and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour for Wednesday, November 19, i15 1:30 a.m. and for Thursday, Novem- ber 20, is 11:00 p.m. Jeannette Perry, 'Assistant Dean of Women Choral Union Members: Members of the Chorus whose records of at- tendance are clear, may call for their tickets for admission to the Martinelli-Pinza concert on the day of the concert, Tuesday, November 18, between the hours of 10 and 12 and 1 and 4, after which time no . tickets will be issued. Charle A. Sink, President Faculty, College of Literature, Sc- rnce, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, November 22. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 11220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- class, whose standing at mid-semes- ter is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid-se- mester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be re- ported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Wal r, Assistant Dean Exchange Scholarships to Latin- America. The Site Department of- fers a number of so-called "Roose- feldt" exchange scholarships to prop- erly qualified students who wish to study for a year in one of the Latin- American countries. Two. of these scholarships are to be awarded to this geographical district, which in- cludes Michigan, Wisconsin, and Il- linois. Unfortunately the applications must be made before the end of this month. Students interested should apply to the Counselor to Foreign Students at the International Center. The State Department offers a lim- ited number of fellowships for mem- bers of the teaching staff of the Uni- versity for service in Latin-America. The salaries range from $2,600 to $6,500, and appointments may be made for one year. The qualifications include a speaking knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese, and a first- hand knowledge of the Latin-Ameri- can republics, as well as an intelligent understanding of the significant trends in the social and cultural life of the United States. Inquiry as-to details may be madeof the Coun- selor to Foreign Students in the of- [ice of the International Center. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived notice of the following Federal Civil Service Examinations: Senior Flight Supervisor, $3,800, IFlight Supervisor, $3,200, Civil Aero- nautics Administration, age limits 25-45, requirements: valid commer- cial pilot's certificate of competency with sufficient horsepower ratings to fly all land planes up to 225 horse- power, flight instructor's rating. Senior, 1,000 solo hours, at least 300 of them as instructor; flight super- visor, 500 hours solo, 150 instructor. Senior Ground School Supervisor, $3,500; Ground School, Supervisor, $2,900; C.A.A. age limits, 25-53; re- quirements, possess or have possessed pilot's certificate, or have served as pilot in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard. Experience as Ground School Instructor, or in standard school of secondary grade, _.r ---, L ' e °*, L , E f _ _: ..0 , k Y,; \. r \ A A Y . " ; tit }: .;,: 4 :. _. "Of course I like iti-Does a girl have to swoon with happiness every time somebody gives her an engagement ring!" vt Academic Notices Bacteriological Seminar - on Mon-c day, Nov. 17, in 1564 E. Med. Bldg.,1 at 8:00 p.m. Subject: "Tropical^ Medicine in Hawaii." All interest-1 ed are cordially invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building, on Monday, November 17, at 7:30 p.m. "Choline" will be dis- cussed. All intereste are invited. To Students Enrolled for Series of Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten- ant J. E. Fitzgibbon, U.S. Navy, Assist-+ ant Professor of Science andc Tactics, University of Michigan, will deliver a lecture on "The Base Force and Coast Defense" on Tuesday, Nov.; 18, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 348 West Engineering Building. History 11, Lecture Group II: Mid-1 semester examination Monday, No-; vember 17, at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Hoskins' and Mr. Usher's sections will meet in Room 25 A.H.; Mr. Meier's and Mr.i Willcox's sections will meet in Room 231 A.H. All others will meet in Na- tural Science Auditorium. - Concerts Martinelli and Piuza will be heard in a joint recital in the Choral Union' Series on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 8:30 o'clock in Hill Auditorium. Compo- sitions of the following composers will be heard: Schubert, Brahms, Puc- cini, Schumann, Meyerbeer, Randall Thompson, Respighi, Verdi, Faure, Vidal, Bizet and Masinin. Mr. Fritz Kitzinger will be at the piano. A limited number of tickets for this and succeeding concerts are available at the offices of the Uni- versity Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Student Recital: Five of the mem- bers of the class of 1941 will partici- pate in a recital at 4:15 p.m. to- day, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Included in the program will be a group of songs by Margaret Martin, Soprano, a student of Professor Arthur Hackett. Sara Titus and Ed- ward Ormond, Violinists, and Harold Fishman and John Wolaver, Pianists, studying under Professors Joseph Brinkman and Wassily Besekirsky, will present works of Corelli, Schu- bert, Lalo and Debussy. The general public, with the excep- tion of small children, is invited. Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will include three movements from the famous "Water Music" by Handel in his next Wed- nesday afternoon recital in Hill Audi- torium. Other works to be presented will be compositions by Rameau, Mal- eingreau, Franck, Andriessen and Dr. E. William Doty, an alumnus of the University of Michigan. The program, scheduled for Wed- nesday, November 19, at 4:15 p.m., is open to the general public. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents an exhibition of "Contem- porary Textiles" designed by Rodier, Dufy, Dufresne, Poiret, Deskey, and V'Saski, and from the School of De- sign in Chicago, the Cranbrook Academy of Art, the Taliesin Fellow- ship, and the Commercial Market. Textile processes, with models, looms, demonstration weaving and printing, are included. Rackham Building Ex- hibition Galleries through Nov. 24, 2:00-5:00 and 7:30-9:00 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: John Garstang, Professor of Theory and Practice of I A o-. , Tr,,,,,nive sit yo T.vPrm-nT_ val Manuscripts ' (illustrated\, un- der the auspices of the Department of History in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Foundation Institute on Thursday. November 27, at 4:15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Junior and Senior Medical Stu- dents: The second annual Frank Nor- man Wilson Lecture in Cadiology will be givep by Dr. Roy Wesley Scott on Wednesday, November 19, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hospital Amphitheater. Dr. Scott, who is Professor of Clinical (Medicine at Western Reserve 'tniver- sity School of Medicine in Cleveland, will speak on "Latent Syphilis as a Cause of Heart Disease." It will be given before the students of the Junior and Senior Medical Classes Iand Faculty of the Medical School as well as the Staff of the University Hospital. Classes will be dismissed from 1:00 until 2:00 o'clock only on that day, for the above students to attend the lecture. Lecture on Chinese Literature: The third lecture in the series on Chinese" Literature, sponsored by the Inter- national Center and the Chinese Club, will be given Tuesday, November 25, at 4:15 p.m. The subject will be, "Po- etic Composition and Prose." These lectures are open to the public. French Lecture: Professor Rend Talamon, of the Romance Language Department, will open tie series of French lectures sponsored by the Cer- cle Francais. The title of his lecture il: "Une heure d prose et de podsie" and will be given on Tuesday, Novem- ber 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alum- ni Memorial Hall. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lang- uages (Room 112, Romance Langu- age Building), or at the door at the time of the lecture* for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled to admission to all lectures, a small additional charge being made for the annual play. These lectures are open to the general public. Events Today Varsity Men's Glee Club will meet for rehearsal at 4:00 p.m. today, rather than at the usual time. Since music folders will be distributed at this rehearsal, members are reminded to bring the two dollar music deposit. It is very important that all men be present and on time. Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 today, at the clubrooms (Rackham, west rear door). Walk- ing or sledding and tobogganing, ac- cording to the weather. Games and supper in the clubrooms if the weath- er is bad. Beta Kappa Rho: All girls who are wholly or partially self-pupporting are invited to attend the regular meeting of,. Beta Kappa Rho, which will be held today, 3:00-5:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ByrI F.hBacher, 1015 Rose. Tea will follow the meet- ing. Girls interested may meet at. 2:30 p.m. in the League l1bby and walk, over as a group, if they wish. Marxist Study Group will meet at 6:30 p.m. today in the Michigan Union. The group will discuss aspects of the book, "World Politics," by R. Palme Dutt. Sponsored by Karl Marx Society. - Robert Owen Cooperative House: The faculty and students are invited to the Robert Owen Cooperative Open House today, 3:00-6:00 p.m. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Members V ' t 1051 fcaC~O Ti m'i Tao Itrg.t S rat Off IASRt f