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November 15, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-15

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Bk igaut~

Partly cloudy and warmet.


Neutrality Vote is
Not sigh of Disunity.a



UMW Confers
With Owners
Over Question
Of Union Shop
Presidents Bidding Brings
Continued Negotiations;
No Decision Is Reached
Problem Of Strike
Monday Still 'In Air'
(By The Associated' Press)
WAHINGTON, Nov. 14-At the
bidding of President Roosevelt, rep-
resentatives of major steel companies
and the United Mine Workers re-
sumed direct negotiation today on the
issue of 'a union shop in captive
coal mines, but reached "no conclu-
sions" at their first sitting.t
"Pursuant to President Roosevelt's
instructions we have been meeting,
but no conclusions have been
reached," was the terse announce-
ment of Jo n L. -Lewis, UMW head,
as the conferees emerged from a
hotel suite.
"The meeting has been going on
very nicely, very satisfactorily," said
Benjamin Fairless of United States
Steel Corporation.
The negotiations will resume to-
morrow, but the question whether
53,000 miners in the captive pits
owned by steel compafiies will go out
on strike Monday, the first working
day after the expiration of the exist-
ing tru'ce, was still up in the air.
Productlyn To Continue
If these negotiations fail to pro-
duce an agreement, Mr. Roosevelt
asked that the dispute be submitted
to "an arbiter, 6r arbiters, or any-
body else with any other name, and
that in the meantime -coal produc-
tion continue,'
The President advanced his pro-
posal at a 30-minute White House
conference at which he told both
steel and union officials the Govern-
ment "will not order, nor will Con-
gress pass legislakion ordering, a so-
called closed shop."
Will Not Tolerate Stoppage
He warned no interption tQ tle
fue. supphies f the steel mills could
be tolerated because steel Was ur-
gentl needed for national defense.
If legislat4l0: to prevent such an
interruption should become necessary,
Congress would approve it "without
any question," he asserted, and then
"Because it is essential to national
,defense that the necessary coal pro-
duction be continued and not stop-
ped, ft is therefore the indisputabid
obligation of the President to see
that this is done."
Recommendation Unmentioned
,The transcript o the President's
remarks released by the White House
made no mention of the Defense Me-
diation Board's recommendation last
Monday that the UMW sign a con-
tract that did not include a union
shop clause. As asked, by the UMW,
such a clause would reluire all work-
ers in the mines to join the union
after a prifod of probationary em-
ployment. .
The President's action appeared to
have returned the dispute to the sta-
tus it had before the Mediation
board's most recent recommendation.
At the Mediation Board's head-
quarters, a spokesman described
members of the Board as highly
pleased with the White House move.
'Adler To Talk

For. Soviet, Aid+
Local Group To Sponsor
Russian Medical Help\
Efforts to lighten the effects of
Russia's "scorched earth policy" on
t the Soviet people will begin here with
an address by Philip Adler, Detroit
News feature writer, at 8 p.m. Mon-
day in the Rackham Auditorium un-
der the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Committee for Medical Aid to Russii.
Adler's travels for the Detroit News
took him to Russia twice, in 1929
during the first Five Year Plan and
again in. 1934. Enabled by his first
hand observation to speak accurately
about Russia, Adler will explain its
needs and the working of its system.
The focal committee, under the
chairmanship of Prof. -Stanley Dodge
of the geology department, intends
to affiliate itself with the national
Russian Relief, Inc., in the near

Briksh Carrier
Is Torpedoed
HMS Ark Royal Is Sunk
Off Gibraltar Coast;
32 DeathsReported
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 14-The 22,000-ton
British aircraft carrier Ark Royal,
which from the Arctic Circle to the
Cape of Good Hope had carried into
action against the Axis an honored
name going back to the defeat of the
Spanish Armada, went down today
with mortal torpedo wounds.
It was attacked yesterday east of
Gibraltar by a submarine-most like-
ly by an Italian submarine, although
this point was not officially made-_
while it was en route to that western
Mediterranean fortress. It sank this
morning under tow en route to por
while some of its 1,600 men were
Sworking to the last, in the best of its
traditions for quiet and presistent
valor, to bring it safely into harbor.
The great majority of its crew, said
the Admiralty', were saved.
(Dispatches from La Linea, Spain,
said first casualty figures at Gibral-
tar indicated 32 dead,60 injured and
some 50 crewmen missing. The Span-
ish report, which put the scene of the
sinking off Marbella, Spaim, 25 miles
northeast of The Rock, laid some of
the dead and injured were brought
there early Friday aboard a de-
stroyer.) 4
(This account said only about a
dozen of the Ark Royal's 60 planes
were able to take off before it sank.)
It was the greatest casualty to the
Royal Navy since the German Battle-
ship Bismarck sank the British battle
cruiser Hood last May.
CIO Supportt
Is Promised
To Roosevelt
President Murray Pledges
Cooperation Of Group
To Destroy Hitlerism
DETROIT, Nov. 16-(?)-CfO Pres-
ident Philip Murray asserted today
Hitlerism must be destroyed and de-
clared "the CIO offers its complete
support to President Roosevelt's pol-
icy of furnishing all possible economic
and material aid to Great Britain,.
the Soviet Union and China."
Murray, in his repoit to the annual
CIO convention, set forth:
"Today labor has become more
deeply appreciative of the dangers to
democracy through Hitler's aim of
world conquest. It is clear to labor
that a single task looms ahead-the
defeat of this menace to humanity.
Hitlerism must be defeated and de-
stroyed. Democracy can survive ini
no other way."
Murray said Mr. Rosevelt was car-
rying out'a foreig policy formulated
through the joint action of the execu-
tive and legislative branches of the
government, and "has sought to pro-
tect our national interests and tl'e
cause of democracy." He added:
"Toward this end the CIO offers its
complete support to President Roose-
velt's policy of furnishing through
our government all possible economic
and material aid to Great Britain, the
Soviet Union and China, which are
the nations now carrying on the
struggle to rid the world of Nazism,

the enemy of mankind."
Murray also reported the CIO op-
poses "any tie between wages and the
cost of living," and "rejects the idea
of forced saving plans which affect
Literary Magazine
To :Be Supplement
In Sunday's Daily
After considerable delay, readers
will receive the first issue of Perspec-
tives, campus literary magazine, as a
supplement to tomorrow's Daily.
The reasons for this postponement
of publication will be explained by
the editors in a special note to the
magazine's readers.
Selected f9r primary position in
the magazine is "Certain Hidden
Things," a short story by Jay Mc-
Cormick, '42. McCormick here pre-
sents. the very real experiences of a+
small child at the death of his

Marine Unit
Is Removed
From China

Out To Boost All-American Stock

Wolverines, Lions
Will Tangle Today
In Eastern Contest


Cabinet Approves
War Fund; Calls
Men To Service

Kurusn To Attempt
Final Peace Effort
(By The Associated Press)
Swiftly following up his neutraility
revision victory in the House, Presi-j
dent Roosevelt announced today a
decision to withdraw the token forcej
of 970 American marines in China,
thus leaving the protection of Ameri-
can interests in that section of the
world to the Asiatic Fleet.
The disclosure, at the President's
press conference, was made even as
special Japanese envoy Saburo Kur-
usu arrived in this country for what
appeared to be one more-and pos-
sibly the last--joint effort to discover
a formula for peace in the Pacific.
Good Military Strategy
Indications were that they were
withdrawn according to good military,
strategy, for their own .rotection in
event of hostilities.
Those who held this view con-
tended the timing of the announce-
ment in relation to the House vote
on neutrality yesterday and the ar-
rival of Kurusu in San Francisco
this morning on a trans-Pacific plane
furnished its own significance. They
believed the United States was show-
ing Japan that its decks ere cleared
for action in case hostilities should
break out.
Japanese War Fund
Meanwhile word came from Tokyo1
that the Japanese Cabinet has ap-
proved for submission to the special
session of Parliament today an extra-
ordinary war fund of 3,800,000,000
yen (nominally $874,000,000) and a
general account appropriation of
510,000,000 yen ($117,300,000). The
War Office announced a drastic re-
vision of conscription regulations ren-,J
dering scores of thousands of hitherto
exempt men liable to early summons1
to the colors.
Another factor in the crisis is the
dispute between Japan and Russia
over the sinking of the Japanese liner.
Kehi Maru in the Sea of Japan on
Nov. 5, attributed by Japanese to
collision with a mine broken away
from the Vladivostok fields.
Informed sources said Russia re-
plied only today to Japan's urgent
protest and they understood Russia
rejected all major Japanese claims..
Erika Mann Will Speak
To AAUW Here Today
Erika Mann, one of the leading
representatives of former German
culture, will lecture on "Who Has
Youth, Has The Future" at 3 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
She will speak before the members
and guests of the Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti branch of the American Associ-
ation of University Women, and will
remain for tea in the Ethel Fountain
Elussey lounge.

Michigan Favored 4-1 Against Columbia
As Westfall Seeks All-American Honor;
Intersectional Record To Be Defended
(Special To The Daily)
NEW YORK, Nov. 14.-At exactly 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, the power-
ful Michigan football machine which Fritz Crisler has brought out of the
Midwest to this biggest of big cities will, for the 22nd time in 15 years, risk
one of the greatesbintersectional records ever compiled.
For tomorrow is the day when Crisler's Wolverines will move out onto
the Baker Field gridiron to have at the proud Lions of Columbia, coached
by Lou Little and possessed of one of the trickiest offenses in the nation.
No power-packed band of gridiron behemoths is this Columbia outfit.
Presenting a line which averages just 185 pounds per man and a line-smash-

Michigan's}great captain and fullback, Bob Westfall, will be seeking
All-American honors in today's Columbia clash in New York. The game
will be Westfalks only chance of the year to appear before the Eastern
experts, and will have a large say in determining whether or not he will
win the coveted All-American post.,
Russians Claim Full Offensive
Driving Nazis From Moscow
'_____ (

Germans Admit Advance
Slow On Soviet Capital;
Southern Attack Broken
(By The Associated Press)
The Russians claimed last night to
be slowly driving the Germans befo're
them everywhere on the Moscow
front, and in the Far South it was
obvious that the invader was making
at most only a creeping progress
against a terrible Red resistance.
It was, by all signs, the best day for
Soviet arms in many a week, for the
Germans themselves in effect ack-
nowledged that everywhere they were
struggling bitterly @not for miles but
for mere yard by yard.
Series Of Victories
The greatest of a series of victories
'reported by the Soviet on the Central
Front was about Tula, 100 miles to
the south of Moscow, where it was
said that after two weeks of battle
a major "German offensive that in-
volved 15 consecutive tank attacks
had been broken.
"The Germans were here yester-
day," said an official account. "To-
day, only their corpses are here."
Invader Driven Back
In every other major sector about
Moscow the Russian story was simi-
lar: At Kalinin, 95 miles above the
capital, 20 Soviet villages were re-
captured within a 24-hour period. At
Maloyaroslavets, 65 miles southwest
of Moscow, the last detachments ,of
the invader driven from the east
bank of the'Nara River.
Russian information as to the
south was not so detailed-and not
quite so confident in tone-but it
was claimed that before Rostov, on
the Don River, the northern gateway
to the Caucasus, an elite Nazi division
had been routed. As to the Crimea, it

was said that Russian reinforcements
still were moving up. /
Of the Central Front, the Germans
acknowledged Russian counter-at-
tacks "in considerable force," and re-
ported that the initiative was pass-
ing back and forth between the two
groups of armies. The smashing of
58 Russian casemates and the cap-
ture of a number $of villages was
claimed, but the general tone of Ber-
lin's accounts of this theater con-
ceded what was not admitted direct-
ly: That matters were not going too
well for German arms.
Going Gets Tough
In the Crimeano advance of on-
sequence was claimed by the Ger-
mans. They described the approaches
to both Sevastopol and Kerch--the
one the southwestern Crimea Red
naval base and the other a bridge-
head to theCaucasus--aq hard and
bitter roads to travel.
Fireside Group
Is Addressed
By Speckhard

ing fullback who scales just 163 soak-
ing wet, it cannot depend on its abil-
ity to bowl over opposing tacklers.
But the elfin proportions of the
men who play football for him have
failed to phase Lou Little. For Lou
has long been famed for his ability to
make big ones out of little6ones, big
at least as regards their ability to win
football games. Columbia has always
had small squads, usually composed
of small men, and the season of 1941
is no exception
Lions Have Won Only Three
Since they opened their schedule
against Brown University, some seven
weeks back, the Lions have compiled
a record of three wins and three
losses, not overly impressive, it is true,
but still not bad when you consider
that midget line. Never forget, either,
that, of the three games Columbia
has dropped, only one has been by
anything resembling an impressive
A strong Army aggregation took
Lou Little's club into camp by a
13-0 score but almost equally power-
ful Georgia and Pennsylvania had to
be satisfied with 7-3. and 19-16 wins
over the Lions.
On the credit side of the ledger,
Columbia can point to a 13-6 win over
Brown, ,a 730 victory against Cornell
and a complete submergence of
Princeton, 21-0.
- Michigan Heavily Favored

Release Stor
Of Naval Fight
U.S. Ships Battle German
Mosquito Boat Carrier
Off Iceland Coast
(Editor's Note: On the grounds that
it had entered into an agreement with
Secretary Knbx not to handle naval
' news unless officially released by the
Navy Department, the syndicate which
handles the "Merry-Go-Round" refused
to send out the following story.
The Daily received it from authors
Pearson and Allen themselves, with
the comment: "This story comes from
an official source and in our opinion
does not revealmilitary information
t of a nature useful to an enemy.")

Aid F

Editor De
Dr Invasion


They're In The Opera Now:
Martinelli And Piuza To Appear
In Fourth Choral Union Concert


Giovanni Martinelli almost entered
the cabinet-making business and Ezib
Pinza just missed being a bicycle-
rider, but they're with the Metropoli-
tan Opera now and they always sing
in packed concert halls.
The tenor and the basso will appear
in a joint recital at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday
on the Hill Auditorium stage.
It will be the fourth concert in the
63rd annual Choral Union Series
sponsored by the University Musical
A limited number of tickets to the
single performance yet remain and
can be purchased at the offices of
the University Musical Society in
Burton Memorial Tower.
With Fritz Kitzinger at the piano,
Martinelli will open the program,
singing the following selections: An
die Musik, by Schubert; Die Main-
acht, by Brahms; and Ch'ella mi
creda, from "Girl of the Golden
West," by Puccini.

Britain feels that the United States
should be more clean-cut about what
it is doing, stated Robert Speckhard,
former Daily editorial director, in
his "Report on England" yesterday
at Hillel Foundation's Fireside Dis-
cussion Group.
England's feeling is that "they
must have unqualified aid from the
United States before they go on the
continent," he continued. Although
the British feel certain of ultimate
victory, invasion attempts must be
forestalled until more strength is
gathered were the common senti-
ments in the warring nation, he said.
The feeling of a united effort is
everywhere prevalent, but the British
have surrendered little of their dem-
ocracy in the war effort, he remarked.
The lack of reticence about criti-
cizing the government while recog-
nizing the necessity of common ef-
fort was found especially striking.
Speckhard travelled to England in
a Norwegian vessel convoyed with
some 40 others by British warships
to the Port of Liverpool. He de-
scribed at length the actual func-
tioning of the convoy and the high-
spiritedness of the sailors.
Press Censorship
DeploredBy SDX
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 14.-P)-By
unanimous vote, delegates to the an-
nual convention of Sigma Delta Chi,
professional journalism fraternity,
today adopted a resolution criticizing
"certain government departments"
for withholding important informa-

This record, of co rse, cannot stand
comparison with that of the Wol-
verines who, playing in a tougher sec-
tor, have comne up with five victories
in six attempts; losing only to Minne-
sota which ranks as the nation's
number one team today.
With this in mind, it is only logical
that the Broadway betting agencies
have established Michigan as a 4-1
favorite to cop tomorrow's intersec-
tional encounter. And, if the bettor
is looking for points, the lads with
the checked coats and bow ties will
give 13 of them if you care to bet on
Columbia. In other words, the Wol-
verines are favored by two touch-
Similar Offenses
Not the least of the prospects in
store for spectators who witness to-
morrow's clash is that of watching
two teams with surprisingly similar
offensive set-ups. Although Michigan
has tended to depend more and more
on power play as the season has pro-
gressed, they are still very reliant on
deception, much as is the Lion aggre-
In addition, both teams employ a
man in motion on most plays, both
start the majority of their plays from
a spinner and, lastly,- both operate
almost exclusively from a single
wingback formation' with an unbal-
anced line.
Being forced to rely more on trick-
ery than does Fritz Crisler, Lou Little
has come up with what many observ-
(Continued on Page 3)
It's Man Vs. Owl
In Fight To Find
Which Is Wiser
A Barred Owl proved a little too
wise for one forestry student yester-
day when Waldemere Bejnar, '43, fell
30 feet from a giant elm tree west bf
the Main Library in an attempt to
recapture the escaped bird.
Bejnar, who miraculously escaped
injury, good.naturedly described his
unsuccessful quest as "good experi-
The speedy recovery of the owl
r a mva ftaf u Pnannco+ fr ifat. is

The U.S. Navy has had a big battle
with Nazi surface and submarine
raiders off the coast of Iceland and
off the Norwegian approaches to the
Russian Arctic ports.
The fight took place' early this
week .and the Nazis definitely came
off second best.
The Navy either sank or captured
ao new type of German war vessel, a
mosquito boat carrier. Operating
like an airplane carrier, this ship
carried a flotilla of small, speedy tor-
pedo launches which were scoring the
vital shipping lanes around Iceland.
The carrier was guarded by a num-
ber of U-boats, which attacked our
naval ships when they went after the
:arrier. Some of the U-boats were
either sunk or captured in the en-
What losses, if any, the Navy sus-
tained are hot yet known as only the
barest details of the battle are so far
available. However, it can be defin-
itely stated, that the Nazis, were
soundly licked.
Gargoyle Sale
To Be Tuesda
Publication Will Feature
"The Worm Turns'
Once again the worm turns, this
time in Gargoyle's Nfovember issue,
which will be released Tuesday for
sale on campus and in the local book-
stores and newsstands.
Preparation for the second semes-
ter's program and studying for finals
in the not too dim and distant future
have been simplified for students
through "The Worm Turns," or,
"Things Your Catalogue Never Told
You," in Michigan's magazine of cam-
pus life. Garg looks deep into the
faculty and presents them as they
really are and as they grade.
Defying possibilities of being forc-
ibly ejected from the University, Garg
editors are giving the lowdown on
the classes of certain professors. It's
really done in the spirit of good fun,
though, for Garg truly likes all the
Movies Will Be Shown
Of Ilhini-Michigan Game
Full length movies of the Illinois-
Michigan game will be shown at 7:30



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