4 TH4E MICHIGAN DAILY )pades And Shovels' Find Pots And Paws: University Men Unearth Relies Of Ancient Great Lake Indians )I- ASSOCIATED POCTURE PRESS NEWS V N By ROSEMARY RYAN . Vestiges of an ancient Indian civili- zation, buried for centuries in the shifting strata of the Great Lakes region, have been unearthed during the past summer in a continuation of the excavation work begun in 1938 by the Museum of Anthropology, ac- cording to Dr. Emerson Green, of this 7lepartment. Crude implements of quartzite, slate, flint, and clay pottery are of such a character and position as to indicate that they were deposited on these fluctuating- beaches when the waters of Lake Huron were at their height. The . artifacts indicate the age of the various locations, and the time that has elapsed since this ter- rain was at water level. The antiquity ascribed by Dr. George M. Stanley of the Department of Geology, to these areas ranges from 1,400 to 12,000 years. The last age is the greatest that has been re-, corded for human occupation in other parts of the New World and has a bearing upon the question of the time of the inhabitants of this coun- try. For the past several thousand years the land has been expanding or lifting up in the Great Lakes re- gion north of Saginaw Bay, conse- quently these beaches are designated as "abandoned" or "raised." The heights attained, by these separate tracts is 28, 56, and 297 feet. During the past'summer Dr. Stan- ley has discovered a fourth site also at an elevation of 297 feet, located half a mils from the first one. Arti- A. H. White To Discuss Engineering Education The immediate task of engineering education w'.ll be discussed by Prof. A. H. White, chairman of the chemi- cal and metallurgical engineering de- partment, tomorrow when he ad- drelses the Allegheny section of the Society for the Promotion of Engi- neering Education in Penn State, Pa. The Society of which Professor White is president will consider prob- lems confronting engineering schools and demands on them at their -meet- ing. facts uncovered here were identified as articles of quartzite. The two beaches at 297 feet were occupied at approximately the same time. Since that period, however, some of tiv deposits have been carried down the slopes by spring freshets to a dis- tance of several hundred feet frezr their original positions. The four sites are either alenu :oads or trails in rocky, brush-covered country, according to Dr. Green. It, is expected that other locations will be unearthed in this vicinity. The excavating crew of the past summer consisted of two members of the Great Lakes Division of the Museum of Anthropology, and four students, under the direction of Dr. Green. ,I ,Unrion Open House To Show Samples Of defense Work, National Defense-and the part played by the University of Michi- gan- -will be the theme of the an- nual Michigan Union Open, House to be held betw6en 8 and 10 p.m. Tues- day. Military exhibits including a ma- chine gun and a small army truck will be furnished by the Chrysler and General Motors corporations. A dis- play by the University ROTC corps will be placed in the first floor lounge. Militaristic or not, it will be a real Union open house with all facilities throw open to public inspection. Free dancing will be provided in the ballroom to Bill Sawyer's orclhes- tra. Identification cards will be re- quired of all students attending the dance. Men are asked to wear coats and ties. Matt Mann's natators will provide a diving, swimming and comic exhibi- tion in the Union swimming pool. For the only time in the year, George Johnson, the Union doorman, who prevents women from entering the Union by the front door, will relax his vigilance. The open house will commemorate the silver anniversary of the present Union building. N A V Y' S W I N G E D B A T T L E S H I P L A U N C 4 E D-The world's largest flying boat, the Mars, rides the water after launching at the Glenn L. Martit plant in Baltimore. The 140,000-pound bomber, equipped for substratosphere flight. ould fly nonstop to Europe and k. Inside space about equals that -of a 10-room houued 0 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 (Continued from Page 4) Hackett, Brinkman and Besekirsky, members of the faculty of the School of Music. hLectures French Lecture: Professor Rene Talamon, of the Romance Language Department, wili open the series of French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais. The title of his lec- ture is: "Une heure de prose et de poesie" and will be given on Tuesday, November 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Menorial Hall. Tickets for th? series of lectu:es CLASSIFIED -FOR SALE- FOR SALE-Eastman Kodak Auto- Focus enlarger, model B. Good condition. Call Mrs. Rogers, 2-3241 11 bc TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. 90c VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING -7- Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c FOR RENT LOVELY STUDIO ROOM for senior or graduate women, or student couple. Cooking and laundry fa- ficilities if desired. Inquire 422 E. Washington. 120c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 2c INDIVIDUALIZED LAUNDRY SERVICE Each bundle done separately, by hand 'No Markings may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled "o admission to all lectures, a small additional charge being made for the annual play. These lectures are open to the general public. Events Today Ixe igious Erama: Students making n rionetes for the marionette the- Atae will meet at 3:30 p.m. instead of the regular 7:30 meeting time in Lane Hall, this afte:noon. Coffre Hour: All students are wel- ome at the Student Religious Asso- ciation Coffee Hlour, held in the library of Lane Hall on Friday after- noons froni 4:00 to 6:00. F:. nd Round Table will meet to- night at-8:00 in Room 23 of the Inter- national Center. Mr. Warner Heine- man will speak on "L'Argent! Est-ce que ca vant la peine ?" All new members of La Sociedad Hispanica who have not as yet been initiated will meet today at 3:30 p.m. in room 306 R.L.B. The Coffee Hour for Students of Latin and Greek will be held in the West Conference Room of Rackham. Building today at 4:15 p.m. Physical Education-Wonen Stu- dents: Exemption tests in team sports end cancing will be given this after- noon from 2:00 to 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. Please sign in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium if you plan to take these tests. Red Cross Sorority Group will meet at 4:30 this afternoon in the League. All sorority representatives must be present with their contribu- tions to date. The Disciples Guild music interest group will meet at the Guild House tonight at 8:30. Unitarian students and friends: Fellowship Tea in Church Library to- day, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Coming Events The second Pre-Medical aptitude test will be given Saturday, Nov. 15, in room 300 West Medical Building, from 1:30, to 5:00 p.m. Please be prompt. The Abraham Lincoln Cooperative, L I T T L E M A N, H E R E ' S H OW --Meet Fred Lee Burkhardt, 5, of Glen Burnie, Md., said to be the youngest rider ever to compete in the National Horse show, and "Beauty"-a perverse little piebald pony that "Fritzie" put over some two-foot jumps in "The Whip" class at the current Na- tional Horse show in New York. e's been around horses since he was two years old. C L A S S B Y jI M S E L F-only male ;student ever regis- tered in Syracuse (N.Y.) University clothes construction course is Robert Shepherd, 19, of Richmond, Ky. He's draping Broncey Yasonis, plans to design clothes "for the social register." * A R M Y' S N E W L I G H T R I F L E-Capt. J. A. GelIatly demonstrates the new Winchester carbine, a light rifle being adopted by the U.S. army, at the Winchester plant in New Haven, Conn. # The gas-operated carbine will largely replace the .45 caliber pistol among infantry troops. It's lighter and shorter than the Garand, will be carried by means of a sling. DECEITFUL BUS IN ESS-Trusting ducks willbe fooled by this dummy bird, hopes Alfred H. Fenton of Providence, R.I., who makes his own duck decoys. Right now, he's watching to see if decoy floats evenly-or needs added weight on bottom. p 4- :: k'::.