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November 14, 1941 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-14

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University Faculty Provides Experts
1'o Work In National Defense Fields

t -


Forme r Editor Pink Pills Please Pale People
Will Describe Pharmacy Students Concoct
Britain At War Popular Household Remedies

Fifteen Men Are On Leave
To Assist Departments
Of U.S. Government
National defense needs are con-
stantly calling experts from all fields,
and the University of Michigan fac-
ulty has proved to be a favorite hunt-
ing ground.
Fifteen faculty men are on leave
of absence at the present time, doing
defense work for the government in
Washington or servingdn active duty
in the armed forces of this nation.
Three University experts have been
drafted for service by Col. William

Remer is doing work under Donovan
dealing"with movements of foreign
capital. Professor James has special-
ized in South American studies. His
work in the Coordinator's office cen-
ters around Latin American problems.
Latest members of the University
staff to be called by defense work are
Prof. Edgar M. Hoover, Jr., of the De-
partment of Economics and Prof.
Richard U. Ratcliff of the School of
Business Administration, who were
granted leaves of absence at the last
Regent's meeting.
Professor Hoover was given a sec-
ond semester leave to become princi-
pal consultant on Industrial Location
and National Palicy Boards at Wash-
ington. Professor Ratcliff was grant-
ed immediate leave to assist Price Ad-

engineering department and former
Ann Arbor mayor was granted a
year's leave to serve as a major of
engineers in the Seventh Corps Area.
He will supervise the construction of
a new powder plant in Omaha, Neb.
Prof. Jesse Ormondroyd of the De-
partment of Engineering Mechanics
is serving on active duty as lieuten-
i ' '

ministrator Leon Henderson in the
,formulation of housing construction
Also in Washington on defense
work is Prof. Robert C. Williams of -
the astronomy department, who is
doing work yin the Department of{
TerrestialMagnetism. Professor Wil-
lams was given a year's leave of
Herbert F. Taggert, professor ofP
accounting, is at present time con-
sultant to the advisory commission P
of the Council on National Defense. PROF. J. R. HAYDEN
He was granted a two year's leave of . on Board of Analysts 1
absence which will end in 1942.
Prof. Edward S. Greene, of the De- ant-commander in the United StatesI
partment of Psychology has been Navy. He is stationed with the Dav t
granted a leave of absence for the Taylor Model Basin in Washington,1
school year 1941-42 to serve on the engaged in the testing of battleshipst
Federal Securities Board. for vibration reaction to gunfire-
One of the University's few triple- Frank H. Smith, assistant professorS
threat men, Prof. Robert P. Briggs, of mechanical engineering drawing,r
who serves on the faculty of the eco- has been called to serve in the army.
nomip sdepartment and the business He was granted a year's leave lastt
administration school, as- well as be- yea, which was extended for the
ing financial adviser for fraternities, 1941-42 school period. Lloyd R. Gates,
has been granted a year's leave from instructor in hygiene and public!
his duties in the economics depart- health, has also been given a year's
ment. He will serve the War Depart- leave to serve in the army.
ment in the Detroit Ordnance Dis- Prof. Henry L. Kohler of the me-:
trict. chanical engineering department is,
Six members of the University Fac- serving on active duty as a lieutenant
ulty have been granted leaves of ab- in the Naval Reserve, and Prof. E. S.
sence by the Board of Regents to Pettyjohn of the chemical engineer-
serve on active duty in the nation's ing department is on sea duty as a
armed forces. lieutenant commander in the United
Prof. Walter C. Nadler of the civil States Navy.
JoangReutt Snr To Represent
Michigan In Song CompetitionI
* * 'j

Robert Speckhard To Talk L By T. 0. KING
Iee~ar a Lady Webster's Dinner Pills, Dip-
To Hillel Group Tonight ple' Oil and Denver Mud are but a
On 'Report On England' vr of the pharmaceutical and med-
O R ot nE ln"cinal prepar ations which the phar-
Bombed and blitzkrieged Englandmctuden must learn to manu-h
ighting for its life will be described ar a dnyoyres.
>y Robert Speckhard, former Daily These odd names, which are im-
:ditorial director, in a talk called pcrtant to the student o( pharmacy
Report on England" at 8:15 p.m. to- and pharmacognosy, are remnants of
lay at Hillel Foundation. popular medicaments that have been
used as household remedies by our
Departing from Halifax in.August, grandmothers and grandfathers.
Speckhard worked his passage to Medicines which were quoted by au-
'ngland on a Norwegian steamer tra- thors of the popular "home medical
elling in a convoy. Passing through adviser which every up-to-date
tangerous waters near Iceland where home had in its library in case of
lazi submarines and American and , Many of these old preparations
>ritish ships are fighting the Battle were named after doctors or other
f the Atlantic, Speckhard's convoy persons who recommended the almost
arrived in the port of Liverpool after con tant use of these remedies which
elnjoyed the ir popularity because they
strenuous voyage of more than two were almost always advertised as
veeks. ipecific or general cures for all dis-
While his ship waited for an out- eases and ailments.
=oing convoy Speckhard talked to The gullibility of the common peo-
ind observed the English people in ple and their faith in the god-fathers
'he heavily-bombed Liverpool dis- of the modern patent medicine made
'rict and saw first-hand the war famous such men who are reflected
Affort of Britain. in the names of Dobell's Solution,
Planning to fly back to England on
a bomber, Speckhard will soon be
back ii Britain as correspondent for AIC Takes
The Daily and several other college
newspapers. He is waiting for rou-
tine diplomatic approval from the 1r
British government which is expected
tai arrive very shortly.r , G.
Speckhard's talk and the discussionWl GS,
which will follow will be preceded by At Banquet Monday
conservative religious services led by
Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43, and David Twenty three new members will be
Crohn, '43, at '7:45 p.m. Iadmitted -to the student chanter off

Dover's Powders, Condy's Fluid and -
Chapman's Mixture.' ced today it had ordered 20 companies
The United States Pharmacopeia manufacturing and distributing a
and National Formulary which con- large percentage of the nation's salt
tain the official preparations in use to desist from "a combination or con-
by the medical profession today still spiracy" to fix prices or curb pro-
beature many of these inherited pre- duction.
vcriptions and recipes because many
of them have a definite and valuable The Commission order also applied
use in modern day medication. On to Salt Producers Association. Detroit,
'he other hand, many are being de- a trade association. and the New York
leted from the new editions of these firm of Stovenson. Jordan and Har-
volumes as modern science finds new rison, Inc.
and better pharmaceutical preparj- The salt producers named in-
tions in the chemical world of scien- cluded:
tific medicine. Detroit Rock Salt Co., Detroit: Dia-
Drug assaying, an integral part of mond Crystal Salt Co., Inc., St. Clair,
the manufacturing pharmacist's Mich Mron Salt Co., C a
training, makes known the strengths Mulkey Salt Co., Detroit; Ruggles &
of drugs and their therapeutical val- Rademaker Salt Co., Chicago, and
ues are calculated through the med- Saginaw Salt Products Co., Saginaw,
ium of pharmacological testing. Mich.
But regardless of the extent of
modern medical advances, old reme-
-ies crop up when the public resorts
to self-medication and the pharma-
cist receives calls for such obscure THE
items as Wattel Bark, Number Six---
Hot Drops, Mother's Plaster, Oil of
Wine, and Plumber's Pills. These arc
not patent medicines but merely syn-
onyms, or nicknames for old-fashion-
ed family stand-bys.
We have alsilk homirw .
2, an d 4 thread.
Ex ceptional values. try a
89c to $1.15 "PIN-TO-WALL" LAMP
FLANNELLETT E for reading in bed
Prop yourself up with pil-
Pajamas and Gowns lows and enjoy a good book!
Extra Heavy Quality Be sere you have proper light
Nicely Tailored for safe seeing ....use a pin-
to-wall lamp with a 100-watt
$1.95 bulb. (We do not sell these

1 1

. ,. .called to arms
"Wild Bill" bonovan, head of the
Office of Coordinator of Information.
hey are Prof. Joseph R. Hayden,
chairman of the political science de-
partment, Prof. Charles F. Remer of
the Department of Economics, and
Prof. Preston James of the geography
department. All trgree have, been
granted a year's leave of absence.
Profe'ssor Hayden, vice-governor of
tht Philippines from1933-35, ison
the Board of Analysts under Dona-
Recognized as an authority on Far
Eastern financial problems, Professor
Anne Mecordijck
Warns Against Split
(Continued from Page 1)
fighting for; winniig the peace. And
just as Hitler is organizing and plan-
ning while the war is still going on,"
Mrs. McCormick emphasized, "we
must offer our moral order in oppo-
sition to Hitler's immoral order. The
moral order is here, in America, in
all that she represents."
Mrs. McCormick expressed her be-
lief, based on years of experience as
foreign correspondent of the New
York Times, tht the peoples of the
world trust America, that "they yearn
to live as we live, on our \pattern.
Looking to the future, she said
sovereignty and boundaries have lost
their traditional portent to' the Eur-
opean peoples, and pariicularly to
the governments in exile.
"The leaders. Churchill included,
know sovereignty is a thing of the
past In the future it is our hope
it will exist only culturally; that the
state will be vastly reduced in im-
portance, and that freedom and free
will, "the very breath of human life,"
will be guaranteed by vigorous in-
ternational law.
Maybe They Thought r
The Draft Got Santq
PITTSFIELD, Mass., Nov. 13.--(P)
-Women are trying to move into ac
new field usually reserved for men.
England Brothers department storel
reported today that among applicantsj
for the job of "Santa Claus" during
the Christmas season were twb wo-
They did not get the job.

&ag To ll

the American Institute of Civil Engi-
neers at the annual initiation ban-
quet which will be held at 6:15 p.m.
Monday in the Union.

Principal speaker of the evening
will be James E. Jagger, field secre-
in ,N ext Issue tary of the organization who will de-
scribe "The Outlook for the Profes-
sion.' Dr. Henry 'Riggs, honorary
Do you know what makes a BWOC? civil engineering professor, and Dean
Two versions of this age-old story Ivan C. Crawford, of the engineering
are to appear Tuesday--next Tuesday college, both of whom are members of
--in the November issue of Gargoyle, the senior institute will briefly de-
Michigan's magazine of campus life. sribef LnGramof the civil engi-
In the first, Margaret Sanford. '42, neering department will act as toast-
president of the League, and Jane master and Frederick Elmiger, '42E,
Baits, '42, president of the women's student president of the A.I.C.E., will
judiciary, have been chosen to face offidially welcome new members.
the spots, in "Preposterous Persons." Students to be initiated at the ban-
Upon another page will be presen- quet are Ibrahim Hassan '42E, Sid-
ted a hitherto unexploited version of ney Jennings '42E, Peter Petkoff '42E,
the BWQC-but that remains to be Robert Van Sile '42E, Vernon Bengal
seen when Gargoyle reaches the stu- '42E, Robert Brewer '42E, Paul Palm-
dent body Tuesday. gren '42E, Lyman Flook '42E, Arthur
We can't all be BWOC,s and l Gibson '42E, Roger Goodwin '42E,
BMOC's, but Gargoyle is doing its Gliy Hoinke '42E, Jim Howard SM0,
part to bring this goal nearer the new Carroll Brown '42E, Daniel Ling '42E,
crop of prospectives and those old Robert Herbst '42E, Gerald Oakes
hands who have, somehow, been lost '44E, Richard Widman '44E, Hymand
in the shuffle, by publishing the frank Sterngold '44E, Herbert Heavenrich
and revealing replies of the cross-sec- '44E, William Johnston '45E, M.
tion to the fundamental question, Shukri '42E, J. Silversmith '44E, L.
"What do you do to make a date I Aisman '44E.
Besides these features, and others, Newest 'Student Advocate'
Gargoyle is this month offering, a
goodly number of photographs upon Now Reing Sold By ASU
various subjects. One of the most
comprehensive sections is "Panora- The November issue of the "Stu-
ma," giving snaps, obtained through- dent Advocate," national organ of the
out the campus, of persons, places American Student Union, is now be-
and activities. f

__. - _ __. ..e . _.._ ..... _ _. .......... _ ._._. _______ e f


Joan Reutter, Michigan's Hour of Charm contestant, got best wishes
and a replica of Edison's first incandescent lamp from Gov. Murray D.
Van Wagoner when she visited the state capitol earlier this week.
* * * *

Pretty Miss Joan Reutter, '43SM, is
going toj New York today and before
she returns to Ann Arbor Monday
afternoon she may well have garnered
radio' fame and fortune plus a $4,000
fellowship for the University music
Joan will represent the University
of Michigan when she sings on the
coast-to-coast hookup of the National
Broadcasting Company on the Hour
of Charm program at 10 p.m. Sunday.
Survivor of two campus elimination
singing auditions, Joan will sing
"Danny Boy" Sunday in her quest
for a $1,000 personal prize.
To win she must best singing coeds
from nine other universities through-
out the nation.
New York's Mayor Fiorello H. La-
Guardia and a group of Michigan
alumni will meet Joan at the Grand
Central jStation and whisk her to
the New York City Michigan Alum-
ni- Club where she will be guest of
honor at a buffet dinner.

"Miss Michigan of Song" won't
have exactly an jeasy day Saturday.
Hour of Charm program experts will
coach her all morning on the essen-
tials of radio broadcasting.
In the afternoon she will be a
guest at the Michigan-Columbia foot-
ball game at Baker Field.
Thrilled at the chance to prove
her right to vocal fame'and fortune,
Joan has been practicing her' song
daily with Prof. Arthur Hackett of
the music school.
"Of course I'm frightened," Joan
said last night, "but the Hour of
Charm people tell me that I'll be so
busy practicing during the weekend
that it will be a pleasant relief to
get on the air."
Eighth of the 10 coed songsters to
appear on the [our of Charm pro-
gram, Joan will get $100 for the
broadcast. Three of the'10 girls will
be given $1,000 prizes and the grand

NROTC Rifle Practice 1
To Precede Competition
Practice by the NROTC rifle team
coached by Lieut. K. S. Shook began
today in preparation for a 27 match I
Yale and Renselaer Polytechnical
Institute are schedulei for the first
match which will be shot Dec. 13 by
a team captained by Art Thomson,
'44E. Other members of the team in-
clude Nelson Upttegrove, '44E Mort
Hunter, '44, Bob Begle, '43, Harry
Miller, '44E, Mait Comb, '44, and
Caleb Warner, '44.
Other competitions will be held
with such inportant opponents as
Minnesota, Northwestern and Notre


I ng sof Dy mem ers or te campus
chapter in front of the library.
The new issue of the "Advocate"
features an article by C.E.M. Joad,
noted English philosopher, and also
an article "No Armistice 'Till Vic-

Featuring -
Friday and Satur-
day - a group of
in black and
$2.95 each.

523 East Liberty
Michigan Theatre Bldg.


give your child
000 LIGHT for studying!
Eenie, meenie, minie, moe...

prize winner, to be
December, will take
back to her school.

determined in
the fellowship

x K'_________________
moo,,' y~1 1 .
,477 -'-(.1-.^t
J 111,At1S11}i11\147, :
Add ome hee to ourhomeandto yur ablewit
oav lowrs tis hankaivna. e hve a esecialy

, - I I owsomm'm

Nope, I haven't got a date
But I have to look first rate
'Cause I aim to miss the row
And get myk

' I


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