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November 14, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-14

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oneert Stars State To Fight License Plate Allocation

Will Perform a
In Joint Recital
Choral Union To Present i
G. Martinelli, E. Piza
In OperaticProgramP
Tenor will blend with bass when
Giovanni Martinelli and Ezio Pinzar
of the Metropolitan Opera appear inc
a joint recital at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday on
the Hill Auditorium stage.1
It will be the fourth concert in the
annual Choral Union Series.
Tickets to the perfo'rmance can
still be obtained by applying at the
offices of the University Musical So
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.
Martinelli first brought his tenor
voice to the Metropolitan Opera when
Enrico Caruso was breaking ev.ry at-
tendance record. Since his debut on
Nov. 20, 1913, the tenor has becoine
one of the greatest drawing cards
at the Metropolitan, at Ravinia Park,
the San Francisco and Los Angeles
Opera, the Chicago City Olera and
the concert halls of the entire coun-
Giovanni Martinelli was born in
Italy and received his vocal training
under Prof. Mandolini of Milan. One
year after his first public appearance
in Rossini's "Stabat Mater," he at-
tracted the attention of Puccini and
was assigned the leading role at the
European premiere of "The Girl of
the Golden West."
After this came a rapid succession
of engagements in Milan, Monte
Carlo, Genoa, Naples, Turin, Brescia,
Budapest and Brussels. Martinelli
went to London in 1912 and* created
the role of Gennaro in the English
aremiere'of "Jewels of the Madonna."
tn 1914 he sang Paolo in Zandonai's
"Paolo and Francesca," when that
opera was first introduced in London.
Rudolfo 'in "La Boheme"-the part
Martinelli sang in his Metropolitan
Opera debut-was followed by Le-
fevbre in "Madame Sans-Gene," Fer-
nando in "Goyescas" and the Bell-
caster in "The Sunken Bell." Perfor-
mances like these keep his name high
among the famous tenors of the
Ezio Pinza, Metropolitan Opera
basso, just missed being a bicycle
rider, collects poison rings and has
a passion for speed- but he can sing
He is called by critics the "Kreisler
of the Voice."
Pinza burst upon the New York
music world in the season of 1926, ap-
pearing in the revival of Spontini's
"La Vestale." Since that time he has
been one of the chief favorites of the
New York opera.
Pinza's parents wanted to make
him a civil ingineer, but he gained
his own point by going to Bologna and
studying at the conservatory. His
first important operatic appearance
was in "Tristran" at the Teatro
Realle dell, Opera in Rome. There he
remained for two years.
Gatti-Cassazza only had to hear
the basso sing. once before he per-
suaded him to come to the United
States. After Pinza's debut, engage-
ments kept him before large audi-
ences in major concert halls through-
out the country. He has appeared
with the Chicago; San Francisco and
Los Angeles Opera{ Companies, be-
sides his regular work with the Met-

LANSING, Nov. 13-UP)-Lee Rich- additional 1,000 tons. Sufficient ma-
rdson, director of the motor vehicle terial is on hand, he said, to operate
ivision, today was named by Secre- the shops the remainder of the week.
ary of State Harry F. Kelly to aid #
he prison industries in fighting an
allocation order blocking delivery of Hunter Fires At Bird,
teel for 1942 Michigan automobile Bags Double Reward
icense plates.
William J. Burke, manager of the
prison industries, said Richardson WATERLOO, Ia., Nov. 13-RP)-
would accompany him to Was'hington Paul O'Keefe shot at a pheasant
Monday to seek release of steel al- which rose before him.
ready contracted for but previously The pheasant and a weasel dropped
delivered in small lots as needed, at his feet.
He said prison shops had received The weasel had clamped on the
1,000 tons of steel, enough to manu- bird's leg and both were killed by the
facture 75,000 plates and required an same shot.-

Music Group Will Hear Abbott Suit Dismissal
Mozart Symphony Today Is Sought By.Rushton
Mozart's "Symphony No. 4 in G
Minor" will be played at 8:30 p.m. LANSING. Nov. 13.-(IP)-Dismiss-
today during the Music Interest al of a $13,000.000 damage suit
Group's meeting at the Christian against the state was asked today in
church. an answer filed with the state court
The concert will be ove of a week- of claims by Attorney General HIerb-
1v series.ert J. Rushton.

Afterp the\ recording the members The answer contended the plaintiff,
will sing Bach chorales together as i Charles S. Abbott, of Ann Arbor, had
their regular choir practle . failed to establish any cause of ac-
The philosophy of Mormonism tion. Abbott contends the state has
will be discussed next in the "My used a stamping process in the fab-
Religion" series by Paul Clayton, rication of automobile license plates
'42M, at 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the which he created and has paid him
Christian church. nothing for the method.










ith the


To GiveJ
'U' Lectu






Two University lectures on two
widely different subjects will be given
under the auspices of the Department
of History.
John Garstang, professor of the
theory and practice of archaeology
at the University of Liverpool, Eng-
land, will deliver an illustrated lec-
ture on "Hittite Civilization" at 3:15
p.m. Wednesday in the Rackham
The second lecture will be given by
Prof. Chalfant Robinson, curator of
Medieval manuscrpts at Princeton
University, on Thursday, Nov. 27, in
the Auditorium of the Kellogg Foun-
dation Institute., Professor Robinson
,will discuss "Medieval Manuscripts,"
illustrating his lecture with slides.
Both lectures, part oft the regular
series of University Lecture Series,
and sponsored by the Department of
History, will be open to the public
without charge.
Open House To Be Held
The Abe Lincoln Cooperative House,
802 Packard, will hold an open house
tomorrow. There will be dancing and
refreshments. Everyone is invited.

Auditions for University Women

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