Jr ja t -dL. 40v Av t 4:I ait Editorial No Attempted Dupe In Aluminum Drive. Cloudy and. Cooler Rain or Snow Tonight .... VOL. LII. No. 41 South Russian Forces Resist Savage Attack On Gateways Nazis Clain Bridgehead To Caucasus Beseiged; Battle Centers At Kerch Moscow Offensive May Begin Again (By The Associated Press) The showdown for effective control of the Russian Crimea and the bridgeheads to Caucasia appeared to be fast approaching last night in .savage battles before Sevastopol and Kerch and there were'sign's, too, that Hitler was disposing his stalemated armies of the center for one more grand offensive on Moscow. In the South the great issue was yet in doubt; the great struggle was yet inc nclusive. . The ermans claimed to be storm- ing the outer, fortifications of Kerch, which . lies across a narrow strait from the western extremity of the Caucasus and its vital oil reserves, and by their own accounts had the city's defensive belt under assault from both west and south. Anapa Bombed They reported that Anapa, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus about 50 miles southeast of Kerch, was under violent bombing attack along with Kerch itsel and with Nov- rosissk, a possible but'much less ef- fective alternate for Sevastopol as a base for Russian Black Sea power. The atest available information from the Russians, however, pictured the Kerc defenses as unbroken and the Gerans' assaults being beaten off by joint land, aerial' and naval action.an indication that the fleet Was far from being counted out. Before Sevastopol, it was plain that the Russian defensive position was relatively good. The Germans thmselves spoke of it as withstand- ing attack more successfully than was Kerch, and the Russians reported that the invaders had gained no ground although their charges were rising in violence. Enormous Ger- mn losses were claimed there. Couuite -Attacks Halted Of the Moscow front yesterday the only detailed news came from the Russian side, the'Germans dismissing that theater with the single report that heavy Russian tank counter-at- tacks had been halted. Soviet informants reported, how- ever, that all along the central front the Nazis were attacking in explor- atory thrusts apparently designed to .feel out the soft spots for another all-out offensive on the capital-and, if it comes, most likely the last before spring. Both the Germans and Russians were brir ging up reseves. Meanwhile, heavy action was limit- ed to the northern and southern wings of the Red line. i About Tula, 100 miles below Mos- cow, Soviet dispatches reported that the Germans had been driven back an additional one t two miles, in the same area where on Wednesday it had been reported that the invader had been beaten back by five miles. Italians Bound For Africa Rerouted To Russia ISTANBUL, Turkey, Nov. 12-(de- layed)-()-- An informed naval source close to Axis diplomatic quar- ters said today Italian troops, out- fitted for tropical warfare in North Africa, were being rerouted at sea on ,German orders and sent to Pir- aeus, Greece, to be re-outfitted for the Russian front. Disorganization arising from this was said to be partly responsible for recent British naval successes against Axis convoys. The British have an- nounced two convoys were destroyed in one stroke by a naval patrol Sun- day and that two days later six Axis ships were sunk by submarines. Reinforcements which this source said had been expected by the Italian General Staff in Libya for the past. fortnight had failed to appear for the Germans, he d clared, apparently had written off any intention of an Afri- can offensive in the near future. Alpha Nu Society Taps Fourteen Men Today Alpha Nu, honorary speech society, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE C Finland To Continue Fight PETSAMMU V! C = F INLAND .KE OMEGA HELSINKI ^A 0O% j L TIKHVIN *NOVGOROD *KALININ VOLOKOLAMSK C MOSCOW House VoteRepeals Neutrality Act In Response To President's Ples Roosevelt Asks No Coal Shutdown _ Executive Assertion MI ES 244 0 T UL A Finland rejected\a United States warnifig to cease fighting and in- sisted that she still was waging a defensive war. This map shows Fin- nish territorial losses (dotted areas) in the 1939-40 war with Russia. Finns say they have regained most of the territory except two vital areas, the Fisher and Hango peninsulas (circled), which are still in Russian hands. Black arrows mark direction of Axis drives on Lenin- grad and Moscow. NOn-Defense Industry Plan Takes Formn Policy Definitely Indicates Defense Agency Inability To Save All Business WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. --(p)- Broad outlines of the Government's policy toward non-defense industries' -particularly small manufacturers-- took shape today with clear indica- tion that in some instances defense agencies will be unable to prevent business failures. Donald M. Nelson, executive direc- tor of the Supply, Priorities and Al- locations Board, declared in a Bos- ton speech that "this defense pro- gram isn't a WPA program for indus- try," and warned that "the manufac- turer who can think of nothing better to Flo than hurry up and dump him- self in the Government's lap is de- stroying free enterprise." SPAB now is working, Nelson dis- closed, on a plan for establishing' some sort of reserve supply of ma- terials "to help men who face an absolute shutdown if something is not done.": "We will be able," Nelson said, "to make limited amounts of material available for a limited time, to plants which" have been unable to convert their facilities. In some cases,' un- questionably, where it would take a comparatively large amount of ma- terial to keep a cpmparatively few men at work." Irate Senators Protest Move Committee Refusal To Lift Secrecy On Foreign Relations Ended With Walk-Out WASHINGTON, Nov. 13-(P)-Re- sentment against the secret consider- ation of a reciprocal tax waiver treaty with Great Britain led four members to walk out of a meeting of the Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee to- day. Senator Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) said the four-himself and Senators Johnson (Rep.-Calif.), Capper (Rep.- Kan.) and Clark (Dem.-Mo.)-quit: the meeting in protest against "ab- sentee rule" over the committee's pro- cedure. Vandenberg had moved that the, conmittee's usual rule of secrecy with regard to treaties be lifted. He con- tended the members should be per- mitted to discuss with their constit- uents certain terms of the agreement' which he described as of "tremen- dous importance" to local taxing au- thorities, When the motion was, put Vanden- berg, Johnson, Capper, Clark and Senator Gillette (Dem.-Iowa) voted for it, but Senators Murray (Dem.- Mont.) and Glass (Dem.-Va.) opposed it and Murray voted proxies of five ^bsent members against it. The mo- tion thus lost 7 to 5, although only seven members were present in per- son. Stirs Up Rumors Of Strike Control Uions Reject Board Offers By The Associated Press) President Roosevelt, on the eve of a conference with John L. Lewis on the captive coal mine dispute, told Congress yesterday that a shutdown of these mines supplying steel mills with fuel could not be permitted. Mr. Roosevelt' assertion was made in a letter to House leaders. It came amid widespread reports in Washing- ton that Administration-sponsored legislation to restrict strikes was im- minent, and toward the end of a day which saw these other labor develop- ments: . The Federation of Long Line Tele- phone Workers (independent) called off a strike set for midnight Friday and arranged for its national council to meet with Federal conciliators in New York, Nov. 21. The uion is asking a 4 per cent wage increase for 15,000 members whose current scale ranges from $13 to $66 a week. Represent 900,000 Fourteen non-operating railroad unions. representing 900,000 workers, rejected a recommendation from a White House-appointed special board that they be satisfied with raises of 13%/2 per cent. The unions said wages npw ranged from 33 to 85 cents, and they had asked 30-34 cent increases. These unions said nothing of strik- ing. A strike the second week in De- cember has been called by the operat- ing brotherhoods, who also were dis- satisfied with the board's recom- mendations. CIO officials said workers at Bell Aircraft's two plants in Buffalo, N.Y., were "getting hot" and predicted a strike unless the management "be- gins to bargain." The United Auto- mobile workers (CIO) is demanding a general 20-cents an hour raise and a minimum of 75 cents an hour in- stead of 50. Bell's 11,000 employes are working on $150,000,000 of air- craft orders for Britain and the Unit- ed Mine Workers (CIO), other min- ers' union officials and representa- tives of the steel companies at 11:15 a.m. today. To Meet Committee Before going to this conference at the 'White House, Lewis will meet with his union's policy committee to discuss the defense mnediation board's recommendation against a union shop in the coal mines owned by steel companies. The UMW called a strike in Octo- ber, but 'after three days sent the 53,000 miners back to the pits pend- ing mediation board action ,on its demand that all the workers be re- quired to join the union after proba- tionary employment. A strike truce in effect while the case was before the board expises Satunday midnight. Last CIO Members Resign From Board DETROIT, Nov. 13. -(W)- Emil Rieve, general president of the CIO Textile Wyrkers' Union of America' and vice-chairman of the C1, and Herbert W. Payne, a vice-president of the Textile Workers of America, today submitted their resignations as members of the National Defense Mediation Board to President Roose- velt. They telegraphed their resignations to the White House from a meeting of the TWJA's national executive coun- cil. The council.,is holding a three- day session here. They also informed Philip Murray, president of the CIO, and William H. Davis, chairman of the National De- fense Board, of their action. Appointment Office Urges Ap plications With a record of 1800 students placed in positions last year, the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information is again calling for student registration for jobs. It was stressed that this week is Persistent Laborite Critic Charges Government Failed To Act In Libya (By The Associated Press) LONbON, Nov. 13-The Churchill Government was accused in House of Commons debate today of muffing its chance to ease the German pressure on the Russians by failing to open a diversion warfront in North Africa. Laborite Emanuel Shinwell, one of the most persistent critics of the British war effort who was mentioned recently as a possible recruit to the Cabinet and was disclosed today to have refused to accept office in May, 1940, formed the spearhead of at- tack. The debate touched on virtually every aspect to the war effort, even to the labor situation in the United States, which was pictured as possibly facing a general strike because of "then inexperience of trade union leaders." Replies To King The debate was the reply to the message of King George VI yester- day opening a new session of Parlia- ment. "Why has the offensive in Libya been delayed?" Shinwell demanded. "It has been expected many months. "It would in effect have created a second front. It would certainly have distracted the Nazis and created dif- .ficulties for them. Let the govern- ment answer that question. "Next week or next month an of- fensive in Libya may not be as effec- tive." If the failure to move once more into Libya in duplication of the great offensive of General Sir Archibald P. Soldiers In IDeland Held ForShooting REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Nov. 13.- (P)--Privates Everett L. Farmer of Huntington, W.Va., and Charles H. Cox of McKee, Ky., were charged with manslaughter today and will be tried by a courtmartial Monday for the fatal shooting of an Icelandic fisherman in a fight outside a cafe. Thordur Sigurdsson died Tuesday of a wound suffered Saturday night in the fight at Hafnarfjorder, 10 miles from Reykjavik. A report by the Judge Advocate's staff said death was due to a bullet wound in the stomach, but there was "no evidence of premeditation." The shooting caused a sensation here, with newspapers recommending that Icelanders avoid American sol- diers as much as possible to prevent further clashes. Churchill Government Accused Of Muffing African Chances Wavell last winter is due to a lack of equipment, Shinwell added, then obviously it is idle to speak of in- vasion elsewhere. Egypt Action Minor In September the British at Cairo were freely predicting the desert of western Egypt and eastern Libya \would be "boiling" with new war in October, but action there still has been minor, largely reconnaissance. However, Wavell did not move against the Italians last year until Dec. 9, when he struck their flank at Sidi Barrani and ultimately drove them nearly half the distance to Trip- oli, then fell back last spring when much Of his force was diverted for service in Greece.{ A. V. Alexander, Fit Lord of the Admiralty, made th Government's reply to Shinwell, but it tapered off into a heated but obscure exchange, over why Shinwell had declined a post in the Churchill government.' Neutrality Bill Change Brings MixedReaction BERLIN, Friday, Nov. 14. --()- German reaction to the United States House of Representatives' ap- proval of the Neutrality Amend- ments probably will follow the famil- iar line that "Roosevelt is driving his people into war," informed quarters said today. * * * LONDON, Nov. 13. --()- Con- gressional approval of the United States Neutrality Act amendments tonight brought expressions of pleasure in all sections of the Bri- tish public, but some quarters plainly showed their' disappoint- ment over the relatively small ma- jority in the voting. * * * TOKYO, Friday, Nov. 14.-(P,)-The newspaper Nichi Nichi featured a lengthy special article under a New York dateline today, saying Presi- dent Roosevelt's foreign policy had been dealt a great blow by revolt of some Democratic members of the House against Neutrality Act amend- ments to permit Americans ships to enter belligerentt waters. It said these members were convinced this step woud lead inevitably to -war. * * * OTTAWA, Nov. 13-(P)--Prime Minister Mackenzie King said to- night United States Congressional revision of the neutrality law "will be seen by Hitler as the handwrit- ing on the wall spelling the doom of the Axis powers." Southern Democrats Vote Against Bill Because Of Strikes Raybuirn Ads Personal Note WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. -(M- Responding to & dramatic last-min- ute appeal from President Roosevelt, the House voted 212 to 194 today to let armed American merchant ships carry cargoes through zones of battle directly into the harbors of belliger- ent nations. By that 18-vote margin, it sent to the White House legislation repeal- ing the remaining major provisions of the Neutrality Law, and saved the Administration from a disastrous and prestige-shattering defeat. But slender though the majoity was, it was more than large enough to surprise and delight the Adminis- tration leadership in the House. For two days it had fought to avert what looked at times like certain defeat. Strike Situation Largely because of displeasure at the strike situation and dissatisfac- tion with President Roosevelt's hand- ing of it, a large segment of the Southern Democratic membership- hitherto solidly behind the govern- ment's foreign policy-was threaten- ing to oppose the legislation. Personal persuasion proved insuf- ficient. Speaker Rayburn and Rep. McMack of Massachusetts, the ma- jority floor leader, asked Mr. Roose- velt to tell the membership what ef- fect, in his opinion, an adverse vote would have upon the foreign and domestic situations. Mr. Roosevelt complied In a letter which Rayburn read to a tense, stilled and packed chamber, a moment be- fore the vote was taken. The failure of Corigress to repeal the sections of the Neutralty Act in question, he said, "would be definite- ly discouraging" to Great Britain, to China and to Russia, all "fighting a defensive war against invasion." To Cause Axis Rejoicing Further, he said, it would "cause rejoicing in the Axis nations," would "bolster aggressive steps and inten- tions in Germany" and other coun- tries under the leadership of Adolf Eitler. "Judging by all reent experience," he said, "we could, all of us, look forward to enthusiastic applause in those three nations based on the claim that the United States is dis- united as they have so often prophe- sied. ,"Our own position in the struggle against aggression would be defintely weakened not only in Europe and in Asia but also among our sister re- publics in the-Americas." Naval, Air Activity ' May Follow Revision WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.'(AP)A general and rapid expansion of Amer- ican naval and military activity along the sea and air routes to Britain is expected in authoritative quarters to follow revision of the Neutrality Act. With the Navy all set to start placing guns and gun crews on mer- chant ships as soon as President Roosevelt gives the signal, and with the Maritime Commission ready to extend its routes of commercial oper- ations for the first time since the war began, Secretary Knox strongly in- dicated tonight the scope of en- larged operations. Declaring the House action today holds out "greatly increased promise of ultimate victory," Knox asserted that it means this country itself can now determine how its merchant ships can best be used to get war supplies to any part of the world "where they can be usefully employed" against the Axis powers. In other quarters, probable steps in the expansion of operations were said to include: (1) Extension of Naval and air patrols and convoy escorts the rest of the way across the Atlantic to the British Isles. These American pro- tective measures now operate only to the waters adjacent to Iceland. Camp us Groups To Be Enlisted To Aid Custer Invitation Dance Anne McCormick Warns U.S. . MayBe Licked BeforeBattle' Aid from various campus organiza- tions will be enlisted by the Student Senate for its proposed Fort Custer draftees' invitation dance. Passed with only one dissenting vote at a meeting yesterday, the mo- tion declared that "the Senate Service Committee will work with fraterni- ties, dQrmitories, co-operatives and other campus groups in gaining sup- port for the 'soldier party' plan." Since any further action will hinge on University authorities and th United Service Organization, the The Student Senate Service Committee will meet today at 2 p.m. in the Union to discuss plans for the proposed dance for soldiers from Fort Custer. It is impera- ive that every member attend. room number will be posted on the Union bulletin board. dance date has been tentatively set for the last week in November. The Senate is already co-operating with for cooperation from campus organi- zations once the Senate has received University and USO approval on the dance. The meeting also saw a revision of the petition system for Student Sen- ate candidates. In line with its po- sition as a campus representative body, the Senate will require 25. names instead of the previous six on all patitions for'the December 12 elec- tion. 12 new senators will be chosen at this date. The ;, Winter Parley Committee, chaired by Jake Fahrner, '43, and John Edmonson, will commence prep- aration for the annual ficulty-stu- dent forum with a meeting next Tuesday, Edmonson announced to the Senate yesterday. Committee mem- bers include Bud Brimmer, '44, Orval Johnson, '43, Sam Russell, '42, and Margaret Campbell, '43. According to Edmonson, the Par- ley will be held in the early part of January following Christmas vaca- tion. It is an offshoot of the annual Spring Parley started in 1933 as an Lecture . . In a voice somber, and charged with conviction, journalist Anne O'- Hare McCormick last night warned an Oratorical audience-and America -that unless we have the power and intelligence to carry out our war effort without splitting into factions, "we are licked even before the battle begin." Speaking on the heels of the close vote on the Neutrality revision mea- sure, she condemned "not being able to live with ourselves when all the world is yearning for what we have," and held the choice now is not be- tween peace and war, but between our weapons. "We are already committed to fight for the four freedoms throughout the world," she maintained, but we must face realities and limit our commit- ments to those which we can carry out. On this basis she criticized the eight points of the Atlantic Charter ,. "va-eu .a islainit." SInterview . . . \ The Anne O'Hare McCormick of the lecture platform is not the de- termined, ultra-competent person that confronts an interviewer. Shy and womanly as she may ap- pear on the rostrum, she is the effic-' ient newspaperwoman and the skilled logician at close range. f Anne McCormick answers ques- tions. She doesn't pull punches. How long will Hitler last? . "As long as he is winning. With one smashing military defeat, the whole Nazi structure will collapse. There is no sign of it yet." Is there hope of a revolt in Ger- many? What form will it take? "With a smashing defeat, there is possibility of a revolt in Germany, but it will be an unorg nized, anarchic one. The army people are already, preparing to take over, but you may be certain a regime of theirs would be little if any better than Hitler's." T h. min nrnhy,",-1a,'m r f a.m