THE MICHIGAN DAIL 'g £r1$ ally I C_ WI OF~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year/and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. . Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrie $4.00, by mail $5.00. "EPRESSNTUD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTiaING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. C ollege Publisrs Represetative 420 Wm DsoN Ave. NEW YORKc. N. Y. CMAGO . BOSTON - Los AtGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 E Einiie Geld Alvin Dan David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson . Arthur Hill . Jant Hiatth; Grace Miller Virgini1a Mitchell di torial Staff ManagingEditor * . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor * . . Associate Editor * . . Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor * . .Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor , Exchange Editor BusiMess Staff Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Janes B. Collins . . Associate Business weise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising *velyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager Manager Manager Manager NIGHT EDITOR: DAN BEHRMAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Air Improvements Ipcrease U. S. Danger . .. The world's largest flying boat, 140,000 pounds of winged might capable of flying to Europe and back without a stop, was launched today with full naval ceremony, an honot heretofore reserved for the men o'war of Uncle Sam's Navy. The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Saroyan: THE SCENE is a waterfront beer garden in Jersey City. At the rear may be seen boats steaming slowly back and forth, and in ,the beer garden because I have always liked beer is a beer tap, a slot machine, a nickelodeoxr, sev- eral tables with chairs, a brass band, ten cheap politicians, a society woman, and a bartender, none of whom move during the action of the play. As the curtain rises, there are seventeen people seated at the tables, some of whom are Charley, an old barfly, Gertrude, a reformed you-know- what, John, a young poet who doesn't know it and strings telephone lines for a living, and is going to love Gertrude before this thing is over, Pete, a valve trombone player who lost his trombone at the American Legion convention in 1933, and now plays the mandolin, Urk, a trained seal who can toss four barrels into the air at once and catch them all on his nose, except right now his timing is off a little, but will come back when he hears Pete play the mandolin, An Unidentified Man who sits before the juke box waiting to hear a Bing Crosby rec- ord but keeps getting the wrong'number so it always comes out Maria Elena, which he doesn't like, Al,, an ex-racketeer who had a corner on the diaper laundry collection business in Chicago before the Grand Jury got Capone and now Al sells dirty postcards and supports the Communist Party, Trixie, an unreformed you-know-what, Old Nell, who is really little Nell grown up, but she can't remember a thing since the Boer War, and now she peddles roses and violets in front of the town's finest hotel and is secretly mar- ried to the doorman, and others. Other people, I mean, not doormen, not Old Nell. We see first that a square dance is in prog- ress in the Scandinavian Hall upstairs; because dust falls, from the ceiling at regular intervals, and in a fairly regular pattern. Next we see that none of the people in the beer garden care a damn anyhow because they are all drunk except the Unidentified Man-who stands for aspira- tion, the American Public waiting for that man to get out of the White House, and aspirin, and the Ages. He doesn't drink anything, but keeps feeding the juke with impatient little snorts of anticipation. John (the young poet, unpublished but all soul) turns to Gertrude, and after sipping meditatively at his beer, says: - "In the world there are all kinds of grass, all kinds of people, andyou and me. I don't mean I want to change all that, but whenI look in your eyes, I think about all the wonderful things, about Hoboken and Plattsville, and cars roaring through the night, and trains coming into a depot, and we'll walk where snow has never been, I'll do anything in the world for you, even love you." Gertrude: (throwing her beer in his face) Ha ha ha ha ha. (This laugh must somehow catch the full spirit of bitterness in Gertrude, I think maybe you had better have her wipe the beer lovingly off John's face, weeping then softly into her beery handkerchief, while Trixie casts insinuating glances in the direction of Pete, and the Seal). Charley: Yes sir, it was back in Carson City, Nevada, nineteen-hunderd 'n' ten, 'n' I was fighting Johnny Dundee, the Scotch wop, fifty-five rounds in a gale of wind, 'n comin' up a blizzard." (he stands up and squares off, ad- vancing slowly in a fighter's shuffle across the flbor, signifying the patient spirit, and eventual revolution of all the people who have been re- jected by Story magazine.) (Urk falls under the table. The barrels roll bask and forth across the floor. Pete seizes his mandolin and begins to sing a cowboy ballad in a sad high voice. The Unidentified Man-who is all the people we have ever watched who waited for things, and likes Bing Crosby, puts another nickel in the juke, and the strains of Maria Elena mingle with Pete's song.) Gertrude: "I'm afraid. It's been so---" John: "Yes, hasn't it." (curtain) passing a revised law to make ill gal any strikes intended to coerce the government and delay the defense program. Furthermore, there should be a provision of the law compelling the Unions to make a public yearly financial statement. This report is an absolute necetsity, for the reason there is so much racketeering is largely because this has not been compulsory in the past. With such a Union grab bag to draw from, the present system is an actual invitation to dishonesty. Moreover, in view of the present situation, there should be a provision to forbid "sympathy" strikes, that is, prevent strikes not having direct bearing upon the dispute in the industry. T HERE are relatively few people who do not admit that the idea of labor unions is in itself a good one. They are necessary to preserve the rights of the "little fellow" and to prevent undue exploitation by big companies. However, the same people will maintain that the labor unions have gone too far and are getting out of control. It is the practices not the principles of labor unions which are objected to. The blame for the continued unrest can be placed, not on the union members, but on the leaders who are using the war and its suffering to push their own ends. It is labor leadership that keeps the fight going strong and holds to the "rule or ruin" principle. IT MUST DO Hitler's heart good to hear of the continued strikes in the nation which. is working to become the arsenal of democracy. Let the Labor leaders answer this: What good will Drew Pearson M RobertS.Ae WASHINGTON-No one ever would have sus- pected that Averell Harriman, son of the great railroad magnate and one of . the wealthiest young men in the United States, ever would get on friendly terms with Josef Stalin, dictator of Communist Russia. Harriman, a large shareholder in the Union Pacific and Illinois Central railroads, and West- ern Union, represents the acme of the capitalist system which Stalin has fought all his life. In addition, Harriman had a personal row with Soviet Russia several years ago during which they euchred him out of a valuable manganee concession.8 But despite all this, Harriman's eyes almost glow today when he talks of Stalin. He calls him a "great guy," tells how tough and fore- seeing he is, has unbounded confidence in Sta- lin's leadership, and is convinced Russia will hold out. Harriman's friends smile a bit at this, wonder if Averell isn't too emotional, or they figure he was shown too much Russian hospitality and not enough grim reality at the front. However, another man who came back glow- ing about Russia is William L. Batt, lIg Phila- delphia manufacturer who makes SKF ball- bearings and isa director of various other big business enterprises. Batt can't say ; enough good about Russian morale and resistance in general. It is true, of course, that most of the Harri- man mission did not get around Russia very much. However, one man who did is General James Burns, a hard-boiled army officer, who went from Moscow south through the Caucasus, down through Iran, and back home via Egypt and Africa. Burns saw plenty and seems to be just as strong for the Russians as Harriman and Batt. Russian Transportation One of the things which impressed him was the manner in which the Russians were saving their industrial materials in the face of the Nazi advance. Fleets of trucks, plus hundreds of rail- road cars brought from the Trans-Siberian, were loaded up with machinery. Almost whole fac- tories were transported from the line of advance to be set up behind the Ural Mountains. And after the cars and trucks were completely loaded, women and children perched atop the cargoes. This evacuation of precious industrial materi- als is one reason for the tremendous number of trucks which the United States is sending the Russians now. It was this enthusiasm which persuaded the President to stop planes, tanks, artillery actually en route to U.S. Army camps and send them to Boston for transshipment to Archangel. Real fact is that although one billion in credits has been extended Russia, another billion will be extended shortly. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editdr: SEEING the University of Michigan Band out drumming up trade for the Student Defend- ers of Democracy the 9kher night came to us as a pretty big shock. We like the U. of M. Band. We think it's a darned fine organization. In fact, we know we've never seen a better one. But when the boys go marching over to give the opening fea- ture foV' a progiam aiming to put the United States into "immediate total war," we wonder what the heck is coming off around here. We know-that the Band plays as ordered, and the Band, itself, was not responsible for this display. But we wondered how this order hap- pened to be, issued. We don't think the Michigan Band has any business promoting any side of any political question. The Band is a representative of the University of Michigan and of the student body. As such we feel that it should maintain a strictly non-partisan attitude. , Wondering if it were the general policy of the University to permit the Band to play for politi- cal groups, the matter was investigated, and we were subjected to a number of additional shocks. Although the general "tenor" of the SDD meeting was known before the authorization was given, this factor was not considered when the order to the Band was sent out! TheeBand, so it was said, will be authorized to play upon the request of any duly recognized studentiorganiza- tion, regardless of its political activities. In the face of this claim of impartiality, it was blandly announced that the U.S. is already at war, and, if we Americans are not going to support the President's policy, we might as well give up the ship! As far as this particular complaint is con- cerned, weedon't give a hoot whether we are in the war or not. We don't care if the faculty or our fellow students favor intervention or are ardent pacifists.,But, as loyal Michigan students, we do care to see our Band maintain the pres- tige that it has always had. Innocent as this affair jmay have been, it may soon develop that the Michigan Band will be used as a tool to further the interests of partisan University groups. We don't want this to happen. We want the Band to remain the represeni tat ive of Michigan i 1"I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Associated Press r HERE was more in this piece fof- news than .merely an announcement of an airplane's conpletion. There was in this news a damning commentary on "practical isolationists." Ietting drop for the moment any political or idealistic arguments which either the isolationists or interventionists present, let us consider the "realistic" analysis of the problem, as presented by such experts as ex-Col. Lindbergh. They claim that this country is invulnerable to attack at the present time, that the aeroplane is not a threat to us, since it has not sufficient range or load carrying capacity. Perhaps they are correct, although there are many who would dispute the fact. However in their argument there is an apparent weakness, readily seen after reading such news items as mentioned above. THE ISOLATIONISTS base everything on the "present." For them there is no future. Aero- planes will stay as they are, ships will stay as they are, guns will stay as they are. Nothing ever moves forward if we would believe them. Put the argument to yourself in a logical fash- ion. If great technological strides have been made in the past, bringing the borders of all nations closer and closer together, is there not every reason to believe that this same trend will continue. If in four decades man's ability to travel over the earth's surface has increased al- most fivefold; if in four decades weapons of destruction have hadt a parallel increase, is it not a fool's paradise that we live in, feeling that we will be safe from attack in a hostile world, because we are safe from attack today. Remember, military experts are wary of our position in the hostile world of today. How much more'so are they justified in contemplating with alarm the more technologically advanced world of tomorrow. -Herbert Edelhertz Defense Strikes.- Hinder Arming . . SS the Roosevelt administration fi- nally waking up? Ever since the Wagner Act was passed the government has es- tablished elaborate machinery to protect the working man. It has followed an attitude of outright appeasement, and for its pains, has been faced with an increasing number of strikes in defense industries. Time and again the employ- ers are forced to accept the decisions of the arbi- tration board, but if the Unions don't agree they can keep up the strike. Roosevelt has finally declared that labor must for'ego strikes in the interest of defense. His words, evidently4 reflect the opinion of a vast majority of the American people, for according to the latest Gallup Poll, 73% of the people think the government should forbid strikes in defense industries, while only 23% think they should be permitted, and 4% have no opinion. GRIN AND BEAR IT (Continued from Page 2) The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived notice of the following United States Civil Service Examinations. Salary and closing date are noted in each case: Assistant Accountant and Auditor, $2,600. November 28. 1941. Principal Acctg. and Auditing Asst., $2,300, November 28, 1941. Health Education Consultant, $3,- 800. December 11', 1941. Assoc. Education Consultant, $3,- 200, December 11, 1941. Asst. Education Consultant, $2,600, December 11, 1941. Teacher In Indian Community and Boarding Schools, December 11, 1941. Junior Communications Operator, until further notice. Chief Radio Mechanic-Technician, $2,600, until further notice. Principal Radio Mechanic-Techni- cian, $2,300, until further notice. Senior, $2,000, until further notice. Radio Mechanic-Technician, $1,- 800, until further notice. Assistant, $1,620, until further no- tice. Junior, $1,440, untif further notice. Inspector of Hats, $2,000, until fur- ther notice. Inspector of Miscellaneous Sup- plies, $2,000, until further notice. Inspector of Textiles, $2,000, until further notice. Junior Inspector of Textiles, $1,620, until further notice. Inspector of Clothing, $2,000, un- til further notice. I Junior Inspector of Clothing, $1,- 620, until further notice. Junior Graduate Nurse, $1,620, until further notice. Junior Public Health Nurse, $1,800, until further notice. Public Health Nurse, $2,000, until further notice. Graduate Nurse, General Staff Duty, 1,800, until further notice. Senior Instructor (Fort Knox, Ky.), $4,600, until further notice. Instructor, $3,800, until further notice. Associate ,Instructor, $3,200, until' further notice. Assistant Instructor, $2,600, until further notice. Junior Instructor, $2,000, until fur- ther notice. Border Patrolman, $2,000, Novem- ber 28, 1941. Senior Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $2,600, until further notice. Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $2,300, until further notice. Associate Inspector, Naval 'Ord- nance, $2,000, until further notice. Assistant Inspector, Naval Ord- nalice, $1,800, until further notice. Junior Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $1,620, until further notice. Librarian (Technical Processes), $3,000, December 4, 1941. The Bureau of Appointments has also received notice from the Public §chool of the District of Columbia, Office of the Board of Examiners, Divisions X-XIII, Washington, D.C., that examinations for licenses to teach non-academic subjects will be given Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day, December 15, 16, and 17, 1941. These examinations are for the pub- lic (colored) day schools of the Dis- Arict of Columbia. Time and place of these examinations is contained in the notice on file at the Bureau of 'Appointments. Office hours 9-12, 2-4. Bureau of Appointments andi Occupational Information Academie Notices Zoology Seminar tonight at 7:30, Amphitheater, Rackham Building. Reports by Mr. Joseph P. Harris, Jr., on "Mechanical effects of water tur- burence on certain fresh-water plank- tgrs" and Mr. O. Whitney Young on ,Ahimnological investigation of peri- phyton in Douglas Lake, Michigan." History 11, Lecture Group H: Mid- semester'examination Monday, No- vember 17, at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Hoskins' and Mr. Usher's sections will meet in Room 25 A.H.; Mr. Meier's and Mr. Willcox's sections will meet in Room 231 A.H. All others will meet in Na- tural Science Auditorium. History 49: Mid-semester, 10 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 13. Room B Haven Hall, Adams-Low. Room 231 A. H., Luckham-Zapotochna. Master's Candiates in History: The language examination will be giv- en at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 14, in Room B, Haven Hall. Candi- dates must bring their own diction-~ aries. Copies of old examinations are on file in the Basement Study Hall of the General Library. Doctoral Examination for Mr. Or- son Whitney Young, Zoology; the- sis: "A Limnological Investigation of Periphyton in Douglas Lake, Michi- gan," today at 8:00 a.m. in 3089 Na- tural Science Building. Chairman, P. S. Welch. By action of the Executive' Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examination day, November 15 from 8:00 to 12:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. Upper class and graduate women: Instruction will be given in ice skat- ing, badminton, beginning swimming, plays and . games for children, and body conditioning. Students -ter- ested in joining these classes should register Friday, November 14, and Saturday, November 15, in Office 14, Barbour Gymnasium. Concertsi Choral Union Concert: Giovanni Martinelli and Ezio Pinza will give a joint prog'am of songs; arias, and duets, in the Choral Union Concert Series, Tuesday, November 18, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limit- ed number of tickets for this concert, and succeeding concerts, are avail- able at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Student Recital: On Sunday, No- vember 16. five of the members of the class of 1941 will present a recital in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Those participating are Margaret Martin, Soprano, Sara Titus and Edward Or- mond, Violinists, and Harold Fish- man and John Wolaver, Pianists. The program, scheduled for 4:15 p.m. and open to the general public, is given under the- direction of Professors Hackett, Brinkman and Besekirsky, members of the faculty of the School of Music. Lectures :Anne O'Hare McCormick, distin- guished foreign correspondent and journalist, will speak tonight at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium. Miss McCor- mick is presentedl by the Oratorical Association as ther second number on the current lecture series and will speak on the subject, "Ourselves and Europe." Tickets will be on sale today at the box office, Hill Auditorium. Junior and Senior Medicdi Stu- dents: The second annual f'rank Nor- man Wilson Lecture in Cardiology will be given by Dr. Roy Wesley Scott on Wednesday, November 19, at 1:00 p.m. in the Hospital Amphitheater. Dr. Scott, who is Professor of Clinical Medicine at Western Reserve Univer- sity School of Medicine in Cleveland, will speak on "Latent Syphilis as a Cause of Heart Disease." It will be given before the students of the Junior and Senior Medical Classes and Faculty of the Medical School as well as the Staff of the University Hospital. Classes will be dismissed from 1:00 until 2:00 q'clock only on that day, for the above students to attend the lecture. French Lecture: Professor Rene Talamon, of the Romance Language Department, will open the seriqs of French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francais. The title of his lec- ture is: "Une heure de prose et de poesie" and will be given on Tuesday, November 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Department of Romance Lan- guages (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled to admission to all lectures, a small additional charge being made for the annual play. These lectures are open to the general public. Events Today To the Members of the Depart- ments of Latin and Greek: There will be a departmental luncheon today at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' ioom at the Michigan Union. The Observatory Journal Club will "It was unusual to hear Henry talk so long-he hardly opens his mouth around the house." invited. See Bulletin for room num- ber in the League. Jewish-Gentile Relations Seminar at Lane Hall at 7:30 tonight. Repre- sentatives from all campus religious groups, and all others interested, are requested to be present in order to set up trialogue teams, and to plan for the seminar's research for the year. Inter-Guild Luncheon, open to In- ter-Guild Council members, and members of any student Protestant Guild, will be held at Lane Hall this noon. Michigan Outing Club will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in the Union. The room number will be psted on the bulletin board. At this meeting plans will be made for a supper cook-out this week-end. If unable to attend but interested, phone 'either Dan Saulson (9818) or Libby Mahlhian (2-4471) before Saturday noon. Social Committee of the Pre-Medi- cal Society today at 5:00 p.m. Please meet under the clock at Angell Hall. Panhellenic Social Standards Chair- men: There will be an important meeting of the Social Standards Committee today at 4:30 p.m. in the League Council Room. Be sure that your house is represented. ' Girls' Cooperative Houses: There will be an interview today at 5:00 p.m. at the Palmer House, 1511 Washtenaw, for all those interested in making application to girl' co- operative houses. The interview will be held by the Intercooperative Per- sonnel Committee. Interyiewing of all women who pe- titioned for class officers' positions will be done by the Women's Judic- iary Committee in the Undergraduate Office of the League today from 3:30 until 5:30. Please come as early as possible. Bring your eligibility cards. Bridge Tournament: The fifth in the series of Duplicate Bridge tour- naments will be held tonight in the Michigan League, 7:15-11:00. The room will be posted on the League Bulletin Board. Students, faculty, and townspeople are cordially invited. Cabaret Committee of Soph Caba- ret:, There will be no meeting of the Cabaret Committee today because of the style show. The next meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 27. Those who have reports to make, contact the ,chairman immediately. Michigan Dames Bridge Group will meet tonight at :0 p.i. in the Michigan League. Women's Archery Club meets at 4:15 p.m. today on indor range at Women's Athletic Building. Sophomore Cabaret Decorations Committee will meet today at 3:00 p.m. in the League. Coming Events Graduate Dance: An informal radio-record dance will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Rackhiam Building on Saturday, Nov. 15,nfrom 9-12 p.m. All graduate students and faculty welcome. Bridge, refres- ments and novelty door prize.-Small admission. The Coffee Hour for Students of Latin and Greek will be held in the West Conference Room of Rackham Building Friday, November 14, at 4:15 p.m. . Physical. Education-Women Stu- dents: Exemption tests in team spots and dancing will be given on Friday afternoon, November 14'from 2:00 to 0