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November 13, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-13

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WC eather


Slightly coler; ocasional


? :aiti

Air Improvements
i crease U.oS. Danger .

VOL. LMI. No. 40




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Nazis Reach
Kerehl Strait;
Stal In Drive
- ForMoso
Third-Ranking Official
In Vichy Government
Killed In Plane Crash
Finnish, American
Relations Strained
(By The Associated Press)
The Germans claimed last night
that their Crimean spearhea had
broken through to the shores of the
Kerch Strait within sight of the Cau-
casus, but along the central front
their cold and weary armies Appar-
ently were struggling bitterly for no
better than a draw above and below
Of tl is latter theatei' Berlin was all
but silent, save for the single claim
that a Soviet cavalry division had
been smashed about 100 miles south
of Moscow around Tula, and dis-
patches from Germany significantly
implied What a stalemate similar to
that with France during the tinter of
1939-40 was in sight.
Official Soviet accounts, however,
reported continued violent action on
the extreme right and left Red flanks.
At Tula, whe'e the Germans had
reported their $ne action of conse-
quence on the Moscow front, the Rus-
sians asserted that the invaders had
in fact been driven back for five
miles and even then were able to re-
store a line only with great difficulty.
At Kalinin, 95 miles above Moscow,
Soviet sources reported that the Ger-
mans were attacking with "unabat-
ing strength" o the fourth day of
an ung'cessful attempt to break that
flank and that although their casu-
alties were heavy Nazi reserves were
still comipg up to the line.
Southwest of the capital it ap-
peared that an earlier advance had
carried the Germans to within- 30 to
35 miles of the city, the Nazis putting
their forward j ositions at only 31
miles short of it and the Russians
then elves ckriowledging that the
thrust had carried to the vicinity of
Nar fotins-, 35miles away.
General Huntziger
D'ies In. Crash.
VICHY Unoccupied France, Nov.
12-M-The No. 3 man in the Vichy
regime, Gen. Charles Huntziger, was
killed tody along with seven other
persons returning from a mission to
Africa when his plane crashed and
burned on a foggy mountainside after'
apparently avoiding a forced landing
in German-held territory.
The little general, whose signature
of the GermaW armistice June 22,
1940, created the demarcation line
which he appartently declined to cross
today, was coming back to Vichy
from a three-week tour of North
In Vichy the War Ministry was
thrown into confusion by the news
and it was believed in diplomatic
circles the general's death would have
an important effect on the delicate
balance of Marshal Petain's govern-
- Finland Rejects
U.S. Demands
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12--(P)-Fin-
land and the United States were far
ther apart than ever tonight after
the little country had rejected an
American demand for cessation of

Finnish hostilities against Russia.
Secretary of State Hull implied
that Finland had evaded the real
issue in a note handed to the Amen-
can Minister in h~elsinki. This note
asserted Finland was fighting a de-
fensive war, not an offensive one; I
that its allegiance with Germany did
not threaten its independence, and
that its fight did not endanger
United States security.
The present conflict, it said, fol-
lows "two unjustified attacks on the
part of the mighty Bolshevist terror-
istic state, with neither the United
States nor any other country able to
prevent them.
Rio/, BrwneTo Paiy
'Price Of Their Sins'
NEW YORK, Nov. 12-(P)-A Fed-
eral judge denounced labor leaders
George E. Browne and William Bioff
today, declared they must pay "the
price of their sins" and forthwith
sentenced them to prison terms ofj


Allies Ready To Invade
By 1943,_churchill Says
Claims Supply Of Ships Will Be Ample;
Cites Success In War On U-Boats

Proposed Neutrality Act-Revisior
Facing Bitter Struggle In House
Coal, Railroad Unions Plan Strik(

(By The Associated Pres)
LOIADON . Nov. 12- Winston
Churchill predicted today "the free-
dom loving powers" would be able
to produce enough ships by 1943 to
support an overseas invasion "utterly
beyond British resources at the pres-
ent time."
Before the House of Commons at
the opening ofthe seventh session of
the present Parliament, the Prime
Minister delivered a reasoned argu-
ment against disclocure of the strat-
egy by which. Brtain plans to aid
Russia, and gave new figures to show
substantial British successes in the
Atlantic war against U-boats since
early summner'
Citing the captive Rudolf Hess as
his authority, he said Hitler had "re-
lied upon a starvation attack even
more than upon invasion to bring
us to our knees." That has failed,
he asserted, but "this only' increases
his need' to come at us by direct in-
vasion as soon as he can screw up
his courage and make arrangements
to take the plunge."
King George Speaks
Churchill's speech followed the tra-
ditional opening of the new session
of Parliament in which King George
VI, speaking to both houses amid
.cenes shorn of brilliance and color
by wartime necessity, paid especial
tribute to the United States for fur-
nishing war supplies to Britain "on a
scale unexampled in history."'
Twice the Prime Minister dealt with
the demands which military opera-
tions, in the future, would make upon
the shipping available to Britain and
both times he made it plain Britain's
shipping capacity could jnot meet
those demands now.
In selecting 1943 as the year for
"overseas operations" on a great scale,
he said this was dependent on whe-
ther "the war against U-boats con-
tinues to prosper as it has done-
Talk_ On War
Sill Be Gien
B y'Speck hard
War-time England, the saga of a
democracy fighting for its life, will.
be described by Robert Speckhard,
former Daily editorial director, in a
talk entitled "Report on England"
8:30 p.m. tomorrow at Hillel Founda-
Speckhard left Halifax in August
on a Norwegian steamer. bound for
Liverpool in a 'convoy. Travelling
through the most dangerous waters
in the world with protection from
both American and British warships,
Speckhard's convoy reached England
after a hard voyage of more than two
Waiting for a convoy back to Amer-
ica, Speckhard had ample opportun-
ity to observe the tenor of British
opinion in the heavily-bombed Liver-'
pool district.1
As The Daily's foreign correspon-
dent Speckhard will go back to Eng..
land on a bomber as soon as the ne-
cessary diplomatic approval is forth-
coming from the British government._
Approval is expected to reach him
in the very near future.
The Fireside Discussion Group will
be preceded as is customary by con-
servative religious services led by
Jack Lewin-Epstein, '43, and David'
Crohn, '43, at 7:45 p.m.

about which of course there can be
no guarantee."
He made clear also that it was
predicated on vast American help:
"The great American shipbuilding
promised for 1942," and said the
United States was building merchant
ships on a scale Miany times that
possible in the United Kingdom.
Shipping Losses Smaller
Churchill said Britain in the. four
months ending in October had lost
less than 750,000 tons of ships, or an
average of about 180,000 tons a
month, compared with 2,000,000 tons
or an average of 500,000 tons a month
in the four-month period previous to
Taking new British building i 'to
account, he said the net loss from
July through October was less than
one-fifth what it was in the previous
four months, in spite pf the fact "that
there never had been more U-boats
or long-range aircraft than are work-
ing now."
In the July-October period, he con-
tinued, almost 1,000,000 tons of Axi
shipping had been sunk or damaged
seriously, with the most severe Axis
losses in the Mediterranean.
Senior Of fice
Petitions Close
Today At Union
Nominations For Music,
Pharmacy, Education
Elections Are Ended
Petitions for senior offices in the
music, , education and pharmacy
schools must be submitted at the
student offices of the Union by 3:30
p.m. today and should be accompan-
ied by as, close to 25 signatures as
possible, it was announced by the
Men's Judiciary Council.-
The Women's Judiciary Council
will interview candidates from all
schools from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 pm.
today in the League.
Attention is called to the regula-
tions regarding the election. The ex-
penditure of more than $5 for cam-
paigning by any candidate is pro-
hibited. Also, no "slates" are to be
announced or publicized in the un-
dergradute colleges; campaigning can
be done individually only. Students
violating these rules are liable to dis-
qualification by the Judiciary Coun-
The election will be held on Tues-.
day, Nov. 18. Exact times and places
are to be announced in The Daily on
Army Asks Selectees
For Overseas Service
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. -(R)-
War Department officials said late
today selectees and N, tional Guard
enlisted men were being asked, in
connection with a drive for three-
year Regular Army enlistments,
whether they would be willing to serve
The department has sought, re-
cruits among guardsmen and selec-
tees for several months, but today's
was the first disclosure that part of
the policy appeared to be to build
an army of men free of restrictions
on overseas service.

Roosevelt Proposes
Parley With CIO
Steel Executives
Truck Drivers
Near Walkout
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-(P)~-
President Roosevelt caled a new con-
ference on the raging coal dispute to-
day as mounting labor troubles
threatened to halt soft coal pro-
duction, tie up the nation's railroads
and possibly defeat the Neutrality
revision bill. 1
While a CIO boycott of the Na-
tional Defense Mediation -Board dealt
a crippling blow to that peace-mak-
ing agency, Mr. Roosevelt asked three
CIO leaders and three major steel
company executives to talk with him
at the White Douse Friday.
Labor, Industry Invited -
Those invited: Philip Murray, CIO
President; John L. Lewis, United
Mine Workers President; Thomas
Kennedy, Secretary-Treasurer of the
UMW; Frank Purnell of the Youngs-
town Sheet and Tube Corporation;
Benjamin F. Fairless of the United
States Steel Corporation, and Eugene
G. Grace of Bethlehem Steel Cor-
Lewis made known at once he
would accept the 'invitation, and the
others were expected to likewise.
Involved was the UMW's demand
for a union shop in captive coal mines
NEW YORK, Nov. 12-UP)-John
J. Moran, Presidentof the Federa-
tion of Long Lines Telephone
Workers, an independent union,
said tonight he had taken action to
place in effect at midnight Friday
a strike of 15,000 workers who
handle long distance wires in 42
states of the nation.
The decision to go ahead with the
strike, approved Nov. 3, was reach- -
ed after a meeting today with the
U. S. Conciliation. Service and rep-'
resentatives of the American Tele-
phone and Telegraph Company,
Moran said.I
Unio demands include a 4 per1
cent wage boost and narrowing of
geographic pay differentials.
Moran said today's meeting fail-
ed to make any progress and noI
effort had been made to certify the
dispute to the national mediation
board. The union president an-
nounced Nov. 3 he had appealed
to President Roosevelt to authorize
owned by seven steel companies. A
decision of the Mediation Board
against the UMW demand led several
CIO men to resign from the Board.
At Chicago a legion of 350,000
railroad employes who operate the
nation's trains was under orders to-j
night to go on strike Dec. 7, 8 and 9
in support of demands for a 30 per
cent wage increase.(
Thirty Mannequins
It appeared President Rooseveltf
alone could intervene to prevent a
walkout which would paralyze a pas-
senger and freight carrier systemt
booming with business of hauling
goods vital to the national defense
program. p
Chiefs of the five operating
brotherhoods, which include engi-E
neers, firemen and enginemen, con-i
ductors, trainmen and switchmen, sett
(Continued on Page 6)

Union Opera's Leading Lady'
Leads Fashion Parade Today

Southern Democrats
Bolt White House
On ShipMeasure
Strike Issues
WASHINGTON Nov. 12. -P)-
Administration leaders fought with
their backs to the wall today to save
Neutrality Act amendments, permit-
ting American ships to enter belliger-
ent ports, from rejection by the House
of Representatives.
Worried by defection among some
Southern Democrats who previously
had supported the Administration's
foreign policy, they spent the day
solicitously talking to uncommitted
members and conferring in the office
of Speaker Rayburn.
'Everything Fine'
Rayburn went to the White House
at dusk, spent an hour with the
President discussing the Neutrality
issue and said as he left that "every-
thing is fine," that the amendments
w6uld pass.
Informed of reports of more de-
fections in the House, Rayburn re-
"I think we are in better shape to-
night than we were this morning."
Some influential Democrats said
President Roosevelt was apprehensive
lest an Administration defeat, com-
ing just before the arrival of a spe-
cial Japanese envoy, might aggra-
vate the already critical situation in
the Orient.
Indignation Over Strikes
The vote, meanwhile, was sched-
uled for tomorrow afternoon upon
conclusion of eight hours debate'
which began today in an atmosphere
electric with the tension of a world
,risis, and in some instances with in-
Jignation over the domestic strike
The legislation presents amend-
ments to the Neutrality Law contain-
ing two issues: shall American ships
be armed for their protection against
submarines and aircraft, and shall
they be permitted to carry cargoes
hrough combat zones directly to
England and other belligerept na-
JAons. Both courses are forbidden by
;he Neutrality Law.
Back To 'House Today
The House had already approved
the armed ship proposal, and it was
aot directly involved in today's dis-
iussion. The clause freeing Amen-
,an shipping of the present restric-
:ions upon its movements was added
n the Senate-at the urging of the
4dministration. It came pack to the
House today upon a motion to eon-
.ur in the Senate amendment.
The revolt of the Southern Demo-
:rats became apparent with two sur-
;rising House speeches, made by men
vho hitherto have supported Admiri-
stration foreign policy-Rep. Smith
(Dem.-Va.), and Rep. South (Dem.-
Smith announced his opposition to
;he Senate amendment, asserting he
vould not vote to send American
:hips into combat zones until the
Government "puts a stop to the labor
lictatorship" which he said was sab-
>taging national defense.
Later, .to the great surprise, and
nore than a little to the dismay of
he leadership, Re. South, from
npeaker Rayburn's Texas delegation,
announced his opposition.

Dorothy Merki, '42, and Richard Arbuckle, '42, will do the announc-
ing as 30 mannequins parade today on the stage of the Michigan Theatre.
Fashion for classes, dates, sports, and formal wear will be inspected by
'the student audience attending "All Eyes On You."

* * *

~ I

"Four out of five" will be beautiful
at the Daily winter fashion parade at
1:15 p.m. today in the Michigan The-
atre, but as for the fifth, the Ann
Arbor merchants decline to guaran-
tee its pulchritiude!
"It" will be Richard Rawdon, '44,
the leading lady in the forthcoming
Union Opera, who will wear an eve-
ning dress along "cover-up" lines
while he sings for the first time a
song from the Mimes show now under
Roosevelt Needed
Announcing 30 mannequins who
will model in "All Eyes On You" and
-commenting on the new fashions for
England Hints
Libyan Drive
Blows At Axis Shipping
May Precede Attack
LONDON, Nov. 12. -(M)- Heavy
British air and naval blows at Axis
shipping in the Mediterranean and
at Italy's dwindling war fleet were
regarded by the British tonight as the
forerunners of a powerful offensive
from Egypt against Axis armies as-
sembled in Libya.
A hint that British forces in the
Near East may soon strike, now that
Axis supply lines in the Mediterran-
ean are weak, was seen in Prime Min-
ister Winston Churchill's statement
that "it may yet be that as the war
develops, military operations may
make more extensive demands upon
our shipping."
Informed sources, however, dif-
fered on where the British might go.
Some said further developments of
the Russian-German fight in the
Caucasus must be awaited before the
new U.S.-made tanks and planes of
the Near East Arm are used in Africa.
Japanese Discuss Crisis
TOKYO, Nov. 12. -A,- Japan's
Privy Council, highest consultative
body on Empire policy, devoted it-
self to a discussion of foreign affairs
at the Imperial Palace today in the
midst of what is generally conceded

class, dates, sports and formal wear
'will be Dorothy Merki, '42, and Rich-
ard Arbuckle, '42.
The winners of the door prizes will
be announced to the audience as the
highlight of the exhibit by the local
shops, planned in conjunction with
the advertising staff of The Daily.
All those attending the style show
will be entitled to a chance for a
door prize.
While tickets for the review are
being distributed throughoutd all
dormitories, sororities, and League
houses, they may be obtained at the
door. Admission will be free and men
are invited a§ well as women, Lou
Carpenter, '42, women's advertising
manager, stressed.
Exhibitors Contribute
Among the prizes being contributed
by the exhibitors are a matching
shoe-bag and * shoe-tree set, two
sweaters, a bottle of cologne, sachet,
a silk blouse, several pairs of nylon
stockings, a ski blouse, and coupons
worth reductions on two dresses and
hat when purchased by the winners.
Gordon Hardy, whose orchestra
will supply the musical background,
will play "A Dream and I," the hit
of last year's Mimes' "Take A Num-
ber." An arrangement of this lyric
was played by Glenn Miller's orches-
tra at Senior Ball in June.
In keeping with the "eyes" theme,
the orchestra will include in its se-
lections for "All Eyes On You" such
old favorites as "Green Eyes,"
. (Continued on Page 5)

Woman Pulitzer Prize Winner
To Deliver Lecture Here Today

The woman correspondent who
moved around amid thunderous
events and stole some of the thunder"
will come to Ann Arbor today to dis-
cuss "Ourselves and the War."
Shy, modest Ann O'Hare McCor-
mick, famed foreign correspondent
who was the first woman journalist to
win the Pulitzer Prize, will deliver the
second Oratorical Series Lecture at
8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Modest is the word for this shyest
of celebrities, who refuses to bring
into the limelight her own feats as
America's foremost feminine corre-
spondent. But one needs only look

Principals Of Midwest Schools
To Interview Freshmnen Today

Two Horns Lost
In Fourth Theft
From University
The theft of two clarinets from
Burton Memorial Tower was reported
to the Police Department yesterday.
Sometime between eight and eleven
a.m. Tuesday the instruments were
taken from student lockers in the
basement of the tower, declared J.
Herman Greve, inventory clerk in the
University business .office.
One instrument, valued at $150.

"Information Please" on a large
scale will be in the air at the fifteenth
annual Principal-Freshman Confer-
ence this morning when 150 princi-
pals and teachers representing 96
midwestern high schools will inter-
view the 706 freshmen from their re-
spective schools.
Deans from seven Michigan junior
colleges will also interview 175 junior
college transfer students who are en-
rolled in the University. All inter-
views will take place on the second
floor of the Horace Rackham Build-
ing from 8 a.m. to noon.

with English, another with foreign
languages and a third with chemistry.
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department is chairman of
the English group which will meet in
the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room.
The University representatives to this
group are Prof. George D. Helm and
r Prof. Albert K. Stevens, both of the
r English department.
The foreign language conference
which will meet in the first floor Re-
hearsal Room will be led by Prof.
Hayward Keniston of the romance
languages department. Prof. Otto

these are but part of the record which
she reported in dispatches to The

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