THE MICHIGAN DAILY M1 w; . a - . -4 lited and managed by students of the University of ligan under the authority of the Board in Control student Publications. ablished every morning except Monday during the versity year and Suflner Session. Member of ite Associated Press be Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the for republication of all news dispatches credited to r not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ts of republication of all other matters herein also rved.~ atered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as nd class mail matter. ubscriptions uring the regular school year by per $4.00, by mail .:5.00. REPR!8ENTED 'OR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. ,College PablbersRepresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - OSTON . Lo 'ARLI . SAN PEARCISCO nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staf e oem6 . n Dann . . dc Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson . . ur Hill . :t Hiatt e Miller .. nia Mitchell . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director S . ,. . . city Editor * . . .Associate 'Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor * .' . Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor * . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff BI H. Huyett s B. Collins e Carpenter. ,n Wright * . . Business Manager Associate ,Business Manager .W6uen's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDJITOR: GLORIA NISHON The editorials published in. The Michigan Daily are written by mem bers of The Daily' staff and represent the views of the writers only. -he ASU Chan'ges ts Tune.! d-IONVOYS MEAN COFFINS - Stop the slide toward war - We Ameri- ans want peace - The Lend-Lease 'Bill is an ct of war - Roosevelt and Churchill are war- tongering imperialists." Remember? Those American Student Union ommuniques of last spring and how they cried1 or peace .-peace at sany price? But that was hen only America and England were in danger. hat was when just democracy was threatened. hat was when Russia and Germany were $il1 ilies of a sort. Now things are different.Russia, 'too, is in danger, as is her totalitarian, Stalin gov- eminent. And so'the ASU dommuniques liave changed their tune. They sing now of the sacred "fight for democracy" and cry loud-. ly for a "victory 'of the allies ove Hitler barbarism." OSE OF US who support intervention be- cause we feel that America - not Britain or ussia or any foreign nation -- is in danger roiid like to know why Hitler was not barbaric efore the Russian invasion, why England was not Lghting for democracy unil Stalin entered kie field, why suddenly this is no longer a war etween equally evil and broody imperialists? The ASU now wants to embrace those Ameri- n interventionist organizations which last bring it jeered and picketed. It calls once more Ir the "popular front," the "common cause." leaders tell us that we are now working 'r the same end, and should, therefore, 'work gether. But we - those of us who have chosen to think for ourselves,,to follow no one's line but our own - must rbalize that-these are half-truths, close to complete falsehoods. It is true that both groups now desire the de- feat of Hitler and are willing to risk war to obtain iOs But it is not true that our ulti- mate goal agrees with that of the Stalinists. STALINISTS here do not necessarily include all Communists, for there are those persons th, believing in the theory of :communism, ill do not adhere to the. Moscow line. It is ossible for us to respect such persons and their Leas even though we disagree with them. Nor does the term include all of the Russian eople, just as the name Nazi does not cover ie entire German population. The Russian ople - and the German people, for that .atter - are no different from the English r from Americans. They are all human, they ave souls. And right now the Russians are itting up an inspiring fight for their country. or this we admire and respect them. But we either admire nor respect their government. And we despise and mistrust that govern- ment's puppets in this country. We know that if they could change so quickly once and with such little warning, they could do so again. We know that they are willing to work with us now so that they may use us for their own ends. We remember what- they tried to do - and in some cases succeed- ed in doing - to the labor unions. And we do not propose to let them do the same thing to the entire United States. 'HE ASU, as it is today, represents neither honesty, democracy nor freedom of thought. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 'Jovial' Harry... To the Editor:I We read with amusement the story in Tues- day's Daily concerning "jovial" Harry Tillotson. After the Minnesota ticket riot, Mr. Tillotson neatly passed the blame for inferior tickets to student scalpers. Now, after the students have complied with the rules laid down for securing tickets to the Ohio State game, there has been no riot, nor is-there fear of excessive scalping. All because of Mr. Tillotson's secrecy. But, Mr. Tillotson, the students again have poor seats; as bad as those for the Minnesota game if not worse. The bottom has dropped out of Mr. Tillotson's alibi that 'we, ourselves, are to blame for our predicament. The only conclusion that we can draw is that the allotment of seats behind the goal line to students cannot be blamed on scalp- ers. What does it take to get a decent seat now- adays, a gray beard and an '09 after your name? Congratulations to you, Harry Tillotson, for being able to keep a secret. Now think up a new excuse for those !!**&? seats you so "jovially" hand out to students! -John Ball '44 John Van Aken, '44, Churchill Commits' Britain WINSTON CHURCHILL has definitely committed the British Empire to a declaration of war upon Japan "within the hour" of the opening of hostilities between the United States and that Far Eastern country. At this time, when the Nippon-American crisis is rapidly approaching, such a statement is not only very timely from the psychological view- point, but it finally and positively states the Brit- ish attitude toward a Pacific war. In the event that a clash does come about, and informed Washington quarters feel it is almost inevitable, the British, in view of Churchill's declaration must be prepared to use armed force in support of the United States fleet. Great Britain will not dare to make only gestures as she did 'to the tiny Allies that the Nazis crushed so easily. For this time she will not be abandoning a small,4nconspicuous nation from which she expects little help in the winning of the big show in Europe, but she will be backing down on a promise to the nation which is her own life-blood, and which can cut her throat more effectively than the enemy by cutting off aid to her. THE PEOPLE of the United States are going to expect the full military cooperation of the British Pacific and Indian fleets on the basis of the Churchill commitment. And on the fulfill- ing of this promise will hinge the entire futre of the war, because it is difficult to see the American people unting in :an all-out effort to supply Britain with arms and supplies if that same Britain fails to make more than a gesture at fulfilling a promise which she made to Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia and France, to mention a few, apd then begged off. No, to be sure of fur- ther American aid and to prevent a complete swing to isolationism in this country, Britain must 9ilfill Churchill's promise. All too many'Americans are aware of the fact ghat Britain, supposedly the principal Allied power has suffered but a small percentage of the Allied war casualties, and any attempt of the British Far Eastern patrols to stay in port in a Japanese War while the American fleet does the fighting will be disastrous to the pro-British sentiment hitherto prevalent in this country. This will be one case where Britain will have to fight, because it is one time when her ally can hold her to her word. Paul Keenan Free Enterprise After The War .*. , W HETHER, THE UNITED STATES enters the war or not, the problem of- a post-war depression must be solved im- mediately, before it is too late to do aythn constructive. Before the war began the- country still had 10,000,000 unemployed, and a tremendous na- tional debt, but with the advent of the defense program our debt has increased to staggering, proportions, which we will have t face after- wards. The employment situation will be worse than ever when the defense boom goes back to normalcy. P1eople realize this, and a plan to save free enterprise, one of the fundamentals of our de- mocracy, has been formed by Charles E. Wil- son, president of the General Electric Company. HE SUGGESTS that, we hold a congress of representatives of industry, agriculture, fi- nance, commerce and labor unions soon to form- ulate °rules for peacetime industrial and commer- cial development. These rules must be approved by the majority of the citizens, and yet should work in accord with the government. The Congress would provide for unemploy- ment with new businesses evolved from the re- cent scientific discoveries uncovered in defense work. This would cut down the dangers of re- duced purchasing power. Each company engaged in manfacturing ar- ticles for defense.must devote part of its brain power to a future conversion of it's defense job into one of these new businesses. For example, the field is wide open for plastics and new synthetic materials which will make America more self-sufficient in the future, and farmers can grow new products to be used in these. ew Pef0g koberS.Ales %GO$ WASHINGTON-There is a German smuggler operating in the Caribbean off the coast of Mexico. This was the inside reason for the President's sudden transfer of the entire Cgast Guard to the Navy-the Coast Guard's ships and planes are needed to track down the Nazi intruder. Sensational feature about the smuggler is that she is a former U. S. vessel-the 800-ton Diesel- engined iyacht that once belonged to A. Atwater Kent, Philadelphia radio magnate. The one-time pleasure ship now is being operated under the Panamanian flag out of Vera Crqaz,, Mexico, by Nazi agents in that city, and is being used to transport high test gasoline and mercury to small Caribbean Islands where Jap- anese ships collect the smuggled strategic sup- plies. THE YACHT recently unloaded 1,000 flasks of mercury at an island which for military rea- sons must be nameless. The former luxury craft came into possession of the Nazis by a circuitous route which Intelli- gence experts uncovered only a few weeks ago. The purAiase was made by a shipping company whose main office is in Vera Criz and has a branch office in New Orleans, where transfer of title took place. The price was $18,000. Fortunately for Intelligence, the payment was made in J. S. bills of $1000 denomination. From the serial numbers, the bills were traced back to a Vera Cruz Bank. There is was learned the money had been withdrawn from the account of the leading Nazi business house in Mexico, and turned over to the shipping company that bought the yacht. Nazi Owners Subsequent investigation revealed that all the stockholders of this conpany were Germans; also that the two top qfficers were Spaniards, one a naturalized Mexican and the other a naturalized American citizen. NOW, every movement of the yacht is watched, but there is nothing the United States can do about the ship unless she enters American Waters. So far the vessel has been very careful to stay within Mexican territorial waters. BefQre. U. S. authorities uncovered the Nazi ownership of the yacht' and the nature of its operations, however, it made three trips to Cuba. It also docked several times at Panama. The crew of the vessel, from the captain down, are Spaniards recently brought from Spain expressly for this purpose. Note-The yacht is one of several to which de- posgd pro-Nazi President Arias gave Panamanian registry. / If You Like Corn, Here's Plenty Of It A CROP of good ripe corn for this week-but as corn it's essentially good, and most of it danceable, with a noticeable absence of hot stuff. For Decca, Ella Fitzgerald blends her soul- stirring voice with a rhythm and sax background for her long-awaited rendition of Jim. The flip- over side is This Love of Mine, a prospective pop tune with some possibilities. Latter ballad is also recorded by Stanley Kenton on a Decca disc. This Stanley Kenton is a new band which seems to specialize in instrumental numbers. In addi- tion to This Love of Mine, this week's releases by Kenton are The Nango, Adios and Taboo. Some of the instrumentation is hot, but the band is too cumbersome and bulky to produce any sort of flexibility. ARTIE SHAW'S new Bluebird recording of Hoagy Carmichael's Rockin' Chair is good for dancing and definitely built to commercial proportions. Same goes for If I Love Again on the other side. Teddy Powell gives out with two "You Are My Sunshine-type songs:. When Your Old Wedding Ring Was New and Sweethearts or Strangers. Lyrics are easy to learn, and they'd make a fine present for Grandma. (Bluebird),. Sidney "Pops" Bechet 'deserts his hot jazz kick for two commercial Victor sides-LaughiW, In Rhythm and Rip Up the Joint-loud and rol- licking. The Bing of Crosby has a super-modern version of Clementine to add to his Decca reper- toire- it's wacky but nice. Day Dreaming is the smooth, slow, Bingy ballad on the reverse. I Struck a Match In the Dark is the latest Vaughn Monroe job.. Soft and romantical-like. The B side is the North American version of the South American Negra Soy, renamed Something New. It's O.K. Suggested title for a seasonal song-When It's Christmas on the Isthmus. - D. L. eminent should also cut down on it's non-defense activity spending. Our present Social Security program should be expanded, which means that unemployment and old age insurance should be increased to protect this section of our people. FINALLY Mr. Wilson asks that corporations be allowed to put aside certain reserves to provide for the tremendous transformation they will have to make. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, NOVENBER 12, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 39 Publication in the Daiy Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. To All Faculty Members and Others Interested: 1. Old Age Annuities. Since 1918 it has been a !condition of employ- ment as a Faculty member of the University of Michigan, except for instructors of less than three years' standing for whom the provision is optional, that such Faculty member shall purchase an old-age annuity from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association The object of this annuity is provision for the teacher after he shall have passed the retirement age. The annuity premium payment required from each Faculty member is 5% of any annual salary not exceeding $5000, or thus a maximum, premium of $250. Faculty members may devote as much more of their salaries to annuity premiums as they desire. The University mat- ches the annuity premium up to an annual sum not in excess of $250, thus within the 5% limit doubling the amount of the annuity purchased. 2. Any person in the employ of the University may at his own cost pur- chase annuities from the Association in any amounts. The University it- self, however, will contribute to the expense of such purchase of annui- ties only as stated in (1) above. 3. Life Insurance.. Any person in th employ of the University, either as a Faculty member or otherwise, unless debarred by his medical exam- ination, may, at his own option and expense, purchase life insurance from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association at its published rates. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself. The Uni- versity makes no contribution toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature ex- cept that it will, if desired by the insured, deduct premiums monthly andremit theusame to the Associa- tion. 4. Monthly Premium Payments. The University accounting offices will as a matter of accommodation to faculty members or employees of the Uni- versity, who desire to pay either an- nuity premiums or insurance pre- miums monthly, deduct such pre- miums from the payroll in monthly installments. In the case of the so- called "academic roll" premiums for the months of July, August, Septem- ber and October will be deducted from the double payroll of June 30. While the accounting offices do not solicit this work, still it will be cheer- fully assumed where desired. 5. The University has no arrange- ments with any life insurance or annuity organization except the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America and contri- butions will not be made by the Uni- versity nor can premium payments be deducted except in the case of annuity or insurance policies of this Association. 6. The general administration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of the Secretary of the University by the Regents. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not arranged for any and all annuities required under your appointment. Herbert G. Watkins. The Automobile Regulation will be lifted over Thanksgiving from Wed- nesday, Nov. 19, at 12 Noon until Friday, Nov. 21, at 8:00 a.m. Cars which are brought into Ann Arbor during this period must be taken out of town by 8:00 Friday morning, Nov. 21. Students are hereby notified that the Automobile Regulation will be enforced as usual over the Thanks- giving week-end and that no addi- tional driving privileges will be grant- ed. Office of the Dean of Students A Dental School Assembly will be held today in the Kellogg Founda- tion Institute Auditorium. The speak- er will be Dr. James K. Pollock, Pro- fessor of Political Science. The sub- ject will be "The Significance of the Present Situation in Europe." All students' of the School are required to be in attendance. All clinics and laboratories wil be closed at 4:00 and the students are asked to assemble by 4:10 p.m. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, November 22. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- men reports; 'they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell.Hall. Midsemester reports should name those students, freshman and 'upper- class, whose standing at mid-semes- J I - iii.' "".' Afa ' \ 4 "I've decided to do my part for defense Cadwell-instead of endorsing cigarettes and face lotions I'm only going to endorse cannons and bullets and things." Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Freshmen from high schools in the following cities are reminded of the conferences with their former prin- cipals on Thursday morning, Novem- ber 13, in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies: Adrian, Allegan, Ann Arbor. Battle Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Birming- ham, Bloomfield Hills, Caro, Center Line, Chelsea, Coldwater, Dearborn, Detroit. Dexter, .Dowagiaci ,East Grand Rapids, East Lansing, Farm- ington, Fenton, Ferndale, Flat Rock, Flint, Glen Ellyn, Grand Blanc, Greenville, Grosse Ile, Grosse Pointe, Hamtramck, Hastings, Hazel Park, Highland Park, Howell, Jackson, Late Orion; Lansing, Lapeer, Linc In Park, Linden, Manchester, Marshall, Midland, Milan, Monroe, Mt. Clem- ens, Niles, Northville, Oak Park, Os- coda, Owosso, Paw Paw, Plymouth, Pontiac, Pt. Huron, Portland; River Rouge, Rochester, Romeo, Royal ,Oak, Saginaw, St. Clair, St. Johns, St. Joseph, South Lyon, Standish, Three Rivers, Toledo, Trenton, Wayne, Wyandotte, Ypsilanti. Ira M. Smith, Registrar Upperclassmen:Former students of the junior colleges at Bay City, Flint, Grand Rapids, Highland Park, Jackson, Muskegon, and Pt. Huron are reminded of the conferences with their former deans on Thursday, morning, November 13, in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies. Former students of these colleges who may not have been noti- fied by mail are also invited. Ira M. Smith, Registrar , Registration for Permanent Posi- tions is being held at the Bureau of Appointments through Friday, No- vember 14, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Both seniors and graduate students, as well as staff members, are eligible for the services of the Bureau, and may reg- ister in the Teaching Division or in the General Division, which includes registration for all positions other than teaching. February, June and August graduates are urged to regis- ter now, as this is the only general registration to be held during the year and positions are already com- ing in for next year. There is no charge for registration at this 'time. After this week, by ruling of the Regents, a late registra- tion fee of $1.00 is required. All students who expect to get teaching certificates during this year are reminded that the University re- qvi}res them to register in the Bureau of Appointments before they can re- ceive certificates. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Bronson-Thomas Prize in Ger- man. Value $32.00. Open to all under- graduate students in German of dis- tinctly American training. Will be awarded on the results of a three- hour essay competition to be held under departmental supervision in the latter half of March, 1942 (exact date to be announced two weeks in advance). Contestants must satisfy the Department that they have done their reading in German. The essay may be written in English or German. Each contestant will be free to choose his own subject from a list of 30 offered. Students who wish to com- pete must be taking a course in Ger- man (32 or above) at the time of the competition. They should register and obtain further details as soon as possible at the office of the Ger- man Department, 204 University Hall. Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate for February and June 1942: A list of candidates has been posted on the bulletin board of the School of the Dean of Women. A letter 1of permission from parents must be in this office not later than Wednes- day, November 12. If the student does not go by train, special permis- sion for another mode o travel must be included in the pa'ent's letter. Graduate women are invited to regis- ter in this office. RCA Interviews: Two representa- tives of RCA manufacturing Com- pany will be in this office on Friday, November 14, from 9 to 5 to inter- view students from the following de- partments: Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics, chem- ical engineering and industrial en- gineering. This includes both February and June, graduates and graduate stu- dents. Kindly call at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, or telephone 4121-ex- tension 371 for appointments. Ap- plication blanks are also to be filled out in advance. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived notice of the following United States Civil Service Examinations. Salary and closing date are noted in each case: Assistant Accountant and Auditor, $2,600, November 28, 1941. Principal Acctg. and Auditing Asst., $2,300, November 28, 1941. Health Education Consultant, $3,-' 800, December 11, 1941. Assoc. Education - Consultant, $3,- 200, December 11, 1941. Asst. Education Consultant, $2,600, December 11, 1941. Teacher In Indian Community and Boarding Schools, December 11, 1941. Junior Communications Operator, until further notice. Chief Radio Mechanic-Technician, $2,600, until further notice. Principal Radio Mechanic-Techni- cian, $2,300, until further notice. Senior, $2,000, until further notice. Radio Mechanic-Technician, $1,- 800, until' further notice. Assistant, $1,620, until further no- tice. Junior, $1,440, until further notice. Inspetcor of Hats, $2,000, until fur- ther notice. Inspector of Miscellaneous Sup- plies, $2,000, until further notice. Inspector of Textiles, $2,000, until further notice. Junior Inspector of Textiles, $1,620, until further notice. Inspector of Clothing, $2,000, un- til further notice. Junior Inspector of Clothing, $1,- 620, until further notice. Junior Graduate Nurse, $1,620, until further notice. 1 Junior Public Health Nurse, $1,800, until further notice. Public Health Nurse, $2,000, until further notice. Graduate Nurse, General Staff ! Duty, 1,800, until further notice. Senior Instructor (FortKnox, Ky.), $4,600, until further notice. Instructor, $3,800, until further notice. Associate Instructor, $3,200, until further notice. Assistant Instructor, $2,600, until further notice. Junior Instructor, $2,000, until fur- ther notice. Border Patrolman, $2,000, Novem- ber 28, 1941. Senior Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $2,600, until further notice. Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $2,300, until further notice. Associate Inspector, Naval Ord- nance, $2,000, until further notice. Assistant Inspector, Naval Ord- nance, $1,800, until further notice. Junior Inspector, Naval Ordnance, $1,620, until further notice. Librarian (Technical rProcesses), $3,00, December 4, 1941. The Bureau of Appointments 'has also received notice from the Public School of the District of Columbia